The position where the beams are cast, if you can't find the position where the beams are cast, then even if you build a door on the earth, it will not be the same as the door in this outer space. connect"

After hearing Xiaokui's words, Wang Wei couldn't help but feel a little melancholy. If he wanted to find such a beam of light on the earth, how difficult is it to project the place where it was projected? Before, I only cared about this place. Building a space elevator, but forgot too much

The entrance and exit of the elevator were empty, and this moment really made Wang Wei feel a little terrified.

And on the spaceship that Wang Wei was on not far away, all the people were dumbfounded at this time. They didn't know what to do at this time. They just kept quiet Looking at Wang Wei, he constructed this space in this outer space.

kind of a portal.E-book house

"Wang Weiwei, what is this building? How could such a portal be constructed in this outer space? Does Wang Weiwei have any new discoveries?"

A woman on the spaceship said such a sentence at this time, and when the other people on the spaceship heard this, they all had serious expressions on their faces. They didn't know how to explain it. Of course, what this woman said was not without reason.

It makes sense, but they don't understand, what exactly is Wang Wei doing?He built such a portal in this outer space.

What is his purpose?

At this time, all the people are confused, but Wang Wei is amusing himself at this time. Although he said that such a huge portal has been built in this outer space, such a portal is a There is only a shape with an empty diagram, the earth's

There is still a need to build a new portal similar to this portal, but if you want to build a portal on the earth, you will need more materials, and Wang Wei is also melancholy at this time. fill in the vacancies, constantly absorbing these external

The energy of the Ministry, and the energy converted from these energies is quicker, and piles up behind him to form a planet, but this planet is formed spontaneously, which makes him also helpless for a while.

"Is there still room for the Xiaokui battleship? Can you bring objects like that planet to Earth?"

"Hehe, Wang Wei, you are really whimsical, the spaceship can only hold food, and the reason why you built a planet in this outer space before is because some of the energy blocks you created are various properties, and these properties are reached in the air

After a certain level, it can no longer be used by you, and these energy blocks of various attributes are gathered together at this time, and the magnetic fields they have between each other generate suction at this time. Because of this kind of suction, those prices are here

At this time, the outline of a new body is completely formed

This is like a newborn baby, and the outline of this star is now in a vacuum state. If there is no new energy to supplement, then this week will be formed naturally, only this big, maybe hundreds of millions billions of years later

, The energy around it begins to recover, and there is energy toward this week. If it is inflated, it may be able to continue to grow, but we don't know what kind of body this planet knocked out.

After all, if you really want to form a planet, it will take time and space, and there is still no space in this area where you have made a vacuum space, so the planet you are on can only be a dead one. star

After there is space, there must be energy that can be continuously replenished, and the price of this energy that can continuously transmit energy is something like Yashan, which is like the heart of a planet. If it can reach these levels, perhaps you still need this

Earn two points on the planet, so that he can sail around a certain trajectory at this time, and can't derail

Chapter 1: Space Tunnel [-]

Only in this way can you create a new kind of planet, which can be regarded as a truly complete planet, and the planet you have built now is just a dead star.

If you can make him continuously devour enough energy blocks, if you can comprehend space and time, after these two laws reach the realm of Wushen or Wuzun, maybe at that time, you can be completely in this outer space Among them, build a soul with you

Even the planet, of course, how does this planet need to be constructed?If you need to see how this planet changes, then you need to look at the component patterns in your thinking at that time.

If you can construct the patterns in the stars, then you may be able to obtain a star that lasts hundreds of millions of years or even billions of years on this world. Of course, you also need your vitality. can reach more than 10 billion years, otherwise, you

Even if you die, you will not be able to see such a dead heart turning into a big planet.”

Xiaokui said this at this time, after Wang Wei heard Xiaofei's words, his whole person was indeed a little decadent. The realm in the middle stage of Emperor Wu, dealing with a Duke, now

In terms of speaking, he can only be tied with him, or he can use some modern technology to use Xiaokui to create something more awesome for himself.

If you can exchange something in the system, then you can dominate this star field at this time, or you can really build a planet with life at that time.

When Wang Wei acted at this time, he hesitated for a while. It seems that he still has a lot of ways to go. If he doesn't insist at this time, then he will most likely be direct. If you can't make a single star, it hangs.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, in this world, each level of your cultivation will increase, and your life span ranges from ten to one hundred years old, and even the higher your level, the higher your level of cultivation. The increased lifespan will also be higher. For example, you were in the realm of King Wu before.

, your lifespan is about a hundred years old, and now that you have broken through to the realm of Emperor Wu, you are now at most a thousand years old at most."

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time, and then he carefully looked at Wang Wei's body, and then he frowned:

"No, you haven't reached the realm of the middle stage of Emperor Wu at all, and even your current realm does not belong to the realm of Emperor Wu at all, because you realized it when you were in the realm of my king, those black holes and white holes, and you are using The real body has passed through black holes and white holes, that is to say

In a sense, you are no longer a human being"

"What?" After Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's words, he couldn't help but think for a while, ah, although there was a little bit of it before, but No. [-] couldn't explain it at that time, but now Wang Wei heard Xiaohui said such a sentence, and suddenly it was a little bit

Surprised, I am not human anymore. If I am not human, what should I be?

"Hey, I said, you have nothing to do, why did you run to the black hole and cross to the white hole? You know that the time between the black hole and the white hole is 10 billion years, and you have already delayed 10 billion years, You have lived so long, do you think you can still be considered human?” Guangxi Biquge

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time, and Wang Wei was speechless for a while after hearing Xiao Pei's words at this time. He really didn't know what happened to the wormhole between the black hole and the white hole. Traveling through, it will actually reach so much time.

10 billion years, it seems that he has passed so many years, and he really can't be regarded as a human being.

"Hehe, between a black hole and a white hole is originally a crossing, and the bridge built between a black hole and a white hole is a wormhole. The time in the wormhole is different from the time in the outside world, and the time in the impulse accelerates. The rule is that it is faster than the outside, I don't know how many times, even

It is possible that you traveled from a black hole to a white hole in the blink of an eye, but the time you spent in it should have been more than 10 billion years.

Black and white movement, in fact, for such a simple thing, the reason why a black hole can swallow things is because of the characteristics of the black hole. The smaller the black hole, the greater the swallowing ability. What a black hole can swallow is equivalent to an external object. Dozens of times or even tens of thousands of times more black holes

, after swallowing the things, after the interference and decomposition of the wormhole, and then spit out from the white hole, ah, the things spit out from the white hole have returned to the original, so that is to say, from the white hole What comes out is no longer an object, but the object itself.

Just like what you've used before, you swallow the fragments of these planets into your black hole, and then spit out of the black hole, and the fastest planets you see are already finished. Completely turned into some energy blocks that you can use,

And this energy block is the origin of these planets, and even the origin of these planets is even stronger.

Of course, you can put these energy blocks into your black and white holes, decompose it again, decompose it into air, and then decompose it again from air and hydrogen, and then it will turn into nothingness, anything all from nothingness

It is because of this that every time you decompose, you only absorb some useful gas from those objects, and after the movement of your dantian, those gas can be transferred to your body. on, it is precisely because those gases are in your

You can take in some energy, and the real energy has been completely discharged by your white hole. You said that the energy of Xie Ju is basically one ten thousandth of all energy, even One in a billion, how much energy do you think is bliss?

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