An Ran is of course not an idiot. When he saw the news, he thought of this matter inadvertently. He should have a rare connection with Wang Wei. If this matter has no connection with Wang Wei, he will not. will believe.

"Wang Wei, you..."

"Hey, this matter has nothing to do with me, but you know it, I stayed at your house for most of the night the night before yesterday, chatting with you and your mother for a long time, and then I went back to the house to sleep, you should know"

"What about yesterday?" At this time, An Ran was interrogating like a prisoner, and began to ask such questions, while Wang Wei smiled indifferently at this time:

"Didn't I stay with you at home last night? I didn't go out at all."

Wang Wei said this very naturally, An Ran was also slightly taken aback after hearing Wang Wei's words, and then he thought of this, yesterday and the day before yesterday, Wang Wei seemed to be a good baby. A bit different from Wang Wei's style.

"Do you know that this has caused a lot of trouble, and all the forces behind the Qin family are not comparable to a small family like ours?"

An Ran said these words with some worry, but Wang Wei smiled indifferently at this time:

"No matter how powerful their family is, what can they do? I haven't done anything illegal, so what can they do to me? Could it be that their Qin family doesn't speak the law or reason? If their Qin family doesn't speak the law , if it is unreasonable, then no matter who is behind them

, as long as they provoke me, I will definitely let him die without a burial."

At this time, Wang Wei's whole body was shining with a domineering aura. When An Ran felt this powerful and domineering aura emanating from Wang Wei's body, his heart trembled slightly. He didn't know. What should I say, but this

Concerning Wang Wei's safety, he could only gently remind Wang Wei at this time.

Wang Wei felt a little bored, so he once again came up with the development method of the space elevator. Of course, when he was studying the drawings of the space elevator at this time, his brain was still a little dizzy, but he is still carefully covering his whole body

All the spiritual power from the bottom was poured into the blueprint, but the blueprint was like a puddle that couldn't absorb enough water. Wang Wei was constantly pouring his spiritual power into it, but after a while, He just felt dizzy.

Helpless, Wang Wei could only sit cross-legged at this time. When his body felt that his recovery was almost complete, he slowly stood up and continued to study the drawings of the space elevator. Of course, this space The elevator must not be so simple price

, Xiaokui told him before he fell asleep that this space elevator would never be that simple, and also told him that only if he broke through to the emperor level, it was possible to open this thing, but now he has reached the Imperial-level politics may be about to reach Huang

It's late stage, but this thing still can't be opened.

What the hell is going on here?What exactly is the drawing of this space elevator?Wang Wei also thought about it carefully for a long time at this time, but there was no answer. He knew that this matter would never be that simple.

Chapter [-]: Tranquility

Xiaokui didn't know when he woke up, and No. [-] disappeared completely at this time, which made Wang Wei's head too big at this time, he couldn't touch other places, even at this time, He felt that his main system was still there.


Wang Wei wants to know when he can break through to the realm, and when Xiaokui can be resurrected. After all, after Xiaokui is alive, he can transform into a girl, do housework for himself, and don't have to worry about his own meals every day, because Xiaokui will Do it for yourself,

But now Xiaokui and the others have disappeared, which makes Wang Wei feel speechless, but he has no good way.

After Wang Wei stayed with An Ran's parents for a few days, he returned to his home. After returning home, he was really dumbfounded again, because at the moment her home felt so deserted.

Wang Wei still began to study the drawings of the space elevator every day. Of course, he also experimented with the ideas derived from his own mind again and again, and even added the space elevator again and again. own ideas, but own

After the idea was added, it was still in the dark, and there was no new breakthrough at all.

What the hell is going on with this space elevator?Why can the space elevator developed by myself only be used in such small things?And it seems that this period of time is very calm, even the Duma did not come to trouble him. This incident made Wang Wei suddenly feel a little bit.

It's not normal. If according to Duma's character, it's absolutely impossible not to trouble himself, but this guy has really disappeared from the world, and Wang Wei has been in a few times during this period of time. In outer space, I have never seen Duma.

What the hell is this guy doing?Why don't you know that at all?I really don't know if this guy is studying a new round, how to kill himself?

Wang Wei was also melancholy for a while at this time, he didn't know what to do, but since this matter has already happened, Ka must find out this guy Duma, if he can't hand over Duma himself Come on, that's just burying a shadow for yourself

Long time bomb.

Just when Wang Wei was puzzled, he suddenly felt that there was someone outside his house, and this person seemed to be looking for him, but he didn't come in, just stood outside the door. , what are you waiting for?

Wang Wei was also a little stunned at this time. He really wanted to know what this guy was doing outside his door, but he carefully sensed the other party, and he really didn't notice any difference in the other party. Wang Wei's heart suddenly rose

There was a warning sign, if this person committed murder to him, then he really had no way to resist himself. Now that there is no main system, he really has no way to settle this matter.

"Your Excellency, you've been at my door for a long time, why don't you come in and have a cup of tea?" Wang Wei said at this time, and the next moment, his door was windless and opened automatically. Wang Wei was also stunned for a moment when he was here, but then he was stunned.

He poured two cups on his tea table very casually, and the next moment, an old man walked in with a smile, sat opposite him, and took the cup of tea unceremoniously and drank it. do.

Wang Wei poured the guy a cup of tea again, and the guy picked it up again and drank it.

After drinking three or four cups of tea in a row, the old man really spoke: Jiuhe Academy

"Wang Wei, you really made things worse this time." The old man said such a sentence at this time, but Wang Wei was slightly stunned after hearing the old man's words. He didn't understand what this guy said. What does this mean?

"What's going on?"

"Do you know that the Qin family is the controller of this star field, and the Qin family above our earth is not easy to provoke. If you provoke this guy in a hurry, then the consequences will be It’s really hard to collect.”

Wang Wei was slightly taken aback when he heard the old man say such a sentence, and then he said:

"Interstellar controls what is that? Who are you? You've been at my door for so long, come in for two cups of tea, and you're here to tell me this?"

"Hehe, Interstellar is in control, that is the character who controls this star field. Our star field is divided into many small wishes, and the jade palm in these small star fields is probably your current strength. Right or left, but there are still a lot of big players on top of your current strength.

The star shower is booming in every big star field, but there is a star field controller.

The Qin family is the controller of this star field. He controls the big star field, and the sphere of influence controlled by the Qin family is definitely not the earth and the few stars in the solar system. The new bathroom he masters is close to ours. 80% of a star field, which means that he now

There should be 80% of the Star Territory under control, and the strength of his family should be above the level of the Martial God, and it may even be in the Martial Saint."

The old man said with a smile, Wang Wei frowned slightly after hearing what this guy said, and then he continued to ask:

"The guy you're afraid of is the Qin family in the outer space star field?"


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