"Haha, Wang Wei, what do you want to do, do you know? To develop these robots, we must provide some subcutaneous tissue, and even let some human beings with stem cell tissue regeneration appear in this world, and the heart of a real living person. As an introduction, more human hearts and human organs can be copied. Only in this way can you make a large number of these things in this area, but if you know that once you make it on the earth After such a thing comes out, then I am afraid that you will be hunted down by all the people in the stars, for no reason, because at this time you have destroyed the eternal law in your heart, politics, you will Make a sea of ​​misery what the heart of the earth has always believed in, and what's more, you may develop such a robot that will cause a series of massacres in the entire star field"

Xiaokui's words were conveyed in Wang Wei's mind at this time, but Wang Wei smiled slightly at this time, and then he said:

"It's okay, I'm not going to develop these robots in this alien language, I'm going to bring these robots back to Earth for research, and after my research is successful, I'll bring these robots to the alien galaxy and let Duma Also try out the real prowess of the robot"

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, but at this time, Xiaofei's cold life came in his mind, as long as he didn't act directly at this time, he said:

Chapter [-]: The Space of the Death Star

"Wang Wei, you lunatic"

"Hehe, since ancient times, which robot is not a lunatic, and which famous scientist is not a lunatic? I just used such a crazy method to deal with Duma. Besides, Duma has developed so many robots, no Is it okay? Although they said they have a purpose, they want to rule the entire star field, but they ignored it for a year, and there is still an existence like me above this star field"

Wang Wei said such a sentence firmly at this time, which made my Xiaokui speechless for a while at this time, but then Xiaohei began to release his detection ability and quickly put two or three The robot approaching him is under control, and at this time, it is also countless energy, and the data that is constantly running at this time is frequently moving forward at this time, constantly chasing the past, and even this time. An area is completely shrouded in the torrent of data, the boundless data, at this time, frantically rushing towards the robots covered by Xiaokui.

"Damn it, this guy is really tnd, he's an out-and-out robot."

"Wang Wei, what do you want to do? Do you want to violate the laws of robots? If you really violate the laws of robots, the base camp will be hunted down by all the robots in the universe."

At this time, the other party was shouting automatically in this area, and when Wang Wei heard this, he sneered slightly. The next moment today, he saw the appearance of his war sword. A lot of those robots, but those robots are idiots at this time, it seems that they have lost the connection between the main board and the new sword, and their only brain thinking is still relatively active at this time, Wang Through the surveillance system on the battleship and the scanning system on the battleship, Wei was subjected to a new law by these robots, and even the current beauty of these technologies, a favorite, completely shrouded himself in front of him.

Rows of incomparably tyrannical data were presented in front of Wang Wei at this time, and Wang Wei, who was looking at those data at this time, was also stunned for a while. He did not expect that someone in this world could develop such a powerful These powerful robots have completely surpassed humans, and even these robots have reached a height that humans cannot reach. Even in the bodies of these robots, there are some things that make him a little shocked. thing.

She studied the laws of robots carefully at this time, but she did not study them thoroughly. At this time, he was also a little curious in his heart. How did these robots form?Although their self-consciousness is not as strong as human's self-consciousness at this time, these robots have definitely surpassed what he has researched at the level of technology he knows now.

When Wang Wei's heart was here, it was also a burst of emotion. He remembered that there was once a movie on the earth. It turned out to be a robot, and that robot once controlled the entire area and reached a new height. , It should be exactly the same as the real person, and he can also completely transmit his own data to the real person, so as to control the human being.

At this time, he carefully watched the data again. Of course, is the data like a torrent?He usually kept his back in his mind. When Wang Wei saw these data, his whole heart was filled with normal politics. At this time, he was concerned about the methods developed by these robots, and The combined abilities of these robots are all horrified for a while. He did not expect that there would be such a powerful person in this world, and after this guy has developed such a huge robot, he does not know if he will be affected by these Are robots dominated by backlash?

"Such a huge data flow, such a huge information flow, which has covered all aspects of the earth, human necessities, food, housing, and human research and inventions, all in this guy's mind, and this guy's chip is in The perfection that has been shown in his body makes people no longer suspect that he is a robot?"

"Haha, you idiot, although this kind of robot is very powerful, it is far from the real civilization of the empire, and in the real civilization of the empire, the people of the country are completely transformed into robots, and their bodies are frozen, so that their bodies are at thousands of degrees. Under the freezing temperature, staying alive, can even truly turn a person into a truly eternal law. Even if this law is above the earth, the earth is completely destroyed, and they will not be destroyed. This is Just like some cultivators on your earth, didn't those cultivators write that you are still pursuing immortality? But these robots have truly achieved the total length of immortality."

Wang Wei's heart was also horrified at this time, but now that everyone has made such a powerful level, and even people have made such a big robot, then what else can I say?If you transport all these robots back to the earth, you may be able to create some absolutely detached and modern fields on the earth one day.

In Wang Wei's mind, after having such an idea, he issued an order to Xiaokui in his mind, saying:

"Small loss, do me a favor, transfer all these robots to that space, and guard them. If we bring these robots back to the earth in the future, if we change their chips, the ones that constrain them will be changed. Some data of the law is transmitted to their minds, so that they cannot fully execute at this time, and some things in their minds will end, right?"

After hearing his words, Xiaokui was also stunned for a moment, and then he didn't say anything more, he just took care of these robots completely, and Wang Wei caught all the robots at the beginning. Get up, this kind of thing really won the chaos of the first battle of the robots outside. At this time, the robots outside started to attack Wang Wei's battleship frantically, but Wang Wei was not at all at this time. Ignore the expressions of these guys.

Chapter [-]: The Shame of the Robot

At this moment, a guy jumped quickly and directly onto the battleship in the town where Wang Wei was located. When the sloppy guy touched the battleship, Wang Wei clearly felt that he was in the battleship. A series of disturbances arose.

"This is a strong voltage data flow interference. He wants to affect all the data in your battleship. He wants to make all your data and your system completely collapsed at this time."

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time, and when Wang Wei heard Xiaofei's words, he was a little stunned. He didn't expect these robots to be so powerful. The degree of interfering with those data flows outside his battleships, if you let these guys continue in this posture, then it is estimated that your battleships are likely to be in this alien domain, and they will not be able to maintain at all. If In this alien language, if his battleship was destroyed, it would be unimaginable for Wang Wei to be here.

He knows how his battleship came from, and also knows that the space he is in is completely digital transmission space, and the battleship he is in is also a purely data-controlled battleship. Some things that have surpassed modernity, surpassed modern technology, and these things are absolutely above this world, belong to the top technology, and this top opera is also encountered at this time by these guys. Siege situation.

"Wang Wei, you are too underestimated, although the level of technology of these guys has reached a level that surpasses the predecessors, but even if they have such a powerful attack ability, and they have such, they can Things that are beyond mortals, but they absolutely do not have the ability to completely interfere with our data flow, after all, the era we are in, and the technology level of the era we are in, has completely surpassed these guys.”

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time, and Wang Wei was a little puzzled after hearing Xiaofei's words. Although he didn't know what era of technology products Xiaohei belonged to, he knew Xiaokui. It will definitely not be that simple. Even he knows Xiaofei's ability, as well as Xiaokui's developer, a series of data about the road construction between Xiaohei, and whether the feelings in Xiaokui's body are successful. Wait, wait, it can be said that the appearance of Xiaokui is definitely an accident.

As for what kind of existence this Xiaokui is, he really doesn't know. If it is D-level, he thinks it is absolutely impossible. If a character like Xiaokui is created in the mind of the prefecture level, or the brother's heart If a person can create such a virtual space and a virtual environment, then he is definitely in the most cutting-edge ground-based technology.

"Haha, Wang Wei, don't worry, the data streams they interfered with were only the scattered data streams on the periphery of our warships flying in outer space, and those data streams did not pose any danger to our warships at all, although they said they The technology has reached the level of blocking such signals, but they are only able to infect one-tenth of the space of the area where we are located.”

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time. After hearing Xiaofei's words, Wang Wei was indeed a little stunned at this time. Xiaokui, the existence of such a powerful person is still a bit staggering.

"Okay, Wang Wei is not the time to discuss these. The first thing you should do now is to remove all these robots. Only when you completely remove these robots will you have time to escape."

At this time, Xiao Pei had such a question in his mind, and Wang Wei was really tangled at this time. He really didn't know what to do, but he suddenly thought of it at this time. Among the black and white movements that he had used, although he said that he was in this outer space, he could not use all these things at all. It was because he was a little afraid of the existence of saints above the earth-level heart, but now , if he does not fully release the law of black and white movement and the application of black and white holes, then he will most likely be surrounded to death by these robots.

When Wang Wei was here, he no longer cared about anything. He completely sank his consciousness into his dantian, and then pushed the black and white movements in those dantians, as well as those existing in space. Very unstable impulse, and the pain created in these spaces was completely affected by a series of influences at this time, and the next moment, the door of his teleportation array, at this time, slowly It was opened by Wang Wei. Of course, he wanted to use the outside air here and the high-tech outside to formulate it in the place of constant stalemate at this time.

What Wang Wei did not expect was that it would be so easy to construct such a huge portal in this outer space.

"Xiao Kui, can we build this portal so that we can teleport to the earth? Or can we teleport to the space of the star field where the earth is located?"

Wang Wei asked such a question at this time, but Xiao Hei frowned slightly at this time, and then he continued to wait, and this time he said:

"Wang Wei speculates based on the data that if you want to use this method to build a space portal in the green area where you are now, the energy required is definitely beyond the energy you can control now. A thousand times more, and among the thousand generations, you can only open the teleportation array for two minutes. After two minutes, if you can't completely remove the objects in these places, then you only have In this area, waiting to face destruction"

"What? Are you saying that if I were to build a teleportation array in this place, it would only last for two minutes, and it would work for all my energy reasons?"

Chapter [-]: New Portal

"It's not like this, the difference between the interstellar teleportation array and the mind teleportation lamp is very big, and the strength you have now can only run the scheming at this time, the teleportation array, but you can't run out of the star field. , teleportation array, a star field, a distance between interstellar, that is an absolute body that exceeds the standard, at this time, if you want to truly receive these teleportation, then you are likely to need to be in this place. Pay more powerful energy, and if you want to have such powerful energy in this world, then you must reach the realm of the Venerable, but your current cultivation base is only the cultivation base of the peak of Martial Emperor. "

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time. After hearing Xiaofei's words at this time, the whole person is indeed a little normal. He did not expect such a powerful scene, and he did not expect such a place to appear. This thing is related to the Star Field Teleportation Array that I built, what should I do?It's not cheap enough to build the Star Field Teleportation Array by itself.

"Xiao Kui, I would like to ask, what would it be like if a portal for the Interstellar Teleportation Array was built in this place?"

"Haha not so good, the teleportation array you are building in this star field is just a very simple teleportation gate, and this teleportation gate has indeed been completely constructed with a potential earth. The portal that came out is two concepts, and these two concepts are still in constant conflict, of course, the thing you have built now should belong to an independent individual"

At this time, Xiaokui said such a sentence in Wang Wei's mind, but Wang Wei was at this time Wei Wei's conclusion, and then he thought of something and continued to ask:

"If this is the case, then I will build a space portal in this area, and then build a space and a portal in another area, and then construct a new space from the editing of the heart language in that area. Through the connection between the two teleportation arrays, am I enough to return to the earth smoothly?"

"Oh yes, but you have to think clearly, to build a teleportation array, it requires a huge amount of energy to maintain, and there is no latest stream in this star field, your current swallowing function can't build the latest browsing, and you Now only a series of base stations can be built in this outer space, and these base stations are to provide energy for your transmission array. Of course, if you can be completely professional and thorough in this regard , then in this area, if you want to develop some super high-tech level, or even want to develop something completely, that can reach the level you need, it should not be a problem.”

After listening to Xiaokui's words, Wang Wei was indeed a little excited at this time. His idea was very simple, that is, to build a local teleportation array in this place, and to completely construct and air volume of the teleportation array on this side, These teleportation arrays are constantly exerting their power in this place, and he has to shuttle back and forth between these teleportation arrays. If his strength really can't reach that level in the future, then he can still pass this way. This is also a very good idea. Although the time is a little tight, but Wang Wei's current ability wants to build a fierce battle in this place, it is still easy.

Thinking of this, at this time, Wang Wei's heart has a certain amount of hatred. He decided to build such a teleportation formation in this place, and he also decided to be in these places, although it is He can frequently build such fierce battles, but he will never do that. He would give up such an opportunity easily. Without Suixingliu, he can use all his energy to directly violently destroy a planet. Only in this way can he directly extract these latest views from the planet. Only in this way can he do all of this more perfectly. Only in this way can he believe in himself and completely build his own heart in this area.

After thinking about this, Wang Wei stopped doing more and stopped. At this moment, he quickly conducted research in this area, and in this area, he completely started The energy circles of those black and white holes that are running on him, of course, when he has already vented his anger, he cannot release such energy circles, and completely forget about it. When he is here, it is complete. Completely new hearts are devoted to the building of these circles of energy automatically.

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