Chapter [-]: My name is Wang Wei

And when these guys heard Wang Wei say that their young master was killed by him, all of them suddenly had gold stars on their faces. That version didn't expect Wang Wei in front of him to be so ruthless. They were just I didn't react before, but now it's better, my young master was actually killed by this person in front of him.

They also know the old man's temper, and if the old man above is mad at this time, then none of them can bear it.

"Good boy, you actually killed our young master, then you just wait to die"

A guy was roaring at Wang Wei at this time, but Wang Wei gave the guy a cold look at this time, and really didn't say much, and the next moment, many people quickly turned towards him at this time. Wang Wei rushed over. Of course, they still had this gun in their hands at this time, and the black muzzles of the guns were pointing at Wang Wei like this.

"What's the situation? It means that you want me to die. By the way, I forgot to tell you. As a person, I am most afraid of someone pointing a gun at me. If someone points a gun at me, I will It will make him look good"

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, and the guy who spoke before was also angry at this time. At this time, he shouted at Wang Wei with red eyes:

"you wanna die!"

After he finished shouting this sentence at this time, the gun in his hand slammed, and he fired a shot in the face of Wang Wei, but Wang Wei smiled indifferently at this time. Just standing there quietly, the bullet hit him quickly, and he really didn't move at all at this time, and when it was nearly five centimeters away from him, the bullet could no longer penetrate.

Those guys who were chasing after him, when they saw this scene at this time, all of them were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped. They didn't expect Wang Wei's strength to be so powerful. Those bullets were far from him. There are still five centimeters, and they can't move, and the bullet is floating in the air, and suddenly they are a little scared at this time.

"As I said, I hate people with guns pointed at my head, especially shooting at me with guns."

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, whoever moves for his hand, the bullet is a direct return to the past, and the guy hasn't reacted at this time, he is hit by the bullet. Intermittently, it shot through the head.

At this time, all the guys behind them all looked at Wang Wei in front of him in disbelief, but at this time Wang Wei still looked at them with a calm smile, and these guys really had nothing to do at this time. , they suddenly felt a little normal in their hearts.

"Mom, ghost, run away"

I don't know who shouted such a sentence, and then the group of people started to quickly run towards the outside, and when Wang Wei was here, there was a slight sneer on the corner of his mouth, and the next moment he was a Leaping into this group of people, he threw his fists at these guys.

These guys are ordinary bodyguards, how can they have such skills as Wang Wei?Wang Wei kept running among this group of people, waving his fists constantly, and even kicking out his feet. Every time he punched, a person fell to the ground. There was a guy who flew out in an instant.

All the people felt terrified at this time. They didn't see Wang Wei's speed clearly, but Wang Wei rushed into them directly. Of course, this guy did not kill, but directly Punching and kicking at them is just a normal physical level. Of course, this level is also controlled by Wang Wei, which is within the range that these guys can bear.

Peng Kun and Ye Lianhan's people fell down, but the guys behind them ran away at this time. At this time, they only hated that their parents had two less legs, but how could Wang Wei let them run away?He was chasing them quickly, as long as he saw someone, he directly rushed up at the fastest speed, kicking or punching them hard, and knocking them down directly.

"Yes, sorry, we didn't mean to"

At this time, when a guy with weak legs was here, he knelt down in front of Wang Wei with a plop, and cried and said such words, but Wang Wei glanced at the guy while he was here, but he was indifferent. with a smile:

"Hmph, weren't you arrogant just now? Didn't you like to point guns at my head just now? Don't you want to put me to death? Why are you kneeling and begging for mercy now?"

When Wang Wei was here, he said such a sentence with disdain, and the group of people who chased after him didn't know what to do at this time. They didn't expect Wang Wei to be so strong. He didn't expect Wang Wei to be so powerful in this guy.

Wang Wei raised his foot directly and kicked the guy in front of him with a direct kick. At this time, the others started to panic again.

"I'm fighting with you"

Perhaps it was because the pressure was so great that everyone was a little shocked. At this moment, a big man suddenly shouted such a sentence, and the next moment, the big man quickly turned towards Wang Wei. The side rushed over, but Wang Wei smiled coldly at this time, and the next moment he kicked the big man out with a ruthless kick.

"Tell you, you are not my opponent, lie down on the ground for Lao Tzu, and I will spare your life"

Wang Wei said such a sentence arrogantly at this time, but the big man was full of anger at this time. He struggled to get up and rushed towards Wang Wei again quickly. He came over, and Wang Wei was also a little ashamed at this time. He didn't expect this big man to be so desperate to pounce on him. It seems that this guy is really desperate.

Wang Wei didn't say much at this time, he slashed the guy directly with a knife, and the next moment, he appeared in front of other people, and at this time, Those people didn't know what to do at this time. Many people were like the big guy before, they rushed towards him quickly, and some people even shot at this time. Wang Wei shot

Chapter [-]: Walking in a hail of bullets

Amidst this hail of bullets, Wang Wei seemed to be walking slowly in the back garden of his own home. She showed an indifferent smile. The next moment, all the bullets that shot at her fell to the ground, and Wang Wei didn't say anything more at this time. Her fists and feet were launched at this time. , He didn't use any infuriating energy, nor did he use any power. When he did it, he used the body of an ordinary person, and how could an ordinary person be able to walk among so many gun dealers?Wang Wei did it at this time.

He walked among these people quickly, and every time he took a step, one or two people fell to the ground. These guys didn't see how Wang Wei shot, but they saw their partners At this time, he fell directly to the ground, and all of them suddenly looked at Wang Wei in front of him in shock.

Wang Wei just shuttled back and forth among these people. After all these people were lying on the ground, Wang Wei spoke to these people indifferently:

"Go back and tell your master, and say that I, Wang Wei, are in this place today, just to teach you guys some lessons. If your master is unwilling at this time, you can come to me at any time, Wang Wei will accompany him, if he dares If I touch my family again, or dare to do anything to my family, then I can guarantee that they will die without a burial."

Wang Wei uttered such a sentence fiercely at this time, and the next moment, he turned around and left gracefully.

"What? He's Wang Wei. That waste scientist didn't expect this guy to be so powerful."

After Wang Wei left, someone started talking in a low voice, but at this time, the guy next to him looked around and said to him in a low voice:

"Hurry up and stop saying that. If you want to die at this time, don't pull anyone else."

I won a guy, and said such a sentence at this time, and the next moment, that guy shut up, of course, at this moment, their brothers were lying on the ground, laying and wailing, Of course, those guys with pistols, at this moment their guns have been beaten into parts by Wang Wei, and they are scattered on the ground.

There are not many who can stand up. These people are all bitter at this time. They didn't expect Wang Wei to be so powerful, and they didn't expect Wang Wei to directly run to their place like this. It seems that this matter is not as simple as he said.

Not long after Wang Wei left, he heard the sound of a police car, and at this time there was indeed a majestic atmosphere walking down from behind the police car.


A guy quickly saw the person coming over in front of him, so he quickly stepped forward to salute and said such a sentence. Of course, this guy is also one of the few guys who can stand up. One of them, and the middle-aged man, at this time, glanced at the group of people around him, and then said bitterly:

"What's the matter?"

When his words were asked like this, the other people all lowered their heads at this time. They dared not look at the person in front of them, because they knew the horror of the person in front of them. If it is really irritated, then he will really kill all of them, but at this time, they don't know how to tell the person in front of them, all the people at the moment All bowed their heads at this time.

"Who can tell me what's going on here? Where did Xian'er go that day?"

At this time, this person frowned tightly, and started to ask such a sentence, and then there were some guys behind him, who quickly told him about this matter completely at this time. Tell about it.

"What an arrogant and domineering person, Wang Wei, I want you to die"

At this time, the man said such a sentence angrily. At this time, he did ask the police officers behind him to quickly carry all the people behind him into the police car and take them back.

"Haier? What the hell is going on here?"

At this moment, a rather domineering voice appeared in the sky, and when this voice came, all the people sighed slightly at this time, and the next moment they saw an old man quickly. appeared in front of them.

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