When Wang Wei heard this voice, he was also overjoyed, but at this moment, the system sounded again:

"Failure to summon the battleship is insufficient, please replenish energy"

"Damn it!" Wang Wei uttered foul language at this time. He didn't expect that in such an instant, he just summoned the battleship, but the energy was insufficient. This is simply too speechless.

Wang Wei also shook his head bitterly at this time, and then he quickly replenished his energy again. Of course, his black and white movement was also quickly swallowing the surrounding energy.

At this time, his feet appeared again. A thick planet is a thick planet. Wang Wei stood on it, and all the people on the battleship were wide-eyed. They didn't expect Wang Wei. It would be so stupid.

They are also people from the earth. They have also heard that on this earth, there are some strong people who can stand in outer space without using anything, but this great king is in this place. not only to be able to stand, but also to be able to

The place built such a big planet.

It just made their eyes widen.Biquge China www.djychina.com

Wang Wei didn't care about this at all. At this time, he was constantly devouring the planets around him, constantly expelling energy, and even under his feet, it was piled up again, and the debris it accumulated , suffered a real

The influence of emptiness is just suspended there, neither moving nor moving.

At this time, Wang Wei was also bitter. She didn't know what to do, but since there was such a powerful energy, he had to absorb it, and he had to ensure sufficient energy. Otherwise, he didn't know what to do. what happened, but at this time

, In his mind, an idea suddenly came to him, that is, if he wants to revive No. [-] or Xiaohui, then he must ensure sufficient energy, so Wang Wei has no choice at this time.

"Low Energy Sufficient"

Wang Wei breathed a long sigh of relief at this time, and finally replenished his energy again. Just when Wang Wei was about to turn back, it was in his mind that the system's message came. sound.

"Alert Alert"

In Wang Wei's mind, the voice of the system came again. After Wang Wei heard this voice, it was also direct, and he was a little crazy. sank into his dantian, and his dantian formed

The funnel that had become a thing was once again dimmed. At this time, Wang Wei was also bitter for a while, and he began to devour this planet once again.

At this moment, Wang Wei's feet directly threw out a path. This path was suspended in mid-air, and when it was sold, the notice displayed was so eye-catching.

Wang Wei didn't do much at this time, he just used his devouring function again. Of course, what it devoured was naturally the debris caused by the collision of the stars.

At this moment, a dazzling light shot towards Wang Wei quickly. The speed and energy were absolutely fast. At this time, Wang Wei saw the planet rushing towards him, and immediately Eyes widened, his mind was at this time

Hou is also a burst of sweat.

The speed of that thing is really bad, it is nearly ten times faster than the speed of magnetic levitation, that bright thing is still burning at this time, and Wang Wei is also bitter at this time. , she didn't know what to do, only

It can continuously and madly drive the rotating funnel in the body.

That thing quickly rushed towards Wang Wei, and at this moment, Wang Wei's whole body was completely covered by those black and white holes, and at this moment, that thing was fast. Towards Wang Wei's side, flying constantly, being hacked by Wang Wei's

The white hole was swallowed directly, and when he entered, the next moment, Wang Wei couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"This is……"

At this time, Wang Wei couldn't help but be shocked for a while, because the thing that passed through the black and white movement was still basically the same as the original thing, which made Wang Wei a little strange. The other things he devoured before After it's all devoured,

When it is released, it will not be the same as it was before, and it will even become more speechless, and even some things can directly become the power of the source.


Wang Wei walked over, directly picked up the stone on the ground, put it in his pocket, and then Wang Wei continued to devour his black and white at this place.

Chapter [-]: Energy consumption is too fast

He didn't understand what happened between the main system and the system in his body, how could it consume energy like this?

The energy consumption in the body is also increasing rapidly and continuously at this time. At the beginning, it was about a minute. Slowly, the energy in his body is also getting faster and faster at this time. , faster and faster, now almost Wang Weitun

The power of the bite has completely failed to keep up with the energy consumed by this system.

"If this matter can't be solved, then it will be really troublesome. If you can't keep up with the consumption of the system at all, then you are likely to be scrapped in this outer space."

At this time, Wang Wei also said such a sentence to himself, and he didn't know what to do.

If it continues according to the progress of this kind of thing, its absorption has completely failed to keep up with the consumption of the system. If it continues like this, then there is nothing he can do.

"Di, the main system is starting up..."

Wang Wei was stunned at this time, but he heard it in his mind, the system said such a sentence, he did not understand what was going on?But why does it take so much power to start the main system?

"The system self-test will start in five minutes"

At this time, Wang Wei was also clenching his teeth. At this time, he had completely pushed the funnel inside it to the extreme. He thought that these things should be able to replenish energy and maintain the system startup.

"Low System Self-Test Boot"

"Insufficient low energy, system self-check startup failed"

Wang Wei was about to collapse at this time. At this time, he was already running the energy in his body with all his strength, and at this time, these energies had been completely and completely operated to the extreme. However, the operation of such extreme energy was not still not able to maintain the system

The start of , this time makes Wang Wei a little speechless.

But now there is nothing he can do. He can only keep starting, and Wang Wei, who is frantically sending energy into his body, does feel the consumption of positive energy at this time, and it increases again. Ray's back had a deep swell on his back at the moment.

Deep blood sweat.

If it continues like this, then he really has to explain it here, but he has no choice but to clench his teeth tightly and quietly endure that painful power like this.

The surrounding road was saved by Wang Lei more and more at this time, and the roads paved under his feet were basically stars one by one, and these new cities were constantly changing at this time. Fusion combination.

All things are born and all things are born, and the five elements and five elements are mutually reinforcing and restrained, and once again, all things are born.

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