All began to be vigilant.

After hearing this voice, An Ran's eyes also showed joy. He quickly stood up, looked around, and then shouted from the TV in his mouth. :

Wang Wei, is that you?

At this time, Wang Wei smiled slightly, but who knew that he would quickly show up.Qiyin Fiction

Wang Wei was born first, and all the people present were shocked at this time. They didn't expect a person to appear quickly in this mourning hall. How did he do it?

An Ran was also slightly taken aback at this time. He did not expect Wang Weihui to appear in this place in such a way.After being stunned for a while, he quickly rushed towards Wang Wei, and burst into tears in Wang Wei's arms.

Wang Wei was also slightly taken aback at this time, but he stretched out his hand and held An Ran tightly in his arms.

Don't cry, now I'm here, it's up to me

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, and then he looked angrily at those present and the messy mourning hall, and she said angrily:

Okay, a good doctor, you guys have done a good job, don't you know what he did?If you do something wicked yourself, you still want to publicize the badness of others in this place. You are good.

Wang Wei was angry at this time, okay, he said this at this time, but all the people present lowered their heads when they went to this time, they dared not look at Wang Wei, of course , their hearts are also in the strength of Jinghan Wang Mei, this Wang Wei

It's definitely not easy to appear suddenly, and they won't believe that there will be someone in this world who is so fast. Who is this person in front of him?

I tell you, quickly remove your mourning hall, otherwise

The killing intent that burst out from Wang Wei's body at this moment has completely surpassed the perception of all of them now. These people are ordinary people. Suddenly one by one inadvertently revealed a burst of fear

Fear, and even each of them shivered involuntarily.

At this time, Wang Wei was watching all the people present closely. Of course, he didn't say anything more.

You are the one who destroyed my son's mourning hall, and you want to be buried with my son

At such a time, the old lady did not know where the courage came from, and pointed at Wang Wei angrily and said such a sentence, but Wang Wei smiled coldly at this time, and then he was indifferent road.

Yes, my son's mourning hall was returned by me, so what?What do you want?Do you still want to avenge him?Just rely on you people, believe it or not, I will directly kill all of you with just a swipe of my finger?

You, you dare that the old lady said such a sentence in anger at this time. The next moment, he closed his eyes and almost turned his back. Those around were the old lady's children, so he I hurried up to help the old lady, but she didn't fall to the ground.


At this time, a middle-aged woman came out quickly, he hugged Wang Wei's leg tightly, and roared with all his strength:

Oh, my God, the people in this world are too crazy, you don't even look at it, who in this world will decide for us?

Chapter [-]: Killed

What middle-aged woman is snot and tears at this time, and crying is called sadness. When Wang Wei saw the sadness of this person, he was also a little overwhelmed, but he knew that at this time it was absolutely impossible. You can't be soft, if you are soft, then it is very

It may bring misfortune to the Enron family.

Wang Wei once made an oath, if anyone dares to make him and his family unhappy, or if anyone dares to make his family unhappy, then he will risk his own life and completely obliterate these people.

Good, very good, it seems that I don't give you some serious information, you don't know how many eyes Ma Wangye has

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, and the next moment, when his leg was lifted, the middle-aged woman flew straight out like a cannonball.

The old lady shouted such a sentence at this time, and the next moment, he directly turned his back, and the people around him gave Wang Wei a resentful look at this time, In a moment, one after another went up to comfort the old lady, but

It was the old lady at the moment who had already finished playing.

After Wang Wei saw such a scene, he smiled slightly, and then there was a hint of indifference on his face:

how, who else?

As soon as his words fell, all the people present were slightly stunned. At this time, An Ran's face also turned pale, but An Ran's mother was crying non-stop, and her body was also at this time. Trembling and trembling, what Wang Wei saw was true, and his heart

It hurts.

Quickly call the police and arrest this madman. In the crowd, I don't know who shouted such a sentence, and the next moment, there was a panic in the crowd again, Wang Wei was watching After seeing the appearance of these guys, he smiled slightly.

To this group of people, he said coldly:

Now that I think about calling the police, you guys were not good at that time. What did you do when you were in the vice market?When you were on the wake, where did that courage go? Now that I think about it, I called the police. It's over.

At this moment, Wang Wei's eyes were the fire of the Western Regions. He looked at the group of people in front of him and smiled coldly.

Wang Wei

After seeing Wang Wei's appearance, An Ran was also helpless for a while. He hurried forward to stop Wang Wei, for fear that Wang Wei's impulse would once again kill all the people present, which would be bad. , Wang Wei looked at An Ran at this time, and then gave her a

He gave An Ran a reassuring look, and gently patted An Ran on his back, feeling a little reassured in Wang Wei's embrace.Love me novel network

you, you are the devil

At this time, a guy opened his mouth and said such a sentence at this time, but Wang Wei smiled coldly at this time, and then he turned to all those people indifferently:

Aren't you ready to leave?Are you ready to stay here?

Wang Wei's red eyes said such a sentence at this moment. As soon as his voice fell, these guys suddenly changed their faces, and they all started to flee towards the periphery. Just kidding, a powerful person like me Standing here, his expression shows

She looks a little foolish, who would dare to approach her at this time?Does that mean you don't want to live?

At this time, all the people scattered in a hurry, and the children of the old lady were left on the scene, and the children of the old lady were also panicked at this time. They stood up and wanted to run. But I felt a strong force from all over my body pressing down

Suppressing them, they have no way to get up and escape at this time.

Now it's time for us to talk. You set up the mourning hall in this place, disturbing public order, and you actually asked the wife and daughter of the city deputy to pay tribute to your dead person who should have died. How do you say it should be solved?

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