"What? This is a space elevator entering the alien language, do you mean..."

"I didn't expect this little guy to play us. He actually led us to the alien domain from this place."

The old madman was full of anger at this time. He said such a sentence at this time, and the other people also nodded one after another at this time. They did not expect that this guy would actually take these people from the earth. All the strongest people in the world were led into this space, and they also let Wu Hua return to Earth in this outer space.

The three guys looked at each other at this time, but at this time, the old beggar looked at Wang Wei carefully and said angrily:

"It's you?"

After hearing this guy's words, Wang Wei was slightly taken aback, and then he smiled indifferently and said:

"Haha yes, I welcome you to this alien language."

At this time, everyone was slightly stunned, and the old beggar said angrily:

"What's your purpose in bringing us here?"

"There's no purpose. I'm just here to ask you to go around this outer space and feel the abilities in this outer space. Of course, I am also kind. In the star field, I can get some inspiration, um, and Bona also wants to experiment, is this space elevator that I made good or bad?"

Chapter [-]: Build a portal in this place

"You..." Looking at Wang Wei with a playful face, when he said this, the old madman was so angry that he was gnashing his teeth. At this time, he said very calmly and ruffian:

"What am I? Am I not enough?"

"You still have the courage to design our account when you destroyed my mountain gate. Should we settle it?"

At this time, the old beggar was extremely angry and shouted such a sentence, and after his words came out, the surrounding people also looked at each other in dismay, they didn't expect this to happen, Tai Chi Sword The mountain gate was destroyed. This is a fact that everyone in the comprehension world knows, but what they didn't expect was the little guy in front of him who opened the Taiji sword door. Look at the expression of this little guy in front of him. , and his indifferent and calm look, all the people frowned slightly at this time, but at this time they also completely felt the powerful emanating from Wang Wei's body. Power, this power is not weaker than them. In the past, when they were above the earth, they hadn't felt it. Of course, their energy at that time was all on the teleportation array in this outer space. Above, so they didn't discover Wang Wei's real motives at that time, and they didn't see Wang Wei's appearance. Now that they saw Wang Wei's real appearance, they were all a little shocked. Yes, I can't imagine that such a young guy can actually create such a powerful strength in this outer space, and can use such a powerful power to shock all of them at this time.

At this time, everyone is guessing in their hearts. They are all thinking about what kind of force is Wang Wei in front of them?Such a young man can actually have such a powerful strength. Such a character should not be unknown in the world of comprehension, but after thinking about it for a long time, they did not expect anyone in this world to have such a powerful strength. Of course, they I only know Wang Wei's eldest daughter, but I don't know that this guy Wang Wei has the same strength as them, and that such a young person can have such a cultivation base, which makes them very curious. The resources have been deficient to a certain level, and there are still people who can cultivate to such a powerful level. This is simply incredible. Of course, this guy can build such a powerful teleportation in this alien domain. Array, to show that this guy still has a lot of background.

"Boy, hand over all your energy, come on, we will never kill you"

The old madman gritted his teeth and said such a sentence, but Wang Wei smiled indifferently at this time:

"Hehe, it's impossible to hand over the energy blocks. Do you think you are very powerful? I have a lot of energy blocks, but it depends on whether you have the ability to do so."


In the eyes of the old beggar, it was a direct fire breath at this moment. He now really wants to directly kill the boy in front of him. Of course, his purpose is not to avenge his disciples. Instead, I want to kill Wang Wei, this guy can build such a powerful teleportation array on the earth, and this guy can use so many energy crystals, this is enough to make them jealous, so in At this time, he no longer cared about anything at all, and quickly shot at Wang Wei

When Wang Wei saw this guy's appearance, he was also slightly stunned, and then he didn't dare to stay behind. At this time, all the real energy in the whole body was running wildly at this time, and he quickly moved forward. He bombarded the past, punched fiercely, and the punch of that punch was just that flashy and simple, but when the punch came out, it made all the three people in front of him tremble at this time. , they did not expect this Wang Wei to have such a powerful strength.

"Hey little bastard, just wait for me, I have to cramp your tendons, peel your skin, and feed my disciples and grandchildren for revenge."

The old man said such a sentence at this time, and the next moment he flew towards Wang Wei, but Wang Wei had a cold face at this time, and he said indifferently:

"Haha right? Then I want to see and see, why did you come to duel with me?"

After Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, he disappeared in this place, the whole person was floating in the endless starry sky, and the light gate rushed out of the heavy dantian with a thought. , of course, this door of light is not the real portal, but a portal that he quickly released with a trace of spiritual sense at this time. Once this portal is released, it will quickly expand a little bit of chaos The aura quickly fell, Wang Wei didn't hesitate at this time, his powerful spiritual sense had already sensed the killing aura of the old beggar, and it was extremely vicious. He could be [-]% sure that this didn't seem very Such an old beggar is definitely a vicious person.

At this time, the old man was also resentful, and he was a little speechless about everything in this place, but Wang Wei still knew from his battle examples that this old man was just beautiful. It's just a cover. In fact, he just wants to let himself hand over those so-called energy blocks, and the reason this guy gave himself is actually so clumsy. Wang Wei is so angry at this time, he wants it today. Expose it, let this guy die, and kill him completely in this outer space.

"Hmph, over-the-top"

The old beggar said this at this time, and then a Tai Chi pattern appeared in his palm, and the Tai Chi pattern quickly shrouded Wang Wei's head, while Wang Wei was looking at it at this time. When he arrived at the Tai Chi pattern, his mind became a little heavy. At this moment, he suddenly thought of something and called out in his mind:

"Dragon Armor"

Chapter [-]: See the Dragon Armor again

The next moment, his whole body was enveloped by the power of the powerful armor, and when the old beggar waved his palm, a contemptuous smile appeared on his face. He originally thought that this Tai Chi pattern of his own When he waved it out, he would definitely be able to kill Wang Wei, but at this time, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, because at this time, she did see the scene in front of him, and she saw the scene that appeared in front of him. Wang Wei was not alone. At this moment, Wang Wei's whole body was surrounded by a thick layer of dragon scales.

"Hmph, do you think you can fight against me like this? Let me tell you, this is a dream, I don't know what to do. You dare to be wild here and watch my Tai Chi palm smash you to pieces."

The huge Tai Chi pattern quickly bombarded Wang Wei's head at this time, and at this time Wang Wei also felt the power of life and death contained in the Tai Chi pattern. At this time, he suddenly He felt a little enlightened, but when he saw the old guy in front of him, he smiled indifferently, and the next moment he said:

"Hmph, old guy, do you think this is enough? I tell you, don't be so righteous, don't you just want to get energy blocks? Come on, if you want to be able to get energy blocks from my hands , then I will never say no."

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, and the next moment, he directly activated the super energy laser cannon.

A ray of light quickly emerged from his palm, and when he went out, a lot of energy was condensed in that ray of light. At this time, Wang Wei quickly moved towards the energy cannon and gathered a series of energy. , and the energy quickly condensed into a pop at this time. After a loud bang, the huge energy cannon collided with the huge Tai Chi roulette in front of him.

The old beggar did not expect at this time that Wang Wei would have such a powerful strength, but he still has absolute confidence in the Tai Chi and gossip-shaped things he created. , Four elephants, four elephants give birth to gossip, this principle is known by all people, he doesn't believe it, he evolved in this place, such a powerful thing can't stop Wang Wei's attack, this It's really ridiculous, Wang Wei is sure to die today, thinking that after Wang Wei died, all the treasures on him belonged to him, the old guy suddenly became excited.

"Well, old guy, do you think you can kill me like this? Let me tell you, it's impossible."

Wang Wei said such words at this time. In fact, he had no bottom in his heart. After all, he was not sure whether he could fight with the Tai Chi Bagua Pan.

"Wang Mei, it's not that simple, if you don't get it right, you'll be wiped out, and let me tell you one more thing, the Tai Chi used by this old guy is the power of the source. If you forcibly suppress it with this thing, you will definitely be seriously injured."

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time, and Wang Wei frowned slightly after hearing Xiaokui's words. He didn't expect this old guy to be so powerful and able to mobilize the source However, at this time, he had no other way to pull it. The next moment, he quickly urged, and the black and white hole in his body appeared. He devoured the Tai Chi gossip pattern that the guy had cultivated.

"Hmph, old guy, you're just like that at this time."

Wang Wei said such a sentence indifferently at this time, and then stopped for the next moment, he quickly gathered all the power in his hands, and the old man also felt a while of fatigue at this time, he Knowing that the strength Wang Lei displayed at this time has surpassed his image, at this moment he can no longer feel the connection between himself and the Tai Chi gossip pattern, and his face suddenly changed a lot.

Wang Wei was quickly absorbing the Tai Chi roulette directly into his black hole, and was expelling it from the body through the white hole, but when the white hole was expelled, Wang Wei couldn't help but be a little shocked, because in the At this time, a small gossip bronze mirror was constantly floating in that place. Wang Wei was a little curious. He took the gossip bronze mirror in his hand, played with it, and then put it into his battleship. , he knew that his battleship was virtual, and it was digitally evolved. This kind of battleship was different from other people. In this place, it was a completely independent new space.

"Humph, old guy, come and taste my abilities too"

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, and the next moment, the faint white light appeared in his body, and the terrifying white light quickly mobilized at this time. , the next moment, a powerful force rushed towards the old man, and the old man's eyes became a little dignified when he was here. When he was before, he already knew the strength of this guy, even he had already Feeling that he was a little stingy, Wang Wei's strength was gone. At this moment, he didn't leave anything more, and directly poured the whole body's martial arts real power into his arms, and transformed into two huge palms. Quickly grabbed towards Wang Wei, and Wang Wei was still there when he was here, just rushing forward unabated.

The little fluorescent lights around him are constantly anxious for you at this time, and within the range of his body, those countless black and white holes are madly devouring the surrounding energy at this time. Wang Wei is also at this time. He didn't dare to say anything more, the next moment he quickly injected all the energy into the energy bubble, and the rays of light slammed into the palms again.

Boom boom boom.

The loud noise came out at this time, and the old man was also shocked at this time. He didn't think that the real energy of his whole body, celebrating with his palms, would actually fail like this. At this moment, he He didn't dare to be careless, but at this time, Wang Wei looked at him with a sneer, the power of that ray of light was too powerful, and his whole body was blown away.

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