
The guy who appeared first respectfully saluted the old man in front of him at this time, and the old man looked at it at this time, and the man in front of him was a little speechless, and he said with some anger:

"What about Tim?"

The person who appeared before, quickly passed on the things he knew to the old man in front of him, and the old man was really angry at this time:

"Bastard!" Mao Ze said such a sentence angrily at this time, and then he slapped directly on the face of the person who had appeared in front of him before.

The person who appeared first covered his face at this time and looked at the old man in front of him with some grievances, but he didn't know what to say at this time, so he could only stand quietly in this place. , He really knows his father's temper. If he angers his father, then he really doesn't know what to do.

"This is your territory. How did you act as a deputy? Your son was kidnapped like this, and all the bodyguards here were knocked to the ground. You are really good."

After hearing the old man's words, all the people couldn't help but tremble, but the young man who appeared before didn't dare to say anything at this time, and could only stand aside with his face covered.


The old man looked around at this time, and asked such a question, and the guys present who had not been carried away were slightly stunned after hearing this, and then went down. One is to see a guy with a broken wall, and the breath coming from that guy is absolutely chaotic.

Chapter [-]: The old man of the Lan family is furious

When the old man saw the man hurriedly running out of the building at this time, he couldn't help but feel a surge of blood and anger. He was also annoyed when he cursed at this time. I found a seedling at the time, but this guy was unwilling to submit to them and do things for their Lan family, so he implanted a chip in that guy's mind, but he didn't expect this guy to be beaten up now. The injury was like this, and the old guy was even more annoyed at this time. He directly flew in front of the guy, slapped him fiercely, and slapped the guy directly on the head.

Immediately, Hammer's brain burst apart, and an old man with a chip the size of a fingernail revealed in his head, walked over, quickly picked up the chip, and put it into his arms:

"Hmph useless stuff"

The old man did say such a sentence at this time, and then he turned his hands behind his back. Everyone was seeing the old man's vigorous and resolute appearance, and the old man slapped the man into meat sauce with one palm. Skills, all of them present know that this guy is definitely a strong and unremarkable guy, but such a guy was slapped into flesh by the direct slap of the old man in front of him. What a terrifying cultivation base.

Of course, everyone was also a little shocked at this time. When they were shocked, they were also worried about Wang Wei at this time. I really didn't know that such a strong old man could still be able to face Wang Wei when facing Wang Wei. Can't be as arrogant as before.

Of course, there are also many people who are gloating at this time. They really hope that the old man of their family will take action and kill Wang Wei directly.

The old man circled around again at this time, and then he asked again:

"What about the second and third?"

He asked such a sentence, but no one present answered him. All the people at this time look at me, I look at you, and suddenly the old man felt that something was wrong.

The person who appeared first, at this time once again respectfully saluted the old man in front of him, and then began to say something to the old man. After the old man heard this, his brows were tightly wrinkled. up:

"Who the hell did you offend? How come you don't even have the second child and the third child? You even got caught?"

At this time, the old man said such a sentence angrily, but the middle-aged man was talking a lot again at this time. I was listening to the big middle-aged man saying this. After the pile of words, it is even more angry:

"Hmph, do you think I'm an idiot? It's just a little scientist who dares to bully us. Do I know that the strength of the second child and the third child is for nothing? You didn't investigate it before. Knowing people's ability structure, and directing action to others, how good are you?"

The old man said such a sentence angrily, and the next moment, he turned around and left. At this time, other people didn't understand what the old man was going to do?

At this time, Wang Wei smiled indifferently. He was just strolling around in this place, and he didn't pay attention to these guys at all about health care. Before, although he said that it was unpleasant in the world on the day when the blue sky was, he believed that This old guy will definitely come to find his back account later, it is better to wait in this place and directly kill the old man in this place.

Over the years, Wang Wei has been able to get to where he is today, not just because of his strength, but because of his deep belief in a sentence, cutting grass without eradicating the roots, and rebirth in the spring breeze, this old guy dares to let his grandson be so right. If you continue to be arrogant, you can't tolerate these guys. Of course, if these guys provoke you, then they are unlucky.

At this time, Wang Wei also had a plan in mind. If he could lead the old man out this time, or if he could lead Lantian's grandfather to kill him, that would be the best, even if he couldn't take his grandfather out. If he kills it, then he will also use the blue sky to transfer all his family members and his relatives. Even this Taiji sword sect, he will go forward to challenge and destroy the whole Taiji sword, such a vicious person. Man, he will never be allowed to live in this world, and before Lantian came to smash his door so arrogantly, this is completely hitting him in the face, and, in front of so many people, Lantian dares to fight Wang Wei's girlfriend was taken away, which is even more unforgivable, so Wang Wei has no time to care at this time.

Just when Wang Wei was thinking, he suddenly felt some fluctuations in the surrounding air, and Wang Wei suddenly woke up from the shock.

“Good dog out of the way”

Wang Wei said such a sentence coldly at this time, and the next moment, he slammed the vehicle with a ruthless punch, and then there was a wave of fluctuations in that space, and then there was a wave from the space. A person came out of it, and that was an old man.

"Kid's Madness"

The next moment when the old man looked ashen at this moment, he used the strength of his whole body and attacked Wang Wei fiercely, but Wang Wei still did not dodge at this time. Violently, he slammed his fleshy palms directly against the old man.

This bombardment caused Wang Wei to be directly sent dozens of steps away, and then it stopped. A mouthful of blood surged up from his throat. Wang Wei couldn't hold back, and spurted it out.

But the old man had a proud face at this time, his face was full of joy at this time, and even some disdain said to Wang Wei coldly:

"Drink, you have this little strength, you dare to kidnap me and say, you don't want to live?"

Wang Wei was also a little horrified at this time. He didn't expect that the strength of this old man was so powerful. If he didn't use his own instinctive power, or he didn't use the power of infuriating qi he cultivated to resist, he didn't need energy. If so, he really can't compete with this guy. It seems that his physical body is still a little too low. He originally thought that his physical body was already very powerful, but he never thought that his physical body would be so vulnerable. , In front of this old man, she would be blasted directly by her, and she even spat out a mouthful of blood.

Chapter [-]: Wang Wei is angry

Shame, shame, I am the pinnacle of the Martial Emperor Realm, and the other party is only a guy at the peak of the Martial King Middle Stage. I never imagined that my physical body would fail like this. If the player is directly defeated by a king, then I don't know if he will be laughed out of his mouth?

"Hmph, old guy, you really look down on yourself."

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, and then he clenched his fist tightly and flew up, but the old man saw Wang Wei pounce on him at this time, Then there was a sneer


The old man smiled like this, and the next moment, he quickly condensed all of his own strength, and then he raised his palm lightly towards Wang Wei who was rushing in front of him in a direct and angry manner. , The space that the banana shook in this place was a little shaken, but at this time, Wang Wei was once again blasted out by the old guy in front of him.

The old man did not keep his hand this time, but directly chased after him, raised his fists fiercely, and kept kicking Wang Wei's body, while Wang Wei fled in a hurry at this time. At this time, he was also constantly sighing about his physical body. His strength was really poor. Such a physical body can really only be compared with people in the realm of Wuwang. If you encounter Wuwang If you are a person at the level of Emperor Realm or Wu Sheng Wu Zun, you still don't know if you are directly smashed into scum or what?

"Hmph, old man, you'd better not chase after me, if you push me in a hurry..."

At this time, Wang Wei also shouted such a sentence angrily. Of course, what he said was not a threat, but in the ears of the old man, it seemed to be a threat:

"I'm making you anxious, so what? Can you still be this old man's opponent?"

When the old man said this, he punched and kicked Wang Wei's body for a while. Wang Wei was really angry at this time. He didn't expect the old guy in front of him to be so arrogant. , but at this moment, he still did not use his own energy, but just used his own body to carry the old man's fists and feet.

"Boy, tell me, what have you done to my grandson? I advise you to hand over my grandson obediently, otherwise."

"Otherwise, why are you old, old beast, old bastard?" At this time, Wang Wei, with red eyes, said to the old man in front of him, and the old man in front of him was scolded by Wang Wei like this, and he He is even more angry. He has never been scolded like this for many years. Now such a junior dares to scold him like this. It seems that he doesn't give him some power, and he still doesn't know the depth.

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