And the guy called Iron Fist was also a little melancholy at this time. His seriousness began to flash with the killing intent of the gun at this time. The huge killing intent emerged again at this time.

That guy was still standing there like that, constantly fighting against the chip in his mind, but at this time Wang Wei looked at the guy behind him, and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

The pot-bellied guy was also slightly stunned at this time. Of course, his body was also shaking for a while at this time, but Wang Wei didn't care about him at this time, and just walked towards the guy in front of him step by step. Going, the next moment his fist was violently Tyler up, and the guy wanted to say something at this time, but he saw his back.

At this moment, his brain took a punch from Wang Wei and his neck was twisted by Ning Cheng at this moment.

After seeing the appearance of the big man at this time, the guys around started to be a little scared one by one.

Shocked, this time is absolutely shocking, these people in the audience gasped at this time.

Chapter [-]: Who are you

Wang Wei also looked at these guys at this time, he smiled indifferently, and continued to walk forward, but the big man in the ancient martial arts world in front of him seemed to have regained his consciousness at this time, and he let out a painful wailing and then directly fell to the ground.

Wang Wei glanced at the big man at this time, and his heart was very uncomfortable at this time. If Xiaokui could discover the conspiracy of the Lan family at the earliest time, then he would not have shot against such a big man. Now, if I wasn't so impulsive to use any kind of powerful force against this guy before, and injured him, I might not be able to defeat this big guy...

At this moment, Wang Wei felt a little remorse in his heart at this time.

"Xiao Kui, hurry up and use energy to heal him."

Wang Wei calmed down and said this to Xiaokui, who didn't say much at this time.

"Start the medical auxiliary function, and start the bio-kelong reduction technology"

The voice of the system came from his mind. Wang Wei didn't care about anything at this time. He pushed his pace and thought about walking inside quickly...

Those Lan family guys didn't dare to approach Wang Wei at this time. He started fighting with that guy before, and they all saw it in their eyes. Although they had guns in their hands, they didn't have them at this time. Shooting at Wang Wei.

Wang Wei just walked past these reports, and those guys didn't embarrass Wang Wei.

When he arrived at the private room that Xiaokui sensed before, the corner of Wang Wei's mouth raised slightly, and the next moment he directly raised his foot and kicked the door ruthlessly.

With a bang, the door was opened, and there were men and women who were competing for the best at the moment. Of course, the microphone was loud, and there were many enchanting women who were constantly twisting their waists...

After Wang Wei's guidance from Xiaokui, he has long known the goal of this time - the blue sky.

Without saying a word, Wang Wei rushed towards the blue sky.

"who are you?"

At this moment, a big man rushed out from nowhere and quickly blocked in front of the man.

It was only at this time that Wang Wei could really see the five big and three rough guy in front of him, and he frowned for a period of time. Who is this guy?How did he get out?

In Wang Wei's heart, the assassin was a little nervous, because the appearance of this big man was too sudden.

"That guy is a guy from the ancient martial arts world. The energy in your body is all blocked at this time, so you don't feel his presence."

At this time, Xiaokui said such a sentence in Wang Wei's mind. Wang Wei was stunned after hearing Xiaokui's words. Wuji was a little angry because he got in the way:

"What? Blocking the energy in my body? Is there something in this place that blocks energy?"

"No, no, it's me who turned off Lee's energy output, so that you can exercise your body," Xiaokui said at this time.

"Damn, who taught you to make your own decisions? Who taught you to block the energy in my body? Exercise your body, you are sick, Xiaokui, I told you that if you make your own decisions, then I will restart the system, or just directly I'll throw you away" Wang Wei was so angry that he said such a sentence at this time, but Xiaokui stuck out his tongue unnaturally at this time, and said a little aggrieved:

"Isn't it good for you? Your body needs exercise..."

Before waiting for what Xiaokui was saying, Wang Wei directly shut down the system in his mind.

Wang Wei was very angry at this time. He didn't expect that Xiaokui would be so impersonal after reawakening, and he didn't even think that Xiaokui would be so presumptuous in his mind and dare to directly control his body. Energy, this time he is really angry, so he is no longer lonely. If Xiaokui continues like this, then Wang Wei doesn't mind shutting down the main system forever.

After the system was completely shut down, the next moment Wang Wei's body showed that kind of powerful power. After experiencing the previous incident, Wang Wei also changed at this time. He felt that he did not He should deal with those cultivators like this. At least in this Lan family, he will never use his body to confront the enemy casually. He directly used his powerful spiritual sense to directly suppress all those two guys. .

The two guys originally wanted to ridicule Wang Wei, but they found the powerful tail teeth exuding from each other's body, which made them both faint.

"who are you?"

When Wang Wei saw this guy's appearance, he said unnaturally:

"Hehe, who am I, you don't need to know, but I know you are Blue Sky"

Seeing Wang Wei's appearance and hearing what Wang Wei said, the guy raised his brows in an unnatural cycle. Although this guy is playful, he is not an idiot. What is his strength in these two personal reports? It was very clear, but the person in front of him easily knocked out his two bodyguards who were protecting him. Such a divine beast would never be comparable to a thumping person.

So at this time, he just held the gun in his hand and looked nervously at Wang Wei in front of him.

"You, don't come here"

At this time, Wang Wei smiled coldly and strode forward, which guy was still a little trembling at this time.

There was a gunshot, and the grab in the guy's hand rang at this time.

I don't know if the guy was nervous, or because he accidentally pulled the trigger, and the bullet was set straight out like that.

At this time, Wang Wei came directly to him in a flash, and grabbed the guy's wrist with a ruthless hand:

Chapter [-]: Please let me go

"I hate people with guns pointed at my head, and I hate people shooting at me."

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, the next moment his injury was that the guy's wrist was directly broken as soon as he exerted force, and the pistol fell to the ground.


The women in the room who were still using their own body by force were also pale at this time, and one by one they began to run frantically towards the outside...

Wang Wei did bring a song at this time. The next moment, he walked in one direction quickly. Of course, he was holding Lantian in his hand at the moment, but he was still so indifferent.

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