The alarms in my mind have exploded at this time, and Wang Mei was also upset when she was here, but there was no way to do it. Fortunately, I learned from the director of the space agency just now. This afternoon, it should be There is a flight into outer space

After exploring, Wang Wei went back to prepare.

Back in his room, Wang Wei cleaned up, and then started to meditate. After a long time, he was still a little speechless, because the energy in his body was still insufficient at this time, which made him really unable to do anything, but Now he has to deal with those people.

Wang Wei really started to miss them at this time, but all the computer characters in his mind were gone, and he had no choice at this time.

In the afternoon, he came to the Aviation Administration, and the other aviation personnel of the Aviation Administration were completely waiting for him at this time. When Wang Wei arrived, all the people nodded to Wang Wei, and then Wang Wei Wei Bian was the one who followed this flight into the sky


The rocket launcher launched very quickly, but Wang Wei was on the spaceship, and he really felt that time passed so slowly. It took about four hours before he passed the glass window of the spaceship and looked out. When she saw those empty hearts outside, she suddenly

Shi was overjoyed, so he quickly walked forward.

These people on the spaceship are all armed, but they can't do anything about it. When they walk around, they are all floating, but Wang Wei is like you at this time. When he walks to the battleship long office.

"Lord Captain put me down here"

Wang Wei's words caused the captain of the battleship to be slightly taken aback at this time, and then he opened the mouth and said:

The great man Wang is now in outer space, isn't it too dangerous for you to do this?

It's alright, um, I'll go out, it's alright

Otherwise, let them get you a protective suit With a tight wrinkle, he said indifferently:

"Oh it's alright"

Zhang Jian was also a little worried when he saw Wang Wei's smile. Although he said that Wang Wei was on the battleship, um, he could comment on the first edition without wearing protective clothing, but they couldn't guarantee that if Wang Wei appeared If you are in the cabin, will it be directly affected by the airflow outside?

Sexually torn to shreds, or in the state of direct weightlessness outside, will he be very far away from the spaceship?I love novel network

Seeing the concerned look on the captain's face, Wang Wei smiled slightly at this time, and then he said:

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong, I'll come when I go, you don't have to worry about me"

The captain of the battleship thought about it at this time, and then they made contact on the ground, and the people from the aviation agency on the ground, after receiving this information, hurried to the station master's office. After this matter was reported, the airline

The director also frowned slightly. He didn't know what the hell Wang Wei was up to, but if Wang Wei suffered any damage in this outer space, it would also be a loss to their country.

You tell them that if Wang Weiwei wants to go out, he can, but he has to wear a yellow paste. If he doesn't wear a space suit, then let the top not let him start the cabin.

When the staff told the news completely to the battleship, and the captain above the battleship also replied to the ground after receiving the order, and then he looked at Wang Weidao:

Mr. Wang Wei, the director said, if you want to come up with our spaceship and battleship, then please wear a space protective suit. If you do not wear a space suit, then please forgive me for not being able to open the cabin for you.

At this time, Wang Wei was also anxious for a while. He also wanted to replenish his energy quickly, but he couldn't say anything at this time, so he sang his head, and then nodded in agreement:


In this way, with the help of all the people on the battleship, Wang Wei changed into the space protective suit, and then the captain directly pressed the button to open the position, and Wang Wei was like this. Flying out, the next moment he came to the alien language, in this

Feeling in the alien language, Wang Wei quickly took off the protective suit, and after taking off the protective suit, the protective suit floated in the air.

Wang Wei looked at the floating protective suit with a faint smile on his mouth. At this moment, when the other people in the battleship saw Wang Wei's appearance, they were helpless for a while, but they were also At this time, I carefully observed Wang Wei. If Wang Wei was

If there is anything wrong with Wei, they will immediately drive the battleship to where Wang Wei is, and let Wang Wei quickly return to their cabin.

After Wang Wei left the cabin, he quickly walked towards the meteor shower, and the battleship slowly followed behind Wang Wei at this time. Wang Wei was indeed a little speechless at this time, and immediately He turned around and said to the battleship:

You stay in this place, you are not allowed to follow, otherwise I really have no way to guarantee your safety

The captain of the battleship saw what Wang Wei said through the screen. Although they couldn't hear it, they also saw Wang Wei's expression and the mouth shape of what Wang Wei said. I believe that there should be nothing wrong with Wang Wei outside.

, so they kept a certain distance and looked at Wang Wei from a long distance. Wang Wei also smiled slightly at this time. He didn't care about these guys. Of course, he also knew that these guys would definitely stay away. I look at myself not far away, I am also now

I can't take care of that much anymore, because the alarm sound in my mind is ringing again at this time, and when I get up, the play meeting is also a helpless moment at this time.

Chapter [-]: Main System Detection

He quickly walked forward, felt the situation in this place, and then walked to the alley again. Wang Wei felt that the situation in that place was a bit chaotic, but at this time he didn't have anything. Take it into account, it is fast there

This place completely sinks his consciousness into the conical black and white hole in the dantian.

The next moment, Wang Wei's Wednesday began to emit countless black and white movements at this time. Of course, he was not idle at this time. Those black and white quickly devoured the surrounding galaxies. Under his feet, At this moment, a piece of land appeared, but Wang Wei

It is still ignoring these things, standing directly on the land, and continuing to absorb the surrounding things.

After a long time, he heard the voice in his mind:

"Low Energy Supplement Complete"

When Wang Wei heard that the energy replenishment was completed, he also exhaled a long breath, and then he spoke into his mind:

"Are you there?"

There is neither the voice of No. [-] nor the voice of Xiao Hei in his mind. Wang Wei is also speechless at this time. He really doesn't know what to do at this time. Why is the system full of energy now? Why? Can't summon No. [-]?

"Little Kwai, Little Kwai"

Wang Wei reluctantly called Xiaokui again, but at this time, Xiaokui did not respond, which made Wang Wei a little strange.

"Summoning Warships"

Wang Wei shouted several times in succession, but no one responded. At this time, he was helpless, so he had to speak to the system at this time.

"The low battleship is calling..."

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