The exhibition lasted for 3 days. After the 3 days, everyone was stunned, because this time, the space elevator shown by Wang Wei of Xia Dongguo got full marks for directness.

It's not because of anything else, but because Wang Wei found three or four guys during this period, and after three or four guys, they will be completely thrown into outer space, so that they can feel the outer space. of danger.

Of course, this is not his ultimate goal, because at the end of the third day, a group of robots quickly rushed to his place, facing his space elevator is a mess, but fortunately it is perfect Around this space elevator are some black and white Infinite Novels

The power to move those robots was all resolved by the black and white movement. Of course, at this time, all those robots were swallowed by the black and white movement.

When all the people saw the iron ore discharged from the white hole in the black and white moving branches, and the iron ore was still pure iron iron ore, all of them were shocked and stunned, and they didn't know what to do. said.

"The power of a black hole is really powerful." A guy said such a sentence with emotion at this time. All the people were shocked at this time. When they looked at Wang Wei at this time, it was like looking at a monster.There are even some guys who have feelings for Wang Wei

Fear and fear.

The final score was counted, and Wang Wei was naturally the first.

When Wang Wei stepped onto the final podium, a lot of scientists from other countries showed some signs in their eyes, didn't they? Staring at Wang Wei at this time, the flame in his heart was constantly rising for the next moment. , he quickly moved his Wei Ya towards Wang Wei

The past was released, but when Wang Wei felt the arrogance released by the Duma, he smiled slightly.

"Wang Wei, you wait"

Duma gritted his teeth and said such a sentence, but Wang Wei smiled indifferently at this time:

"Haha, I'm waiting, remember to tell your true voice when you go back, let your true body come, I haven't fought him for a long time."

Slap in the face, this is a naked face slap. Guys in country G are all looking at Wang Wei angrily at this time.

For these soldiers of the G country, Wang Wei directly ignored his views at this time.

"Hehe, if Duma really wants to stand with me one by one, don't use these little people as shields. If you have the ability, come out and fight with me in an upright manner."

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, but Duma snorted coldly at this time, and then the directness disappeared.

"I'm sorry, Wang Wei," Dusha led his 7 partners. At this time, he respectfully greeted Wang Wei's luggage

"Oh, nothing."

"I, we were wrong, we should not have cooperated with Mr. Duma."

At this time, Dusha walked up to Wang Wei like a child who made a mistake, and said such a sentence. Wang Wei looked at him, and at this time, he really smiled indifferently, and gently stroked Dusha. hair:

"Hehe, it's nothing, we all have our own masters."

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, and then turned around to leave, but at this moment, a reporter stepped forward and asked Wang Wei:

"Mr. Wang Wei, can you explain to us why you, Xia Dongguo, proposed the doomsday theory? But what Ning showed was a space elevator. Is there any connection between them?"

After Wang Wei heard this guy's words, he was also slightly stunned, and then he recognized and smiled and said:

Chapter [-]: Wang Wei shines

"Yes, of course, there is a connection between when the end of the world comes, we can take the space elevator, leave this planet completely, and find a place suitable for our human survival and development."

"Mr. Wang Wei, can you tell me, is the zombie war you mentioned about the whole village really true?"

Wang Wei frowned slightly when he heard this question:

"Zombies really exist, but I can't answer the question of the end of the world, because many years ago, we had scientists who studied the itinerary of the end of the world. But aren't everyone living well now? This is the so-called prevention before it happens

Make sense."

"Mr. Wang Wei..."

A series of reporters. At this time, Wang Mei, who was holding a long gun and a short cannon, was bombarded. When Wang Wei saw these reporters, he also frowned slightly. He is used to such an attitude, but he really wants to be in this world

Build on your reputation.

Therefore, he has no way to refuse the interviews of these reporters.

"Hehe, Master, haven't you always wanted to be smart, now your fame is soaring all the way, and your previous things are also taking pictures of yourself, right?"

At this time, No. [-]'s voice came out of Wang Wei's mind. When Wang Wei heard No. [-]'s voice, he was also a little speechless.

Regarding the cartoons of these reporters, as well as some unorthodox places that these reporters specifically looked for, there is no other way to ask Wang Wei for advice, but to answer them one by one.

After seeing such momentum, the scientific seminar in country G directly held Wang Wei's personal press conference during this meeting.

Wang Wei also had a headache when he saw the reporters on the scene of the press conference, but at this time, he also did it one by one, and gave the answers to the reporters' questions one by one.

This time the press conference is a successful version, and it is also a successful conclusion.

Soon, a large group of people appeared on the TV.They surrounded Wang Wei and walked out of the hall.

Wang Wei's fame has been known by many people at this time, and his reputation is soaring all the way at this moment.

Of course, it's not a good thing that Wang Wei's reputation has soared. No matter where Wang Wei goes now, he can see many people lining up with signs to welcome him.

The funniest thing is that there are many girls holding up signs with a portrait of Wang Wei painted on them, and they are still shouting continuously along the way:

"Wang Wei, I love you"

"Wang Weiwei, I want to marry you and be your third son"...

Wang Wei is a headache. If it weren't for those bodyguards in front of him, it would be estimated that Wang Wei would have been besieged by these people, and even these people would directly lift Wang Wei into the air. , and those beauties are expected to strip Wang Wei naked in the street


"Hey, I used to think about making myself famous, but now I know that real people are famous, which is really not a good thing." Ranwen Novel Network

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