"Call me if you have anything"

"Oh, I know, don't worry, I'll definitely be back as soon as possible, why don't we just separate for two days, you don't have to worry about me so much, I'm fine."

After saying this, Wang Wei just sat there quietly in the station, staring blankly at the back of An Ran leaving, his heart pounding for a while, but he didn't say much. He didn't think much about it. Since An Ran chose to go back like this, it might be a benefit to him. He didn't want to see An Ran sad, so he could only stand quietly in the waiting hall, watch An Ran, and leave An Ran.

"Master, there are still two days before the game, what are you going to do?"

No. [-] said such a sentence in Wang Wei's mind at the moment, Wang Wei is upset at the moment, how can he still have the mind to take care of what game?His mood at the moment was placed in the affairs of An Ran's house. After thinking about it, he directly said to the system.

"Positioning Enron's Home"

No. [-] didn't say much after hearing Wang Wei's words.

"The low-level system positioning function is activated." At this moment, the sound of the system dripping came from Wang Wei's mind. After hearing the sound, Wang Wei didn't think much about it. The next moment, the route of An Ran's house appeared in front of her. , At this time, Wang Wei came to An Ran's house with the fastest speed.

At this moment, An Ran's home was a quiet An Ran. The house was a little desolate, and even a little sad. The mess in the courtyard and the large demolition on the door frame were written.

The ghost knew that something must have happened at An Ran's house. Of course, he also didn't know what was going on in this Anran's house?He also didn't ask An Ran what her parents were doing. At this moment, Wang Wei was speechless for a while.

"No. [-], where is the scene of the Anran mother in the hospital that you saw earlier?"

"There is a plastic surgery hospital about 50 kilometers away from this place, and his father is there."

"Plastic surgery hospital?" After hearing this, he was also slightly stunned, and then he remembered the scene he had seen through the message from No. [-] before.

It was obvious that An Ran's father had passed away, but An Ran's mother was the right-hand deacon at the entrance of the hospital. What happened to those people holding signs and those holding banners?

Wang Wei was a little confused, but at the moment he didn't say anything more, and ordered the system directly:

"Go to the plastic surgery hospital 50 kilometers away"

"The low system has received a nearby plastic surgery hospital 50 kilometers away. Do you need a taxi? Or go there by email?"

After you said this from the Qingdao system, you were also slightly stunned, but the next moment he didn't say anything more, and directly said:

"Take a taxi" 51 Biquge www.51suxiu.com

"The system is starting a taxi for you, the first one you have called is that d4 will arrive within three minutes"

In Wang Wei's mind, the voice of the system was heard at this moment. After hearing the voice of the system, he didn't say much.

At this moment in the plastic surgery hospital, a taxi quickly stopped at the entrance of the hospital, and a young man got off the taxi. When the young man saw this scene at the entrance of the hospital, he also frowned, and then he left. past.

"An Fushizuo can't die like this, this hospital needs to give Anfushizuo a statement on its back"

"It's that An Fushizuo is a good person, and their hospital actually put a good person like Anfushizuo to death,"...

The scene was still that chaotic, similar to what Wang Wei had seen before. At first, he thought that such a situation in this place should be caused by some medical troubles, but now he really knew that it was some people spontaneously. The deacons of the organization, do not understand what this situation means?

The people spontaneously making troubles, this is a very new thing, and this is the first time Wang Wei has encountered such a thing.

What do we mean by market?Could it be that An Ran's father is that An Ran's deputy city seat is just a deputy city seat, why does it have such great prestige, and it can also attract so many people to come to investigate the archives, it is the spontaneous organization of enthusiastic people that has become a medical trouble ?

At this time, Wang Wei couldn't understand at all.

The surrounding police superintendents were maintaining order at this time, but they did not evacuate the medical trouble team that the people spontaneously formed. Even these policemen didn't even look at the medical trouble at all. It seems that they are here. It's normal for a place to be like this.

Wang Wei thinks about you for these things, and he suddenly misses him a little. I really don't understand what's going on in this place?The police superintendent doesn't care about such a scene, and...

It was only at this time that he remembered that he didn't know much about An Ran's family situation at all.

"No. [-], please find out who this An Ran's father is? Why is there so many people gathered in this place, and by the way, how did An Ran's father die?"

"Master, An Ran's father, An Tianlan was a diligent and thrifty official when he was the deputy mayor of Zhenhai City.

Some time ago, An Tianlan was admitted to the hospital due to lumbar muscle strain, but he didn't want more people to know where he lived?So he chose this plastic surgery hospital

The plastic surgery hospital in front of us is an authoritative plastic surgery hospital. There are many human plastic surgery experts in this hospital, and these experts are powerful figures in this hospital.

There is no airtight wall. After An Tianlan was admitted to this hospital, he was caught by some people who were chasing the wind. People came to visit, but they were blocked by the hospital at the door.

But just yesterday afternoon, news of An Tianlan's unfortunate death suddenly came out.

It is precisely because of the dissemination of these news that these people are very angry, and the people are excited on the spot. At this time, many people have personally attacked the experts of this plastic surgery hospital.

After this violent incident, the police superintendent arrived quickly, and they arrested several people who took the lead in the trouble, but they did not expect that this time would attract more indignation and excitement from the public.

Chapter [-]: The People's Response

After hearing An Ran's words, Wang Wei didn't say anything more. He hugged An Ran tightly in his arms, as if An Ran would leave her if he let go. After a long time, the two of them became tired. When he arrived at the station, Wang Wei helped An Ran to buy a ticket and warned him.

"Call me if you have anything"

"Oh, I know, don't worry, I'll definitely be back as soon as possible, why don't we just separate for two days, you don't have to worry about me so much, I'm fine."

After saying this, Wang Wei just sat there quietly in the station, staring blankly at the back of An Ran leaving, his heart pounding for a while, but he didn't say much. He didn't think much about it. Since An Ran chose to go back like this, it might be a benefit to him. He didn't want to see An Ran sad, so he could only stand quietly in the waiting hall, watch An Ran, and leave An Ran.

"Master, there are still two days before the game, what are you going to do?"

No. [-] said such a sentence in Wang Wei's mind at the moment, Wang Wei is upset at the moment, how can he still have the mind to take care of what game?His mood at the moment was placed in the affairs of An Ran's house. After thinking about it, he directly said to the system.

"Positioning Enron's Home"

No. [-] didn't say much after hearing Wang Wei's words.

"The low-level system positioning function is activated." At this moment, the sound of the system dripping came from Wang Wei's mind. After hearing the sound, Wang Wei didn't think much about it. The next moment, the route of An Ran's house appeared in front of her. , At this time, Wang Wei came to An Ran's house with the fastest speed.

At this moment, An Ran's home was a quiet An Ran. The house was a little desolate, and even a little sad. The mess in the courtyard and the large demolition on the door frame were written.

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