The old man had such a plan in his heart. In fact, he was already wrong. If he knew that Wang Wei was originally the strength of the middle stage of Emperor Wu, he would never dare to do anything with Wang Wei at this time, even if he was direct at this time. Facing Wang Wei, he immediately knelt down.

However, at this time, the old guy was blinded by the greed in front of him. The next moment he didn't say anything more, and directly pulled out a big knife from behind him. Fierce weapon, Wang Wei couldn't help frowning when he saw the weapon that this guy took out. At this moment, he felt the change of the old man's breath, but his breath kept rising at this time. , The Pain King directly climbed to the peak strength of the Martial King in the early stage.

Wang Wei's eyes widened at this time. He didn't expect this old man Qin to be like this. The strength on his body could actually reach the peak of King Wu's strength, and it was achieved in an instant. How could this be possible?Could it be that he used a secret method wrong? This power is indeed not locked by a combination, and it seems that the old man used some mysterious power to cause it, and the source of this mysterious power comes from this old man. in the body.In other words, this power came from the big sword in his hand, but Wang Wei smiled beautifully after the incident. The next moment he rushed towards the old man, and the old man really hadn't reacted at this time. , that is, he was directly grabbed by Wang Wei's arm with a punch.

"Hey, little bastard, I didn't expect you to have such a powerful strength, but it's useless no matter how strong you are, look at my flaming swordsmanship."

Wang Wei was also slightly startled when he heard what this guy said about the hunting sword technique he used. At this time, he didn't dare to really take over the guy's ability, the big knife in this guy's hand. It is indeed very powerful, and Wang Wei is indeed a little stunned at this time. He did not expect this guy to be so powerful, using such a powerful big knife to smash at himself, that is, Hu Longlong.

Chapter [-]: Thunder Dragon

"So powerful, so powerful"

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, and the next moment, his whole person disappeared in place, quickly moved forward, and kept hitting the past, but in front of him, the old man at this moment was It was Hu Hu Sheng Feng who waved the big knife directly above Wang Wei's head and took a picture.

The surrounding air was a little bit burning at this time. Generally, Wang Wei's face became very solemn at this time. He didn't expect these guys to be so tough, and he didn't expect the old man in front of him to be so difficult. ponder

What material is the big knife in his hand?To be so powerful, and to be able to improve his cultivation, this is already against the sky, but this guy's hunting sword technique seems to even burn the surrounding air. Wang Wei is here. At that time, he was also shocked for a while. He didn't expect this guy to have such a powerful local weapon, but what he didn't understand was why this weapon could raise its energy to such a powerful level. The energy above is already pitiful.

At this time, the surrounding space was all the main dishes for a while, and one after another space cracks quickly appeared in front of Wang Wei at this time, and Wang Wei also stepped back a few steps at this time. The next moment He clenched his hand into a fist and clenched his teeth tightly, knowing that if there were reservations at this time, the space in this area might be destroyed by this guy, and it might even be directly affect the future development of the earth.

As an earthling, he would never allow such a thing to happen, so at this moment Wang Wei rushed over quickly, she had completely forgotten everything at this moment, all the laws around her body and the energies he invoked, all Gathered on his own fists, and slammed a ruthless punch towards the big knife with the flaming flames that was slashing at him.

"Hmph, boy, no matter how hard your fists are, you can't handle my blazing sword, I'll show you what real strength is."

The old man of the Qin family said such a sentence at this time, and the next moment he rushed towards Wang Wei, and Wang Wei did have a slight smile on the corner of his mouth at this time, she just looked at the Qin family like that old man

don't be too happy

At this time, Wang Wei's eyes became red, and he angrily said such a sentence to the old man of the Qin family in front of him, but the old man of the Qin family was slightly startled at this time, and Wang Wei was in this At that time, he no longer had any scruples. His whole body of spiritual power revolved, and with a bang, the huge sword with the raging flames was directly blasted out by Wang Wei's punch, and at this moment, the old man's hand changed. Dead flowing, revealing bright red blood, that blood is on top of the big knife that flew out, the big knife seems to be alive at this time, and it continues to expand in front of Wang Wei.

"Humph, old man, are you trying to destroy the entire earth?"

"Boy, don't pretend to be yellow, I tell you that even if the earth is destroyed, the old man will kill you today."

The old man of the Qin family said such a sentence to Wang Wei angrily at this time, and Wang Wei frowned tightly at this moment. He was also completely angry at this moment. Originally, she wanted to confront this old man. Red for a while refining the flesh, but this guy is going to destroy the entire earth, and also kill himself, so he will definitely not stay in such troubles.

After thinking about all this, Wang Wei immediately exerted all the strength of his body at this time, and everyone felt a sense of fear. At a certain point, the power appeared in this place, and that huge coercion pressure All the people were almost out of breath at this time, the old man was still looking at Wang Wei with a sneer, but the next moment his eyes showed a look of horror, and he even looked at Wang Wei in front of him in disbelief. Because she felt that powerful and almost perverted power from Wang Wei's body, that coercion had made him completely unable to breathe at this time.

"Um you..."

"Hehe, an immortal thing, you dare to cause harm to the world at this time, you dare to say that you will destroy the entire earth, then I will destroy you first today."

At this time, Wang Wei angrily said such a sentence. The next moment, a hazy mist covered his fist. Wang Wei calmly went to the pearl spring of the old man. His fist did say it back when it was about halfway up, but Wang Wei easily flicked it in the air, and the old man just flew upside down. He went out and spit it out. I don't know how many mouthfuls of blood.

"Do you think you are strong? I told you, although my physical body is only comparable to yours, my realm is a big realm higher than yours. Do you think the gap between my king and Emperor Wu is that simple. ?"

At this time, Wang Wei said such a sentence indifferently, and the next moment he quickly walked towards the place where the old man was, and the old man's face was ashen at this time, he was really here when he was here. It was because of regret that his bowels turned green. He didn't expect that Wang Wei in front of him would actually be a figure at the level of Emperor Wu. What was the concept of my emperor?When the earth's resources are scarce, my emperor is definitely a legendary figure, and it is really impossible for a Wu emperor to appear in reality.

"You, you are in the Martial Emperor Realm, how is this possible? At present, the power on the earth is so thin that it may even be on the verge of destruction, and you can actually have the strength of the Martial Emperor Realm, this Absolutely impossible."

"Impossible, how can it be impossible, there is nothing impossible in this world, the powerhouse of my emperor's realm, in this world, it is not a rotten cabbage street, many martial emperors are all secretly cultivating , they will never be in this place"

Wang Wei said such a sentence indifferently at this time, but after hearing Wang Wei's words, the old man spat out a mouthful of blood again, and Wang Wei's words seemed to be attacking her. Every acupuncture point in the whole body is the same, although Wang Wei said such a sentence very indifferently, but the ribs on her chest, the ribs behind her, the ribs on the waist, and the arms all began to exercise at this time.

Chapter [-]: The old man is defeated



At this time, the addresses of the Qin family around him stepped forward to help the old man. At this time, the old man was spitting blood constantly, and he used his last strength to speak.

"Wow, I lost, our Qin family lost, I didn't expect Wang Wei to exist in the realm of Martial Emperor, this has subverted my cognition, I, I..."

The old man didn't finish a word at this time, it was direct, his head was tilted, and the whole person was completely dead. Of course, his death was not just that simple. At this time, all the bones in his body were turned into Debris, and the flesh on her body and the blood on his body all began to crack at this time, and the old man was no longer on the ground, not even what the old man looked like, leaving only a faint pool of blood.

"Oh no"

A guy eats red eyes at this time, and strangers drink to other people. At this time, they all feel sad. They never imagined that Wang Wei's strength would reach such a strong point, even their most powerful. The ancestors were all in Wang Wei's hands, eating directly, and becoming like this, this is simply making them despair.

"Wang Wei, I killed you"

At this moment, a guy shouted such a sentence very angrily, and the next moment he ran towards Wang Wei quickly, but Wang Wei glanced at this guy indifferently, and said indifferently:

"Hmph, you're still a little tender when you kill me."

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, the next moment, the guy flew out again, and then the whole person was withered.

All the people were dumbfounded at this time, and the soldiers in those armies that still had Qin family forces around them looked at Wang Wei at this time, and their eyes were also very angry. Countless guns were aimed at Wang Wei at this time.

"Why are you people impatient? You dare to join forces with the Qin family to attack me, Wang Wei, do you think you are my opponents?"

Wang Wei asked such a sentence at this time, but after the soldiers looked at each other at this time, the next moment they seemed to have reached some kind of tacit agreement, and the night shift all fired at Wang Wei. And Wang Wei just stood there quietly. Those bullets landed one after another when they were less than five meters away from him. This scene made all these people dumbfounded. They didn't expect Wang Wei to be like this. He is so powerful that bullets have no effect on him.


Wang Wei said such a word coldly at this time, and the next moment he ignored it and walked directly towards his villa.

At this moment, An Ran was anxious for a while, because in the past, he felt Wang Wei's breath, and even he felt the violent power of the other party. He felt the power of the thunder to destroy everything. At this time, Wang Wei couldn't help but worry.

But Wang Wei was not worth it. This energy shield was covering them so tightly that he couldn't rush out of the energy shield to see the scene outside. He couldn't help Wang Weizhi. He was a little uneasy. Later, when he heard the sound of gunshots, he became even more afraid in his heart.

What's the scene like outside?He really didn't know, but Wang Wei was always clear in his heart, and at this time, she still blamed herself. After all, these people were brought in by him, and they were inseparable from him. If it wasn't for him running back to report to Wang Wei, then these guys wouldn't have found this place, but now it's too late, and he doesn't know what to do.

"Hehe Anran, I'm sorry, I made you worry."

When Wang Wei entered here, he felt An Ran's stiffness, so he pretended to be relaxed and said such a sentence at this time.

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