"Since it's not, why are you running here to tell me this? Do you think that saving the little Qin family above the earth can help me?"

"Ask for leave is not what you think. Although it is said that the Qin family on our earth has fallen, and even he is not the big family in the legend, but their family's temperament, and the Qin family is in charge of this star field, His care for his dispositional children is also

Absolutely powerful, the people in the Qin family will take care of the Qin family in this star field, because they are all surnamed Qin."

The old man said such a sentence at this time. After Wang Wei heard the old man's words, he was also slightly taken aback, and then he started. :

"Could it be that……"

"Yes, please add fans and protect your shortcomings. This time on our earth, the Qin family in our country is destroyed, which may anger them. If they really come to the door, I am afraid that our earth will be destroyed. There's no guarantee, even if they come to the door

If so, our planet may become a disaster.”

Chapter [-]: The Mysterious Old Man

At this time, when Wang Wei heard the old man's words, his brows furrowed slightly. The Qin family is a family of a huge family. Respecting the god of war, a character without a holy level, this is simply

It's incredible, if there is such a huge family staring at him all the time, then it's really difficult for him to move in this world.

"I provoked the people of this family. They should not pay attention to our earth. According to my drifting in the outer gold and jade, I think the resources on our earth are still lacking. No big family will be for our place

Let's pay attention, if you really pay attention to our place, then..."

"Hey, it's nothing, you kid don't think about things so simple, this is also possible, although the resources on our earth are relatively poor, there shouldn't be much energy in our solar system, or even how powerful it is. means of attack”

The old man smiled and said such a sentence at this time. After Wang Wei heard the old man say this, he was also slightly taken aback. He didn't know what to say?This old man said such a big and exciting news, Wang Wei is also doing what he needs at this time.

I have to prepare a little bit. If my strength is too weak, I will be destroyed by the Qin family. Afraid in case.

"Then who are you?" At this time, Wang Wei couldn't see through the identity of the old man in front of him, and even he couldn't see through the old man's cultivation. He vaguely felt that the old man was very strong, but the old man could really He doesn't know how strong it is, of course,

He is now concentrating on his research, and he really doesn't have time to worry about other things on top of the space elevator issue.

"I am the guardian of our earth"

"Guardian of the Earth?" Wang Mei's eyes widened at this time. Although he knew that there was a format for the existence of guardians in this world, it was the first time he heard about the guardians of the earth, and it was also the first time. see.

A small guardian of the earth can actually have such a powerful strength, and his cultivation base can't be seen through by himself. If the Interstellar Guardian and the Tsing Yi Guardian are used, how powerful will the strength be? It's a terrifying stage. , when Wang Wei was here, he couldn't understand


"Hehe boy, you don't need to guess, my current strength is only a little higher than yours. I am a warrior at the level of the god of war. Although my cultivation is not very high, I have been guarding it for so many years. Earth, do your part without Earth" Free Chinese www.ffhzw.com

The old man said such a sentence at this time. After hearing the old man's words, Wang Wei also frowned slightly. He did not expect that the old man was actually a god-level master. The master of the gods, and the master of the god level, that is still two

In such a big realm, he was also stunned at this time. A god-level expert could actually be the guardian of a mere earth.

"Is there a guardian on every planet?"

At this time, Wang Wei was also curious for a while, and then he opened his mouth to ask this curious question, but the old man on the opposite side smiled indifferently at this time:

"Hehe, not every planet has a guardian, but every planet that is adapted to human existence has a guardian, and this guardian is also assigned by the guardian of the star field, and On each of these new balls, there are many

What a powerful existence, and we, the guardians of the earth, are only guarding this planet in this place, not to be destroyed by people, not to be invaded by the wanderers in those alien domains, afraid of occupation”

"Oh, if you say that, how many places are the same as the earth in our star field?"

"Hehe, you want to ask, how many guardians are there in this star field? If you add me, it's more than a thousand people."

"What? Do you mean that there are more than a thousand stars in this star field that are similar to the earth?"

Wang Wei was completely shocked at this time. He did not expect that there would be so many places like the earth in this world. This is only a star field. If it is in the universe What about in outer space?

Wang Wei didn't dare to imagine it at this time, but the guardian of the earth came here to inform himself, there must be other things.

Wang Wei was also a little stunned at this time. He really didn't know what to say, but he had to wait for the earth guardian to find out what he needed to say.

"Yeah, there are almost a thousand trees, but there is a hand for every rise. By the way, let me tell you a little more. The Qin family is inside. You can also ask for leave, you might as well Cutting the grass and eradicating the roots, the Qin family's central strength in Xia Dongguo is not small.


Chapter [-]: Surrounding

It seems that he has time to go to Xia Dongguofang for a walk. It is his strength. Although he is not that strong, he is not the master who can ride on his head and shit. He wants to give Some lessons in this family, and even when necessary, he

This family can be completely wiped out.

At this time, Wang Wei raised a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and then he bowed to face, the old man in front of him said:

"Thank you senior"

At this time, the old man was bitter for a while, but he still responded to Wang Wei with a smile. Wang Wei felt very familiar with this old man, and even for the old man in front of him, he still There is an urge to respect.

When he got old, he left, leaving only Wang Wei alone, sitting quietly in his hut. In his mind, the words of the old man kept appearing, and he also appeared in his mind. What she did during this time, she suddenly realized that she had no

To control his emotions, if he had to do it again, he would still choose this way.

Just when Wang Wei was still thinking about the words of the earth guardian of Xia Dongguo, he heard someone knocking on the door again at this time. Wang Wei originally wanted to go out and have a look. But at this time, he suddenly frowned.

"Encircle this place for me, don't let a fly run out, I took people in"

An absolutely Huafu voice sounded at this time. After Wang Wei heard the voice, he frowned tightly. He didn't expect these guys to come so quickly at this time. Of course, those with live ammunition Soldier, at this time already

He quickly surrounded all of his quilts.

"What do you want to do?"

At this time, Wang Wei let go of the things he was doing, and went out to ask Dao'er. At this time, the large number of soldiers pouring in at the door surrounded Wang Wei.

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