The system gave a series of explanations at this time. Wang Wei was a little stunned when he read this and said about you. He didn't expect that such an existence would exist in this world, and the genetic optimization solution could actually appear in the In my own system, this really makes me feel strange.

Wang Wei was also a little helpless when he was here. He didn't understand why the system would appear such an object when he was teasing two robbers, and it still appeared at this time. He is a little real now. do not understand.

"Wang Wei, congratulations on getting the genetic optimization solution, you can optimize your genes now."

"Optimize my genes?"

Wang Wei was a little stunned at this time. She didn't understand why this optimization solution could optimize her genes?Could it be that your genes are special in this world?He remembered that he had gone through a robot transformation plan some time ago, which means that it can no longer be regarded as a human being in a sense, but at this time, even with genetic optimization, he can also optimize his own genes.

"Xiao Kui, I am the body of a robot now. If I use this genetic optimization fluid, what will I become?"

"Your body contains the blood of the ancient dragon clan, and the blood of the ancient dragon clan in your genes is not very pure, although you have undergone a makeover, or even reshaped your blood, but your body The genes in it have not changed, your body still has the existence of the genes, and your genes are still your original genes, just because you have been transformed into a new species. , and the genetic optimization liquid can stimulate the blood of the real dragon in your body. Of course, this genetic optimization liquid is not so simple. If you want to use more powerful power, you must The genes are completely optimized,

Take those genes that don't belong to you, or are a little mixed, out of your body. If the storage capacity in your body is large enough, then this gene optimization solution can not only optimize your genes. Genes can also broaden your body's meridians, and even allow you to soar above this world. What's more, it can also allow you to transform your genes into More powerful, of course, genetic optimization fluid also has side effects.”

At this time, Xiaokui transmitted such a piece of information into Wang Wei's mind, and when Wang Wei heard Wang Xiaokui's words, he was also a little stunned. He didn't expect this gene optimization solution. There will be such a powerful energy, and this genetic optimization solution actually has side effects, which makes him hesitant.

"What side effects?"

"Hey, that is the expansion of the meridians in your body, and the tyranny of your body, which has increased hundreds of times, and the energy you need to pay, and the energy you need to improve your level of strength, is also constantly improving. The supplements you need may be 5000 to 1 times what you are now.”

"What needs so much energy?"

When Wang Wei heard this, he couldn't help being a little shocked. He didn't expect that this mere gene optimization solution, just by optimizing his own genes, could actually make himself so much more difficult in the future breakthrough process. Ah, he is very stupid now that he wants to break through to the Venerable. If Nana increases to a hundred times or more, then his current cultivation level is really a decimal point, and it is even possible that his own The realm will also fall to the lowest point because of the sharp drop in cultivation this time.

Ha, I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful object in this world, and I didn't expect that this genetic optimization solution would have such side effects at this time. If I was more difficult than others' breakthroughs, then I would Is it possible to reach that step?Or can I really become a powerhouse in that world?If you can't become a strong man in this world, if you can't break through this universe, then it is very likely that you will die in this universe, like the guys before, in this world.

It seems that this genetic optimization solution is a tasteless existence for me, because I have to pay the corresponding price because my body stores about a thousand times more energy than the same person?When breaking through, it also requires a thousand times more energy than others, and a thousand times more energy, this thing is rare in this world.

If you really can reach a thousand times the energy, then your realm should actually be able to break through to a more powerful level.

With the support of a thousand times the energy, you may be able to really break through to the strength of the Venerable or even above the Venerable. If you reach the strength of the Venerable or above, will you still need this thousand times of energy?Although it is said that the meridians have been expanded, but one's own level cannot be improved, this is also a no-brainer.

"Hey, why are you people on Earth so rubbish? Although this genetic optimization fluid is a piece of rubbish, it can increase your combat effectiveness a thousand times when necessary. If you are fighting against people, In a battle of the same level, your strength is a thousand times higher than others, so even if you can't take down the opponent, you can continue to improve yourself in the opponent's war."

The guy in the outer universe said such a sentence at this time, and when Wang Wei heard the guy from the outer universe say this, he also frowned slightly. He didn't expect this. The guy would actually say something like this, the genetic optimization fluid can increase his combat effectiveness a thousand times, but how much will he lose?He knew the pros and cons of this, so he was speechless at this time.

"what do you mean……"

"This genetic optimization solution optimizes your genes, so that you can better adapt to the cultivation of your genetic mutation, and it has developed to a thousand times, which means that your ability has increased a thousand times, and your cultivation speed is also It has been improved a thousand times. The thousand times the speed of cultivation and the thousand times the energy to accommodate your body will be different from others. When you improve your realm in the future, although the pain you suffer is a thousand times higher than others. , but you get a lot of benefits."

Chapter 1000: Cultivation of being [-] higher than others

When Wang Wei heard this guy in the outer universe say something like this, he also frowned slightly, ah, I didn't expect this guy to say such a thing.

"New message"

When Wang Wei was thinking about it, the voice of the system came from his mind again. At this time, Wang Wei directly dropped the question and opened the message directly.

"Stinky boy, you have done a good thing in outer space, now you have attracted those super perverted guys, and even you have attracted those guys above the prefecture-level literary stars, for the attention of this star field, if you If I can't resolve this matter, then I will personally go to the earth and catch you."

Arrogant and domineering, such an arrogant and domineering word, passed into Wang Wei's mind at this time, and when Wang Wei heard this, he couldn't help but shudder. Just kidding, this It's really amazing that a strong guy actually wants to come to the earth and capture himself.

But he didn't seem to do anything good in outer space, and he didn't cause any trouble in outer space. How could this guy say that.

"Hey, it turned out to be just a prefecture-level guy, I am sending you a message at this time."

The guy in outer space said such a sentence at this time, and Wang Wei couldn't help but be a little speechless after hearing this guy's words, what is the new little guy of the first-level civilization, it means you are very Is it big?

Wang Wei is too lazy to bother with this guy, and now he is thinking about a question, why is this woman sending such a message to herself from outer space?

Wang Wei didn't have to think about it to know that it must be the guys from the prefecture-level literary stars who caught up to this area at this time, and even if it was possible, they came in from the outer space elevator teleportation array that he built.

At this time, Wang Wei was also a little speechless. He really didn't know what to do. Suddenly, he remembered a fleet he had formed, and the battleships used in that fleet had all passed through the small fleet. After Kui's precise transformation, Wang Wei hurriedly connected the members of the fleet.

Not too long ago, the liaison personnel of the warships in outer space responded to Wang Wei's message at this time:

"The senior guard battleship is ready for battle in the No. 2 warehouse, please be ready to board at any time"

Wang Wei thought about it at this time but didn't say much, and when An Ran saw Wang Wei's expression at this time, he frowned a little, and then asked:

"What's the matter? Are you in trouble?"

"Yes, not only in trouble, but in big trouble"

Wang Wei answered in this way. In fact, he was reluctant to take a small loss in his heart, and he had not visited the women on the Diaoyu Islands for a long time.

An Ran looked at Wang Wei in front of him. At this time, his big eyes also flickered. He didn't say anything, but Wang Wei knew that this time, An Ran's mood was also uneasy.

"Okay, it's not a big deal, isn't it just a mission? Besides, haven't we worked together and fought in outer space? The days when we fought side by side were also quite wonderful."

Wang Wei laughed, and gently kneaded his big hand on An Ran's buttocks. At this moment, An Ran let out a coquettish snort, gave Wang Wei a blank look, then turned around and was about to leave, and Wang Wei stepped forward at this moment. pull him.

"Let's go, take you back to the base to see our own home"

After Wang Wei said this, he took An Ran's hand and was about to leave. An Ran was also a little puzzled at this time. He looked at Wang Wei in front of him, and then asked a little strangely:

"Home, isn't your home here?"

"Hehe, this place is just a stop for my snacks. Now I'm going home, and there are a few of your sisters at home."

"What Wang Wei? You mean you have several women?"

When An Ran heard Wang Wei's words, he couldn't help being a little shocked, but he was also a little angry at this time. He didn't expect that Wang Wei would have many women, so what was he?If he were to pursue Wang Wei, he would be the oldest person when he arrived at the place where Wang Wei was. This made An Ran feel uneasy for a while. He really didn't know how to deal with this matter. ?Of course, it can be used in his heart. Wang Wei hates and loves. Of course, love is greater than hate. If he didn't care about Wang Wei so much, then maybe this guy would have left Wang Wei long ago. .

"Yes, I have a few women." Wang Wei answered An Ran's words honestly. At this time, An Ran also didn't know what to do, but since Wang Wei said so, he didn't say anything more. , and then he opened his mouth and asked:

"Then who do you love more?"

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