At this moment, An Ran's pretty face became more and more solemn. Of course, if Wang Wei saw An Ran's haggard appearance here, he would definitely feel distressed.

"Stop, who are you"

At this time, two guards guarding, at this time, said to a person with a skateboard at the door, but the person with a skateboard at the door smiled coldly, and then he opened the mouth behind him. :

"Xiao Kui made them dizzy."

That's right, these two people are Wang Wei and Xiaokui, but Xiaokui smiled slightly at this time:

"So tired"

I didn't see how Xiaokui did it, and then those few people fell directly to the ground.

The corner of Wang Wei's mouth was slightly confused. He looked up and looked around, and then he asked Xiaokui in his mind:

"Xiao Pei, you have to deal with all the monitoring here."

After hearing Wang Wei's words, Xiaokui smiled sinisterly, and then he said to Wang Wei:

"Hey, of course, hey, by the way, do you want to play tricks on them?"

"You can figure it out." After Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's words, the corners of his mouth also twitched slightly. Although Xiaokui is said to be a computer synthesis system, this girl is weird, and if this girl is If it's a whole person, it will definitely be someone's nightmare.

"Hey alright"

Xiaokui smiled sinisterly at this time, and when Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's sinister smile, he knew that Xiaokui was definitely playing tricks on these guys, and he also knew that these guys would definitely be uncomfortable.

Of course, he didn't say anything more, just quickly brought Xiaokui inside.

In all the monitoring halls in Fokker's team, those blockbusters are being played.

The same picture was playing on every screen, which made all the people in these monitoring rooms dumbfounded. At this time, they quickly reported the past to the top, and then a technician came. here.

"what happened?"

In the security monitoring room, a guy opened his mouth and asked such a sentence at this time, and when everyone heard this, they were all slightly stunned, and they didn't even think about what happened. One thing, of course, the few people watching the surveillance, in this office, all lowered their heads one by one.

Xiaokui, let me find out where An Ran is. Is his current place safe or not?

At this time, Wang Wei was also a little anxious. He was thinking about An Ran's comfort now. Chax was really worried about An Ran. Although An Ran was arrested, I don't know how long it has been, and I don't know how An Ran is now. , but if An Ran is slightly damaged, Wang Wei will definitely overturn the security for him.

At this moment, he was also anxious for a while, but Xiaokui quickly replied in his mind at this time:

Hey Wang Wei, this time you have to thank me, oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, at this time, An Ran is very safe in this place, he is in the isolation room, I don't know what these guys want what?

Okay, let's go to the isolation room, send me the location of the isolation room...

Anti-counterfeiting said this at this time, and then he began to look around, and Xiaokui was in Wang Wei's mind, but he was pointing the way to Wang Wei. Of course, Wang Wei was not worried about An Ran at this time. However, he knew that such a thing would never be so simple. If he didn't act quickly, then An Ran's whole person would probably fall into a predicament.

Look at Enron's location.

The next moment, Wang Wei didn't care about anything anymore. As soon as his whole body was unfolded, he quickly dodged. At this time, he could only flash to the left and right very quickly, and then Wang Wei pushed the door at the fastest speed. Pushed away.

An Ran, don't be afraid, I'm here

Chapter [-]: Don't be afraid, I'm here

Wang Wei shouted such a sentence at this time, and An Ran was in despair at the moment, when he suddenly heard Wang Wei's voice, he stood up, and he quickly rushed towards Wang Wei, directly pounced on In Wang Wei's arms, he burst into tears. At this time, Wang Wei gently hugged An Ran in his arms, reaching out and gently stroking her hair.

Don't be afraid, really, don't be afraid, I'm here

At this time, An Ran was crying in Wang Wei's arms for a while, and then she opened the mouth and said:

Wang Wei, hurry up, hurry up, leave this place, don't stay here, if you are here, they will attack you, they say this game is for you to come here, if you come here If you do, then you're going to be in big trouble.

An Ran's face with rainy pear flowers was full of anxiety. He quickly pushed Wang Wei out of the door while shouting at Wang Wei anxiously, but Wang Wei was indifferent at this time. With a smile, he said:

It's okay, An Ran, don't worry about me, it's alright.

Is it really okay? An Ran still looked at Wang Wei in front of him with some worry at this time, but Wang Wei could only nod his head heavily at this time. .

Wang Wei, hurry up and leave. This place is not suitable for the two of you to show your love. Many people are coming here.

Xiaokui's voice came from his mind. At this moment, Wang Wei clenched his fists fiercely. He gently placed An Ran in the room, but An An himself gave her a calm look. Then it rushed forward quickly.

Damn, these guys came at just the right time, and I was worried that I had nowhere to find these guys. I didn't expect someone to send pillows when I was drowsy. What's going on?

Wang Wei asked such a sentence at this time, and Xiaokui in his mind really smiled:

Oops, that's it, people found out when you came in just now

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time, and at this time, Wang Wei's mouth really showed a strange arc.

We're going to meet these guys and give them something to remember

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, he rushed forward quickly, and those people quickly surrounded him at this time, but at this time Wang Wei, the corner of his mouth was hanging. There was a slight arc.

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time. The next moment, he clenched his fist fiercely and rushed forward directly. Those who rushed in front were stunned at this moment. , Before he could react, he was directly blasted out by Wang Wei's iron fist.


A guy said such a sentence at this time, but before he finished speaking, he heard two bangs, followed by one after another, and they flew out directly.

Catch him, can't let this kid run away

A voice was spoken at this time, it came out, and the next moment, many people rushed towards this place in different directions, and at this moment, Wang Wei's mouth was showing With a faint smile, his physical body needs to be trained, so let's start practicing with these people.

Pengpeng and Wang Wei kept swinging their iron fists one after another. Of course, he was not idle at this time. His feet were also moving fast at this time. He was constantly changing his position, and those who rushed up One by one, she was directly knocked to the ground.

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