At this moment, An Tianlan's body has numerous knife edges, and these knife edges are bleeding, but Wang Wei is directly facing the system at this time.

"Start automatic hemostasis"

"The first system activates the automatic hemostasis function." When Wang Wei heard this, he exhaled a long breath. The next moment, he was fast again. On top of An Tianlan's body, he added A layer of protection that belongs to it.

Everything is functioning normally, and at this time, the various parts of An Tianlan's body, as well as his wounds, are also healing quickly at this time.

"Activate Chip"

Wang Wei finally said such a sentence. The next moment, the system automatically activated the chip. Wang Wei carefully inspected An Tianlan's body before leaving with confidence.

It's too late to talk about it, but in fact, these things were only completed in an instant. In the mourning hall, everyone just felt a gust of wind, but they didn't see anything.

Wang Wei didn't actually go far, he stood quietly not far from Lin Xing, watching the mourning hall.

The crowd was in a commotion at this time, and when Wang Wei felt the commotion in the crowd, he was also slightly stunned.

The next moment, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, it was confused, because at this moment he saw everything that happened in the mourning hall, that is, An Tianlan sat up at this moment and moved his whole body. The bones of the whole body made a crackling sound at this moment.

Xina was burning the paper, but seeing the scene in front of her at the moment, she was instantly horrified. The next moment he thought he had read it wrong, rubbed his eyes carefully, and indeed saw that An Tianlan was making up the class. He looked at this place in confusion.

"Sky Blue..." Dog Novel Network

Xina rushed over at this time and just woke up from the brink of death at this time. An Tianlan was also strange at this time. He moved his body and looked left and right at this time. The pile of wreaths to this place.

I can't help but have some doubts in my heart at this time


At this time, Xina went directly to the host and grabbed her lover's neck. It was so intimate. Seeing Xina's recovery of An Tianlan and her crying voice, Wang Wei felt in his heart. At this time, it is not a taste. At this moment, his face is also pale for a while. At this time, he feels that his head is aching for a while.

"Master, when you were treating An Tianlan just now, you have exhausted your experience. This is the result of the country's physical exhaustion. Now you need to find a place to practice well, and it is best to find some stars in the starry sky to swallow. Then your abilities will be restored overnight."

The voice of No. [-] came from his mind, but Wang Wei was slightly stunned at this time. Only then did he realize that his internal strength had been exhausted, and he just used the healing function in the system, but that's it. The points of love that I finally accumulated are all exhausted at this time, and now even my own strength is completely exhausted. It seems that in the future, I will not be able to treat others so casually, or even a second-hand person. His life is dead. Although it is said that what he used is the kind of technology that is beyond ordinary people, who can know that this will consume his energy so much?

But this kind of thing also made De Wangwei a little bit at a loss as to how to fix the plate. I really don't know what to do with this matter, Ji Shou.

At this time, Wang Wei looked at the people who were still in a mess in Qian Fang, and he didn't say anything more. He didn't want to appear in such a place.

However, at this moment, he felt dizzy for a while, and the next moment he fell directly to the ground.

Many people around him quickly walked past him, but when they saw Wang Wei lying on the ground, they all hurriedly left.

Wang Wei just lay on the ground quietly, more and more pedestrians came and went, but no one stepped forward to help him up.

Perhaps it was because Wang Wei was so terrifying that no one dared to step forward to help him.

"Mom, it's so pitiful that uncle fell to the ground."

A little girl took her mother's hand and walked past Wang Wei and said such a sentence tenderly, but the woman walking in front glanced at Wang Wei and pulled the little girl away at random. As he walked, he said:

"Don't go and help him, those are people who touch porcelain"

"Mom's uncle is not someone who touches porcelain. The teacher said to help others. Let's help him."

"Come on, your child has not come into contact with someone who touches porcelain like this." At this time, the woman said such a sentence while pulling the little girl and thinking about going outside. The girl glanced at Wang Wei and thought about it several times. I wanted to help, but in the end I was pulled away by the woman.

At this time, Wang Wei was also bitter for a while. To be honest, his current reputation is no longer so shallow, and with his money, he can be considered a rich man in this world.

Chapter [-]: Sleeping after running out of energy

Touch porcelain?Will he really do this?At this time, Wang Wei felt bitterness in his heart.

At this moment, a man dressed in rags came over. He made a lap around Wang Wei, and after a long time, he helped Wang Wei up.

"Look at him being helped up,"

"It's really pitiful to love that lie."

"Yeah, isn't he afraid that person will blackmail him when he goes up to help that person up?"...

At this time, the people around were in rounds for a while, and the beggar-like guy looked at the people around at this time, and said randomly:

"You people, how can you do this? This guy is a young man. Even if he is on the ground, you will not help him. Are you still a listed person?"

The guy said such a sentence at this time, and the people around him lowered their heads one by one after hearing the guy's words.

"You're too kind, but you don't have any money, so if he wants to blackmail you, it won't matter." One person in the crowd said this, but Wang Wei felt a burst of emotion at this time. This is human nature. No one rushes to a person who is in trouble and only accepts actual combat assistance, not because of what they want, but because they are all afraid that those people will blackmail themselves.

Perhaps because of this thought in his mind, Wang Wei unnaturally began to emerge at this time, except for a small point, perhaps because of the stimulation of that small point, Wang Wei's whole person began to change in directness.

Unnaturally, Wang Wei understood that his own background as an assassin could start to cover the earth continuously, and he could even feel the scene dozens of kilometers away.

Wang Wei didn't deliberately release his life experience, but the scope of his life experience was constantly expanding. In such a situation, Wang Wei's whole person was ashamed for a while.

He doesn't know what his own situation is, and he doesn't even know if he relaxes like this, and he really doesn't know if it's a blessing or a curse.

However, when Wang Wei's life experience self-help spread, some people said that this scene was recorded and passed on to the Internet IQ. It really caused an uproar in the Internet IQ. Of course, many people were also at this time. They all started to rank up one after another.

"Master, you are now famous again."

In an unknown ward in the hospital, just after Wang Wei woke up from that wonderful state, he heard the voice of No. [-] in his mind. At this time, Wang Wei was slightly silent. stunned.

"Famous? How did I become famous?"

"Hehe, Master, there is also a box of videos from Internet IQ, do you want to watch it?"

Wang Wei was also puzzled for a while. He also wanted to know what was going on, and he also wanted to know how he became famous. Jade was a forum that let No. [-] directly access the Internet IQ.

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