When Wang Wei felt that guy's fighting strength, the corners of his mouth also showed a faint smile. The next moment, Wang Wei directly lifted his leg and kicked hard thinking about that guy. The big man kicked over, but the big man still ignored Wang Wei at this time. With a sound from Peng, the big man once again robbers out, and then once loaded the wall, protruding a mouthful of blood.

"My Cao, you are a fucking waste, stand up for Lao Tzu and kill him with your unique skills." The potbellied guy said such a sentence at this time.

Wang Wei is also a little angry at this time. He really doesn't understand that this guy is not his opponent at all, but he seems to be Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. He shouted again and again, and even used various methods to continuously stimulate the big man, and the big man seemed to listen to his words and rushed towards Wang Wei again and again, like a man who was not afraid of death. guy.

"Who are you? Do you want him to kill me? Don't you see that he is not my opponent at all?" Just when the guy wanted to shout at the big man again at this time, Wang Wei's The voice came out very cold at this time, and the big man also frowned tightly at this time:

"Do you think you can beat him? Iron fist, what are you doing there in the cold? Why don't you kill him quickly?"

The guy with the pot belly said such a sentence at this time, the next moment the big man was thinking about Wang Wei's coming here again, but this time the big man looked at Wang Wei with his eyes imprinted. He didn't know when an extra dagger appeared in his hand, thinking about Wang Wei and rushing over.

At this time, Wang Wei saw that Ye didn't look in that direction, but still looked coldly at the pot-bellied guy, and the pot-bellied guy showed a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes at this time. look.

At this time, Wang Wei was still throwing punches thinking that the big man provided the past, and at this time, Xiaokui's voice came from Wang Wei's mind:

"Wang Wei, you can't beat this guy to death"

Wang Wei frowned slightly after hearing Xiaokui's voice:

"Can't be beaten to death? What is the origin of this guy?"

"He doesn't come from anything, but he is a real person in the ancient martial arts world." Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time, but Wang Wei was a little speechless after hearing Xiaokui's words:

"Could it be that people from the ancient martial arts world can't be beaten to death?" Wang Wei was also puzzled at this time. This guy is from the ancient martial arts world, but if everyone from the ancient martial arts world is like these guys in front of him. If they can't be beaten to death, then people will not have to break their heads and want to join the sect of encouragement. If this is the case, wouldn't the ancient martial arts sect be the door to the market?

If the guys in the ancient martial arts world can be so strong, then there will be no modern equipment in this world to destroy the illusion.

If there is such a powerful person from the ancient martial arts world, then the ten of the starting town will be immortal?

"That's not the case. People in the ancient martial arts world are also human. How could they not be killed? It's just that the guy in front of him is a little special."

At this time, Xiaokui said such a sentence in Wang Wei's mind. After Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's words, the whole person was also slightly taken aback:

"This guy is a little special?" Wang Wei was very careful at this time, but the big guy in front of him didn't feel anything special about him.

"Hehe, you're really stupid, just you, Ya Ang, really don't know how you live the title of the pinnacle honor in this world, I really don't know how someone like you can become a mad scientist in this world? "Wang Wei was a little stunned after hearing Xiao Kui's words in his mind.

"You mean he is a product of science?" Wang Wei frowned as he looked at the big Han assassin who was knocked away by himself again. The dagger in the hand of the big man fell to the ground, and the whole person was once again beaten by the king. Wei gave bombardment to the previous position.

At this moment, the air was full of blood, and the big man's arm was also broken by Wang Wei at this time, and half of the bones were drawn directly from the guy's arm. .

At this time, when Wang Wei saw the big man's appearance, he also spoke helplessly, and asked Xiaokui in his mind again at random.

"But I really feel that he is a person."

"Oh, I'm speechless, Wang Wei, why are you so stupid?" Xiaokui teased this at this time, and Wang Wei's appetite was lost by Xiaokui:

Chapter [-]: The Manipulated Man

"What the hell is going on? Xiaokui, don't make me mad anymore and tell me what it is."

At this time, Wang Wei said such a sentence without curiosity. Xiaokui was also a little helpless at this time. He pointed at the fat man, and at random he said to Wang Wei:

"Did you see the remote in that guy's hand?"

At this time, Wang Wei was thinking about the potbellied guy, but he still didn't find anything wrong, but Xiaokui continued to speak at this time:

"This guy has a remote control in his hand, although he said that he would let this person kill you, but it just numbs you and all the people around you, and there is still a chip in the big man's mind, in fact, he It's when the manipulator's remote controls the chip in that guy's mind. If his remote control really interferes with the chip in that guy's mind, the guy will kill you with money, of course. You need signal transmission, so that guy constantly stimulates you at this time, making your square inch in chaos, but this guy is still the guy who went down."

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time, and Wang Wei also frowned slightly at this time. These guys are really some lunatics. They use people to do this kind of experiment, it is simply unreasonable .

"Despicable" Wang Wei said such a sentence angrily at this time, but the guy sneered at Wang Wei at this time.

The next moment, the big man was thinking about Wang Wei rushing towards him. Although his arm was broken, the guy used his mouth to bite Wang Wei's shoulder fiercely. At this time, Wei thought softly and dodged away, but at this time, the big man's head was fiercely moving towards Pule behind him.

Wang Wei paused at this moment. As an assassin, he was furious at the potbellied guy in front of him. He hated these guys. It's time to fight that big guy constantly. If that guy hadn't created such a person in this world, maybe that big guy would be able to live a very happy life.

This Lan family is really shameless enough to actually do this kind of experiment with living people, and they can also teach and extend into the ancient martial arts world, what does this mean?It means that there are other people in the Lan family in the ancient martial arts world, and even they should have inner responders in the ancient martial arts world, and there are powerful people who practice self-cultivation.

Think of that guy killing innocent people in the ancient martial arts world, and he is still cultivating, which consumes the energy of the earth.

The resources on the earth have been deficient to a certain extent. I didn't expect that such a scum would continue to absorb the lack of spiritual energy on the earth, and they actually use people to do such experiments. These guys are really It's cruel enough.

Wang Wei is also a little angry at this time. He will never allow such people to exist in this world, and he will never allow such scum and scum to exist on the earth that he will recreate in the future. At this time, a strong killing intent was revealed. Of course, he said to Xiaokui in his mind at this time:

"Then do you have a way to interfere with that guy's remote control?"

"Of course there is, but I think this person should be the best time for you to practice physical strength."

"It's not like how I'm training my body. I think it's unfair to have them fight me with people controlled by remote-controlled weapons, and I really can't fight against such people. "

Wang Wei was also a little helpless at this time. He said such a sentence at this time, and Xiaokui seemed a little unhappy at this time. He didn't want to give up like this, but he was seeing Wang Wei's appearance. At that time, he didn't say much, and directly interfered with the fluctuation of the signal.

At this time, Wang Wei directly charged towards that place, and the guy was a little angry at this time:

"Tekken, what are you doing there in the cold? Kill him directly"

At this time, Wang Wei looked at him coldly, because at this time he clearly saw the guy holding the remote control in his hand.

"You don't have to control him, you can't control him"

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, and the guy frowned slightly at this time:

"How is that possible? Do you think you can be his opponent?"

"How is it impossible? You guys are so cruel to your compatriots, do you still have any humanity?"

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time. At this time, his eyes also glowed with two red rays of light. At this time, the huge killing intent also began to continuously emerge from his body. The whole body condensed, and the guys around felt a little hesitant after feeling that Wang Wei's body was exuding the killing intent. Many of them were also sweating coldly on their backs at this time.

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