When those robots were here, when they saw such a powerful strength displayed by Wang Wei, all of them were so shocked that they didn't know what to say, but their hearts were also a little shocked at this time. I didn't expect to be able to build such a powerful teleportation force at this time.

Those robots were still thinking about how to get close to this place at this time, and suddenly they felt something that was beyond his knowledge, and under the cover of this unknown force, the robots started to panic at this time, but At this time, Wang Wei appeared. At this time, he once again started a one-off Acer on these guys. Of course, his attack was not that simple.

The next moment, I saw countless robots. At this time, when they were completely swallowed by the black hole and then felt the power of these completely swallowed black holes, those robots panic at this time.

"Damn it, this is the power of a black hole, hurry up, everyone hurry up and hide"

Someone shouted such a sentence at this time, and the next moment, all the robots started to panic at this time, and at the moment when these robots panic, Wang Wei appeared once, and she did it again. I used all my abilities at once, and at this time, I quickly bombarded those robots, and those robots were a little stunned at this time. They wanted to avoid them, but they couldn't dodge. At this time, they had already They were completely attacked by this violent energy. Of course, it was not only these that pulled up the shutters, but also the fluctuations of their vitality.

Chapter [-]: Devouring Robots

Of course, the main reason is because these guys have no way to resist at this time. Even these guys feel a lot of energy in their bodies at this time, and the phenomenon of continuous loss at this time. When they felt this phenomenon, these guys all started going crazy at this time. They wanted to stop the loss of energy in their bodies at this time, but they couldn't do it at all, and at this time, These robots have also undergone countless changes at this time, and countless energies swept them in an instant, directly swallowing their entire robots at this time.

When Wang Wei saw all this, he was overjoyed. He didn't expect these guys to be so tough, and he didn't expect that these guys wanted to cause trouble in this place, but they were directly swallowed up by him. , and he did not expect that such a devouring would be so smooth.

Devouring these robots, those metal energy blocks grew rapidly at this time, and the next moment they appeared in front of Wang Wei. Wang Wei felt a burst of joy at this time, because at this time he He felt that his energy was growing wildly at this time, and he also felt himself at this time, not only the movement of energy, but the formation of those energy blocks also made him even more surprised at this time, he did not It was beyond their current perception to think that it would have such an effect, and that so much energy would be completely absorbed by him.

These energy cards created by him completely started to run in his heart at this time, and his body began to expand continuously at this time, and the competition level of these energy blocks had already It has reached more than ten times the energy block he had condensed before.

"These robots have been selected by people in every possible way, and they even contain a lot in the body of these robots, beyond the level of modern technology you know, and even these robots can completely transform you. , and the energy block generated by this robot is absolutely beyond the scope of your knowledge in this world. If you want to defeat these guys in this world, then you must have The operation of such a powerful energy block, and these energy blocks just make up for this deficiency in your body, so the energy you create is definitely the most powerful you can create at this stage. Two, and some of these energy blocks have been obtained, it is their purity level that has definitely surpassed your imagination.”

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time. Wang Wei was slightly taken aback after hearing what Xiaokui said. He didn't expect it to be like this, and he didn't expect it to go so smoothly. .

At this time, Wang Wei began to rapidly circulate the energy in his body. At this time, the energy began to continuously circulate in his body.

"How come such powerful storms?"

A robot asked such a sentence at this time, and his such sentence has not been answered at this time, but he saw that the guys around him began to be completely surrounded by that kind of power at this time. The guy didn't have time to react, he was directly pulled into the black hole, and the black hole quickly decomposed all the energy of the guy's collective at this time, the huge energy At this time, it quickly rushed towards Wang Wei's body.

"Xiao Kui, think of a way to control a few guys, otherwise I will be blasted by these energies"

At this time, Wang Wei said such a sentence to Xiaokui in his mind, and the next moment, Xiaohui did not say anything, but Wang Wei could feel his energy draining rapidly at this time.

At this time, he also started constantly. At this time, the vortex-type devouring power that was running the whole body quickly carried out a powerful devotion to these guys at this time.

Along with its devouring function, it keeps starting at this time, it keeps starting, and when it devours everything around it, all the robots on the opposite side will be affected at this time, and it will start completely at this time. , Wang Wei's phagocytosis ability was involved.

At this time, Wang Wei once again completely immersed his consciousness into that feeling.

Unconsciously, he once again built a space portal in this space, and the space portal opened quickly at this time, and the next moment was to see a vacuum in this area. area.

At this moment, Wang Wei felt that his own energy was as fast as a flood. At this moment, he quickly devoured the surrounding robots. Of course, the space portal he built this time was no longer like it. It's the way it was built before. Because of the huge energy, it is constantly supporting the space portal at this time. At this moment, when the alert is quickly changed, next to the space portal, there is a Another vortex of extremely connected different nodes, those who live at this time constantly begin to devour everything around them.

"Wang Wei, you actually built this space teleportation array again in this place. Of course, your space elevator can't run into such a powerful trajectory, so your qualification for space teleportation array is just a decoration, If you want to maintain this teleportation array now, then you have to choose a node"


Wang Wei was a little confused at this time. He didn't know how to establish a node, because at this time, if such a node were to be built in this area, it would very likely cause a series of problems in this area. Trouble.The node of the space teleportation array, at this time, instantly became a headache for Wang Wei. If he wanted to set up the node of this space teleportation array in a star field not far from the earth, or If it is established in other star fields, then if people on the slow planet catch up, it is likely to cause mistakes in his node, and at this time, he must also ensure the safety of this node.

"Have you made up your mind? Where to buy and build the portal for the elevator?"

Chapter [-]: Zombies in the universe

Wang Wei was also pondering at this time. After a long time, he began to recall carefully. He wanted to know, in this area, where would such a node be constructed?

At present, the portal is now constructed by it, but the energy of the teleportation array is also amplified by it unlimitedly in the vacuum area in this area, and it appears again. Wang Wei is at this time. There is no need to provide energy to this space teleportation array anymore.

After forcibly urging Xiaokui and manipulating several robots, he directly gave up everything at this time.

Quickly urging his battleship, he escaped from this star field at this time. Of course, after he escaped from this star field, it is not that there is no answer. It is to continue to rebuild some sources of energy in this area.

The construction of these pseudo base stations is a result of Wang Wei's deeper understanding at this time. He also has a better grasp of the application of this black and white segment and is proficient.

"Those guys didn't follow me anymore?"

Wang Wei was a little worried. At this time, he asked Xiaokui in his mind, and Xiaokui frowned slightly after hearing his words, and then he quickly released all the signals. .

"No, those guys didn't follow me at this time"

Wang Wei exhaled a long breath at this moment, and in the next moment, he started to revolve his own power in this place. to the surrounding starry sky.

He wants to ensure the danger that will appear at any time, to ensure the operation of these energies, and to build a storm of these energies in this place.

Therefore, Wang Wei must ensure that his battleship is in the peak state. If he cannot reach the peak state, then it is very likely that he will lose power in this place.

Naturally, Wang Wei didn't want to see such a situation happen, so he kept fleeing in this star-selling domain at this time.

After he absorbed all the energy, he asked Xiaokui to test it again. Xiaokui found that no one was chasing after him. Wang Wei breathed a long sigh of relief, but in this vast In the starry sky, he lost his way.

"Xiao Kui, help me sense, in the direction of this area, I want a specific time"

Wang Wei said such a sentence to Xiaokui in his mind. At this time, Xiaokui also began to flow his huge data in this area and began to release it. Under the combination of zero and one , and soon a series of data appeared. When these data were completely presented in Wang Wei's mind in the form of images, Wang Wei was also a bit bitter at this time.

"The orientation of the earth is in the distance, and your current location is about 14 billion light-years away"

"How is it possible?"

At this time, Wang Wei couldn't help but be shocked. He didn't expect that this would be the case, and he didn't expect to be able to find out that the place where the earth was located was beyond what he said he wanted to know.

"Yes, Wang Wei, when you were fleeing before, you had already deviated from the trajectory of the earth. Of course, the motion of this celestial body originally revolved around a circle, and your current position should be this piece of mind. One of them is within the bounds of a dying heart.”

"Immediately dying?"

Wang Wei was also stunned for a while at this time. He didn't expect such an outcome, but what was this resignation that was on the verge of death?

"Yes, the death-heart is on the verge of extinction, and this death-heart, which is on the verge of death, is somewhat similar to your earth. Of course, this area is also a star field, you can explore it on your own."

When Wang Wei heard such words from Xiaokui in his mind, he was also a little stunned. He didn't understand what the situation was about giving up?

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