However, Wang Wei kept this guy's name in his heart at this time. Of course, he also had to go through repeated experiments at this time to prove his idea of ​​a space elevator. If the idea of ​​​​the elevator, then perhaps I can succeed in this world academic discussion.Wang Wei didn't say much. At this time, he started experiments in this outer space. Since it is a space elevator, in this outer space, as long as it can bear the weight, the objects can be moved Directly communicated to the earth, then his theory of the space elevator will be successful.Wang Lei walked back and forth in this new green, and then he quickly approached the earth. The construction of this space elevator must be built near the earth. If the space elevator cannot be built near the earth, Then he really has no way to become the strongest scientist in this world.Wang Wei stood quietly in this outer space. For about half a day, she started to get busy. Of course, she was busy going back and forth to the earth, buying some things from the earth, and putting them in her battleship. On, quickly left the earth and arrived in the alien domain where the alien language stayed, and he began to arrange it.It was a small shop, and there was an empty shelf similar to a door, and it was placed in this place. Of course, this time the empty shelf was not as simple as simply adding a shelf in this place. Wang Wei is here. The place is not only a shelf, but a pulley is installed on the shelf. A modern and most advanced steel wire is used to pass through the pulley, and then Wang Wei returns to the earth at the fastest speed. On the top, the definition end of the steel wire is directly connected to the earth. Of course, he also loaded a lot of things on the space elevator. When tired, the space elevator can make a circle around the earth's equator.Wang Wei didn't lose his mind. Of course, it is very difficult to keep the speed consistent with the speed of the earth's rotation, but in this outer space, he must overcome all difficulties, and he must experiment with this space elevator. .After a day of tossing and turning, Wang Wei finally constructed a rough outline at this time, but above this outline he was operating on the surface of the earth. He originally thought that the elevator he designed should be able to go up heavier objects. .But when Wang Wei went through several experiments, he did give up, because no matter how he designed it, he built an elevator in this outer space, but he could only mark songs on the earth, very subtle objects, even very small objects. Light, such as a plastic bag, a piece of steamed bread dregs.As long as these things are exceeded, he cannot use the space elevator to bring it up.Where exactly is the problem? Wang Wei kept asking such questions in his mind, and then he continued to do the same thing. Of course, such a space elevator must also stand on the space itself. Release the funnel of the black and white two instruments, and then connect a steel wire rope through the black and white holes to form one. In the karst cave, the atmosphere of the fast running of the steel wire is constructed.Of course, this kind of thing also consumes a lot of Wang Wei. At this time, he has no idea what to do. After dozens of times of double input of mental and physical strength, his whole body Slumped on the ground, in his mind, he is also a constant contemplative at the moment.Master, this is not something you can rush to, and the construction and implementation of the space elevator is not so simple. According to the weight of different dimensions in space, it is better to sell any weight of the same mass in space. To be ten times heavier, or even a hundred times heavier He never thought that in this world, he would come up with the theory of the space elevator, but he couldn't study what kind of power the space elevator would contain. Wang Wei went through different experiments and then made different ideas. Improvement, until the end, he felt that the space elevator could only consign some very small objects on the earth into the air.This start may be very important to Wang Wei, but he has no way to solve it. He can only adjust some minor things out of outer space several times in a row, but if he wants to bring the things in outer space back to the earth Oh, how hard is that. "Congratulations, master, you have finally built a space elevator that can still be used." No. [-] said such a sentence at this time, but Wang Lei was also bitter for a while at this time. To be honest, he is really not sure. , I didn't even have time to try to face such a behemoth and make changes. The space elevator was successfully constructed, but the space elevator couldn't even deliver a banana to space, which made Wang Wei's whole person at this time for a while. The bitterness, he did not expect this to be the case. "No. [-], why can't you say that this space elevator can't take people?" Well, the gravitational force on the earth is too huge, so if you want to do no restrictions on the movement outside the equator of the earth, you must ensure that, That place will not be disturbed by people, and you must solve the profitability problem above this world, as well as some of the more common problems, among which, if you want to completely create the perfect space elevator in this place, then you You have to find a way to transform this place. Of course, if you have the skill points, maybe you can build a very luxurious and powerful elevator in this place." No. [-] said at this time After saying such a sentence, Wang Wei was slightly stunned after hearing No. [-]'s words, and then he started to build an elevator in this outer space according to the theory inferred by No. [-]. "Master, In this place, you need to solve the gravity on the earth, or if you can fully lift the gravity on the earth, maybe you can still have it." "Of course, Wang Wei doesn't care about his presence at this time. On this earth, it was built again crazily. When he got these materials in outer space, and almost all of them were about to be used up, Wang Wei was also aching for a while. He really didn't want to, just like this Leaving this place out, I don't want to let my space elevator and the results I have researched for so long, but at this time it is directly overthrown.

He once again produced a price similar to an elevator, and produced them one after another, all of which were the same as the one he made before. There was simply no way to carry a new object to carry such a heavy weight and go to space. Among them, this question is really difficult for people to explain Wang Wei's question of seeing this guy, and the fact that he remembers the resources that he can have now, and the price of the exchange is definitely beyond the cognition of modern science. , but if you can really reach that level, even if you can completely build your own elevator on top of this space.However, after his own painstaking research, Wang Wei did not discover the mystery at the end. At this time, his space elevator could only be constructed in space, and the five-engine construction was more perfect. Jean's Wang Wei's heart is still a little regretful at this time..."Master, the conference is about to start, you need to prepare." At this time, the voice of No. [-] entered Wang Wei's mind. In the middle, Wang Wei was stunned by IE and IE at this time, and he suddenly understood, and now he just smiled and went to clean up himself.With the newly developed space elevator, he was relieved. This time he would definitely be able to rank above the competition. So many hemoptysis families are constantly researching at this time, but they have been researching for decades. It just built a framework, and Wang Wei is now trying to give him something on top of this framework.He didn't believe he could fail at this time.The conference was held in country G, and Wang Wei went directly to country G at this time, waiting quietly outside the venue.He was waiting for the start of the convention, and there were already a lot of the gray-haired old men of the Guo family in this place.At this time, Wang Wei had already peeped at the situation in the entire venue. When he didn't hit him, he saw Professor Li and others outside the venue. When he saw these people, Wang Wei quickly moved towards him. Go ahead and greet everyone enthusiastically.Well, Mr. Wang, let me introduce you now. This is Wang Qiusheng, who has made great contributions in the field of science in our Xia Dongguo. When Wang Lao and Wang Lei heard this name, he frowned slightly. Wrinkled, he quickly stepped forward and shook hands with Mr. Wang Qiusheng and Mr. Wang Lao, while Wang Qiusheng and Wang Lao was looking at Wang Wei carefully at this time, and he was a little uncomfortable when he remembered. Dare to be sure.Who are you, Wang Chuanshu? When Wang Wei heard the question from the old gentleman, he couldn't help but be stunned for a while, and then he said directly: Hehe, Wang Lao, you are joking, I don't know Wang Chuanshu at all. , Do you really not know Wang Chuanshu? Wang Wei is also very boring at this time, thinking, should I really know Wang Chuanshu?But who is this Wang Chuanshu?I haven't even heard of it, so how could I know it? Wang Wei also had a wry smile in his heart at this time, and then he said directly: I don't know, I really don't know Mr. Wang, and then read it carefully. After watching Wang Lei, he was a little uncertain, and then he said to the group of people behind him: Do you guys think he looks like Wang Chuanshu? He smiled and said to the leader of the scientific world: Haha, like, it's too similar... After hearing these people's compliments, Wang Wei was speechless for a while. To be honest, he really doesn't Knowing how to explain it, I can only smile bitterly.No. [-], help me investigate who this Wang Chuanshu is. How could these old guys say that I look like Wang Chuanshu? After hearing Wang Chuanshu's name, No. [-] quickly counted all the After taking out all the information, Wang Wei was also slightly stunned at this time, and then he looked at this place. When the photo appeared in his mind, Wang Wei was stunned. Because the person on the photo is obviously her in his black and white photo who is smiling slightly, that person is just a clone of himself, but I really don't know that person.Immediately in his mind, the information that Wang Chuan had appeared.Wang Chuanshu, a scientist, was the first person to study space elevators in Huangshan. Of course, he was also the first person to propose space theory in the territory of Xia Dongguo... After Wang Wei saw these simple introductions, he was completely stunned at this time. He didn't think that he was really similar to this Wang Chuanshu.In Wang Mei's mind, he was speechless for a while. He really didn't expect that there would be two people who are so similar in this world. This Wang Chuanshu also studied space elevators, but he finally got on the space elevator. It seems that there is a pair of hands in control of all this, do you really have something to do with this Wang Chuanshu?At this moment, Wang Wei was also curious for a while.Of course, Elder Li was also carefully telling something in Wang Wei's ear at this time. After listening to Elder Li's words, Wang Wei was also a little bitter, and she really didn't know what to say.A few young guys came up at this time and whispered in his ear. "Wang Weiwei, you don't really have anything to do with this Wang Chuanshu, right? It shouldn't be the illegitimate child of this Wang's liveaboard." When Wang Wei heard the words of these young guys, he was also slightly Yes, he was a little stunned. He really didn't know how to explain it. He really didn't know what these young people were thinking, "How could I have something to do with it? He is an old senior who has been famous for a long time. l I’m only famous now, how could I have something to do with Wang Chuanshu?” Not only did his voice be heard by the reporters on the side, but to those who remembered that we were hearing about Wang Mei and that person. After the conversation, there was a suspicion of the meaning, of course, some of these guys have begun to publish the news.For a time, a problem spread across the entire network, that is, Wang Wei is the illegitimate son of the wolf. Of course, this is not the time to cause this matter, the actors are more good people. On the Internet, Wang Wei's photos and Wang Chuan's photos are placed together.

At this time, Wang Wei was also dumbfounded. She didn't expect that she was just in the venue, but she met some old seniors and said hello to these old seniors, and she was indeed reported by these old seniors Suddenly, I really don't know what these guys are thinking, and their brains are really too strong. "Mr. Wang Wei, about the illegitimate son of Mr. Wang Chuanshi who has been busy with civil affairs recently, you should What's your explanation?" "Mr. Wang Wei, can you tell us about the relationship between you and Wang Chuanshu?"... A few people advanced without reaching ten thousand miles, and in an instant Wang Wei was carrying countless gossip reporters directly on his back again. Mei worked, Wang Wei looked at these brows, and his own gossip reporter was also frowning. He really didn't know how these gossip reporters should explain to them. He didn't know how these gossip reporters found this matter?Of course, Wang Wei also dealt with this matter in his mind.The number one in my mind quickly deleted everything in this place through the Internet, but even the impact caused by this was quite sensational.Wang Wei finally understood what was going on with those female stars, why they are all melancholy at this time, the reason is that the eyes of this gossip reporter are higher than the top, and even they really want to put Wang Wei at this time. The eighth generation of ancestors dug out Wang Lei a bit bitter, of course those scientists who came to participate in this competition on behalf of Xia Dong's national conditions, were also a bit bitter, and of course some guys were waiting to see Wang Wei's jokes at this time.There are still a lot of people at this time, that is schadenfreude. Wang Wei was speechless for a while at this time, but since this is the case, he has nothing to explain, so he opened his mouth to them and said, "Nothing, maybe I am Is it a clone of Wang Chuan?" His words were originally a joke, but they were indeed cleared up by these reporters that Wang Wei was a clone of Wang Chuan, which instantly attracted everyone who participated in the competition this time. All sensational.They don't necessarily know who Wang Chunshu is, but they definitely know who is busy.Recently, in the scientific community, there has been a figure of great fame, this person is Wang Wei.They were really interested in everything about Wang Wei.When the loudspeaker came out and Xia Dong's representative team entered the stadium, all the people turned to Wang Wei and the others.Of course, there are also a lot of people at this time, who are also whispering that the critic Wang Wei is also bitter at this time, but he did not explain to these people. Totally wasting time.After Wang Wei and others entered the venue, they looked at the layout of the venue, and then Wang Lei politely asked these seniors to do it for me, while he himself sat in the back row.The host quickly came to the center of the venue: "Welcome to the entrance of the participating teams from various countries. Here, on behalf of a country G, I would like to pay high tribute to the scientific and technological personnel who came to participate in the competition..." Then After hearing what they said, Wang Lei did frown slightly. He really didn't know what to say. After all, it was not only Xia Dongguo's team who participated in the science and technology competition this time, but also other representatives. At this time, the team is all the same as Wang Wei. It is watching everyone quietly. Of course, they are basically falling asleep at this time.When the consuls of various countries delivered the long speech on the stage, the host announced the start of the competition.As the hosts, the first thing they were good at was the people of their country, and when this person came on stage, Wang Wei was indeed a little stunned. "At this moment, among the representative team sent by country G, Wang Mei has met several other people. Those people are all the 8 people she had met in outer space, and among the people who led the team before, Wang Wei did Seeing that Duma and Wang Wei did keep his eyes fixed on Duma at this time, perhaps Duma felt the murderous gaze from Wang Wei's end at this time, but he smiled and looked at Wang Wei's side. He glanced at it, and then he made a provocative action. At this moment, Wang Wei's heart was also full of pressure, but then he made a person. At this time, he did put a smile on Duma. Du Ma. Ma also snorted coldly at this time and didn't say anything more. Wang Wei just looked at Duma quietly, and his heart was also funny at this time, because it was on Duma's body and felt something different. The stability factor, but now that she has reached Wuhuang Zhongxi, she is really not as afraid of this Duma as she was at the beginning. "All the people from the good G country have entered the game, and they are passing, their first round of competition. , the submitted theory is an academic paper on outer space research." After listening to the host's words, Wang Lei was indeed a little stunned. He didn't know what this outer space research report academic paper was. However, when he saw Tussauds Standing on the stage and talking, in the standard G Mandarin, there is a constant narrator on that stage, and there is a projector in front of him, and the projection screen is indeed clearly visible in the factory. Come out. After Wang Wei saw this scene, he also smiled slightly, but when he read all the research reports of Du Sha, his brows furrowed tightly. Du Sha actually rescued them from the salary of selling vegetables. Some of the objects I encountered in the future were photographed and displayed to everyone one by one. Of course, there is still Wang Wei's shadow among them, which also shocked everyone at this time. Wang Wei You are also a little speechless in this department. "This topic is some scenes we filmed after we were rescued by Wang Weiwei. Of course, these things are on our earth, and that is a precious external salary. There are many new domains, and in these star domains, there are still many races, such as mechanical groups, such as the existence of some unknown things, we have identified a lot of amazing things in outer space resources, these It's enough to show that with our current technology, if we want to gain a foothold in outer space, there is still a certain gap..." Hearing the woman Dusha slowly say such a paragraph above, Wang Wei is at this time, that is also the case. There was a burst of shame, but there were a large number of people off the court, but at this moment, they were no big tax.

Not because of anything else, but because what they hate most is these boring to countless scientific research theories, and the reports of these theories are indeed the most boring.

Dussa of the G national team made a speech, and then other countries on the TV came forward to release at this time, their so-called theory

It was finally Xia Dongguo's Wang Wei's turn, but he was a little used to it at this time. He didn't understand that among the people on his side, an old man in a Taoist robe actually came to power.

"Our world is now in some crisis. In our world, there are many people and many things that we cannot understand, such as some explorations in ancient tombs, such as some existences. Unknown creatures in this world.

Of course, what I want to talk about here is the type of zombies. Zombies are above this world, and we, too, have a history of five origins. Xia Dongguo's zombies were once in this world, and someone predicted it, but now Zombies do indeed appear in our place. …”

When the guy said that, he started to display a series of things, and when everyone saw these things, they were so eerie, the zombies that this guy showed were not people at all. What you see on TV and movies is actually some substances that exist in the real sense. These substances may be caused by constipation in the body or by excessive pollution.

"Look, this happened in a small village in a neighboring county not long ago."

When the guy said such a sentence at this time, Wang Wei really widened his eyes at this moment, because at this moment she saw a group of zombies, swimming in a village, and in this village, there were no After half a minute of popularity, the breath of death is everywhere, and the breath of death is spreading in this place, and there are even countless people who began to slowly move the scene at this time, like a shuttle. Forms of the Middle Ages.

At this time, when Wang Wei looked at this guy's Jiangsu individual and saw these pictures, he was speechless for a while. He was also fast at this time, and let the number one in Mao Hai run at this time.

Soon, some scenes and even the truth of friends appeared in front of him. There were a series of videos, congratulations, and Wang Wei carefully distinguished these things.

It doesn't matter if you don't check it out, I was startled when I saw it, where did he think that there are zombies in this world, and the speed of the spread of zombies is indeed higher than that of ordinary people, and the speed of the spread is still quite the big one.

At this moment, after Wang Wei's color change, he did not expect that there really exist zombies in this world, and seeing that the expressions of these people have been completely dull and formed a kind of similar to the world a few days ago, he proposed those related to loss.

Busy knows that the reason why these people can become zombies is because they are in extremely yin places, experience and understand, and even build their own nests in extremely cold places.

There was an ancient master who used great mana to say that these guys were completely sealed in a space, but I don't know why these guys did run out again. When Wang Lei saw a zombie, at this time, his head was blocked by a peasant. He fell off the one who couldn't crawl, but the head of the guy who was ripped off fell to the ground, and the guy was still crawling forward so fast.

That scene was extremely disgusting, extremely bloody, and extremely ronin, at this time, my heart was chilling, writing book

"How come there are so many masters, and what are they doing in this place?"

At this time, Wang Wei kept recalling such problems in his mind. He really didn't know what to do. What he needed now was to try his best to rescue these people.

Although Wang Wei is not a bad person, he doesn't want to watch his compatriots suffer like that, and after these people suffer, they may become the dinner and lunch for those zombies.

Wang Wei was deeply saddened by the death of these people. Now he can't wait to fly directly to that place and kill all those damn zombies.

But he knew that if he really went to feel that place now, it would be useless. It is estimated that the whole place is now controlled by zombies.

Wang Wei once asked people to investigate the background format of the guy who was bragging and guessing again. He did investigate it, and there was not much information, but this guy was able to turn the zombie blood into the vivid Hejian. This guy is definitely a Having seen a zombie, he just doesn't understand what this old Taoist does when he talks about it. Could it be that the boss has applied his Buddhist teachings here?

Wang Wei really misses the people in his family even more at this time, but he doesn't know where it is at the moment, and he doesn't know anything about zombies, but since these people are actually using zombies, and these zombies actually He felt even more on the land of Xia Dongguo, which made his heart even more moist.

By the time these guys looked and talked, it was already time for lunch.

At this time, Dean Li did take Wang Mei and the others to the place where the dinner party was held. Although the place for the party meal was not big, it looked very Huazhi and very unique.

When the people of the alliance and the United States came here at this time, they found two black people standing at the door.

An accompanying translator hurried forward to explain, but after the two stayed at home for a while, the guy didn't pay attention at all.

At this moment, Wang Wei's brows were sitting up tightly.

"Hello, what are they talking about?"

"Go back to the master, that guy is from country G, and it seems that he should be Duma's subordinate"

"what did they say"

Wang Wei said such a sentence impatiently at this time. When No. [-] heard Wang Lei saying this, he was also slightly taken aback, and the next one continued to answer:

"They said they were there first, and they said the place was already occupied, let's go elsewhere."

After Wang Wei heard No. [-]'s words, he was also a little speechless, and then he raised his head and looked at the words written on the door. When she saw the big three words written on the door, Xia Dongguo frowned. Wrinkled tightly.

Chapter [-]: Insult

At this time, Wang Wei's face was also gloomy for a while, and the breath of his whole body was released the next moment. The family tree of the massage wanted to show some color to Xia Dongguo's people, but at this time, everyone who went there was shocked.

I hadn't thought that there was a powerful aura that broke through Xiang's body at this time, and it was so difficult for them to even move at this time.

A group of people from Xia Dongguo were seeing these guys from country G, standing motionless in that place.

"What happened to them?"

An older guy started to ask such a sentence at this time, but Wang Wei said with a smile at this time:

"It's nothing, they may have gone to the wrong place. If we don't say it, they won't move at all. At this moment, they probably realize their mistake and can't step down."

At this moment, the inner ear suddenly extended a voice:

"Oh, huh, what about Wang Weiwei, who am I still?" At this time, the other party didn't mean to be humble at all, but the goggles said such a sentence, and Wang Wei heard the other party say When he said such a sentence, he was suddenly speechless. It was a slap in the face, and these guys, as the hosts, would be so unkind.

Of course, this is just an episode, but after this little episode, the scientists from all Xia Dongguo are also respectful to Wang Wei.

Compared with the morning game, the afternoon game is much more exciting. After all, in the morning game, everyone competes with theoretical knowledge. Of course, their game is just an appetizer, mainly to come up with some theory. Knowledge to let all the participants discuss together.

Of course, their discussions were also based on the experiences of the contestants in these countries at this time. Of course, the theories they put forward must also conform to reality.

There are special people who have made a quasi-summary of their theories and arguments at this time, and most of the scores given by the judges are 8 to [-].

Xia Dongguo's strange zombie theory, and the idea that there may be some apocalypse in the future world, this has been confirmed by many people, and it is completely a theory that has little practical benefit.Therefore, Xia Dongguo's contestants did not get a high score in the morning debate, only 8:5.Among all participating countries, the score is considered to be the bottom.

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