"Stinky boy, you dare to return my treasure, it's not worth killing you today."

The old stubborn said such a sentence at this time, and quickly bombarded Wang Wei's side, but Wang Wei smiled slightly at this time, and the next moment his figure flashed and disappeared in place , when he appeared whole, he appeared on the other side of the old lunatic, his hand quickly grabbed the old lunatic, but at this time, the old lunatic was frightened in a cold sweat and ran away quickly Get up, this is the first time that the old maniac has been so embarrassed since his debut. This time, he has really suffered from blood mold for eight lifetimes. But when he wakes up, even if he has not fully exerted his combat power when he was at his peak, he is enough to disdain the entire territory of the ancient martial arts world, so at this time he will not put any In the eyes of people, but at this time, they did not expect that this guy in front of him would be so tyrannical, and they were also very angry at this time.

Wang Wei's move just now made them feel chills. They thought that the three of them were absolutely invincible in this ancient martial arts world. How could they know that Wang Wei would hit the door again and again. , and this guy didn't stop hitting the door. In this way, he also designed a few of them into this outer space, which is absolutely understandable, so at this moment, his heart is also very angry, and when he When he saw the surrounding space, he was also a little shocked at this time, because at this time, the space around him actually fell asleep in this area, and the space cracks quickly rushed at this time. Come out, and he, the dragon's blood from the arm he just cut off, quickly entered the crack in the space at this moment, and disappeared instantly. It is estimated that his energy has been buried in it at this time. Bar.

"Boy, if you bully the old man like this, I will never spare you lightly. You wait, the old man will definitely make you look good when he recovers."

At this time, the lunatic Lao gritted his teeth and shouted such a sentence. The next moment, his figure disappeared directly in place, and the old lunatic who had lost his arms was angry at this time. Of course, Wang Wei showed his courage at this time, but he didn't find this guy. Where did this old lunatic go?Wang Wei didn't know what to do. He released his powerful spiritual sense, trying to sense the position of the old lunatic, but was surprised to find that there was no breath at all, and the old lunatic seemed to be out of thin air at this time. disappeared in general.

"Be careful that this guy is using the Turtle Breath Dafa, this is something everyone can do, and the strength of this old lunatic will definitely not be that simple, his strength is also ranked among the ancient martial arts world. The fourth-placed girl, although his combat power and cultivation base are said to be very powerful in the ancient martial arts world, but the assassination technique he cultivates has made everyone fearful."

Xiao Pei's words quickly spread in Wang Wei's mind at this time, and Wang Wei was also a little scared at this time. This old madman could not have imagined that it was an assassination technique that he cultivated. No wonder he has this ability. So powerful, and he has also felt the strength of the old lunatic. The strength of the old lunatic is definitely not as simple as the one in front of him, and if it is possible, he is even a sister Jing higher than himself, which makes him at this time. Some people don't know what to do.

"Haha, it seems that the old lunatic is really angry this time, and it is also in the realm of the boy in front of him. If you want to capture the old lunatic, it is a fool's dream, and the old lunatic is an elite in assassination. It shouldn't be a problem to kill this little bastard. We are really too careless today. We actually let this kid have to set up a trap to deceive us here, and also make us pay such a big price. This is definitely our shame. I think the old madman will never give up such an opportunity to humiliate the younger generation, and this guy's strength is too strong."

Chapter [-]: The old maniac's killer move

The old stubborn said such a sentence at this time, but the old beggar beside him had a gloomy face. At this time, he snorted angrily, and the next moment, he condensed his hands once, A Tai Chi pattern appeared in his palm, and that Tai Chi pattern quickly gathered towards Wang Wei's head at this moment.

At this time, Wang Wei was also a little angry in his heart. He didn't expect this guy to be so strong, and he didn't expect that there would be such a powerful master on earth. If there is an attack in the martial arts of the sword, it is estimated that the entire earth will be destroyed at that time. If this is the case, it will really make myself very helpless. Wang Wei thought so at this time, but he was in At this time, I didn't dare to be careless, because at this moment the guy's Tai Chi pattern had been photographed over his head.

At this time, a crimson purgatory quickly appeared in Wang Wei's hands, and this red purgatory was also a newly discovered function of his dragon armor.

"Congratulations on opening the Crimson Purgatory"

The voice of the system came over again at this time, but Wang Wei had no time to care about the system's words at this time. At this moment, he quickly moved towards this area and began to bombard the past. Sihong Purgatory, at this time, quickly met the pattern of Tai Chi, but the pattern of Tai Chi was direct at this moment, swallowing the crimson purgatory completely, Wang Wei was in this It was also a shock at that time. I never thought that the red purgatory that I had just realized would be swallowed up by the old guy in front of me so easily, but this also gave Wang Wei a chance to win the next time. He moved quickly to the side at this time, but the old madman who appeared behind him at this time was direct, and he shot at her angrily, and a huge sword light quickly emerged in front of him at this time. came out.

Wang Wei was still stunned for a while at this time. He didn't expect that this old guy would be so strong and the old madman's recovery ability would be so powerful.

"Little bastard, you are still very good in this place. This is because you forced my old man to not use this ultimate move for many years. Now you can die under my sandbar, which is your ability. "

The old madman said such a sentence at this time, but Wang Wei had a bitter look on his face at this time. He saw the Tai Chi pattern on his head that was going to be suppressed to him, and the old madman at this time. The common short time in his mind was also limited at this time and began to doubt.

But no matter how suspicious he was, he had no choice but to grit his teeth tightly in the face of these old guys' attacks.

"Haha Wang Wei, this time you are dead, so hurry up and hand over how you can extract these stones in space and turn them into energy blocks, otherwise..."

The old madman said such a sentence coldly at this time, and Wang Wei really felt that his body was in a crisis at this time. He absolutely did not believe that these old guys would Even he felt that this time, if he didn't hand over his black hole condensing method, these old guys really wouldn't let him go so easily, but at this time, Wang Wei had no other choice.

"Haha right? Then we'll see if you have the strength."

At this time, he no longer cares about anything, and he has all the energy he really has at this time. Of course, his weekly salary also appeared at this time, black and white double holes, when black, white and red three colors It is also running rapidly.

The swallowing ability of the black and white hole is quite powerful. At this moment, I must be unable to use it quickly. The black hole began to continuously swallow the surrounding air in this place, and even turned the entire area into a once again. A vacuum zone.

The old lunatic didn't have time to react to his face at this time, and suddenly he called him because he found that a powerful force appeared around his body, which had surpassed his cognitive ability. It began to run continuously towards his surroundings.

"Boy, is it this one again? But we still have precautions."

Pharaoh couldn't say a word. At this time, he said such a sentence. The next moment, he saw a top-like thing in the car, and this top-like thing was quickly in front of them at this time. It started to rotate, and when it was rotated, it started to increase continuously.

A series of mysterious runes, at this time, began to rotate from the top-like attack, and spread out, causing Wang Wei to frown at this time. He did not expect this guy to use such a powerful strength. .

The spinning top, at this moment, directly drilled through the flesh of the black and white animal that just came out of Wang Wei's hands, and his power was completely dissipated at this time. .

Wang Wei didn't dare to be careless at this time. He knew that this matter would never be that simple, so at this time he was also on guard with all his heart, and at this time he was watching closely in front of him. The occurrence of this scene is waiting for the demise of those guys.

"Wang Wei, don't be too happy, hurry up and make a quick decision, there are many powerful auras rushing towards this side, of course, among these rushing auras towards you, many of them are from you. familiar"

In Wang Wei's mind, Xiaokui's voice came again at this moment, and Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time, Wang Wei was slightly stunned after hearing this, and then he was He opened his mouth and said:

"What kind of aura is that familiar?"

"There are many robots in outer space, you should know that"

Wang Wei's brows furrowed tightly at this time. He didn't expect that the robots in this outer space would arrive at this time, and these robots should be the heat of Duma's freezing, really? It's a bit of a headache.


"Hey, that's right, this old guy attacked you again at this time, and this time all the robots they came here have been specially modified, and Duma will also make black and white like you. The tricks of the hole, their robot should ignore black and white this time."

Chapter [-]: The Duma's Plan

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time. After hearing this, Wang Wei's face suddenly changed greatly. He did not expect such a situation to occur at this time. It is suitable for him and can be used now. Only the power of this black and white hole is the most powerful. Wang Wei didn't dare to be careless at this time. He was running the real energy in the body quickly, and the power of the whole body was constantly erupting at this time. come out.

The old madman, the old stubborn, the old beggar, all three of them suddenly changed their faces at this time, because at this time they also felt that there were groups of huge and abnormal things around them.

"No wonder this kid wants to lead us to this place. It seems that this kid has arranged a backhand."

The old stubborn said such a sentence at this time. The old madman and the old beggar also looked at each other. They were also a little shocked at this time. They did not expect that Wang Wei would actually stay behind. This time It made them a little overwhelmed.

Brush brush brush brush.

At this time, the sound of breaking the air came through quickly, and Wang Wei did not expect at this time that these guys would come so quickly. It seems that this time he really has some tough battles to fight. .

All of them changed their faces at this time. At this moment, Wang Wei's heart was extremely speechless, but Wang Wei had no choice at this time. He was quickly controlling his own at this time. Dragon scale armor, hoping to get some inspiration from the armor, suddenly Wang Wei felt something similar to the sword of light appearing in his hand.

"Congratulations on comprehending the Sword of Light"

The voice of the system in his mind came out again at this time. After Wang Wei heard this voice, he was also delighted for a while. The next moment, Wang Wei said nothing more, holding the light The sword is quickly displayed around, and the powerful establishment is known. For Wang Wei's current cultivation base, the sword qi that he has accumulated is very powerful, and the huge sword qi at this moment is instantly destroyed. The energy that Wang Wei had just condensed consumed most of the energy. The huge sword energy pierced the sky at this time, but did not force out the figures of those around him. The robots seemed to be hidden at this time. Somewhere I don't know what it is.

"Haha, little bastard, it wasn't your reinforcements."

The old beggar said such a sentence proudly at this time, and the next moment, he was running again, and the strength of the whole body condensed a giant Tai Chi gossip in the palm of his hand. Picture, this Tai Chi gossip picture is like a grinding disc at this time, it quickly rolled over to Wang Wei's body, but Wang Wei frowned at this time, he didn't expect this guy to actually It would be so powerful, and I didn't expect that this guy would fall into trouble at this time, but at this moment, Wang Wei couldn't care about those things. The sword of light in her hand quickly moved to the side at this time, directly beheading. In the past, and at this time, when the black and white Tai Chi pattern came into contact with Wang Mei's knowledge of the light, it started to spin quickly, and the power of the rotation made Wang Wei's sword of light almost dissipate. .

Wang Wei was also speechless at this time. He knew that at this time, the robots made by the Duma were already full of them. If these robots were to quickly rush towards him at this time, So is your life really in danger at this moment?He absolutely cannot make these guys proud at this moment. If he doesn't solve the three guys in front of him, he really can't compete with those in Duma.

At this moment, Wang Wei was full of anger. At this moment, he quickly used the strength of his whole body, and at this moment, he kept taking it towards the outside wind, and the next moment, he was a quick whole person in the original place. The ground dissipated and went away, and the whole person rushed towards that place directly. That place was where the old lunatic was. Wang Wei was not showing mercy at all at this moment. The guy bombarded the past, and the old madman smiled slightly at this time, he quickly disappeared at this time, and Wang Wei did not see this guy at this time, so it is at this moment, He was also scared, even a little scared. If these guys didn't show up in this place, wouldn't he have to explain it in this place?This old master's assassination technique is also absolute, and it has completely surpassed his own detection.

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