"Hey Director, this is called being afraid of being famous and being afraid of being strong. Now you finally understand the true meaning of this sentence."

At this time, Wang Wei was also the first to sing for a while. He didn't expect such a result. It seems that he really underestimated the popularity of these people's fans.

He also left the crowd as if he had escaped, quickly entered his maglev car, and soon returned to his villa directly.

After returning to his room, Wang Wei finally exhaled a long breath at this time.

"Master, you have realized the state of being famous now. In fact, it is better for you to keep a low profile in the future. If you continue to do this often, it is estimated that your abilities will eat you up.

Of course, there is a more important thing, that is, once you become famous, it will also attract a lot of media excavation, and they are likely to excavate all the things you have done before. "

At this time, No. [-] said such a sentence. After hearing what No. [-] said, he was speechless for a while.

To tell the truth, he also has no choice, and now it really can only take one step at a time.

Wang Wei seemed to remember something and suddenly started to rummage through boxes.

"What's the matter, master?"

"Well, I'm going to find something in this place, and then continue my space elevator experiment, no matter what, I also want to make my space elevator above this space, and the real implementation will really make my This space elevator can actually carry people

space. "

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, but No. [-] did not say anything more after hearing Wang Wei's words.

The days went by like this. Wang Wei kept experimenting with the structure of his space elevator. He even used a lot of methods and tried it, but no matter what, his space elevator could only carry those small objects. Big things are being teleported into space

After coming into contact with those breaths in space, they were instantly shattered by some air currents in those outer spaces and a series of environments in outer space.

"What the hell is going on here, why is this happening?"

After Wang Wei went through countless experiments, he still came to such a conclusion. Suddenly he was a little decadent, and he began to ask such questions in his mind.After hearing her questions again, No. [-] did not answer.

This made Wang Wei very depressed. He once again carefully studied the design drawings of the space elevator that Xiaokui had left behind.

"The ancients have a call, do you want to answer it?"

"Whose phone is it from?" Wang Wei was thinking about it when he was interrupted by this sentence from No. [-]. He raised his head and asked such a sentence

"The master naturally called An Ran."

When Wang Wei heard this voice, he was cold and then he was clean, and let No. [-] connect the phone to enter the door. To be honest, during this period of time, because he was busy and constantly pursuing the development of this space elevator The method but forgot to call this little girl, and I don't know

How is this little girl doing?

I really don't know if An Ran saw his father's mourning hall being evacuated after he returned home, or did he know about the situation in his home?

Chapter [-]: An Ran's Phone

In Wang Wei's heart, at this time, he was helpless for a while.

"Wang Wei..."

As soon as the call was connected, An Ran burst into tears. Perfection was also slightly stunned after hearing An Ran's cry. He didn't know what to do, so he said after a long time:

"What's the matter, has something offended you, why did you cry like this?"

"It's been such a long time, you didn't say to call me and ask."

An Ran complained and said such a sentence. After hearing An Ran's words, Wang Wei felt a burst of warmth in his heart. To be honest, he had been busy all this time, and he really forgot to call him. phone.

With an embarrassed smile, he said:

"Hehe sorry it was my fault this time, I forgot to call you"

"I'm sorry, is it useful?" Of course, there was some unpleasant voice from the other end of the phone.

Through the Xinhao transmitter, Wang Weidong could feel that An Ran was really angry.But what can I do if I use it, it is also a burst of hair at this time, just scratching its head helplessly:

"Oh, it's my fault"

"I heard that you have successfully developed it. The space elevator has an empty belt. I will play in space."

"Uh, the space elevator is only a preliminary solution. It can only transport some small items into space, but it cannot fully transport humans. Such a huge thing."

Wang Wei was bitter for a while, but he still said it truthfully. After hearing Wang Wei's words, An Ran murmured:

"When will you wait?"

"I don't know about this. When I can develop a human being able to go to space, I will be the first to contact you."


"By the way, what's going on at your house recently, is there anything wrong?"

At this time, Wang Wei asked with some concern about the calligraphy and painting in his heart, but An Ran was silent for a long time at this time, and he said sobbing and choking:

"It's all right"

"Really? Are your uncles and aunts alright?" Wang Wei finally bored out the doubts in his heart. He knew that, and you also know that An Ran's father almost passed by like that.

"Yeah." On the other side of the phone, An Ran just nodded slightly and said such a sentence. Wang Wei heard something wrong in An Ran's voice, so he asked No. [-] to quickly open it at this time. Signal perspective function.

It doesn't matter if he sees it, he was a little angry when he saw it.Jiuzhou Chinese www.9zzw.com

The place where An Ran was located was still where the mourning hall was located. When Wang Wei saw the location of the mourning hall, he couldn't help but think for a while.

Immediately, he thought of something. Could it be that what happened after he left that day?

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