At this time, the children of the old man were all staring at Wang Wei in front of him with anger and fear, and they didn't dare to say anything at this time, because they were afraid that if they said something bad, they would give this great god directly to him. Provoked, then they will die directly

Whoops, stay with the green hills, not afraid of running out of firewood, now bear the calm for a while, and then they will settle the account with Wang Wei together.

Why are you all dumb?Are you afraid to speak at this time?

Wang Wei looked at these guys coldly and said to these guys, and these guys look at me, I see you think that no one dares to speak at this time.

Well, very good, since you don't say it, then I will help you to say first, you made a quack doctor in this place, and you let her use a deputy market seat to kill her, if it wasn't for An deputy city seat, If there are lucky people with their own celestial appearance, then you will truly put a living

The lives of people are killed, and the people of your family are people to appease the market, so aren't the people of your family?

When Wang Wei said these words, the murderous aura in his body was involuntarily released completely and involuntarily. Shiver, although it is June day, but in this

What he could feel at the time was the extreme cold and gloom. At this time, each of them felt that their body was out of control at this moment, and they began to tremble.

Wang Wei saw the shivering appearance of these guys, but the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and then he continued to speak:

Secondly, you should not gather a group of people to use this place as the pretense of seeking justice for this vice-major, and make money wantonly

Chapter [-]: Presiding over justice

As soon as Wang Wei said these words, everyone's expressions changed, and An Ran and An Ran's mother looked at those guys on the ground angrily at this time.

And the family members of the quack doctor looked at Wang Wei with anger at this time, and Wang Wei's face turned cold.

how?Am I right?If it wasn't for you doing little tricks in the back, how could these people be brought to justice for you when you look like this?

At this time, the family members of the quack doctor lowered their heads one by one, and they also seriously reflected at this time, but Wang Wei did not let them go, and continued to say:

Let's turn around and talk about another matter. No one of you can escape the death of Vice City Tower. Even this matter is a deliberate murder by you. You will use this to make a big fuss about the organization.

city ​​hall holiday

As soon as Wang Wei said these words, An Ran and her mother also completely changed their faces at this time, and their faces also became vicious at this time, while those other guys present , all of them bowed their heads one after another, but someone was here

He whispered softly for a while:

not like this

It's not like that, so what are you talking about?Do you know what conspiracy to murder is?Do you know what the charges are for your fellow murderers?

Wang Wei glared at these people at this time, and these people didn't know what to say at this time. They stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, just like mung beans.

At this moment, the corners of Wang Wei's mouth evoked a slight arc, and then he continued to speak:

Tell me, how did you conspire?How do you conspire to kill Shizuo, and then put the blame on other people?

After Wang Wei's words were spoken, there were a few guys among those people, but at this time, their faces showed a terrified expression. Of course, after Tangmen showed their panic, they concealed the past very well. But who is Wang Wei?How could he not see

What about the frightened look these guys show?

It can be said that Wang Wei is able to persevere clearly in their every move now, and he can even fully see what they are thinking, so at this time he is smiling slightly.

The superintendent's work efficiency is also very high. At this time, many blood pond suspension cars rushed towards this side quickly. Of course, the harsh siren sounded so loudly.

When the guys present heard the sound of the siren, their faces became a little excited. At this time, some of them even breathed a long sigh of relief, but Wang Wei's face was indeed in this When he sneered, he just looked at him quietly like that

them.Dong Dong Novel

At this moment, a row of uniformed police officers quickly jumped off the suspended train. After the children descended directly from the suspended train, these superintendents took out the guns in their arms. The guns in their hands were all It's those exclusive guns that have been remodeled.

The black muzzles of the guns were completely accusing Wang Wei at this time, but Wang Wei smiled indifferently at this time, and then he opened the mouth and said:

You came just in time, these guys deliberately murdered Vice City, you can figure it out

We didn't kill a guy. At this time, he stood up and said such a sentence forcefully, and then he panicked and ran in the direction of the superintendents.

Wang Wei didn't do anything at this time. He quietly looked at the guy and ran quickly in the direction of the superintendents. The corner of his mouth also showed a faint smile at this time.

Oh right? At this moment, Wang Wei smiled evilly and said such a sentence, and then among those who were watching, a guy ran over quickly:

Third uncle save me

When Wang Wei heard this guy call the third uncle of the junior high school, he couldn't help frowning, and then he ran towards the figure of the person the guy called out. When he was a person, he was slightly taken aback, and then he continued to speak.


Before Wang Wei's words were finished, another voice continued to speak.

The fifth and third, quickly take this man down. He killed a lot of us. After hearing this voice, Wang Wei smiled coldly, and then he stared at the suspended magnets in front of him. At this time, the most parody of the train also showed a slight arc:

"What, it seems that you have a share in this matter."

Wang Wei said this indifferently, but he didn't have the slightest fear. At this time, the face of the guy who looked like a bureaucrat changed, but he still stared at the young man in front of him, random the corner of his mouth. A slight arc was drawn, facing Wang Wei.

snorted coldly:

"Hmph, boy, so what? What if we colluded, now you've killed so many people, but the evidence is there, please come with us to the Superintendent of Police."

At this time, when Wang Wei heard this sentence from the guy who looked like a bureaucrat, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised:

"i, huh, yes? Then why don't you ask what's going on?"

At this time, Wang Wei was only talking like this, but the guy who looked like a bureaucrat also frowned at this time, and he sneered at random:

"Hmph, you are so arrogant, if I don't tell you that you all bring them back, then anyone can kill people in the streets in the future."

Chapters [-] to [-]: Destroy the Door

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