"Huang Wei, are you alright?"

At this time, An Ran looked at Wang Wei in disbelief, but Wang Wei turned around on the ground at the end, and said indifferently:

"No, don't you think I'm fine?"

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time. When the other people around heard Wang Wei's words, they were all stunned. The next moment, An Ran was a little worried and scanned Wang Wei's body. Suddenly, he noticed that the clothes on Wang Wei's body were torn, and the white skin that showed

"Look you look like a beggar now"

An Ran said this at this time, the next moment, he threw himself into Wang Wei's arms, and gently fiddled with the clothes on Wang Wei's body with his fingers. talking.

"Hehe, this is all done by the old man of the Ma Qin family, but now, I don't seem to have anything to do, oh, by the way, I'm hungry, do you have anything to eat?"

While comforting An Ran, Wang Wei asked Xiaokui, but Xiaokui really pouted after hearing Wang Wei's words.

"Hmph, I'm not your nanny, why should I cook for you?"

After Wang Wei heard Xiao Pei's words at this time, he was speechless for a while, but An Ran in his arms did smile slightly at this time. She wiped away her tears and walked quickly towards the kitchen.

He wanted to cook a meal for Wang Wei himself, but when he came to Wang Wei's kitchen, he did find that in addition to two tomatoes and two eggs, there was a pot in Wang Wei's kitchen. rice under.

"Why did the family send such a thing? Don't you usually cook?"

An Ran asked such a sentence at this time, and Wang Wei did think of something after hearing An Ran's words at this time. The next moment, he quietly slipped behind An Ran, and then stretched out his hand from behind him. An Ran hugged him.

"What are you doing? Aren't you hungry? I'll make you something to eat"

An Ran was a little embarrassed to say such a sentence at this time, but Wang Wei was slightly taken aback after hearing An Ran's words, and then he plugged in and said with a smirk:

"Haha, nothing tastes as good as you, so..."

Chapter [-]: Enron's Egg Fried Rice

"Aibye, don't be like this, you see that Xiaokui is still outside." An Ran said such a sentence at this time. After Wang Wei heard An Ran's words, he was also slightly stunned, and then he looked towards Xiaokui, who was on the side, said indifferently:

"Haha, it's nothing, he's just a robot. Do we still care about the feeling of a robot? Don't worry, it's alright."

At this time, An Ran fought with Wang Wei for a while, and then he died and started cooking for Wang Wei. Wang Wei was the only thing left in the rough. He didn't say anything more, he just directly. Gently pour the oil into the pan and fry the eggs.

Wang Wei just watched quietly, watching An Ran who was cooking by himself.

After a long time, Wang Wei walked over from behind again and held An Ran in his arms. He felt the beauty of An Ran at this moment, so at this moment, he hugged An Ran without pity, just for a while. nibble.

"Go, don't make trouble, I'll cook a meal"


"Oh, didn't you just scream that you were hungry? Why are you energized now?"

At this time, An Ran said these words in a speechless manner. After Wang Wei heard An Ran's words, he also smiled slightly, but his craftsmanship was dishonest. He gently stroked An Ran's body. An Ran was also a little uncomfortable at this time, but he still giggled at this time.

It took a long time for him to stop, but at this time, they all smelled a huge burnt smell in their noses.

"Oh, look, I told you not to make trouble, now it's alright, the egg fried rice has become mushy."

An Ran said such a sentence at this time, and Wang Wei just smiled at this time. He reached out and touched the back of his head, feeling that he was indeed going a little too far this time, but An Ran was also at this moment for a while. the bitterness

"Since you asked me to make this egg fried rice into a paste, then you can make do with it." An Ran quickly copied out all the egg fried rice in the pot, and Wang Wei was also speechless at this time. , but An Ran left directly after finishing all this.

"What are you going to do?"

Seeing that An Ran was about to leave, Wang Wei suddenly felt a little strange, and quickly asked such a question, but An Ran frowned slightly at this time, and then he said:

"Of course I'm going to work"

"Is it okay not to go?"

"No, if I don't go, the leaders may find out that I'm out of office." An Ran said such a sentence at this time, and then hurried out of the door, and Wang Wei looked at An Ran's back and smiled bitterly. , and then he licked his lips, which was obviously full of tenderness.

"You don't like people like this, right? Why do I only follow a master like you? If you really like people, you should give them freedom. Do you want to tie him to your waistband?"

At this time, Xiaokui still had the expression of ignoring people. He said such a sentence at this time, but Wang Wei frowned slightly after hearing Xiaokui's words, but he also Not much to say.

"Hum, hurry up and eat your egg fried rice. It was made by An Ran for you. If you dare to waste it, I will tell Sister An Ran immediately." Xiao Kui said at this moment with her hands on her hips Such a sentence, and Wang Wei was a little overwhelmed after hearing what Xiaokui said. He didn't understand what was going on with this Xiaokui?However, he still glared at Xiaokui viciously and said:

"Hmph, that's up to you. Besides, if you dare to inform, then I will shut down your system forever."

At this time, Wang Wei said such a sentence viciously, but Xiaokui stuck out his tongue at Wang Wei at this time, then walked aside and continued to play with his Rubik's cube.

At this time, Wang Wei was also bitter for a while. He really didn't know what to do. This Xiaokui's temper has always been like this. In this way, he was very puzzled, but even so , he didn't say much. He picked up the egg fried rice that night and started to gobble it up. You said involuntarily while eating:

“Mmmm delicious”

When Xiaokui saw that Wang Wei's car was different, he was direct and speechless, but he still felt that Wang Wei was showing him what he did, and he didn't say much.

In this way, Wang Wei devoured a plate of egg fried rice that was scorched by An Ran and devoured it, still admiring it constantly, but Xiao Kui smiled and said after seeing him like this:

"Hey, Wang Wei, since you said this is delicious, I'll make egg fried rice for you every day from now on."

When Wang Wei heard Xiaokui sneer at this time, he said something like this, and suddenly there was a bitterness in his heart:

"You are trying to retaliate"

"I'll tell you about skin care, how come, don't you like to shut down the computer? You directly shut down the main system and never start it, right?"

"This little girl doesn't know who she learned from to be so provocative."

Wang Wei's scolding at this time was also a slander in his heart, but then he was challenged by An Ran when he was cooking egg fried rice at noon and asked Anran to fry the egg fried rice. Full of warmth, at this moment, Wang Wei's affection for An Ran gradually warmed up and considered

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