"Someone is feeling lovesick at this time, but I don't know if Sister An Ran will take care of your feelings?"

Xiaokui was in pain at this time, and Wang Wei made a face and said such a thing, and Wang Wei didn't know what to say at this time.

Chapter [-]: Where is the space elevator built?

This is just a small episode in life, and then Wang Wei stepped into orbit again. He thought about how to build the portal of the space elevator on this earth. He wanted to build the door on the Above the earth, then it must be built on the earth, where the spiritual energy is most abundant. Before, Xiaokui provided him with several plans, and he began to ponder continuously at this time.

Where is the portal of this space elevator going to be built?The north and south poles of Yashan or the ancient martial arts world and Kunlun Mountains?

If I built the portal of the space elevator on the top of Yashan, then would I sense the boundless force on Yashan at first, would it come out to stop it?Or will the guy directly use his teleportation array to teleport into outer space after he comes out? If that guy really uses his teleportation array to teleport into outer space, what will he do?Will they report their development on the earth to their leader, or report their deeds to their ruler, and will the ruler deal a devastating blow to the earth?Will the ruler even attack Wang Wei or the people around him directly? .

When he thought of the strength of the guy on the top of Yashan, Wang Wei couldn't sleep at this time and grinned. At this time, he didn't expect that guy to be so strong. Think about how strong that guy is. The strength definitely surpasses himself, and he immediately has a shuddering feeling. If he wants to build the OEM elevator on Yashan, he will inevitably have a conflict of interests with that guy. If there is a conflict between interests, Then he has absolutely nothing good to eat

After thinking about it, Wang Wei did come to a new conclusion at this time. Of course, when he came to this conclusion, he was also greatly shocked. He didn't expect that he would be the first to put this mountain on the top of Yashan. That location was completely denied.The existence on Yashan, he knew that he was not yet his opponent, and if he stepped forward, he might have died directly.

After excluding the top of Yashan, Wang Wei was indeed a little overwhelmed, and then he looked at Xiaokui, and Xiaokui kept spelling out a triangular pyramid cube at this time.

Wang Wei didn't care about it at first, but when he saw this Rubik's Cube, his heart suddenly trembled.

The top of the Rubik's Cube is definitely not that simple.

"You mean the best place is above Yashan?"


"Hey, so where is it built?"

Wang Wei was also melancholy at this time. Xiaokui also began to draw a red circle on this place at this time. Slightly stunned.

What does this mean?It shows that the level of danger on the top of Yashan is definitely very powerful, but now he is really anxious, what should I do?

In the waterproof heart, there is some helplessness at this time, and he doesn't know what to do at this time.It seems that there must be something on this best place. I have to take the time to go somewhere to observe and see the powerful existence above.

Wang Wei had a lot of fantasies at this time, and then he picked up the pen and put it on a notebook on the desktop, and began to write and draw.

After a long time, Wang Wei reluctantly excluded that place. Of course, at this time, he was studying the place that Xiaokui gave him, and even at this time, his eyes fell. In the concept of your inverted triangle

At the bottom of the line is the ancient martial arts world.

"The energy of the ancient martial arts world is absolutely powerful, and in the ancient martial arts world, it is also a master. Wang Wei's understanding of the ancient martial arts world is only because it entered the guy before, um, good me Not to mention, of course, in that place, he fought a battle with the Tai Chi sword sect, of course, you are really a genius, in which battle, he has a little understanding of the mysterious place of bone ring, of course, he He also knew how to get in, so after he tapped lightly on the table for a long time, he opened the mouth and said:

"Although this ancient martial arts world is not for mortals to go to, but I went in before, even an ordinary Hercules can't directly open the switch of this door. If I build a space elevator above the ancient martial arts world What will the law be like?"

Xiaokui frowned slightly at this time, and immediately said:

"Don't, don't say that place is built on that, if you build the space elevator on that, then all the cultivators on the earth will hunt down all over the world, at that time you will become the whole ancient The public enemy of the martial arts world, don't when your space elevator is just built, it will be destroyed by others."

After listening to Xiaokui's words, Wang Wei was also a little thoughtful at this time. He didn't expect that it would end like this. If it was really like that, the steel plate in front of him and the portal of the space elevator were established, and the back was given to him. Take it apart, it's really wanting to cry without tears.

"Ah, then what should I do? If I see those powerful defensive formations among the cultivators who are cultivating one by one in this place, do you think it is feasible in this place?"

"There is no such thing as simple, even if you are in this place, you can't directly repair his sword there." I continued to pour cold water on Wang Wei at this time, and Wang Wei heard this. At that time, he also wrinkled slightly, he really didn't know what to do?

"Hey, you're right, isn't that the last place left? If we build the teleportation gate of this teleportation array in that place, will there be a new harvest? If I can build it in this place There shouldn't be any problem with the portal of my space elevator, right?"

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, but Xiaokui was slightly taken aback after hearing Wang Wei's words, and then he pondered for a moment, and then said:

Chapter [-]: Decision!

"No, if you build a space elevator in such a place, then it is estimated that your place has not been established yet, and those above Kunlun will directly destroy Kunlun with your space elevator, as a The holy land of the cultivation world, they are not like the fairyland of Penglai, but a sect built on Kunlun has developed a sect with many ages.”

"It doesn't work either, that doesn't work either. Where exactly should the portal of this space elevator be built? If the space elevator can't be built in this place, doesn't it mean that my idea is useless?"

"Hehe, aren't you famous in the cultivation world? Why not? Let's go to the ancient martial arts world again. Of course, our purpose this time is to conduct a field investigation in the ancient martial arts world. When we can find a suitable place to build a space elevator in the ancient martial arts world, we will go to negotiate with the people in that place. I think there are many people in them who have stagnated in the strength of the peak of Wuwang and want to break through. , but they do not have the ability to really break through to the last level. Of course, there are still experts in the ancient martial arts world, and those who are hidden from the world should be around the middle stage of the emperor. The strength is similar to what you are now."

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time. After Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's words, he was slightly stunned. He did not expect that in this ancient martial arts world, there are still people who are similar to himself. Master, it seems that there are really hidden dragons and crouching tigers on this earth, but I just don't know what this powerful hidden dragon and crouching tiger guy is doing?

Those powerful guys live on the earth like this, no wonder the energy on the earth will be depleted, there are such guys, they can be safe in this place, that is the real hell, they are consuming the earth all the time energy on.

If it continues like this, without providing them with some convenience and letting them walk around in outer space, maybe at that time, the earth will really be destroyed. Wang Wei is also a little worried at this time. Ah, he didn't expect such existence on this earth.

"How many powerful people in the world of self-cultivation are there on this earth? If there are few people in the world of self-cultivation, I think we should avoid it as much as possible. The combat power may really directly destroy our homeland and the earth."

"Okay, needless to say, hurry up and think of a way, or try your luck in the ancient martial arts world, maybe in the ancient martial arts world, you can still get some inspiration, maybe by then get something"

When Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's words at this time, his eyes also lit up slightly, and then he smiled lightly and said to Xiaokui:

"Fortunately, otherwise we will go to the ancient martial arts world, maybe we can really get something by that time."

At this time, Wang Wei said such a sentence. Don't hear Wang Wei's words again, and he didn't say anything more after that. Now that he has decided, he is ready to go and see to the end and see what this place is like. Yes, my level of practice in this ancient martial arts world can definitely become some characters, masters, if I go to the ancient martial arts world as my current master, maybe I can make those in the ancient martial arts world. Old antiques sell themselves a face.

After saying hello to An Ran, he left in a hurry. Of course, An Ran was also a little anxious at this time. She was very worried about Wang Wei's safety, but since Wang Wei had made a decision, as Wang Wei He could only obey and even support Wang Wei. After seeing An Ran's expression, he didn't say much.

Tired, Wang Wei can stay longer in the ancient martial arts world, and in order to prevent Wang Wei from being lonely in the ancient martial arts world, after An Ran came back from get off work, she took Xiao Kui and the two to go shopping. Now, of course, women's shopping is a very troublesome thing. Wang Mei didn't know what they went to buy, but when they came back, Wang Wei did see that they were carrying large and small bags in their hands. It was also a burst of shame. He did not expect that An Ran would buy such a big deal.

"I went to work in the ancient martial arts world. You got me these big and small bags. Do you want me to escape in that place?"

After hearing Wang Wei's words, An Ran smiled indifferently, and then he quickly put his little face on Wang Wei's chest and said indifferently:

"Hehe, that's true, but in the ancient martial arts world, who knows if you will encounter some danger or something, so I bought you some safety supplies at this time."

After Wang Wei heard An Ran's words, he was stunned for a moment. The next moment, he saw An Ran and took out an electric baton from his backpack. When he opened the electric baton, he ate Lala's electric arc. I want to move at this time

Wang Hongwei was speechless. She really didn't expect An Ran to have such an idea, letting herself use the wolf-proof weapon used by ordinary people in the ancient martial arts world. This...

"Oh, yes, there are also hiking boots and other clothes and hiking boots for you to prepare for mountain climbing. You think, in the ancient martial arts world, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and it is a paradise, the landscape of that place. The scenery must be very good. I have prepared the lyrics for you. This thing makes you in this ancient martial arts world, you can be like in our mortal world."

At this time, An Ran said such a sentence again. After Wang Wei heard An Ran's words, he felt helpless for a while. He really didn't know what to do?

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