At this time, Professor Yi was still looking at Wang Wei in front of him with some reluctance, and Wang Wei was also in deep thought at this time. He did not expect this matter to be like this. If the two balanced spaces If so, then how did the scavenger walk through these two dimensions?And the moment he passed, why did it take so long?Could it be that the time gap between the two parallel spaces is also very large?

At this time, Wang Wei had more doubts in his mind. Before, he heard Professor Li say that it was the influence of space, so even if he made a decision, he really wanted to know , Is this a scene created by the folding of space, but after experiments, he found that this is not the case at all, because in the enchantment he created in this place, he can clearly feel the outside world. At this time, Professor Li from the outside world also felt Wang Wei's breath at this time.

That means that this idea is not valid. If the format is not valid, how can another space appear?If two spaces are parallel, and a person walks from one space to another, then what is the principle in between?And why didn't the rest of them find anything in that place?Only the old scavenger found out?

In Wang Wei's mind, there are a lot of questions at the moment. He is also very urgent about these questions. If he wants to know the answer, he really doesn't know. If it is between two parallel spaces If it is converted, how can two parallel spaces be formed?

"That old man made some sense. The space of your world is in balance with the space of our world, and it is precisely because of the balanced space that I can learn from that other universe, which is what you think. In the outer universe, we crossed into your earth. If we do not pass through a balanced space or a parallel space, then if we reach yours from our star field, then I don’t know if your reputation still exists. ?"

When Wang Wei was wondering, in his mind, at this moment, the voice of that guy in another universe came. When Wang Wei heard this guy's voice, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then he It was in his heart that he began to call Xiaokui, and Xiaokui frowned slightly at this time, and then he said:

"Wang Wei, I think what that guy said makes sense. If two parallel spaces run on the same trajectory, then it is very likely to be a shuttle from one space to another, but it only takes a short time. If you want to teleport from one space to another, or perform a series of walking, it will take a lot of time, and even if you have a lot of time, you may not be able to reach it. another space"

At this time, Xiaokui gave Wang Wei such an explanation in Wang Wei's mind, and after Wang Wei listened to these explanations, the doubts in his heart became stronger, but In the midst of such powerful doubts, Wang Wei didn't know what to do. If this was the case, wouldn't it be more difficult for him to study space, if he couldn't study the real space, then he He simply can't break through to the Venerable. If he can't break through to the Venerable, then he has no way to understand time in the true sense. After all, time is more difficult than the understanding of space. Of course, Wang Wei thought There is another possibility. After comprehending time and space, should I comprehend life and death? Although he said that he had comprehended the black-and-white hole for a period of time, he thought that the Taiji map of the black-and-white hole was this life and death, but he felt the mystery in it. It's too general, and now there is a Tai Chi picture in his dantian, but the Tai Chi picture now seems to be a dead thing, and he can't push it no matter how much he pushes it, which makes him very helpless. ah.

Chapter [-]: Spatial Folding Effects

Thinking that he still has a long way to go, Wang Wei couldn't help but sigh at this time, and then he opened his mouth and said to the Professor Li:

"Well, I agree with your theory, but how can we prove it? Besides, the space above this world is originally a virtual world, a virtual space, how can we go? You draw What about a space that is in balance with the space we are in now? Even if it is a parallel space, something needs to be constructed in the middle, and the construction of space is not a simple matter. Besides, what is in a space? How big it is, we still have no way to study it. After all, I really don’t know what to measure the size of the space. Some people use a container to hold some things. He thinks that the space is only as big as the container. Some people use some ideas to measure, then the space he sees has absolutely surpassed what he knows, and can even go beyond a series of knowledge of space, so we don’t have much about space at present. A better definition, so I don't think the size of the space above this world looks like, and I don't think what you said is correct, of course, if we want to verify this theory , then we must create two spaces that will be balanced, and in these two parallel spaces, the two of us must walk into this space, and only in this way can we confirm the space.”

Wang Wei talked a lot at this time, but the professor Li in front of him actually listened very seriously. After Professor Li carefully listened to Wang Wei's explanation, he was also a little shocked at this time. However, although he was a little shocked, he also looked at Wang Wei in front of him with a vague understanding. He felt that what Wang Wei said made sense. Of course, he didn't say anything more at this time. He turned around and was about to leave. , Wang Wei originally wanted to stop him, but when he shouted a few times, Professor Li did not pay attention to it, but just buried his head and walked outside.

"Wang Wei, what are you talking about? What is space? How about space theory? Why can't I understand the parallel space?"

At this time, when An Ran heard Wang Wei and the others say such words, he also frowned slightly. He really didn't know how to say it, and Wang Wei was also bitter for a while at this time, but he At this time, he was very patient and careful to explain to Xiaohui. After Xiaokui finished listening to his explanation, the whole person was still a little incredible at this time, and even seemed to be incomprehensible. Wang Wei did not. Explain more.

"Oh, Wang Wei, the things you are studying are really too profound. If you can study some superficial things, you may have achieved it, which is definitely beyond the modern age. Besides, I don't want you to be so much. Powerful people, there are so many incredible things, I only hope that you can be ordinary, and we can walk through life peacefully hand in hand"

At this time, An Ran once again said such remarks in front of Wang Wei, and Wang Wei was slightly moved at this time. This was An Ran's second time to persuade herself under such circumstances. Yes, but can you really be calm?He knew that since he owned Xiaokui, his life would not be dull, so Wang Wei just smiled awkwardly at this time, and didn't say much, and An Ran saw Wang Wei's this When he had a negative expression, he also frowned slightly. He also knew that Wang Wei had some unknown secrets at this time, and even everything Wang Wei possessed was a great feat that could change the world. As his Wife, An Ran naturally took this matter to heart, and he would never stop his men from doing nothing.

For Wang Wei's career, he also absolutely supports it. He knows that everything Wang Wei does is for him. Of course, he also knows that Wang Wei is above this world, his sincerity to her, and Wang Wei's true His ability is also to have a complete understanding of these things, and even to explore some things, only in this way can his road as a scientist go further.

At this time, a person was very quiet and peaceful to eat a meal. It took more than four hours to eat this meal. After Wang Wei and the others finished the meal, An Ran asked them to The two of them go out to play together, explore, and go to relax and connect with each other.

Naturally, Wang Wei didn't shirk. He knew that he didn't spend much time with Ban Xiaokui, so he didn't say anything more at this time. The two of them followed Xiaokui outside again.

Climbing the road is a kind of thing that couples are most willing to do. Wang Wei, Xiaokui and An Ran, the three of them were walking leisurely on the road at this time.

"Wang Wei, right? Well, I forgot to tell you that your previous courier was actually delivered by the old man I entrusted to deliver it in another space. Of course, the old man you saw was not The person above your star field, he and I are basically a fellow countryman, but the parallel space he is in is not our parallel space, and the technological level of our parallel space is also Absolutely surpassed them by many times, so when that guy appeared in our star field, I secretly controlled him, precisely because I controlled him, so Only at this time can I send you my express package, because you are my experiment."

After hearing this guy's words, Wang Wei was also shocked for a while. He didn't expect it to be like this, and even more did not expect that this guy would actually control the old man, and let the old man come to him. Sending things is indeed a blessing. In his heart, at this time, it is also a little shocking. In two parallel spaces, there are people who can travel back and forth, and can also send things to people like himself. It was indeed a one that made him feel a little overwhelmed.

"Hehe, you must be surprised, in fact, I told you, this matter is not so surprising, you are just in this space, you were randomly selected by me, the reason why I let him Express this thing in front of you, that is because your area meets the standards of my research, so I choose you at this time"

Chapter [-]: The guy from the outer universe

The guy from the outer universe said such a sentence at this time, and after Wang Wei heard this guy's words again, he was also a little bitter, he didn't know how to explain, this outer universe. The guy is really a weird one. He controlled that guy and delivered the courier to him, just because he met the standards of his research and he chose it. The probability is almost like buying a lottery ticket. , if you buy a lottery ticket directly at that time, you can definitely win the lottery

"According to what you said, then I was in the hotel that day, and that person's bed was also arranged by you."

Wang Wei was also very angry at this time. Looking at the guy who appeared in his mind, the flying saucer was silent for a while. After a long time, he said:

"I carefully searched the scene at that time, and I found that I didn't make any choice for you, and I didn't let you meet a woman in that place, and then which woman's bed did you go to?"

Wang Wei was also speechless for a while at this time, so he didn't expect that this guy would actually think for a while, and then told himself, it means that there must be something wrong with this guy, it's just who put the girl in that day. What about your own bed?If it was that Professor Yang, then what was the purpose of him coming to his place today and pretending to be like that?

If it wasn't him, then who was it?At this time, Wang Wei was also a little tangled in his heart. He really didn't understand, what was going on this time?What I don't understand is, what happened this time?Why was the woman lying on the bed when he woke up, and the woman who finally called Professor Yang?

At this time, Wang Wei's heart was a little helpless, but at this time, he really did not show it. At this moment, she was indeed a little ashamed, but she also devoted herself to shopping with An Ran. went.

"Stop and rob"

When Wang Wei and An Ran were strolling on the road, they suddenly heard a voice behind them. Wang Wei also smiled slightly at this time. He didn't expect to encounter robbery at this time. This is really an eye-opening guy. He never thought that when he and An Ran came out, they would encounter a second robbery. The reason why they said that it was the second time they encountered a robbery was because they met the previous time. The guy who robbed was easily dealt with by Wang Wei, and this time this guy robbed both of them again, which really made him feel helpless at this time.

"Well, big brother, I, I really have no money."

At this time, An Ran cooperated and said such a sentence, and the guy who robbed at this time really didn't believe it. Wang Wei, who was beside An Ran, moved him to make a quick jump, followed by a sweep of his legs, which directly kicked the guy out.

"I went to rob such a new thing. This is the first time I have encountered it. You dare to rob me. Haven't you asked me who I am before? Just like this, you dare to rob me. ?"

At this time, Wang Wei said such a sentence. When he said this, he actually felt that the robber he met in front of him had some meaning.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to be a trainer. I've gone wrong, but don't be complacent. In this acre of land, no one dares to do anything to me."

The guy who robbed got up angrily at this time, and said such a sentence to Wang Wei in front of him. At this time, Wang Wei had an indifferent smile on the corner of his mouth. He pointed at this guy. He opened his mouth and said:

"Yeah, I won't open my eyes, what's the matter, can't you still fight with me? Besides, who are you? I haven't heard of it on this acre of land."

At this time, Wang Wei's words were really outrageous, but when the guy heard Wang Wei's words, his eyes widened, and the next moment he whistled into the air. , and the next moment was to run out of the surrounding space quickly, a large group of guys

"I'm going, what's the situation? Could it be that you can't fight alone, and then call your brothers to come to help you? But what I want to tell you is that even if you call your brothers It's not enough for me to see."

"Boy is arrogant, let me tell you, if you are wise, hand over all the money quickly, and this beautiful woman beside you, if you are ignorant, then..."

"So what's up?" At this time, Wang Wei was smiling, looking at the guys in front of them, and when the guys in front of him heard Wang Wei's humming and asked such a sentence, he was also slightly They were stunned for a moment, but they immediately saw that there were only Wang Wei and this woman in this place, and their hearts relaxed a little, and Wang Wei looked at these guys in front of him at this time, and his heart was always full. There is a strange feeling, maybe because she has been thinking about the old man, she always feels that these robbers seem to be from the same place as the old man, and even he can feel it. Got, there seems to be something non-human flowing in the bodies of these robbers.

"Hey, how about we let you crawl out of this place"

Then he said such a sentence arrogantly at this time, and when Wang Wei saw him, although he was a little stunned, he did not expect to hear such a sentence from this guy at this time.She frowned slightly, then said:

"Oh, really??"

"Fuck, you don't believe it, blackmailing you in this place, do you think you can walk by pretending to be deep? I tell you, if you don't leave your wallet and this woman behind today, then don't do it today. If you want to live and walk out of this place, and I want to warn you, if you dare to think anything, then I can guarantee that our brothers will never let you go."

Chapter [-]: Robbery?

After Wang Wei heard this guy's words, he was helpless. He didn't expect these guys to dare to be so arrogant. It seems that the guy who kicked the guy before him hasn't reacted yet. What happened? What's the matter?If the guy really reacted, he probably wouldn't have such an expression. Wang Wei looked at the guys in front of him at this time, and then he laughed deadly.

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