All the Qin family members were shocked at this time. When they saw Wang Wei being hit by the countless thunderbolts, they all showed excited expressions on their faces. And the guy with the full palm is also a little proud at this time, and his heart is also thinking to himself at this time:

"Hehe boy, I don't believe it anymore. I made a trick, can't you kill your little guy? Just wait and die."

The guys from the Qin family around are also shocked at this time, but they also have strong confidence in their ancestors at this time. They believe that as long as the old man of their own family makes a move, they will absolutely The guy's nose was blue and his face was swollen, and even this violent thunder, if it couldn't shock Wang Wei, it could also peel off a layer of skin on his body.

"It's a pity to love, it's a pity that such a talented person can completely surrender to our Qin family.

The old man said such a sentence at this time, the next moment, all the people, all of them were watching the place where Wang Wei was bombarded.

"Old guy, don't be too happy too soon"

The billowing smoke dissipated in an instant, and a person slowly stood up from the thick smoke. This guy was indeed a little embarrassed, but there was no feeling of being scorched by lightning on his body. At this time, his body like a white paper was unobstructed and displayed in front of all of them. All of them were shocked at this time.

"He didn't die?"

"How is this possible? The skill of the old ancestor is sky-high, how could he survive under the thunder of the old ancestor? Even Wang Zhongzhong wouldn't be as perverted as him, and he is still alive. It's so lively."

"That's right, what is the strength of the ancestors? That is the most powerful of all people. This guy is actually like this. What level of strength has he reached?"

"Could it be that he is more powerful than the ancestors? How is this possible? The ancestors are already the most peak in our world so far. Except for the strong ones in the ancient martial arts sect, no one is The old ancestor's opponent!"

Chapter [-]: Lei Tianquan vs Wang Wei

"Hey, don't say it, isn't the strength of our ancestor a little discounted? Or is it because the ancestor fought with him for so long before, and there was no winner, and then the ancestor was angry."


All the people were talking about it, and Wang Wei was very indifferent when he was here. He walked out of the thunder with a smile, and his strong muscles became tender white. Everyone was shocked at this time.

"Haha, old man, I didn't expect your strength to reach the level of King Wu Zongqi, but even if you are a powerhouse in the middle stage of King Wu, so what? A powerhouse in the middle stage of King Wu is really not enough in my eyes."

Wang Wei was so indifferent at this time, but at this time, the heart of the old man was also bursting for a while. He did not expect that the young man in front of him would be so strong, how terrifying his thunder was, he But I know, but what about this young man in front of him?He actually blocked his own thunder so easily, what kind of degree is this?Could it be that his cultivation is still above his own?

The old man will never believe that Wang Wei's strength is actually above him. According to his investigation, Wang Wei is just an ordinary scientist. ?

The old man couldn't understand it, and many people from the Qin family who were present also couldn't understand it at this time, and they didn't understand what happened to Wang Wei, how could such a powerful battle force suddenly erupt?

"Hey kid, I can't think of it, you still have some strength, but I don't believe how strong your body can be, and how many can you hold me?"

"Hey, there are still more things you can't think of. As for the strength of an old bastard like you, I think it shouldn't be a problem for me to carry three or five hundred moves."

What three or five hundred tricks?Wang Wei said indifferently, with such a sentence, the people below are all serious at this time. Of course, they also despised Wang Wei to the extreme at this time. Just kidding, three to five hundred trillion will do, You, can you reach three or five hundred strokes?Don't say it's your powerful body, even if you take it completely, you're not three or five hundred.

At this time, all people are not optimistic about Wang Wei, but Wang Wei smiled indifferently at this time:

"Why don't you believe it? Then you can make a move. I guarantee that if you make three or five hundred moves, I will definitely be able to withstand it."

Wang Wei said such a sentence with some pride. Of course, his arrogance is also justified. Previously, he had estimated the strength of the old man, and he did not dare to underestimate it. Wang Wei knew that At this time, he also has to show his powerful body. Originally, he was training his own body. At first, he thought that the strength of this old guy would definitely be outrageous, but now his body has passed through just now. The old guy's thunder, although he said that he felt numbness in his body, but he knew that to such an extent, he had absolutely no problem and could withstand it. Of course, for the old man's tricks, he It is also completely complete. With a new view, he also has a new understanding of his own body. Originally, he thought that when he faced a guy with mid-stage strength of the King of Wu at this time, his body would collapse, but he didn't. Thinking that after meeting such a strong guy, he actually persevered, and he also carried forward his powerful body. At this time, Wang Wei was also very happy. He didn't tell lies, indeed he The strength has reached the level that is enough to smash the full-strength strike of the mid-stage martial artist.

"Hmph, arrogant boy, this old man will take your family to teach you a lesson today, and let you know that arrogance has a price." After hearing Wang Wei's words, the old man said angrily. Such a sentence, adding one is fast, once again a handprint condensed in the air, a huge thunder dragon appeared in the sky at this moment, and the thunder dragon really opened its bloody mouth at this time. , swallowed it towards Wang Wei, and Wang Wei was also a little scared at this time, but he felt the powerful power of the Thunder Dragon, and suddenly he knew his body in his heart. There is absolutely no problem with a Thunder Dragon like Tang. , so he didn't have much to worry about.

In the sky, the Thunder Dragon quickly covered Wang Wei's body, but at this time Wang Wei was still standing there, as still as Mount Tai, just quietly watching the roaring Thunder Dragon devoured him, and he did not make any resistance at this time.

Everyone was surprised at this time. They didn't expect Wang Wei to use his own body to smash the Thunder Dragon that was bombarded with such a powerful strength. This time, everyone had an idea in their hearts. , that means Wang Wei is finished, such a powerful thunder dragon pig can completely raze this villa to the ground, and when Wang Wei felt the thunder dragon bombarding him, he quickly The surrounding of his villa has condensed his own powerful defensive power, and after the Thunder Dragon's Leopard devoured it, he originally wanted to completely devour the entire villa, but he did not expect this Thunder Dragon. The coming was so fierce.

Everyone thought that Wang Wei's villa might turn to ashes directly, but what they didn't expect was that Wang Wei's villa didn't react at all, and Lei Long was facing Wang Wei's villa. At this time, he directly chose to explode, and the crazy thunder and lightning were raging rapidly at this time. Many besiegers, the soldiers of Wang Wei's villa, were running wild at this time, but their legs couldn't be faster. The power of thunder and lightning, the speed of thunder and lightning is too amazing, the scattered thunder and lightning, at this time, madly exploded among these soldiers, and it also made them all at this time. A look of panic.

"Hehe, old man, do you think you can really be that powerful, or do you think you can really compete with me?"

Wang Wei said such a sentence with some disdain, because he was not injured by the Thunder Dragon at all at this time, and he walked out of the Thunder Dragon as quickly.

Chapter [-]: What is impossible?

"No, it's impossible. This is my strongest season so far. How could your body be able to withstand my strongest blow?"

The old man said such a sentence at this time, looking at Wang Wei in front of him with disbelief, but Wang Wei smiled indifferently at this time. :

"What's impossible? You said that your most powerful blow hit me, but you see that I'm really like a normal person now, and your violent thunder has no effect on me."

Hearing Wang Wei's arrogant words, the old guy was even more angry at this time. He stared at Wang Wei with a pair of bull-eyed eyes:

"No, it's absolutely impossible that you're pretending to be garlic"

At this time, the old man couldn't hold his face a little. He said such a sentence. The next moment, he quickly flew up, raised his fist, and quickly bombarded Wang Wei. Wang Wei can clearly see On top of this guy's fist, the inch of silver light wrapped around him, his heart is blue at this time. He knows that this old man's level is the best time to temper his body, so At this time, Wang Wei did not dodge or evade again.

Even the air around Peng started to be turbulent at this time, but Wang Wei was stomping at this time and only took two or three steps back. The old man's pair of iron fists was a little painful at this time, such a thing , Since the old man made his debut, it has not happened so far, but the body of the young man in front of him is really too strong, and he can actually hit him so hard. What kind of monster is this guy?

"Old daughter-in-law, your strength is too weak. Do you want to block me with just one punch? You're just tickling me with a punch like this."

At this time, Wang Wei sarcastically said such a sentence. Of course, he was still like that at this time, standing quietly in that place, still clenching his fist indifferently.

"You punched me just now, now? I'll let you taste my punch too"

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, and the old man died at this time, so he could no longer be calm. His heart was also a little nervous at this time. The Wang Wei in front of him was definitely not as simple as he imagined. It is definitely not the materials that the Qin family has researched in this place for so many years, and they do not know Wang Wei's true strength alone.

Unknown things are always the most terrifying. Wang Wei bombarded him at this time, which means that the strength of this young man will definitely be higher than himself, but what kind of strength is he?Such a strong physical body, such a physical situation, is rare in the world of self-cultivation. It seems that only the Shaolin Diamond Sutra can be compared with this. The Shaolin Diamond Sutra is not bad for the diamond.

"Hmph, I don't believe how hard your fists are"

Tao Zhe gritted his teeth at this time, and said such a sentence at this time, but Wang Wei looked at the old man in front of him indifferently at this time, he was not in a hurry, at this time, There was a faint smile on his face, and a hint of playfulness.

"Then you can taste my punch."

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, and then his fist was smashed at the old man, or the old man raised his fist again at this time, and the silver light he got. , there is no doubt that it leaked above his fist style, but Wang Wei smiled indifferently at this time, looking at the old man in front of him, the next moment, the fist in his hand was ruthless. He smashed at the old man's head, and the old man hurriedly raised his fist to deal with it. There was only a light sound in the air. The next old man didn't respond, and Wang Wei flew out backwards.

Through the camera of this punch, in the heart of the old man, Wang Wei's strength is quite certain. I feel that Wang Wei's strength should be in the early stage of King Wu, and he should be on par with himself, but what about this kid's physical body? How can it be so powerful?Could it be that this kid has cultivated some secret technique?

When he thought of the secret method, the old man was excited at this time. He knew that this time, if Huang Wei was not left behind, then the secret method on his body would definitely be taken by others. He didn't want to be used as a wedding dress by others. . .

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