Many people haven't reacted yet, the direct feeling of the TV, and immediately fell to the ground in the dark, and suddenly in the aisle of the security, there was the sound of the police officers' wails.

Boy, you are quite capable.

At this moment, a voice came out, and when Wang Wei heard the voice, he really sneered, and the next moment, his figure flashed, and he quickly moved towards the place where the voice came from. jumped over.

At this time, Wang Wei's mouth curled up indifferently, and she said to these people:

Hehe, raise the gun, do you think I'm afraid?

Chapter [-]: What do you want to do

At this time, Wang Wei smiled indifferently, while quickly and continuously waving his fists and raising his feet, he rushed towards the big belly guy. At this time, the guns of those policemen were also there. At this time, he was constantly shooting in his direction, and countless bullets hit the opposite wall at this time, nailed to the wall, and there were even streaks of light.

And Wang Weijie just smiled indifferently, and rushed towards these guys all the way quickly, the guns in their hands really didn't know what to do at this time.

At this time, Wang Wei walked up to Fatty with a sneer, and quickly lifted Fatty from the ground.

What do you want to do?

What are you doing, what I don't want to do, don't you have a good relationship with Blue Sky?Since you can have a good relationship with Lantian, it is against me, you smashed my home, and you still dream of what I do

When Wang Wei was here, there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, but at this time, the fat man who surrounded Wang Wei in his hands by those superintendents was stunned for a moment, and then he was. Who is the person in front of you?With a direct trembling, he said:

Wang Wei, what are you doing?Do you know what you are doing?You dare to touch my words..

After Wang Wei really heard his words at this time, he didn't say much. He raised his fist directly, which was a savage punch, and directly hit the guy's chest. That guy was in this place. When the time came, a mouthful of blood was sprayed out, Wang Wei staggered, and then the blood was directly sprayed on the face of a person behind him.

Haha, I moved you, so what?

You... That guy's eyes showed a look of fear, but Wang Wei smiled indifferently at this moment, and the next moment, he kicked that guy directly into the air with a ruthless kick.

How am I?

The guy was a little scared at this time, and his whole body was shaking constantly at this time.

Wow, I was wrong.

You were wrong, you now know it was wrong, didn't you say that I, Wang Wei, was a sinner?

Wang Wei said something like this at this time. After hearing Wang Wei's words, the fat man trembled all over his body. He kept begging for mercy:

Wang Weiren, I was wrong, I was really wrong.

At this time, that guy trembled and said such a sentence, but a cold sneer appeared from the corner of Wang Wei's mouth, and then he said:

Hehe, since you know it's wrong, then I'll give you a chance to let them all leave.

Well, take good care of the trembling voice of the security seat at this time and said such a sentence, and the next moment, he turned into a fierce look at the people around him, and then opened his mouth to drink:

What are you all doing standing in this place?Don't hurry to make way for Wang Weiren, or let go of Wang Weiwei's girlfriend.

Is this how you treat guests?I asked you to invite my girlfriend out. Did you not hear what I said?

Wang Wei shouted like this at this time, of course, he was also angry at this time, it was impossible, of course, Wang Wei was not only angry, the huge murderous aura also emerged from Wang Wei's body at this time. It was like a substantive murderous aura, which made everyone tremble for a while at this time. They didn't expect this person in front of them to be so terrifying, and they didn't expect Wang Wei to be so terrifying. Strength, just killing intent, made all of them breathless at this time.


The guy with the big belly also lowered his head at this time, a little helpless, and then he shouted angrily at the people around him. :

Can't you invite other girls out well?What is your attitude?Just let the girl go

At this time, he said such a sentence in such a trembling shock.

Hey, that's right, but it's not over yet, you have to send us out of the police safely

At this time, Wang Wei said such a sentence, and the big belly guy shouted with blood on his face at this time:

What are you still doing?Didn't you hear what Mr. Wang Wei said?

At this moment, Wang Wei's mouth was slightly raised, and the next moment he quickly took the big belly guy and walked out of the security in such a swagger, and everyone watched Wang Wei leave at this time. A person speaks out.

At this time, Xiaokui, who was instructed by Wang Wei, asked Xiaokui to drive a skateboard to pick up Anran so that Anran could leave safely. After receiving Wang Wei's order, Xiaokui didn't say much about the direct fake skateboard. Came to the gate of this security.

Wang Wei.

An Ran shouted such a sentence at this time, but Wang Wei showed a reassuring expression towards An Ran at this time. Of course, he smiled at An Ran and said:

Hehe, don't worry, it's alright, you and Xiaokui go back

Xiaokui? An Ran was stunned for a moment, and then he saw the little girl on the skateboard smiling at him:

Chapter [-]: Heaven and Earth

Hey, Sister An Ran, we haven't seen you for a long time.

At this time, Xiaokui beckoned to An Ran playfully. An Ran was also a little overwhelmed at this time, but at this time, seeing Xiaokui's appearance also made him a little happy.

Well, then Wang Wei, be careful

At this time, Wang Wei gave An Ran and the others a reassuring look, and then he said to the fat man in his hand:

I said, you won't embarrass me, will you?

Well, how dare you say no to that fat man who is scared at this time. He can only say about anti-counterfeiting again and again. At this time, there is a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Are you alright? In Wang Wei's villa, Wang Wei looked at An Ran in front of him with great concern and said such a sentence, but An Ran threw himself tightly into Wang Wei's arms at this time. In Wang Wei's arms, quietly enjoying that share of tranquility.

I, I'm alright, um, remember that you'll have nothing to do over there today

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