At this time, Wang Wei was looking at the group of people in front of him with a smile, and when this group of people heard Wang Wei's words at this time, they nodded, like pecking rice.

"Why are you all dumb? Are you really unwilling to reveal the problems in your star field? Or you can't reveal to us the real purpose of your coming to Earth, if you don't give me one If so, then hehe"

Wang Wei's hawk-like eyes were looking at the two guys in front of him quietly at this time, and the two guys in front of him really didn't know what to do at this time.

"What alien domain? We are human beings on Earth, aboriginal inhabitants"

"Oh, huh, huh? Then you just don't tell the truth."

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time. At random, he directly covered An Ran's eyes with his hands, and An Ran also felt Wang Wei's actions at this time. Of course, he knew Wang Wei's works like this. Meaning nothing more to say.

At this moment, Wang Wei slammed a steel pipe from the ground and hit the guy's leg quickly, but the guy's big foot hurts at this moment. The doctor is holding him. His legs rolled on the ground.

At this time, Wang Wei sneered as he watched the approval of these families, but at this time, there was a hint of fear in the eyes of these guys:

"Big, big brother, I, I know I'm wrong, I will never dare to rob in the future."

A guy said this while shaking his body, but Wang Wei looked at the guy in front of him with a hint of indifference, and even a hint of weirdness in his eyes.

"Why did you come to this place? What are you doing here?"

Wang Wei looked at these guys in front of him coldly once, and one guy got up at this time. He looked at Wang Wei in front of him:

"Brother, I, I really don't know."

At this time, Wang Wei snorted coldly, but at this time he was still standing there, because at this time he felt a little special from these guys, and the special meaning was Let Wang Wei's inexplicable aroma remind you of what happened that night.

This matter was originally bad for him. He drank too much that day, but when he woke up, he was holding a little girl in his arms. At this time, he felt a strange power, of course. The source of that power is naturally the courier. If it weren't for the guy in the courier who came from the outer universe, of course he would have known that the guy who delivered the courier was from the outer universe, but he But these guys are also the smell of the guy in the outer universe who has cultivated Taoism. Originally, Wang Wei thought that his feeling was wrong, but he was about to reach the level of the venerable. How could his perception be possible at this time? What went wrong?Wang Wei absolutely believes in his own perception ability. He absolutely does not believe that his perception will be problematic. If his perception is really okay, then the guys in front of him are lying.

But he said that a guy's leg was broken, but he still didn't get the answer he wanted, which made him a little speechless at this time.

"Xiao Kui, activate that human brain wave fantasy"

At this time, he activated the energy in his body again in his heart, and Xiaokui also quickly responded to Wang Wei at this time.

At this time, a guy was directly riding a dream. He dreamed that he was drinking with his brother in a bar. If he drank too much, he would hug his brother's daughter-in-law and sleep all night at this time. When he woke up the next morning, he found himself in the bed of his brother's daughter-in-law.

That guy suddenly became a little sober at this time. At this time, it was also Manchester United's regret. He originally thought that if he drank too much, he would take a nap, but who knew that when he drank too much, the wine tasted bad It was so abnormal.

"Tell me, who made you? What did they ask you to do in my place?"

At this time, Wang Wei asked the guy such a sentence, and at this time, the guy looked at Wang Wei in front of him angrily.

"You, what have you done to me?"

"I didn't do anything to you, what are you doing?" Wang Wei's face also showed a playful smile at this time, and the guy was also slightly stunned at this time, and then went down. In a moment, he actually saw a guy with him who was lying on his body at this time. The author's jealous and coquettish expression was also when that guy saw his partner make such an expression at this time. Slightly stunned, the next moment he didn't know what to do. At this time, the guy had doubts about his own life for the first time.

Of course, he also began to hate his companion at this time in his heart.

"Hehe, can you tell me what kind of planet you are now? What did you come to the earth for?"

Wang Wei once again said such a sentence to the guys who robbed him, and he was not only saying such a sentence, but also repeatedly attacking his guys from the heart.

The few sober fellows looked at each other at this time, but didn't say anything more. Wang Wei knew that if he continued like this, he wouldn't be able to get some useful information from these fellows.

He didn't give up at this time, but at this time, he let Xiaokui activate the human hypnosis technology of Nest Technology to perform a new round of hypnosis on these guys.

Chapter [-]: Hypnosis of Ultramodern Technology

"It's useless, with your current technology on the planet, it is impossible to detect where the other party came from, because he came from the Wen Xing who is even more emperor than us, and the Wen Xing The scientific and technological means in China can only send their souls to the earth, but they cannot send their bodies over at all, and when they come to your world at this time, they are already human beings in your world. They simply don't remember what happened in the world before them.

If you want to restore their memory, it will require a lot of high-tech means, but with the energy on your junk planet, it cannot be awakened at all.

If I guessed correctly, it should be that their planet exploded, and some of the strongest Danons in this world have appeared on their planet. Those powers used power beyond this period to split. Death will loosen their souls in the balance space, but the balance space needs strong support and a huge resource system to pave the way. After hundreds of millions of years or even longer, when the two spaces are completely In a state of balance, they can reach the planet in your parallel space, and it is precisely because they reach the planet in your parallel space that they can survive. Perhaps Danon in their space just hopes that this guy can Survive"

After listening to what this guy from the outer universe said, Wang Wei felt strange in his heart at this time. He had a lot of things that he couldn't understand at this time. He has no ability to fully explore the mysteries of the universe, let alone the things in the outer universe.

At this time, Wang Wei's heart was also puzzled for a while, but even so, he had to bite the bullet and do his work. He really wanted to know how that cosmic planet perished, and the cosmic planet exploded. After that, how did Danon on their planet do it? It takes a lot of strength to be able to force a person's soul into that balance space.

Wang Wei was really unwilling. After all, these guys were discovered by himself in this area, and when Wang Wei discovered them, these guys actually robbed them at this time.

"Is that how they came to earth? What would they think if the powers who made them knew what they were doing on earth?"

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, but his words did not get any answer.

When one of these guys woke up again, he did look at everything in front of him in disbelief. His right side and his left side had scars of sympathy at this time, and His companions are doing some weird things at this time, and these weird things make the guy a little incredible at this time.

Those guys failed to loot at this time, but at this time they had already shown Wang Wei's prevention and control, and Wang Wei's counterattack really made these guys completely shocked at this time.

Damn, this is really a robbery, kicked to the iron plate, and facing the offensive of such a powerful character as Wang Wei, they can only wait for the text at this time, they don't dare to say much at this time, Just trembling all the time.

If it were before, Wang Wei might not have been able to find out what kind of human beings they were, but now he actually found out that these guys are not human beings on earth at all, and they are still kind of guys with souls in this world. It made him a little shocked, what happened to these guys or the earth?Although they say that they have powerful assistance, if you want to balance the two spaces, and then find a parallel space from the balanced space, it is no less difficult than building a new universe on the earth.

Wang Wei's heart was in shock at this moment. He was absolutely shocked at this time, but this shock also made him learn a lot of things at this time, that is, these people from the alien domain. The guy is really much stronger than the technology they have now, and everything they have now. Wang Wei, as the president, as a senior guard with a huge bull, in this respect, he It should be regarded as a powerful existence, but with his current cultivation base and what he has researched, it is indeed impossible to reach such a level, so let him be a little shocked at this time.

"Your system prompts new equipment to appear"

Just when Wang Wei was serious at this time, he did hear such a news from the system. Wang Wei was really humbled at this time. He didn't expect that the system would actually appear at this time. As far as he knows, the system has not given him any auxiliary equipment or any assistance for a long time, and only a small loss has been helping him, but he did not expect that there will be new equipment now.

"Xiao Kui, what exactly is being sold in the system store this time?"

"Gene Optimizer"

Xiaokui directly answered such a question at this time. When Wang Wei heard what Xiaokui said, he couldn't help but feel a little shocked. He didn't expect to have such a thing at this time. Appeared, but what exactly is this genetic optimization solution?What does it do?Wang Wei is indeed a little strange at this time.

"Gene optimization solution, as the name suggests, optimizes human genes, and if you want to optimize a person's genes, you must start with the root of his genes. If you can start with the root of a person's genes, Then you need to optimize his genes to make human beings more powerful. If you can't meet such standards, then it is very likely that your genes will mutate. This mutated gene refers to genes that are suitable for living in In a specific space or a specific environment, a special instinct is released”

Chapter [-]: Gene Optimization Solution

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