At this time, the corner of the young man's mouth twitched, and when the doctor heard the young man's words, he was stunned. He did not expect the young man in front of him to say such a thing.

When he told Xina the news, Xina cried and fainted on the spot, but in order to cover up this matter, they bought some media, and when these media reporters reported the An Tianlan accident, they The whole person An Tianlan was photographed. It was precisely because of this that the people were strongly dissatisfied. When those people wanted to see An Tianlan, they were indeed blocked by the doctors of their traditional Chinese medicine hospital. At the door, if Greece hadn't woken up in time at this time, or if Greece hadn't run out of the ward to ask the doctor, these people would have been kept in the dark by now.

When the doctor said these things in a straightforward manner, Wang Wei was even more excited after hearing it. He didn't expect this to happen.

"Hmph, what a ridiculous doctor who has done a ridiculous thing, I'll charge some interest first today."


The people started to get angry at this time, and everyone started to boil again. The incident in the workshop really bothered me, so some people were very happy at this time. Of course, this matter is not over yet. For a while, some impulsive people became impulsive again at this time.

"This guy is to blame, he is dead, he deserves it, but the other doctors haven't given us a complete statement at this time, we can't just let them go, and then we don't know how many people will be in this hospital. death within"

Chapter [-]: The death of the quack doctor

I don't know who said such a sentence at this time. The next moment, it caused a response from all the people. The power of the people is fiery. At this time, they are even more angry. At this time, with a bang, a piece of glass shattered.

Everyone turned their heads, but saw a guy smashing the glass door with the huge hammer, and they heard the sound of smashing fragments.

The next moment, some people rushed up spontaneously and quickly, and they smashed the hospital for a while.

In the first hospital, the nurses and doctors, who were already a little confused, saw such a group of sturdy guys rushing in at this time, and they smashed the glass facing them, and their hearts were also panic at this moment. , someone made another call at this time.

And the guy just dialed the phone, but heard the question from his brother's phone. When something happened, that person thought that he had met a savior, so he told the whole thing to the original, and the other party hung up directly in the next lesson. Telephone.

They thought they were rescued, but what they didn't know was that the few people who answered the phone didn't care about them at all at this moment, or even cared about them at all.

"No. [-], is there any way we can save An Tianlan?"

At this time, Wang Wei asked No. [-] and No. [-] in his mind again. After hearing Wang Wei's words, he hesitated for a while, and then continued:

"This person has been dead for more than a day. It is not easy if you want to save it. First, you can either find the entrance to the underworld, go to the underworld, summon the soul of the dead, and then restore the soul of this person, and for the operation. After the knife edge, there is also a series of new energy input, which depends on the energy in your body.

The second is that you find a Qimen warlock or your cultivation level, directly, all of them are poured into his body through the meridians, of course, a chip must be implanted in his mind, his heart, All parts of the body are seriously damaged, and we have to completely replace these things, only in this way can he possibly wake up."

After Wang Wei heard No. [-]'s words at this moment, he couldn't help but be stunned for a while. He didn't expect that this matter would be so complicated. It would be true if he wanted to find a magician or a guy who had practiced for many years. It's not an easy task, it's even more impossible to go to the underworld, not to mention that Wang Wei's current cultivation is not enough, even if his cultivation has reached that level, he still doesn't know where the entrance to the underworld is. If you can't find a place, that's just talking on empty paper, and although the second method is a bit cruel, and even makes Wang Wei unable to do it, it is indeed a good method.

"Then let's handle it mechanically"

"Mechanical processing is different from the processing methods of other objects. After all, people have been dead for a long time. If you want to fully awaken the dead person, then he must go to find some treasures. Of course, there are also the most important things. The important point is that he needs to spend all his energy to perfuse all the meridians of the old man, so that the old man's meridians can get a series of relaxation and repair. Of course, he also needs to find those who need to be given to An Tianlan. Replacing all the organs, heart and other organs is the only way to make An Tianlan wake up. Of course, when An Tianlan wakes up, he may not be him anymore, and he may even become something directly. A modern biochemical man"

At this time, Wang Wei didn't dare to neglect, but at this moment, he walked quickly to Lin Peng and lifted the curtain of the spirit shed.

"Someone wanted to stop him at this time, but Wang Wei's speed was too fast, leaving a series of afterimages on the ground, but at this moment he didn't think much, and his consciousness was released. , After finding An Tianlan's sister, Wang Wei quickly rushed to An Tianlan.

"Uncle An, don't worry, I must cure your illness."

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, but An Tianlan was tight at this moment, his eyes were closed, as if he had never heard it at all. Of course, Wang Wei really didn't hear it at this moment. Pass.Kuai E-book

He was also a little hesitant at this moment, but after thinking about it, he decided to give it a try.

Wang Wei quickly walked to the shed, where there was a corpse that was not covered with a white cloth.

Wang Wei's brows wrinkled. The next moment, he rushed to the place where he was dead at a lightning-fast speed. Of course, he was not here to defeat the corpse's candy box at this time. The person who did this new experiment, of course, didn't want An Tianlan to die like this.

Wang Wei quickly activated all the energy in his body, and quickly and evenly punched the energy into An Tianlan's body.

After those energies had passed through An Tianlan's body at this time, they began to revolve rapidly. Of course, this revolving was just a consequence of Wang Wei's rapid revolving of his own energy.

The blood vessels in the major meridians in An Tianlan's body also started quickly at this time, and they continued to run. The blood in his body was also flowing frantically at this moment. Of course, not only The blood that was madly flowing in his body.

An Tianlan's originally damaged blood vessels, and even many blocked blood vessels, at this time, the whole thing started to run continuously.

The various functions in his body are gradually recovering at this moment.

At this time, Wang Wei's hands quickly moved through the blood vessels around his body and began to move continuously.

"Starting Cell Cloning"

Wang Wei shouted to the system at this time, and the next moment he heard a beep from the system, and the cell cloning technology started quickly at this time.

At this time, the vitality in An Tianlan's body also began to operate continuously.

"Number [-], what can I exchange in the system now?"

While Wang Wei was running the upgrade, he asked No. [-], but at this moment, No. [-] revealed a lot of names.

Wang Wei was speechless for a while after hearing the pile of names, and then he began to choose carefully among these names.

After a long time, he finally picked out a set of human organs among these names, as well as a human brain running activation chip.

After redeeming these, Wang Wei's points were quickly consumed at this moment.

Chapter [-]: Human Body Replacement

"No. [-] has everything ready now, what should I do?"

"You need to run this mind with a pinhole, activate the chip, implant it in his brain, and then transplant all these organs into his body"

No. [-] said such a sentence at this time. Wang Wei was also stunned at this time. He didn't know what to do. Can all the things exchanged from the system be used in He didn't know what was on An Tianlan's body. At this moment, his brows were slightly wrinkled, but the next moment, he began to quickly implant the chip into the back of An Tianlan's head with a pinhole.

"Starting the Human Transplant System"

"D Human Transplantation System Started" came the sound of the system again in his mind, and the next moment, Wang Wei saw these human bodies flashing quickly in front of her at this moment, the next moment, that one The human body is fast, as if being pressed into the body by someone.

After doing all this, she exhaled a long breath. If she didn't look carefully, she wouldn't be able to see the iron and steel objects contained in An Tianlan's body at the moment.

Even if you don't look carefully, you don't know the position of the blades of the scalpels used on An Tianlan's body.

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