Just after he finished speaking at this time, he raised his fist and slammed the guy's face fiercely, but the guy heard the wind at this time, but he suddenly ducked to the side and directly Dodge Wang Wei's fist.

This is the first time Wang Wei has lost his hand. He had never felt that way when he was fighting with those superintendents before the security. Of course, before the elevator, the bodyguards of Acer did not find any of them. There is such a master, and the guy in front of him is actually a master, which makes Wang Wei a little stunned at this time, but his reaction is not slow, the bodyguard is dodging, after dodging his punch, he It was a quick and direct kick to his crotch.

Chapter [-]: Are you from the ancient martial arts school?

How could Wang Wei let this guy carry it? When his figure flashed a candy at this time, it was direct. The platoon leader grabbed the guy's other place, and that place was there. At this time, it was fast, dodging to the side again, Wang Wei's ruthless punch was direct, and once again hit the big man firmly in the face.

Do you think you can hit me like this?

Wang Wei smiled indifferently, and the next moment, his leg was directly lifted up, and he kicked the guy's stomach fiercely, and the guy really didn't have much resistance at this time. Wang Wei's kick made Wang Wei a little shocked.

After seeing Wang Wei's appearance, Xiaokui began to say in Wang Wei's mind:

Hehe, you have really met an opponent this time. That guy should be a member of the ancient martial arts sect. His boxing skills are absolutely remarkable.

What ancient martial arts sect? Wang Wei was a little stunned at this time. He didn't understand, what kind of trouble, the ancient martial arts sect would have such a strong body, it was because he had neglected others.

Well, in this world, there are many sects and they were all cultivators, but now the energy on the earth is thin, and they have no way to change, they have cultivated their own bodies, so their bodies and boxing techniques They are all quite powerful. These people are the ancient martial arts schools on the earth.

After listening to Xiaokui's words, Wang Wei can be considered to have some understanding of the guys in front of him at this time. It seems that there are still a lot of masters among these guys. It is difficult to get benefits from these guys, so Wang Wei frowned at this time, and then he asked indifferently:

Are you from the ancient martial arts school?

Of course, the guy with the big five and the three rough said such a sentence indifferently at this time, as if he belonged to the ancient martial arts school. This is something to be proud of. Yipaner, after hearing this guy's words, Wang Wei was slightly With a smile, he didn't say anything more, he just raised his fist and attacked the guy again. Of course, this time Wang Wei was not the same as he dealt with the soldiers before. When he waved his fist at this time, it was like a tiger. Of course, the footsteps under his feet were constantly staggered at this time, and the strange pace was accelerated at this time, and he had to move towards the person in front of him. The guy rushed over.

"Oh, since you're an inspirational guy, then I'll play with you."

When Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, he began to keep thinking that the guy in front of him was a first-class old fist.

"Hmph, over-the-top"

That guy said such an arrogant sentence at this time, but at this time Wang Wei raised his fist fiercely and attacked Wang Wei in front of him fiercely.

At this time, Wang Wei also smiled coldly. As an assassin, he really already knew the fighting power of this guy.

The big man took two steps back at this time.

At this time, Wang Wei remained motionless.

"Your strength is very strong." The big man said such a sentence at this time, but at this time Wang Wei directly provided the past to the guy in front of him.

And the old fist hit the guy in the face again, the big man was startled by Wei Wei at this moment, and the next moment he hurriedly waved his fist and received Wang Wei's old fist.

"Good boy, you are not bad." The guy said such a sentence at this time, but Wang Wei smiled slightly at this time, and he didn't say much.

"Hehe, you are really giving your ancient martial arts a face." Wang Wei said this and swept his legs, and attacked the guy in front of him fiercely.

The big man of the ancient martial arts sect was stunned for a moment at this moment, and the next moment he directly waved his fist once and ruthlessly thought about Wang Wei who was in front of him and offered it.

However, before he ran over, he was swept away by Wang Wei's and his legs, and the body that weighed [-] pounds fell to the ground in various ways.

At this time, the building trembled a little.

"Hmph, you kid, you are so fucking despicable." The guy said such a sentence at this time, and the next moment his big copper bell-like eyes also looked at Wang Wei in front of him resentfully at this time.

"Hehe, despicable? Do you think I'm despicable? Don't you know that it's not despicable for you to treat the Lan family as a dog in this place? Do you know what the Lan family did in this place? You know the Lan family's What did people do? You said that by being in the company of people like them, you are giving your ancient martial arts sect a face?"

That guy originally wanted to fight Wang Wei at this time, and even his eyes showed murderous intent at that moment.

But when he heard Wang Wei's words, the big man was a little stunned, but at this time, a voice came out:

"Tekken, you are still talking nonsense with him, kill him!"

After Wang Wei heard the guy's words, he looked at the other person, there was a guy with a pot belly in a suit, which guy was walking towards this place constantly at this time, his face was also covered in this time. ferocious.

At this time, Wang Wei showed a sneer on his face, and said to the big man in front of him:

"Are you really going to kill me?"

The big man in front of him smiled slightly at this time, and the next moment he quickly thought about Wang Wei and rushed over.

Wang Wei was also slightly taken aback at this time, but he still felt that powerful killing intent. At this time, the corner of his mouth also showed a faint smile, and his heart was also a little curious at this time. It was the first time he met these ancient martial arts people on the earth, and this guy's combat power is absolutely powerful. Since this guy has such a strong combat power, it is just right for him to practice his skills.

That guy's whole body burst out with that kind of powerful energy. After Wang Wei felt this guy's energy at this time, he couldn't help thinking of rushing forward, because he felt that he understood that this guy's fighting strength was also too strong. It is the appearance of the middle period of King Wu.

Chapter [-]: You are not my opponent

If he had used his own strength, then he would definitely be able to defeat the big man in front of him in the shortest possible time, but he did not do that.

The guy saw Wang Wei's fist and thought that his Hongji was coming over, and he didn't say anything at the moment. The energy of the whole body was activated. At this time, he quickly thought about Wang Wei's direction and rushed over.

At this moment, the corners of Wang Wei's mouth showed a faint smile. The two herringbone characters ah fought to the end, and the big man was beaten by Wang Wei again and again.

That guy didn't seem to be afraid of him, and he took up and charged at Wang Wei again and again.

"I said you are not my opponent"

At this time, Wang Wei is also fighting fiercely. Of course, he will never give up this opportunity at this time. He hit the past once.

The two were also constantly fighting at this time. When the guy was kicked out by Wang Weihongji at this time, the potbellied guy continued to say:

"Waste, you can't even defeat a guy who is here to make trouble. Why do you say you are from the ancient martial arts world? Continue to kill him during the exhibition period."

The potbellied guy said something like gram at this time.

But the guy stood up again after hearing the words of the pot-bellied guy, and waved his fists again, thinking that Wang Wei was here and Hongji was coming.

"Do you just listen to what he says?"

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