In this outer space, it is moving fast at a speed of more than 1600 kilometers per second.

After Wang Wei saw the speed of these stones, he immediately felt ashamed. He didn't think that his unintentional act this time, and even his fight with those robots in Duma this time, would actually cause a problem. Such a strong response and still here

On the earth in this place, causing such a powerful damage, so his heart is also starting at this time, and it is a little embarrassing.

"One Number One"

At this time, Wang Wei quickly shouted No. [-], but at this time, the robot No. [-] in her mind did not respond at all.

Not to mention No. [-], even the main system in his body did not respond at all at this time, not even the system prompt sound, which made Wang Wei a little disappointed, he did not expect the explosion this time. It would cause such a big difference.

Wang Wei was also a little scared at this time. If he knew this, he would completely inject that energy into the surface of the earth and the surface of some other planets to build their defenses. The defense of the place is completely

Build it up, believing that the power of those goddamn robot explosions will never be that powerful.

In fact, Wang Wei completely misunderstood one thing, that is, the power he devoured this time was not the power generated by the robots, but the mushroom cloud generated by the robots after the exposure, and the impact of the mushroom cloud. Force group took it away, I don't know

It is something on those nameless planets, it is because of this that the black gas has grown completely at this time, and it is precisely because of the growth of these gases that Wang Wei is unkempt in this place, even he I feel that in my body

Those powers that cannot be excreted at all, so that they may explode at any time.

Wang Wei couldn't figure out what was going on at all, but now that he was in such a situation, there was nothing he could do.

"One Number One"

Wang Wei kept calling the number one in his mind, but at this time, the number one didn't show up at all, even in his mind, there was a emptiness at this moment, Wang Wei at this moment Only then did I really realize that there is no system and main system

With the existence of these two things, it seems that I really can only rely on myself.

Some helpless Wang Yu roared angrily to the sky at this time. In his eyes, he always revealed the strong killing intent. All the consequences of this were caused by Duke. He would never allow gamblers to play Surviving in this world, at this moment, she is very interested in Duke 600 novel

The hatred, what is that monstrous.

Duke really tm dammit, Wang Wei shouted out such a sentence with a long laugh, but in this outer space, apart from the cold wind and some gas caused by the airflow caused by the surrounding explosions, it seems that There is nothing else at all, Wang Wei is in

The place kept roaring like crazy, and at this moment, he was speechless for a while.

Of course, the killing intent in his heart was even stronger. The courage of his killing intent was beyond his control. At this moment, if he only had a trigger point, then he would really picked up and killed, and it is even possible to directly kill the whole world

The world was completely slaughtered, not to mention the planets in the universe. If Wang Wei turned into a real killing machine from this moment, then the black holes around him would also be completely destroyed at this time. out of control, those black holes only appear in this star field

Among them, in this star field, the vacuum zone will definitely spread to a very terrifying place.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Wang Wei finally woke up. After he woke up, he looked at everything around him. At this moment, the space he was in had once again become a vacuum. , while the layer above the surface of the earth is

The protective film that had been constructed before was shattered in pieces at this moment, and together with the protection of the earth's surface itself, it was completely smashed by his impact at this time.

Oh not so, how could it be?

At this time, Wang Wei was also a burst of anger. He also felt a burst of madness at this time. He began to roar and roar continuously in this star field, but within this area , it's true when no one hears it


Wang Wei was like that. She didn't know how long she was afraid. She finally reacted at this time. It seemed that he thought of something, and quickly rushed towards the earth. The system is gone, No. [-] is gone without Xiao Kui, he is now

It can only rely on his own legs and his own cultivation base to quickly move towards the earth and start running continuously.

An Ran, don't worry, you must wait for me

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, and then he turned all his power into operation, but this time he did not completely release his black hole power like the last time, and It releases that kind of wind-like property

The general strength is rapidly accelerating its forward pace, and even at this time, he can feel a burning sensation under his feet, which is the reason why the soles of his feet are likely to be burned.

Of course, that was also a kind of force created by the friction between the force and the airflow when he ran forward quickly.

Wang Wei didn't care at all at this time, it was still rushing towards the earth so fast.

Chapter [-]: Don't you have any pressure in your heart?

At the door of that hospital, the family members of the damn medical staff in that hospital are proud of their faces at the moment, they are seeing the children of the deputy secretary and the wife of the deputy secretary working for their family. The head of the family pays tribute.

I really don't know what they will think in their hearts, but at this time, An Ran is still teary-eyed. She didn't want to say anything more, but at this time, he has no good way, so he can only be like that. Kneeling to give people a wake-up call, atonement.

Oh, sin, it's all sin

At this moment, An Ran's mother stroked her red and swollen eyes, sighed constantly, and said such a sentence, but all the people in the room at this time would not take into account what An An's mother said at all. , they made a mockery of An Ran's mother and son


An Ran and her mother also had a bitter look on their faces at this time, but they were clenching their teeth and guarding the leader tightly at this time.

When Wang Wei arrived, he did see such a scene. There was a burst of anger in his eyes. He quickly rushed to the sheds, and quickly lifted all those souls at his fastest speed. Turned over, and everyone just feels at this time

A gust of wind blew, but when the gust of wind blew, the entire mourning hall became a mess again.

What's going on here?Oh, it's all of you, it's all of you who made the bean in our family die, and you continue to specialize our family's Lin Tao in this place at this time.

At this time, an old lady quickly held up the dragon head cane and slammed An Ran and An Ran's mother fiercely. At this moment, before his dragon head cane was hit, he heard a click, followed by the dragon head cane. It is a direct response.

Enough is enough, you bullying guys are enough, what is your family for?Don't you have any numbers in your heart?An Ran and her mother, it is very good to be able to keep the spirit of your person. Which city deputy's house have you seen?

Are you going to keep the spirits of others?

At this time, a majestic voice came out at this time, and it resounded in this great hall. At this time, all the people's faces changed their faces. In the house, they all want to know this

Who is the person speaking?Where is he?But they looked around, but they didn't find any other people in this place.

At this time, everyone was in a state of horror. They didn't expect that there would be someone walking under their noses in this world, but they didn't.This is all the people in the room that went up at once, at this time all the people

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