"Wang Wei, do I think there is some misunderstanding between you and him?"

At this moment, in Wang Wei's mind, the guy in outer space said such a sentence, and Wang Wei frowned slightly after hearing this guy's words, and then he was not angry. I can't take a picture of the guy in front of me:

"I misunderstood you, you know shit, if it wasn't for him, would I be able to find you? If it wasn't for him, would I be able to receive a courier like you and bring you home?"

Wang Wei said such a sentence angrily at this time, but the guy from the outer universe was looking at Wang Wei in front of him at this time, and then he smiled and said:

"Haha, according to my analysis, you should be very angry now, um, but what I want to tell you is that it wasn't him who gave me to you."

After hearing this guy's words, Wang Wei couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this guy from the outer universe would actually say that it wasn't this who gave him to him, Professor Yang, if it weren't for Professor Yang, Who would that be?Who would be so bored to give such a guy from an alien language to himself, and he also arranged that thing that day, if it wasn't for him to arrange that thing, maybe Wang Wei would have really done it at this time. He thinks that he is blaming others, but at this time he absolutely doesn't believe himself and blames that Professor Yang.

"According to my analysis, what this Professor Yang said should be the truth."

The guy from the outer universe said such a sentence at this time, and after hearing this guy's words, Wang Wei couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then he said:

"Facts are shit. I've already been put on the bed by him, and I still eat shit. If I'm 40, I don't know what it's like to be eaten by this guy."

Wang Wei said it angrily at this time, and the guy from the outer universe sighed helplessly at this time, and disappeared, and after that guy disappeared, Xiaokui's voice did come over. :

"Wang Wei, I think there is really something strange in this matter? If that woman is really arranged by this Professor Yang, then what is the purpose of his coming to your place this time? But if If it wasn't arranged by this Professor Yang, how could it possibly have been his phone call? And why did the woman call this Professor Yang after the incident?"

When Wang Wei heard Xiao Fei's voice again, his mood became a little more frequent, but his heart was still small. When he said other things, he was also a little doubtful in his heart. He didn't know about this matter. What exactly is going on?Don't know what is the reason for this?

At this moment, Wang Wei feels that his head hurts so much. At this moment, he finally feels how painful the legendary 10 people are, and those scientists and those researchers will be at different times. Ask yourself, why, is this really something worth scrutinizing for yourself?

After the old guy left, An Ran walked out from the inside, then looked at Wang Wei in front of him, and immediately said to Wang Wei:

"Wang Wei, is there really any misunderstanding between the two of you? Why is it that Professor Yang came to you in person for something, but you rejected them like this, and you are still so sad?"

Chapter [-]: Sad Enron

"Misunderstanding, do you know what he did to me? I almost felt sorry for you." Wang Wei said such a sentence angrily at this time, and when An Ran heard Wang Wei's words, I also felt that something was wrong, and then he straightened his face and said to Wang Wei:

"Wang Wei, make it clear what's going on? What do you mean I'm almost sorry for me?"

At this time, Wang Wei also had two big teeth in one head, and he didn't know what to say at this moment, but An Ran was standing in front of him, and he really had no choice. For An Ran He felt guilty in his heart, so he didn't want to hide anything at this time, he just told the whole story directly at this time. Of course, it was after he became a robot. , He did not tell, but said that he and Professor Li went to the deep mountains to study, how to restore their physique.

After their research, they finally found a way, and they figured out how to change his physique, and because of that, they drank too much at that party, and when he woke up, he found He found a woman lying beside him, and the words that this woman said to him, and so on, a series of things, Wang Wei explained to An Ran completely at this time.

When An Ran finished listening to his series of words, she couldn't help being a little stunned. At this time, he also didn't understand, why did Wang Wei tell himself this?Moreover, when he listened to Wang Wei's words at this time, he also felt that Wang Wei, who was a little uncomfortable, said so many things at this time. Could it be that...

After watching TV, I remembered something, that girl.

"Wang Wei, are you irresponsible to that girl?"

When Wang Wei saw An Ran's appearance, he was also a little big-headed. He knew that as long as this matter was revealed, he would definitely have a fight with An Ran and the two of them, but even if that was the case, he would still be arrogant. He was a little speechless, because if he didn't explain it to Teacher An Ran, he would not be able to deal with this matter in his heart, but now he and An Ran had a showdown, but this matter turned into a mess again. Appearance, Wang Wei is also a little melancholy at this time, but no matter how melancholy, he still patiently explained to the two of them.

After a fierce quarrel, the two were no longer interested in going out to eat, so Xiaokui jumped out again, and once again became Wang Wei's chef.

When it comes to cooking, Xiaokui's craftsmanship is simply impossible to say. If he actually said it, Xiaokui is just a robot. Although it is said that he can have a human taste, how can he have a human taste, it is still a robot. A robot, a robot, is absolutely powerful in order to become a human in this world.

Xu Chenglin never asked Xiaokui to do anything. He only hoped that Xiaokui could make something delicious, but for Xiaokui, it was really embarrassing for him. Wang Wei could indeed remember the eggs Xiaokui once made. fried rice.

At this time, he was speechless in his heart, but he believed in Xiaokui's ability. He could definitely only propose some cooking plans in this area, and he could find some recipes for cooking and cooking, and so on. The food that came out to me should not be so unpalatable.

Wang Wei was also a little helpless at this time, because now the two of them have no power, and they don't have the time to go out to eat, so they have to let Xiaokui do it.

Although Xiaokui's cooking skills are said to have improved a bit, the things he made should still be acceptable. Wang Wei brought these things to An Ran, but An Ran was still angry with Wang Wei at this time.

An Ran's heart was also a little bitter at this time. He didn't understand why Wang Wei would do such a thing at this time. If he did the same to himself, what kind of expression would he look like?

An Ran thought about a lot, so he was completely disinterested in Wang Wei's sugar-coated cannonballs and a series of other things. At this time, Wang Wei also thought of a lot of ways to please An Ran. It is to ignore Wang Wei at all.

"Well, boy Xu, are you there?"

Wang Wei finally made An Ran happy, and asked An Ran to come to this place with him to eat Xiaokui's food in his own home. I don't know how long it has been. Wang Wei seems to remember the last time he was there. It was already half a year ago when he was eating at his own house. At that time, Xiaokui also cooked an egg fried rice for them to eat. At that time, he was very impressed with Xiaokui's cooking skills and the eggs that Xiaokui made. Fried rice, it was a little helpless, and now it should be like this.

An Ran picked up a piece of fried ham sausage with chopsticks and chewed it gently in his mouth, but at this moment he heard the shout from outside the door, and Wang Wei also heard the shout , but he ignored it, still beckoning An Ran to eat at this place.

"Wang Wei, it's not good for you, the professor is waiting at the door, isn't it a bit inhumane for us to eat here?"

In the end, An Ran couldn't bear it anymore. After all, she was a woman. He said such a sentence to Wang Wei at this time, and when Wang Wei heard An Ran's words, he was a little reluctant. stand up and go outside

"Haha, professor, why did you come to me again today, what's the matter?"

"That's right, didn't we discover that some time ago, as soon as Lao Tzu enters the kitchen, he will directly feign death? After my research, I have determined the fact that people are in a different space. , then there will be a state of suspended animation, because he has already appeared in another dimension at this moment, and the issue of the barrier between the two dimensions, the passage of the passage, has always been the subject of modern research, but for the space In terms of research results, our research results are not very large, and even we do not even have a complete understanding of many structural structures of space and many things in space, so we are also concerned about the subject of space We have made a lot of efforts for this, but we still have no room for thorough research.”

Chapter [-]: New Theory

As soon as Professor Li entered the room at this time, he directly said such a theory to Wang Wei, and when Wang Wei heard Professor Li's theory, he also frowned slightly. :

"What space are you talking about, you said that the old man can travel through space?"

"I think that old man should be able to travel through space. Only those who can travel through space can experience suspended animation in our current world."

At this time, a professor said such a sentence. After listening to his words, Wang Wei was also slightly stunned, and then he quickly stretched out his hand and arranged a space wall in front of him. , and he is standing behind the space wall, and on the other side of the space wall is Professor Li

"Professor Li, you can feel it now, can I also have that kind of death breath?"

At this time, Wang Wei said such a sentence to Professor Li. Of course, he was also carefully feeling on the other side of this space that she wanted to know whether this theory existed. If there were two spaces If the conversion between them can really make people feel like they are in a state of suspended animation, or if they feel like they are in a state of death, then this is really an absolute discovery.

At this time, Professor Li carefully sensed the breath on Wang Wei's body, but shook his head helplessly and said:

"Not now I can feel the breath of life in you"

Wang Wei was also a little puzzled at this time, because outside the space barrier he had set up, he also felt that Professor Li was alive, not that Professor Li died, or other things. At this time, he can be sure that this is definitely not something that space can isolate.

"Wang Wei, according to what we know, should be two parallel spaces, superimposed in the same place at the same time, and this may suffocate people, but it is possible, because after all, we cannot create Two parallel spaces, besides, now that I am in this place and you are in this place, where do we go to find this balanced space? Or where can we find another space?"

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