"This is not good"

Wang Wei said this with some hesitation. After hearing Wang Wei's words, the voice of No. [-] curled his lips in his mind at this moment:


"What are you talking about? People have their own privacy. If I forcefully interfere in other people's affairs, it will be very bad and rude."

"Oh, why is it so troublesome? If I want to intervene in the network signal of your era, it is very easy. You quietly invade him and he doesn't know, why bother?"

At this time, Wang Wei hesitated for a long time before he said:

"Uh, okay"

Wang Wei was also slightly taken aback at this time, and then he didn't say much, and then an old voice came from his ears:

"Ah, come back quickly, your dad wants to see you."

An old woman's voice came from the phone. After hearing this voice, he was slightly stunned and then heard An Ran's voice inside:

"Mom, didn't I come back before? It's only been a week, why does my dad want to meet again?"

It was obvious that An Ran was a little dissatisfied at this time.

"Oh, you kid, your dad wants to see you, so come back."

"Oh, Mom, I know, you can rest assured. I'll go to the car right away. I guess I'll be back at night."

Wang Wei frowned slightly when he heard the conversation between the two of them.

"Are you worried about the situation at his home?"

"Yeah, the situation at his home doesn't seem to be good. There's something wrong with what his mother said. It doesn't seem reasonable."

"How come? Isn't this normal?"

"Normal? He's only been away from home for a week, why is his mother so anxious? Could it be that something happened to his family?"

Wang Wei frowned tightly and said such a sentence, but at this moment he felt that something was wrong, and he didn't know what was going on. He always had a feeling that something was wrong.Xuan Xuan Book Bar www.xuanxuanbook.com

"Is there a way to see what's going on in his house or see who's in his mother's house?"

Wang Wei opened his mouth and asked such a sentence at this time, but No. [-] opened his mouth naturally at this time:

"This is a piece of cake for our super system technology."

"I can't get in before I go there"

"System start signal tracking and observation" Wang Wei's mind was at this time, but the sound of the system came from the system. Before Wang Wei could react, a chaotic scene appeared directly in front of him.


Wang Wei couldn't help frowning when he saw this chaotic scene.

"It seems to be a hospital"

"Hospital? Why is it so messy here?"

Wang Wei asked such a sentence at this time, and of course the feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

The next moment he saw a group of people holding the sign and banner and shouting constantly in this place at this time, and their voices were heard around.

At this time, the camera zoomed in a little bit. At this moment, a woman was kneeling in front of the mourning hall, constantly filling the basin with paper, and there was a photo in front of the mourning hall where the paper was burned. Wang Wei saw this photo again. At that time, his heart also trembled slightly. At this time, he saw the man in the photo. It was a black and white photo. The man in the photo was similar to An Ran, and he was a little older.

Wang Wei was a little annoyed when he saw this photo, and he almost couldn't hold it anymore.

"You need to calm down now. If you are too excited now, it will cause Enron's disgust and even bring pain to Enron."

No. [-] said in Wang Wei's mind, and Wang Wei was also excited at this time:

"But if you tell him now, you may regret it directly, so don't tell him. It's a good thing to hide this matter from him for a while. After all, it's a good thing for him to go home."

No. [-] said this at this time, Wang Wei is also anxious at this time, but what can be done then?Because now in this place, he doesn't do anything.

"The heartbeat and blood pressure are already very high now. If you don't forcibly restrain yourself, your body will be disordered. If your breath and your body are disordered, it will affect the people around you."

At this time, No. [-] was there once. He said such a paragraph in his mind. After Wang Wei heard No. [-]'s words, his whole person was stunned for a while, and he didn't know what to do. What to do.

After being silent for a long time, he also made a decision in his heart. When he saw that An Ran had been packed up, carrying a large bag and a small bag, when he was forced to open, Wang Wei sighed slightly in his heart, but he Looking at An Ran carefully, he spoke after a long time:

"Are you leaving?"

"Yes." The next moment An Ran answered, Wang Wei rushed forward and hugged An Ran in his arms.

"Okay, pay attention to safety on the road, and call me when you arrive. If you need my help with anything, tell me quickly, and I will arrive at your house as quickly as possible."

At this time, An Ran smiled slightly at Wang Wei, and the next moment he smiled. :

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to me"

"Then I'll send it to you"

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, but An Ran's heart warmed at this time, and then he opened his mouth to Wang Lei.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen, I'm just going home, I'm not leaving you for a long time, go back and have a look, don't forget, I still want to see you participate in the game"

Chapter [-]: Died?

After hearing An Ran's words, Wang Wei didn't say anything more. He hugged An Ran tightly in his arms, as if An Ran would leave her if he let go. After a long time, the two of them became tired. When he arrived at the station, Wang Wei helped An Ran to buy a ticket and warned him.

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