No problem, I'll definitely go to your superintendent, but not now"

Wang Wei said such a sentence indifferently at this time. The next moment, he took the people around him and left quickly.

"Uncle Three..."

"Wang Wei, will they be okay?"

"No, what can they do?"

Wang Wei comforted An Ran in front of him. After saying this, he didn't say any more in the next moment. All the people who were present with the mother and son swaggering away were dumbfounded.

"Qin Xiao, what do you mean?"

"Do you know who the person you hit just now?" The deputy seat of the security guard shouted angrily at this time, and all the people present at this time were all moving, and the woman who shouted before, At this time, it was even more noisy

Come, even that woman started crying at this time.

"Okay, you Qin Xiao, how can you do this? Your brother died, and you haven't avenged him yet. You still say that about your nephew. Are you from the Qin family?"

"What are you guys trying to do in this place, do you know who that guy is? He is Wang Wei, but you are going to provoke her, and you have created such a big crisis for me, you say you are really good of"

All the people started to tremble at this time. Who is Wang Wei?That's a character known as a super scientist. He would never attack anyone. If he offends others, they still have some confidence.

There is no way, the relationship between their own families can be settled by walking, but if it was Wang Wei, they really dare not.

Wang Wei is called a mad scientist. What is a mad scientist?This guy is obviously a lunatic. The things he has researched are things that can make people die, and even the things he has researched can shake the whole world.

It doesn't matter if you provoke an ordinary person, but if you provoke a lunatic, then their family will not be peaceful.Check out the novel

All the people were silent at this time. At this time, they were all daughters of the city, but they would be Wang Wei's girlfriend. If they had known earlier, they would never have gone to the city. Organization riots.

Now all of them are shocked at this time, and they don't know what to do at this time.

In the evening, Wang Wei and An Ran's family had a meal. This was also the first time that they saw their foreign father and mother in earnest.

Wang Wei didn't dare to offend either of these two old people. If he offended these two people, if they didn't agree to get along with their daughters in the future, wouldn't he have lost a lot of money.

So he didn't dare to say anything more that night, but he was really not used to this place, but no matter how he was not used to it, he was also a real girl who talked about it in the middle of the night.

In the second half of the night, Wang Wei meditated quietly by himself. After he felt that he had returned to his peak state, he left directly. No one knew how he left, and of course, no one knew. What is he going to do.

The corner of Wang Wei's mouth smiled slightly, and the next moment he directly flashed to a place. In this place, there is an office, and in this office, the arrogant person who talked to him during the day was arrogant. The deputy seat, at this time, is also worried

Disappointed, but he was quietly on the table, as if rummaging for something.

"The deputy seat didn't see it, you're still very busy."

There was such a question in the room, but the deputy seat raised his head at this time. When she saw the person in front of her clearly, she was also shocked for a while.

"Master Wang Wei, why are you free to come to my place today?"

Now he already knows Wang Wei's identity. Of course, he doesn't dare to show anything in front of Wang Wei. He doesn't know what Wang Wei will do to him, but he knows that if Wang Wei is to be If provoked, this guy is likely to kill.

"Hehe, it's nothing, I just came to see, and ask the deputy seat by the way."

Wang Wei said such a sentence very indifferently, but although his words were lighthearted, they were heard in the ears of the deputy chairperson, but the deputy chairperson who had changed his taste died at this time. Immediately changed his face.

When Wang Wei saw the news, he did smile slightly. Of course, he wouldn't be so relaxed, just let the family go. He stayed in this place, that is to make these people pay. cost.

Chapter [-]: The Qin Family

So at this time, it is still dazzling. When Wang Wei came to this place, he looked at the environment of this place, and then he smiled indifferently:

"Hey, this place is not bad, it seems that your family is ready, this mourning hall is arranged"

When all the people of the Qin family were full of anger at this time, and then they saw those people rushing out quickly, looking at the person in front of them with anger, but Wang Wei was indifferent at this time. He smiled, and the next moment he said directly:

"Why did you even let the daughter of the deputy city seat pay tribute to you yesterday, why don't you welcome me today?"

At this moment, all the people in the Qin family were stunned for a moment. The next moment, their backs were cold. Of course, their hearts were all trembling at this time, but their people Too much to be afraid of, but this guy was in this place yesterday

The hand that Fang showed, they all saw it, who else dared to say anything standing by them?

"The Great King"

Immediately, the people of this family spoke to Wang Wei respectfully, but Wang Wei smiled slightly when he was here:

"Hehe, I heard that you are still doing research for people there recently."

After he finished speaking, all the people in the room changed their faces at this time, but Wang Wei smiled indifferently. The next moment, he quickly walked into the Qin family, he carefully Looking at all the people in the Qin family, the corners of their mouths were at this moment

Hou also showed a slight indifferent smile, but in the eyes of these Qin family members, his smile was extremely terrifying, and it might even be the smiles of those masters from the underworld.

Wang Wei swaggered around their house like this, then turned around and left. When Wang Wei left, all the Qin family exhaled a long breath, but the next moment , all the people in their Qin family couldn't help but stare

Eyes widened, because at this moment, the house where their family lived collapsed suddenly, and after the whole house collapsed, no one in the house survived.

At this time, Wang Wei had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and then left.

The next day, another news came out. There was a fire in Qin Jia last night, and no one in the Qin family was able to escape. There is a local spirit, but in the forest line, there is a large

The heart overturned the brazier, which caused the fire in their home this time.

After the fire truck came in, they put out the fire in the place, but found that all the Qin family members were burned to coke.

Such news once again caused a sensation in the entire urban area. Of course, at this time, people with intentions did dig out that these two people were from the Qin family, and one of the Qin family died at this time, and the other was from the Qin family. I jumped off the building, and now the Qin family is on fire again, between now and then

What's the connection?Novel 3800

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