"Oh, I hate it, but I'm surprised that you can recover so quickly. Otherwise, to celebrate your recovery today, let's go out to eat."

An Ran was very happy, and said such a sentence to Wang Wei at this time, and when Wang Wei heard An Ran's words, he was also slightly taken aback, but the next moment he smiled and said:

"Hehe okay, I haven't gone out to eat for a long time, let's go, let's go to dinner together"

After saying this, Wang Wei gently stretched out his hand and scratched An Ran's little nose. At this time, he felt Wang Wei was scratching her little nose. , The two people had a lot of trouble in this house.

The knock on the door of Peng Gong Junior High School came out again. When Wang Wei heard the knock at this time, he also frowned slightly. He did not expect that someone would knock on him at this time. door, who is it?

Chapter [-]: The arrival of Professor Yang

At this time, Wang Wei was also a little confused, but he also suddenly remembered something at this time, and once again looked at the corner of the wall, where the flying saucer was quiet at this time. It was stable and stagnant in that place, as if it hadn't moved, and Wang Wei always felt that this guy would never be that simple, because he had dealt with this guy before and knew some of this guy's structure. .

Although he said he didn't touch this guy, he was still a little curious about this guy, and An Ran was a little strange when he saw Wang Wei's stunned expression at this time, but he didn't notice the outsider in the corner of the wall. Starman's flying saucer, happily ran out and opened the door.

"Earth people, hello, I am No. [-] from the planet Maca. I have gone through a sexual journey, and I am still a little curious about you earth people. I really want to know what your earth people are like, and also for you earth people. Feelings of skepticism, I really want to see how you earthlings live, so I take the liberty to disturb you, I'm sorry."

Such a sentence suddenly came out of Wang Wei's mind, Wang Wei couldn't help but be stunned at this moment, ah, then Xiao Kui said:

"Hehe Wang Wei, this alien is greeting you, do you want to say hello to this alien?"

When Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's joking remarks, he also frowned slightly. He didn't understand, what kind of medicine is this Xiaokui selling in the gourd?How can you pass on what this guy said to yourself at this time?

"What the hell is Xiaokui doing? Why did you ask this guy to get it?"

"It's not that I'm messing with spirits, but this guy has used them and surpassed the level of modern technology. I will contact you again. I have no way to completely block his information."

Xiaokui's face was full of bitterness, and he said such a sentence at this time, and when Wang Wei heard Xiaohei's words, he was also slightly taken aback, and then he opened the mouth and said:

"You mean that the technology in their place is stronger than the technology on the Earth-level star where you are?"

"Yes, it is so"

Wang Wei frowned slightly when he heard Xiaokui's words, and then he looked at Xiaokui in front of him in disbelief, and the one hidden in the dark corner. In outer space, the guy on Xingyu's cup and saucer:

"Xiao Kui, you said that the technology above the first few stars can be regarded as the most powerful son in this universe. The guys from the outer universe are actually more powerful than the technology of your era, and At this time, I took a look at its size and it's not great, how big a creature can be accommodated in such a small flying saucer?"

Xiaokui did not answer him at this time, but at this time, the flying saucer from the alien domain spoke up:

"Why do you earthlings welcome us like this? Don't you know it's rude to talk about others behind your back?"

At this time, Wang Wei was also embarrassed for a while. He did not expect this guy to speak at this time, but he also wanted to know what happened to this guy.How can you say such a word at this time?Immediately he tried to ask:

"Well, what kind of existence are you? Can you come out and let us see it?"

Just when Wang Wei said this, the next moment, the flying saucer battleship that the alien was riding on suddenly underwent a series of changes. The past shone in front of Wei, and the next moment, Wang Wei saw a huge human-shaped monster, and on top of this human-shaped monster, there were a lot of wings on the back, and in his hands there were various kinds of monsters. Something like a beetle, when the size of this guy is displayed in front of him at this moment, it is absolutely super powerful, and when Wang Wei saw the image of this guy at this time, he was shocked for a while. , I didn't expect that the creatures in this outer universe would actually grow into this look, and she didn't know what to say.

"Haha, earthlings, don't worry, I won't hurt you, um, and I won't let your little girlfriend discover my existence, the connection between us is telepathy, right? Just like the little guy in

The guy from the outer universe said such a sentence to Wang Wei in front of him at this time, and Wang Wei was speechless for a while at this time. He really didn't know how to explain it. I don't even know what's going on with the creatures from outer space in front of me?Why would you say such a thing at this time?

"Well, great man Wang, great man Wang"

Just when Wang Wei was talking with this guy in the outer universe, at this time, Xiaokui came by a person nearby, and after this person entered the door, he respectfully faced Wang Weixing. Li said that when he said such a sentence, he would often be ashamed at this time. He didn't know who this guy was, and why did this guy appear in this place?

"He is the Dr. Yang who studies the energy of your spiritual department"

Xiaokui made such an explanation in Wang Wei's mind at this time, when Wang Wei heard that this person was the guy who wanted to frame him, and was just a woman, and put him on a hotel bed At that time, he suddenly said in a bad mood:

"I have no enmity or enmity with you. What are you doing here with me?"

"Master Wang Wei, is there any misunderstanding between us?" The guy named Professor Yang looked at Wang Wei in front of him at this time, and immediately asked such a question, and Wang Wei was at this time But he sneered, and then he said:

"Misunderstanding, there is no misunderstanding between us. You designed me to take me to the hotel, and I was still in the hotel. You gave me such a big surprise. Do I want to thank you, or what should I do?"

Chapter [-]: Uninvited Guest

"What are you, Wang Wei?" The guy named Professor Yang looked at Wang Wei in front of him with a look of shock at this time. He didn't know what to say at this time. Wang Wei saw this at this time. When he looked like a guy, he also smiled slightly, and then he continued to speak:

"What am I? Don't you know what you did yourself? I really don't welcome you in this place, so let's go."

When An Ran heard Wang Wei's words at this time, she couldn't help frowning. He walked to Wang Wei's side, tapped Wang Wei's arm lightly, and said in a low voice:

"Wang Wei, do you have any festival with him? Even if there is a festival, if someone can come to the door, it is a guest. How can we entertain guests like this?"

When Wang Wei heard An Ran's words, he frowned slightly, and then he said to An Ran:

"Guest, have you ever seen such a guest? Would you still consider him a guest if I told him and he told me what he did to me?"

When Wang Wei said this, he deliberately raised his voice, but that Professor Yang frowned even more tightly at this time. He didn't know why he had offended Wang Wei at this time?Or did Wang Wei in front of him simply not buy his account at this time?His heart was absolutely uneasy at this time.

"Why did I tell you the pain in my heart and dare not say anything more to me?"

Wang Wei snorted coldly and said such a sentence, but that Professor Yang was confused at this moment. He was also a little overwhelmed at this moment, and then he looked around. An Ran, slightly embarrassed, said to An Ran in front of him:

"Well, that lady An Ran, this Wang Weiwei recently..."

An Ran didn't expect that this guy would actually ask him for help, but he didn't know what to do at this time. He glared at Wang Wei, and then went to the old guy very politely. The water has gone.

"Tell me, why are you looking for me? Do you want to study my heart again, or do you want to study my whole person?"

Wang Wei still had a cold face at this time. The guy facing him at this time said something like this, and the guy in front of him was also wrinkled when he heard Wang Wei's words. He frowned, and then he said:

"Oh, no, Mr. Wang Weiwei, I think you have misunderstood, um, this time I came to think..."

"What do you want to do without talking"

At this time, Wang Wei had a cold face and said something like this, but at this time, that Professor Yang smiled bitterly, and then he didn't know what to do?Then he turned away speechless.

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