After Wang Wei said this, he stood up and walked in a circle on the ground. After seeing Wang Wei's appearance, the man was also slightly taken aback, and wanted to call Wang Wei in the past, but Wang Wei was indeed the same as a normal person. He bounced twice on the ground, and then gave that person a bow again.

"thank you"


What else does that person want to say?However, Wang Wei didn't give him another chance to speak. He took out a card from his arms and handed the card to the person. Then he quickly left here. The person took Wang Wei's hand. The card that was handed to him was also slightly taken aback. The next moment he wanted to say something, but there was nothing he could do, because when he chased after him, he really didn't see Wang Wei's shadow again.

The man didn't say anything, he just put the card away and looked at the place where Wang Wei disappeared with some doubts. quick.

Originally, it was just a small matter, but in the near future, when Wang Wei saw this beggar at the competition site, he was a little stunned.

"No. [-], help me search, is there any star around here for me to absorb, now I need to quickly restore my energy, and then rush to the Mayan arena"

After hearing Wang Wei's words, No. [-] was also a little bitter. Will the system be activated the next moment?After the detection function, Wang Wei was dumbfounded, because in this star field, he had no way to find a planet that could supply him.

It is not because the quality of these planets is too low, but because these planets are planets with life, and Wang Wei cannot absorb the power on these planets at this time.

"Go, I don't think you should look for such a planet. In fact, in this vicinity, many famous planets are still unable to be swallowed, and what you can swallow are those floating planets that exist in the chaotic star field. Or those planets that are already on the brink of extinction"

After hearing the phone call from No. [-], Wang Wei also smiled slightly and was speechless, which made him not expect that at this time, his own black hole power could not devour living planets, but why his own black hole could devour What about those robots?

Wang Wei still can't understand this shop. He doesn't know how to explain this. According to scientific theory, and the situation in the black hole she drilled into before, this black hole should be able to It can let him get some things, and it should even be able to devour living creatures. Living creatures like him can enter the realm of the black hole, but why can't they devour the planet of living creatures in this place?

Wang Wei really didn't understand at this time, he really didn't know how to explain this idea, but in order to get to the competition venue as soon as possible, he was no longer fussing, and began to explore the surrounding series. The stars, the final soup, once again bitterly, in the place not far from the earth where he once visited and sacrificed countless stars, once again unfolded his power, this time he still felt the whole body. Those black holes above are indeed constantly starting to devour everything around them, and all this is the power of chaos.

The energy in Wang Wei's body is rapidly changing at this moment, and even he himself does not know how many hours have passed in this place, and finally full of his energy, when he feels his own fullness. Strength, Wang Wei was slightly emotional at this time.

"Oh, by the way, the master forgot to tell you that when you break through, you can feel the consciousness unfolding to the outside world, and it is freely unfolding. This is also your understanding. Of course, this kind of understanding, although It can't be said, but it can make up for your completely consumed spiritual consciousness, and it can also make your cultivation level improve again, although it has not yet reached the level of being able to improve to a small realm, but you Judging from the energy stored in your body and the power data in your current body, you have reached the realm of the middle stage of Emperor Wu, and your cultivation has been completely consolidated. If you can do it at the right time When you encounter the right things, it is estimated that you can really break through.”

Chapter [-]: Zombie Theory

At this time, when Wang Wei heard the number [-] in his mind, after such a sentence came, he immediately felt ashamed. He did not expect that he would break through at this time, and he had reached a critical point. If you break through, you will reach a new height.

"This time, Duma may participate in this competition, and it is even possible that Duma has developed some that can attack the subject you are studying."

No. [-] said such a sentence at this time. After Wang Wei heard No. [-]'s words, he was stunned for a moment. The next moment, he fell asleep and became a little strange.

"What Duma will come to the competition?"

"Yes, master, this time Duma will also come to participate in the competition. He will use his actual actions to prove one thing to the world, that is, you are not as good as him. Of course, he will also carry out the power you exerted. I have analyzed it, and I have already questioned your lunar landing plan, and Du is still there. In the theory of the lunar landing plan, a lot of changes have been made.”

Wang Wei was also a little strange after hearing the words of No. [-] at this time. He really didn't understand how to explain this. He was also very strange at the moment. What is going on?What's going on with this Duma?Why did he act on his own moon landing plan? ?If his heart is at this time, it is also a burst of melancholy.

I originally wanted to show the space elevator at this scientific and academic exchange meeting, the price that has been conceived by countless scientists, but this time, since Du has gone out, he must prove something to the world. , If not, wouldn't the horse bet have the upper hand?

Wang Wei was also silent for a while at this time. He really didn't know how to solve this problem. If Duma had the upper hand, then he wanted to defeat Duma again in outer space. That's even less, and he also believes that the Duma who participated in the competition this time is definitely not Duma himself. He should be in a certain star field and cultivate with great concentration.

Wang Wei had never dealt with Duma, and in outer space, he was intercepted by Duma several times.

For this guy who annoys human beings, and even wants to exterminate the entire human race from the earth, his heart is absolutely, and he has no good feelings.

To be honest at this time, he is really not sure that he will be able to stand out in this academic exchange conference.

Of course, although his name Wang Wei was very loud before, after the beggar incident, he is not so eager for stars now.

But he also knew that if he couldn't make a good showing in this competition, then he wouldn't be able to get better contacts this time. The three who supported him and An Ran might be disappointed. .

Wang Wei will never allow them to be disappointed, but what should he do this time?The space elevator has been delayed for so long, even if I study it now, it is probably too late before the game starts.

But what should I do this time to be able to meet that standard?

"I found an interesting topic. Would you like to study it?"

Just as Wang Wei was pondering how to shine at this conference on the topic of research and academic report theory, the voice of No. 2020 came to his mind again.Literature under the Pen 9 www.dst[-].cc

"Oh, what is it?"

"The subject of a person from Xia Dongguo who entered the competition with you, this subject has been raised for a while in the world, but this subject was later denied by people, but now this subject is being given again. kicked out"

"Oh, what topic?" Wang Wei suddenly became interested. He also wanted to know what topic in this world could make No. [-] look so interested at this time?

"End Times, Zombie Theory"

Zombie? When Wang Wei heard this question, he was a little stunned.

This topic has been studied before, but now most of the society has implemented the synonymous term zombie and has withdrawn from the stage of history. I didn’t expect that there would still be people who would study the topic of zombies at this time, and they even came up with it as a scientific achievement. It really made him a little curious.

Yes, in this competition, they all said it was zombies of the end of the world, but in this science competition, the topic you signed up for is space elevator

At this time, No. [-] reminded a little maliciously that after hearing No. [-]'s words, Wang Wei smiled bitterly. He never thought about the subject he was studying and the matter he signed up for. One of the whereabouts is to be announced, and this makes him not knowing what to do now.

At this time, such a theory will be proposed. This theory is really novel enough. I just don’t know who proposed such a theory. What is the real purpose of the guy who proposed such a theory?

Wang Wei was also a little stunned at this time. After a lot of things, you also know that this is definitely not groundless, and if that guy can actually come up with this theory, it will prove that this guy is capable of his own. , that is absolute and confident, and this time is the world's scientific conference. Since he can put forward this zombie theory, it also shows that in the future, it is very likely that there will be creatures like zombies. .

Wang Wei is certain that someone can come up with the theory that there are zombies in the last days, which means that there are people in this world who have really seen zombies, and some people even know the habits of zombies. have certain research value.

For some reason, after hearing this zombie theory, Wang Wei didn't know what to do. He even had a vague feeling that the zombie theory proposed by this guy would definitely be the best in the world. A powerful subject on the .

Wang Wei pondered for a long time, and then he asked No. [-]:

"Who proposed it?"

"Professor Mochi from South China University"

When Wang Wei heard the name of this tacit professor, his brows were also slightly wrinkled. To be honest, he really had never heard the name of this professor Mo Qi, but he was able to participate in this world science and technology competition. Definitely not a simple person, this Professor Moqi is definitely a powerful figure.

Chapters [-] to [-]: The beauty of the space elevator

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