The old beggar was also very angry at this time. At this time, he shouted to everyone:

"What are you all waiting for? Are you just watching me die like this?"

Chapter [-]: The Great War

At this time, the old lunatic and the old stubborn were also very angry at this time. Looking at Wang Wei in front of them, they didn't need to say anything, and they rushed towards Wang Wei quickly, but unfortunately their speed was still faster than the old man. The beggar slowed down a bit. When the guy just shouted, another beam of light from Wang Wei directly attacked the face of the old beggar. My old beggar has not yet The reaction was direct, and it flew out again, spitting out a large mouthful of blood in the air.

That big mouthful of blood spurted out quickly at this time. Of course, Wang Wei didn't keep his hands at all at this time. At this time, a trace of huge power instantly wiped out the surrounding new cities and the surrounding areas. The surrounding places are suspected to be flat, and I am afraid that a real vacuum will be replaced.

Their level of fighting is simply not something that this area can withstand, and the reason why Wang Wei was able to mobilize the traces of Chaos Qi was only triggered by chance, and Chaos Qi is the root of all things. Every bit is so powerful, not to mention, Wang Wei used it like this.

Coupled with the black and white movement that appeared on his body, this area turned into a vacuum at one time. Of course, there are many planets around, and at this time, it is impossible to bear the huge atmosphere of the two of them fighting. They burst open one after another, and Wang Wei quickly rushed forward at this time.

Suddenly the sky was full of dust, and such a thick area appeared in the dark night sky, and the dust was floating in this vacuum at this time, unable to fall for a long time, and this alien domain was There is no gravitational force at all, and those dust can only be a spreader of goodness at this time, and the old beggar sprayed a large mouthful of blood again at this time. With the momentum of the ear, he quickly approached the old beggar. I don't know how many creatures in the planets in the alien domain he was killing at this moment, and he didn't know how many aliens he was shocked at this moment. area.

In a certain place in the distant starry sky, there is an old man with a gray beard. This guy looks like a foreigner on the night shift. At this time, he is sitting cross-legged in a cave. The next moment, He suddenly felt the fluctuations in the surrounding air, and he felt the position where the fluctuations came from

"Hmph, I never imagined that in the place Wang Wei built, there would be a battle of such powerful characters, but I just don't know who the people in this battle are?"

Lao Tzu said such a sentence at this time, and the next moment, his whole person was once again deeply enlightened, and then he showed a faint smile:

"I thought who it was, it turned out to be the guys from these ancient martial arts sects, Wang Wei, Wang Wei, it seems that you have a lot of enemies."

At this time, the man said such a sentence ruthlessly. The next moment he quickly pressed the manual button, and then countless robots rushed over quickly at this time, and the man was in At this time, with a slight smile, some new instructions were issued to those robots, and those robots disappeared instantly.

It was Duma who was this person. He was cultivating in this place, and suddenly he felt Wang Wei fighting with others, and then he woke up. At this moment, he did see this scene. Of course, he was absolutely right at this time. It won't be the lyrics that make Wang Wei feel good. He released all the tap2 robots he developed recently. These robots are the strength of each robot she has recently developed, as well as the ability of this robot to fight. , It was definitely around the middle stage of Emperor Wu, and these people rushed towards where Wang Wei was, thinking that it was enough for Wang Wei to drink a pot.

A cruel smile appeared on Duma's mouth. The next moment, he was leisurely. He returned to his cave once again, and began to meditate and practice, and he no longer cared about the things outside.

Playing handsome, the three figures attacked again. Of course, these three figures are naturally the old madman, the old stubborn, and the old beggar, but the old beggar is even more embarrassed and sloppy at this moment. Somewhat like real beggars.

Wang Wei glanced at it coldly. The combat power of these three people is very strong. He didn't dare to be careless. Among them, the guy called the old lunatic was even more powerful. This guy's cultivation realm was similar to his own. A little bit stronger than himself, he has already reached the peak of Wuhuang mid-term strength, such a powerful guy is walking towards him at this time, and he looks like he is about to die.

In the bottom of his heart, Wang Wei began to think carefully about how tough the battle between him and this guy would be.However, I think this guy's strength should be more than that. It should have reached the Yuan Dynasty of the Emperor Wu period. But why does this guy give himself the appearance of the strength of the peak of the middle period of the Emperor Wu?

Wang Wei didn't understand when he was here, but at this time he really didn't mean to despise it, because the strength of the remaining two people, one guy was the strength of the middle stage of the Emperor Wu, and the other was the one who was beaten by himself before. The old guy from Zhenfei, who knows if this old guy has other means?Wang Wei really didn't dare to be careless at this time, but these two guys stared at Wang Wei in front of him with resentment:

"Boy, you should obediently hand over all the energy crystals on your body, as well as your black and white cultivation method. We will never embarrass you by teaching this."

The old stubborn said such a sentence at this time, but Wang Wei frowned slightly at this time, she didn't know what to do, but even so, she still smiled indifferently:

"Well, don't embarrass me. I think you should think about yourselves. You don't embarrass me, but whether you can survive is still such an unknown."

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, and after hearing Wang Wei's words, all the people were slightly stunned at this time, and then the three of them looked at each other, and then the one called Old Stubborn. The guy really said with a look of disdain:

Chapter [-]: I won't eat your way

"Hmph, boy, it's the first time that you dare to speak to us like this, you know? The three of us haven't joined forces for many years, little brat, today we'll let you survive, beg Can't die"

After hearing what this guy said, Wang Wei smiled slightly, and then he snorted and said to these guys:

"What an old guy, Hawhawaiwai, don't think that your cultivation is strong, you can compete with me in this place in this place, I tell you, I won't eat this set, you can come here if you have the ability."

Wang Wei snorted coldly at this time, but at this time, the guy smiled slightly, and then continued to speak:

"Hey, boy, you can't live today, if you have any last words you can say, I'll tell you, in a while, when the three of us capture you, we will use the method of searching for the soul to smash everything in your mind. Search all of your memories, and then you really won't have a chance to survive."

The old stubborn continued to say such a sentence at this time, but Wang Wei became even more arrogant after hearing this guy's words:

"Your sister's old thing, if you dare to shoot at me, I will let you pay with blood"

"Let me come, you have been fighting in this place for so long, and you haven't been able to decide the winner. After a while, it is estimated that there will be changes in this place."

A guy said such a thing at this time, it was an old lunatic, and the old lunatic, at this time, at some point in time, a bamboo stick appeared in his hand, the cupboard where the old lunatic directly checked , In the space, there were countless shocking sounds on the cabinet that clicked several times quickly, and those normal sounds did have a breathtaking feeling at this time.

"This is the Soul Destroyer Bell, be careful of Wang Wei." At this moment, in Wang Wei's mind, Xiaokui said such a voice eagerly, and when Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's words, he was also slightly He frowned, and the next moment, he rushed forward quickly. Of course, under the protection of the dragon armor, he did not dare to be careless. The mobilized bubbles were all aimed at the old madman at this time, but at this time, Xiaokui's anxious and urging voice kept coming from his mind. Wang Wei was hearing it. After Xiaokui's anxious and urging voice, he suddenly became extremely angry, and he no longer cared about anything. Of course, at this time, he was also running quickly, and the protective function of the dragon armor was used to completely protect his ears. It's like the legend of stealing the bell

The huge amount of energy, his divine consciousness that quickly circulated from Wang Wei's body, was completely withdrawn by him at this time, and in her own body, she did not dare to fight against the demonic voice at this time. .

"What's the sound of the Dementor Bell?"

Wang Wei pondered quietly at this time, and then he quickly flashed Xiaokui in his mind, but Xiaokui continued to speak directly at this time:

"The four souls were originally Ye Zong of the Corpse Yin Sect. They were evil methods. They controlled the souls of corpses and turned them into zombies. At this time, this old guy would actually use The bell sound will shock your mind, if you are controlled by this ethereal sound, then you will become a walking dead, and you may even become the puppet of that old guy."

After Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's introduction, Ma's heart became even more angry. He didn't expect these guys to be so despicable and to use such evil things against him. It seems that he is still too stingy for these guys. At this time, he quickly revolved completely in his own body, exerted all his strength, and quickly condensed all his strength at this time.

"Do you think you can resist me like this?"

There was a hint of sternness on Wang Wei's face. Of course, at this moment, he suddenly realized, and he had a firm decision in his heart at this moment, that is, if someone wants to kill me, I will kill him instead. This is Wang Wei's current creed, a domineering, a principle, a belief that does not allow others to manipulate him as a toy. This is Wang Wei's latest insight. He feels that if one person can't do this, then , that is really in vain.

At this time, Wang Wei was running fast, and the energy in his body was activated. The energy cannons were bombarding the past continuously at this time, and the old man in front of him was seeing the energy cannons that he bombarded. At that time, her complexion also changed drastically. Before, when the old beggar fought with Wang Wei, she could see it clearly. At this moment, he definitely didn't dare to try it easily, or he didn't. Dare to give up something easily at this time, fast, start constantly in this place, move and dodge, but at this moment, Wang Wei has a light smile on his face, the next moment, he is the whole person , rushed forward quickly, of course, at this time, he was completely relying on his own perception ability, because all his 50 was completely absorbed into his body at this time, leaving only the With his last senses, with his own senses, he once again activated the ultra-long-range attack energy cannon at this time.

The powerful energy beam rushed towards the ultra-long-range bombardment energy cannon at this time, and at this time he also quickly took out the sulfuric acid glove and immersed his hand in the glove. At this moment, a heart-piercing pain came out of Wang Wei's body, and Wang Wei clenched his teeth tightly at this moment, and turned around in his gloves fiercely. The next moment, she forcibly endured those Pained, he grabbed the concentrated sulfuric acid in the gloves and quickly threw it towards the old man. At this time, the old man did not see the super-concentrated sulfuric acid that Wang Wei threw at him.

Chapter [-]: New Skills

The ultra-concentrated concentrated sulfuric acid began to run rapidly in the air. That powerful force seemed to corrode the entire space at this time, and Wang Wei was really watching it quietly at this time. With all this in front of him, he is also waiting for him in his heart at the moment. He wants to know this kind of super power of his own, and if he seizes these super cute sulfuric acid, can he behead the old man in front of him?

The old lunatic had no time to take care of it at this time, because his magic voice was broken, and his mind was in a trance for a moment at this time, that is, this moment of trance, Wang Wei had already arrived in front of him, At this moment, Wang Wei's palm had turned into a pile of bones, and the corrosive force that could almost completely corrode the air was quickly slapped on the palm of the old man's hand.

"Old maniac beware"

Only at this time, the old stubborn slammed towards this side quickly. At this moment, he was holding a golden object in his hand, and the golden object quickly hit here, and Wang Wei's concentrated sulfuric acid At this moment, the bombardment of racing was on that thing. Of course, at this time, part of the concentrated sulfuric acid in his hand was still stained on the arm of the old lunatic.


The old madman screamed at this moment, and the next moment he saw his entire arm, which instantly turned into a pool of pus, and suddenly the old madman's eyes were straightened, he was in this At this time, he quickly picked up the bamboo pole on his other hand and directly smashed it on his other arm, and this arm was quickly knocked down by him at this time, and the old madman was surrounded by At this time, there was also a layer of snow mist, and the old stubborn was also a little dull after this heavy blow. His face also became quite ugly at this time, because his golden copper The device was actually corroded by this corrosive force, and there were a lot of potholes that made the old stubborn stubborn who had lived for decades, how could his heart be stable?At this moment, his eyes were also red, and he shouted angrily to Wang Wei in front of him:

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