"Find me where the Duma is now"

"d Signal scanning and detection started, the entire star area covered the signal network base station, the signal network transmission was successful, and the satellite omnidirectional positioning signal was started in the entire star area.

"Master, that Duma is no longer in the area where you are now. Do you still remember the area we detected before, which was vague and full of places that blocked signal interference and horror films?"

"Well, you mean the Duma is hiding in that place?"

Wang Wei was a little shocked after hearing the words of No. [-] in his mind at this time. He did not expect that this Duma was hidden so well, but according to the location they had detected before, this Duma was far from Earth. The position above is also quite close. No wonder Duma wants to keep looking for trouble for himself. It seems to be the case, but this matter is okay. Wang Wei knows, if Wang Wei is still there If you're in the dark, then there's a good chance he's going to be the food in the belly of these goddamn guys.

"Master, Duma's signal is unstable. Our signal detectors have been continuously detecting in this regard, but we have not found any trace of Duma."

"No." After listening to the report of No. [-], Wang Wei was stunned for a moment, and then he muttered in his heart, there is no trace of Duma, where did Duma go?Wang Wei couldn't understand. Of course, he also let it go. The system turned on the detection function and probed the entire area, but still no trace of the Duma was found. Could it be that this Duma is not at all? Active on the first floor, the main purpose of his coming to the first floor is actually to seduce himself, so that he can profit from it and get some of the things he wants.

Betting on horses is not in this mind, so what does it mean that he just arranged some Angels in this place, the real Duma is already in another space, maybe as he said, he is retreating?

"Give me the source of that signal."

At this time, I said such a sentence, and then all the signal sources were quickly worn, and I went out to play. At this time, the world in my eyes also began to change rapidly, changing, he She kept looking forward, and after a long time, she saw the place, and there was a faint appearance of a guy. When Wang didn't see that guy appear, are you stupid, her mood suddenly became tensed.

The place where the signal was transmitted was actually on the top of the Himalayas in Xia Dongguo. At this moment, there was a bald head in that place, and the bald head was facing the sky at the moment.

Chapter [-]: Back to Earth

"Find me what that bald head is about"

Wang Wei said to the system at this time, the next moment, the system recognition began to scan continuously, and immediately in front of him, signal sources began to emerge one after another.

He kept starting to look for it at this time, but as far as his eyes could see, the Assassin was still so vast that it seemed like he couldn't see anything.

That person's shadow seemed to be in good shape, Wang Wei was also a little silent at this time, and after a long time he didn't say much.

The spacecraft was still some distance away from the earth at this time, but it stopped directly.

"what happened?"

At this time, Dusha walked out from the inside and asked Wang Wei with some concern. Of course, it was not obvious that he came out, but because the eight of them felt that the spaceship was not leaving at this time, so Dusha came out and asked at this time, Wang Wei was silent for a while and then said:


"Then why don't you go?"

Wang Wei's eyes stared at the front carefully, and he sighed randomly and said:

"It's nothing, I'm getting close to the earth soon, I'll be home soon"

"Oh" Dusha was also a doctor at this time. Randomly, Dusha quickly brought her head closer to Wang Wei, but Wang Wei didn't notice at this time that the two of them would come in like this. distance.

The other seven people in the cabin did not go out to disturb the tranquility of the two at this time, and the two stood silently on the battleship at this time.

"Let's go back to Earth"

I don't know when he just changed the opening book and said such a sentence.

"Di, is the spacecraft going to the source of that signal?"

At this time, the system said such a sentence in Wang Wei's mind. At this time, Wang Wei's brows were slightly periodic, and he opened the mouth and said:

"No need, find a safe place to land"

After the system got Wang Wei's words, it directly controlled the battleship and wanted to land on the ground so quickly.

In a certain base in country G, when they learned that they had returned safely after poisoning them, all the people cheered at this time, when they heard Dusha and others tell all the things they said in space After being late, these guys were shocked one by one, and there were countless people on the random side who began to cheer continuously at this time.

The news of Wang Wei's return to the earth soon spread. Of course, there were many people running at this time thinking about where Wang Wei was. They also thought about it. To get first-hand information at this time, of course, they are also full of curiosity about Wang Wei at this time.

Wang Wei has once again become the focus. This time, he is more concerned than the last time. This time, he has almost become the focus of everyone in the world.

"There is a Signal Incoming" Haoyi Novel www.haoetv.com

Just when Wang Wei was receiving the attention at this time, he heard the voice of No. [-]. At this time, Wang Wei was slightly frowning, and he said directly:

"Get involved"

"Wang Wei, what have you been doing this time, why haven't you seen your random scriptures for a long time?"

Just as Wang Wei intervened in this signal, he heard Lee An Ran's anxious voice. After hearing An Ran's anxious voice, Wang Wei's brows furrowed slightly at this time, but soon he was in front of him. Even though the shadow of An Ran appeared, Wang Wei felt bitter in his heart when he saw the virtual An Ran that appeared in front of him.

Because An Ran in front of him had obviously sold a lot, and at this time, An Ran was obviously a little social and worried, and even a little haggard.

"Oh, nothing, my branch country went to outer space during this time"

"Why did you go to outer space? Do you know how worried I am that I didn't see you?"

After hearing An Ran's words, Wang Wei could only smile bitterly:

"Hehe, it's okay, silly girl, isn't it okay?"

"I made chicken soup today, come and eat at my house today"

An Ran said such a sentence very considerately. Wang Wei was also stunned for a while at this time. To be honest, he didn't even understand what this little girl was thinking.

He made chicken soup?What is the situation here?

Thinking that I have devoted myself to researching the theory of the black hole all this time, I have forgotten a lot of things, but now that there are people who care about me so much, I am really not used to it, but since I don't want to say much about the thoughts of others.

After the press conference, Wang Wei just flashed away and disappeared in this place. Many people wanted to witness Wang Wei's honor at this time, and many people noticed Wang Wei's sudden disappearance. This also made everyone in Germany a little confused at this time.

An Ran's house was not that high-end. The place he locked was in a fairly high-end community, but his floor was a bit high.

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