"Are you going to be rough?"

Hmph, Wang Wei, you are just a little scientist. On the stage of the whole world, you only have some scientific research results. I advise you not to interfere in this matter. If you interfere If it's not good, then I will give you and your home

clan cause more trouble

After hearing this guy's words, Wang Wei was also speechless for a while. She really didn't expect such an ending, and she wouldn't let herself intervene in this matter. If she intervened, would she cause more trouble for herself?

At this time, Wang Wei was also red for a while. If that was the case, wouldn't he be the laughing stock of the Wang family?

Yes, he still has his own home and his own family. He didn't want to die so easily, but now so many people have surrounded him, which makes his heart even more. unhappy.Xiaoshuowa novel network www.xiaoshuowa.com

Hey, I really don't know whose dog it is, it started to be completely abandoned at the door of my house

When Wang Wei said such a sentence in a speechless manner at this time, when he said it, the guys outside him really didn't know what to say.

Hmph, Wang Wei, don't be too arrogant, I tell you, if you dare to be so arrogant again, believe it or not, I will arrest you. "

A guy called out such a voice at this time. After Wang Wei heard the voice, he sneered:

"Yo, you mean you can catch me, you're sure"

"Nonsense Wang Wei, don't think you're a great scientist, I tell you, you're just a guy who studies things, what's the big deal, believe it or not, I'll immediately let my people shoot you and kill you"

The guy said such a sentence at this time. When Wang Wei heard such a sentence from this guy, he also frowned slightly. He was also a little angry at this time:

"Why are so many of you swaggering around my place and telling me that I don't care about this matter, what are you guys?"

Although we are not things, oh no...

At this time, the man was so angry that his face turned blue. He heard Wang Wei say such a sentence at this time, and he blurted out directly, almost saying that they are not things.

I said, you brought so many people in this place to completely surround my place, and then tell me that this matter has nothing to do with me, can you tell me what it is? Wang Wei is gloomy. The face said such a sentence at this time, and that

At this moment, this guy was slightly stunned. The next moment, he was facing the group of people behind him, and he began to wave, and then he said to Wang Wei:

Wang Wei, let me tell you, this matter is definitely not that simple, you'd better not get involved in this matter, otherwise...

How about otherwise?That means you're going to come in and bite me


That guy, remembered at this time that he was really speechless, and Wang Wei looked at such a group of people with laughter at this time, but the next moment, the guy waved his hand and said to the humanity behind him:

No matter what, let me go in and search, I don't believe it anymore, can this gangster still run far?

At this time, Wang Wei's brows were also tightly wrinkled, and he immediately shouted angrily:

you dare

Chapter [-]: This is my home

He just finished speaking, but a few people rushed into his room at this time. Wang Wei was really angry at this time. These guys are really too much. It seems that I have to be active, and teach them a lesson.

Guys out.

At this time, Wang Wei also snorted coldly, and then he jumped up and quickly punched the person who was rushing up, and the person flew out directly.

At this time, another person rushed in Wang Wei's direction quickly, Wang Wei sneered again, and bang bang smashed four or five people down with a few punches.

The arrogant guy before became even more gloomy at this time, and he said angrily at this time:

Wang Wei, don't go too far, I tell you, if you do this again, don't blame us for being rude

Oh, you're welcome, what can I do?Are you saying you can't make it through?

After Wang Wei said this, he didn't say anything more. At this time, he rushed out quickly, punching and kicking those people for a while. It only lasted about five minutes. He fell.

And that guy did see Wang Wei's shot at this time, so he beat up all his people so neatly, and there was a trace of anger on his face at this time, and at this time he no longer had any scruples. What's the matter, he rushed towards Wang Wei quickly

go with.

The corner of Wang Wei's mouth raised a faint arc. She looked at this guy, and when she rushed towards her, she also smiled slightly, and the next moment, her whole body bounced up.

Wang Wei, you are too much

If it's too much, you come to our house, and if you don't say anything, you will go into our house to search, and say I'm too much, let me see if you have the strength to say that I'm too much

Wang Wei said this angrily at this time, and the next moment, he jumped up, and the guy's punch was to check the back of Wang Wei's head, and Wang Wei was in this When a dodge, followed by a kick, the guy was hit by him

Kicked and flew out.

Immediately, the man stood up again, looking at Wang Wei in front of him with resentment, and then he squeezed his two fists to the point of Greg Baba.Nuancai Literature Network www.ncwxxs.com

You want to drink, which means you are still going to come up and practice with me? Wang Wei smiled coldly at this moment, and the next moment he flew up again, and that person was also fast at Wang Wei when he was here. rushed in this direction.

The two of them punched hard at this place again. The guy quickly took four or five steps back at this time, while Wang Wei took a step back.

Wang Wei was also a little surprised by the strength of the guy in front of him. This was the first time in a long time that he used his physical body to fight against the opponent. He didn't expect that the opponent would actually be able to knock him back.

It seems that the power of his own body, under the grinding of this period of time, still has not reached such a powerful level.

Maybe it's because these guys are too popular. Wang Wei was also angry at this time. Of course, he didn't use his power at this time, but just fought with the two of them. stand up.

At this time, that person was like Xiaoqiang who couldn't be beaten to death. He waved his iron fist again and bombarded Wang Wei, and Wang Wei didn't say anything more at this time, raised his fist, Then he confronted the guy again.

In this way, the guy was knocked down by Wang Wei again and again, but he rushed up again and again. At this time, Wang Wei also became more and more powerful and felt more comfortable until he was pressed and beaten by him.

About ten minutes later, Wang Wei was a little tired from playing, and he stopped. Then he looked at the guy in front of him who had been beaten into a pig's head, and said coldly:

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