Xiaokui said such a sentence playfully at this time, and Wang Wei was indeed a little stunned at this time. He really didn't know what to do at this time, but Xiaokui said something very right. , that is, if you do not rely on your own strength

If so, then it will be difficult to grow up. It seems that this time Xiaokui deliberately wants to exercise himself.

Chapter [-]: Strange Signal

Ah, you have already reached the middle stage of Emperor Wu when I was away. It seems that I was stronger when I was there. Otherwise, I will be fine...

Hey, don't worry, Wang Wei became slightly nervous after hearing what Xiao Kui said. This little girl, Xiao Kui, can really say what she can do.

Wang Wei didn't want to eat instant noodles when he didn't have this Xiaokui, or if he couldn't, he would go to Anran's house for a meal. If this guy Xiaokui didn't appear, he would I really don't know what it will be like.

Haha, master, you are still afraid

The two were joking for a while, but Wang Wei said to Xiaokui with a serious face at this time:

Where have you been during this time?I looked everywhere and couldn't find you

Hey, how's it going?Haven't missed me for a while now

Well, I really wonder what happened that day, now you can tell me

After hearing Wang Wei's words, Xiaokui raised his mouth unnaturally. After a long time, he said directly:

No, I have been thinking about a problem during this time. I received a signal on the earth that day. I have been deciphering this signal and want to know what is in this signal.

Oh, what exactly is that signal? After Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's words, he hurriedly asked. She also wanted to know what the signal Xiaokui received at this time.He knows that Xiaokui is a supercomputer, and even he can't break it

To understand the signal above the earth, it means that the sender of this signal is definitely a powerful person, and may even have surpassed his current technological level, and even surpassed the level of the signal that Xiaokui can understand. , even a small loss can't be cracked, this is really true

A big question.

Haha, it's nothing, it's just a signal, but his new account is encrypted. I have passed many methods, but I can't decipher that signal. The encryption method they use is no longer in your current society. the one used above

Ordinary encryption method, but an encryption method that surpasses modernization, his encryption method is already the most powerful method in the entire world at present.

To put it simply, the encrypted person is very strong, but there is such a powerful guy on your earth.

After Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's words, he frowned tightly. After a long time, he asked Xiaokui:

Was it sent by the guy above Xia Dongguo Ya Mountain? ok composition website www.okzuowen.com

At this time, Xiaokui showed a very surprised appearance in front of Wang Wei, and when Wang Wei saw Xiaokui's surprised appearance, he was also slightly taken aback, seeing Xiaokui so surprised, Could it be that the guy above Yashan is very powerful?if

If that guy is really strong, then why did Xia Dongguo send so many people to guard that place?Could it be that…

At this time, Wang Wei didn't dare to imagine it. He was afraid that his imagination would one day become real. If he wanted to fight against such a powerful guy, he really had no confidence. It was a little hesitant at this time.

Hehe, you also know the guy above Naya Mountain, but that guy is not something you can reach at your current level. The energy of that guy is definitely not something you can reach now, you are only the strength of the middle stage of Emperor Wu , even if your strength is very

Strong, but you are not that guy's opponent, and if that guy wants to make a move, he is not something you can resist at all, he can crush you to death casually.

Who is that guy? Wang Wei's curiosity is completely hooked at this time. He really wants to know who that guy is?Why did Xiaokui say that guy can crush himself to death casually?Is that guy really strong?

He, he is the master of this world. Of course, it can also be said that he is just a part of the world's hub. He can be said to be the world, the earth, or the core of the earth.

After Wang Wei heard this guy's words, his frown deepened. What is the master of the world?Could it be that he rules the whole world?But he is a circle of the earth and the core of the earth. What is going on?Wang Wei at this time

, that is also starting to cloudy.

Seeing Wang Wei's foggy appearance, Xiaokui laughed and said:

Haha, you really don’t have to mind that thing, master, he is really not human, and he has no danger or harm to human beings. It can even be said that it is the center of the earth. Let me tell you this, you should know the globe Right, right in the middle of the globe

There is an axis, and there is also an axis in the middle of the earth, but it can pass through the north and south poles, and the center of the earth is equivalent to the human heart. If it is removed, the earth will collapse in an instant.

If we compare the north and south poles to human arms and legs, then Yashan is the human heart

Xiaokui's words made Wang Wei unnaturally shocked at this time. He didn't expect that Yashan would be the center of the earth, not other prices on this planet. out of a real planet.

At this time, Wang Wei's heart started to yy, but then he thought of a question and said again:

Oh, by the way, Xiaokui, then, the space elevator I studied before, um, that door appeared, and the other end is within my body, if it is my body as a medium, then This space elevator is too useless

Wang Wei asked such a question at this time, but at this time Xiaokui looked at Wang Wei in front of him in a way of looking at an idiot. After Wang Wei saw Xiaokui's appearance, he was also for a while. Shame, he really didn't know what to say.

Chapter [-]: Experimental Construction of Black and White Holes

Hehe, master, you are so stupid, the space elevator is just an object that you constructed by using the elements used on some planets in space, and on top of this object, it is similar to a portal, and The other end of the space elevator is still

It was not built, but you hit the light on the earth. Now there are many people on the earth who can see the door you used, but if you really want to build a space elevator, then it should be reached by the light. where you are setting up a new

the door, then you can

Xiaokui's words made Wang Wei's heart really relax at this time. Wang Wei was also a little stunned at this time. He didn't expect it to be so simple. , and in that place as long as the

Come to a door similar to this door, then you can really build a space elevator.

At this time, Wang Wei was also terrifying for a while, pulling and building a space elevator outside of space consumes a huge amount of energy. At this time, Wang Wei used the transformation of the black and white holes in his body, and in this place That's why such a big portal was built.

And if you want to build such a gate on the earth, then the energy required is also great.

With so much energy, if a gate is built on the earth, then it is very likely that all the energy above the earth will be emptied. If all the energy above the earth is evacuated, Wang Wei can't imagine that it is. What kind of scene is it estimated that the whole

The earth is about to end.

"Hehe, you can transfer all the energy of this place to the earth, of course, but if you want to transfer this energy, then you must devour these meteorites wildly in this outer space, and put these meteorites After swallowing, go through the white hole row

The energy blocks that you have come out, transport all those energy blocks to the earth, and then convert them into the method you use in this place through your black and white movement, but the point you use, then you have to find this on earth

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