"What the hell is going on here?"

The man's handsome face was full of melancholy at this time. At this moment, he could not sense the existence of the robot in Wang Wei's body, nor the existence of the super mad scientist system.

"What the hell is going on? Could it be that the mad scientist system is in big trouble at this time?"

The man's brows were slightly wrinkled at this time, and the next moment, he was walking quickly in this universe. His moving speed was not like those who were besieging the earth before, or even heading towards the earth. The movement speed of the people in the hearts of the prefecture-level civilizations who rushed over, his movement speed, was as fast as lightning, almost in the blink of an eye, he had already skipped it, and he didn't know how many galaxies Now, at such a speed, if Wang Wei was in this place, his eyes would have widened.

Playing a series of electric arcs, at this moment, the chicken stalled quickly, and the next moment, the rushing river water rushed towards this person at this time, and this person saw the rushing river water at this time. , as well as the flashing lightning and the endless space around it, the things in the folded Lu Chang shadow-like place, rushed towards his place at this time.

"Hey, it still doesn't work. I can't break through the long river of time. If I can go back to that area, those guys on the whole earth will not dare to say anything when I wake up."

The man tried several times at this time, but there was really no way to break through the river in front of him, so he had no choice but to sigh and say such a sentence at this time, and then he sat down again with his body. When he arrived at his original position, the time around his body was flowing rapidly at this time, and the countless time and life and death also passed by him quickly at this time, and he was just in such a frenzy. Above the place where the river water came, you can sit slowly in this area.

Wang Wei's departure did not attract many people's attention. At this time, he was running fast in one direction. Of course, at this time, all the acupuncture points in his body were released by him at this time. Come on, these acupoints were originally due to their own reasons, and later they passed through a series of things that Xiaokui added to his body. At this time, the acupuncture points around his body are no longer the same as human acupuncture points. Even more than 3600 schools have been completely copied. At this moment, Wang Wei has opened all the schools, and at this time, his consciousness is also madly sinking into the black and white hole in his dantian.

Of course, he knows that by using the theory of black and white holes, he may not be able to completely devour the latest jade around him. The things that came out are still not enough to see. At this time, the energy poured into his body frantically, passed through his meridians, and passed through the swallowing and repulsion of those black and white holes, constantly in his whole body, in this At this time, pieces of crystal energy condensed. These energy pieces were collected by Wang Wei with a lot of effort at this time. When those energy pieces fell into his spaceship and battleship at this time. , Wang Wei also let out a long sigh at this time.

"Well, if it continues at this rate of development, it will take a long time for me to collect as many energy blocks as before, and it may even take up to a year or so. If it is In such a situation, there is really no way to save the earth.”

"Are you still hesitating?"

Just when he was infinitely anxious at this time, the words of the guy in the outer space came again in his mind, and at this time Wang Wei heard the guy in the outer universe say such a sentence. When he spoke, he was also a little worried, and then he said helplessly:

"It's not that I'm hesitating, but because at my current speed, it's difficult to even activate the mad scientist system in my body. How can I keep the Earth running? If my energy can't keep the Earth running, then Doesn't it mean that I can only watch the earth die?"

The anxiety level in Wang Wei's heart at this moment is already, it has reached an unprecedented level. At this time, he is absolutely anxious in his heart. He really doesn't know what to do at this moment. At this moment, Wang Wei They were all disheveled, that was a look of anxiety and helplessness, he didn't want to just watch the destruction of the earth like this, and he didn't want to just watch the base that he had worked so hard to build, so he was completely given to him by these guys. Destroy it, if these guys really destroy the earth completely, then it will really be painful for him.

Of course, Wang Wei also discovered that since the black-and-white hole in his body has evolved again, he is a little helpless, because the purification of the black-and-white hole has led to some functions in his body. After the evolution of this black-and-white hole space, the number of energy blocks that he can produce in this area is also greatly weakened.

Although Wang Wei didn't understand what was going on, he had nothing to do. When he was feeling melancholy, the guy from the outer universe in his mind said something like this:

Chapter [-]: Hurry up and take the genetic optimization solution

"Haha, you don't need the genetic optimization solution now, are you still waiting? You can use the genetic optimization solution, use it to expand your meridians, and then use it to evolve the black and white hole in your dantian again, as long as you If the black and white holes in your body are stilled, and the blood vessels in your body are all condensed at this time, then the absorption and conversion of these energy blocks can also play a certain role.”

When Wang Wei heard this guy's words at this time, he didn't even think about it, he quickly took out a drop of genetic optimization solution from the senior bodyguard of his body, and when the bottle of genetic optimization solution was taken by her. The moment he came out, Wang Wei felt some changes in Zhou Sheng at this time.

"Don't hesitate, now is the best chance to save the home planet you are living on. If you miss this opportunity, then you have no other way"

That guy continued to wear it at this time, co-authoring Wang Wei, and Wang Wei took out this thing in an instant, and he hesitated again. Although this genetic optimization fluid can optimize his body and make him fight The ability can reach a more powerful level, but this genetic optimization solution does have a drawback, that is, his energy, if Xu is a thousand times that of an ordinary person, he will be able to level up, if it is a thousand times that of an ordinary person , then he really couldn't imagine it.

"Are you still hesitating, and still afraid that after your genetic optimization liquid is swallowed in, your whole person's strength will increase a thousand times, and your breakthrough difficulty will also increase a thousand times?"

That guy continued to induce Wang Wei at this time. When Wang Wei heard this guy's constant inducing words, he finally made up his mind in his heart. He didn't say any more. Sexually, he poured the bottle of genetic optimization liquid into his mouth. When the genetic optimization liquid quickly entered his body at this time, Wang Wei clearly felt his whole body at this time. Even at this time, he felt that every sense in his body had undergone a series of changes at this time, and the feeling of being overturned in his body made him feel at this It's time to be powerless.

At this time, the bones of Wang Wei's body began to distort again, and then the various energies in his body continued to fill his skin at this time, and the pain in Wang Wei's heart continued. , at this time is also quite uncomfortable, but no matter how uncomfortable, he has to clench his teeth tightly at this moment.

Time just passed by like this. I don't know how long it took. Suddenly, Wang Wei felt a sharp pain in his arm, but at this moment, he stared at his arm. , the next moment, his eyes widened unnaturally, because at this moment all his five fingers became extremely thick at this moment, and his palms were also constantly twisted and deformed at this time. Then, with the deformation of his first palm, the second palm also began to deform the same at this time.

In his body, every time he suffered a deformation at this time, she immediately felt a heart-piercing pain, and the heart-piercing pain had reached Wang Wei's critical point, and even made Wang Wei feel at this time. It was spinning in front of him, Wang Wei didn't know what to do at this moment, but even so, he still used the teeth of a bird, that is, he should be invited.

A piece of scales began to grow from his armpits at some point, followed by the sweat pores on the skin of his whole body. At this moment, Linxian was constantly growing, and Wang Wei was still suffering at this time. It started rolling on the ground.

bang bang

Just as Wang Wei kept rolling at this time, countless thunders appeared in the sky once again. In this outer universe, they also began to quickly rush in his direction, and they began to surging continuously, even surging towards him. The appearance of countless things in this star field really made him not know what to do at this moment. All kinds of things that are disasters in this universe have once again attracted the attention of all people.

"Look, what is that?"

"This is the power of destruction in the universe"

"The power of destruction in the universe, it is said that even the powerhouse of the existence of the peak of the saints dare not bear it"

"Who said it wasn't, even saints, the existence of the peak, would not dare to go to the bank, the legendary power of destruction. If one can't bear it well, they will be wiped out."

"That is the existence of the peak of the saints, and they can't bear such ability. Where did such a powerful and terrifying strength emerge? Could it be that this side of the universe or this side of the star field is about to levy taxes or even explode? "…

Those guys who originally heard the news and ran towards the earth quickly had their eyes wide open at this time. They didn't expect to encounter such a scene at this time. They all stopped, how could they dare to march to the earth at this moment?How dare you find the cause of the destruction of the earth?At this moment, they all cherished their lives, and they all ran quickly towards the distance.

"Run, wow, this piece of universe tells him to pull first, hurry up and wow"

"The universe is about to explode"...

The originally chaotic crowd has become even more chaotic at this time. Everyone is madly running towards a place at this time. How can they dare to stay in this area at this time?where?Dare to study what happened in this area again?They didn't even dare to study what happened on the earth at this moment. Everyone was running wildly at this moment. At this moment, everyone hated their parents and lost two legs.

Chapter [-]: Endless Pain

At this time, Wang Wei was in endless pain. He knew that in the classroom, if he could build such a powerful thing in this area, and even attract such thunder, he would Without hesitation, it directly caused the turmoil in this area, and then directly opened up her own meridians in this area, and directly scare these guys away, then everything will be fine, but at this moment, she is direct. Falling into that painful state, Wang Wei fainted many times in pain, but he passed out, but it does not mean that the pain has lost the pain of the deep soul. Emerging from the body, where does he still look like at the moment.

At this moment, if anyone could see what he looked like, they would be stunned, and even if someone could see what he looked like now, they would definitely worship on the spot, what a joke, this is living in the legend and The dragon in the novel, and in this area, this huge dragon with a length of tens of thousands of planets is hovering meanderingly at this time.

The flying saucer-like out-of-universe guy in his mind was also a little nervous during the test. He didn't know whether Wang Wei could survive at this moment. Of course, Xiaokui and the mad scientist system were also at this time. It started unnaturally. When Xiaokui woke up for the first lesson, he was a little shocked when he saw Wang Wei's appearance.

"Haha, this kid has taken the genetic optimization solution, and now his genes are mutating, and he may even return to his original state, and he may even return to the level of his original name above this world. , and his body's ability to adapt has definitely exceeded our imagination. If he can go through this transformation, then his cultivation level is likely to break through or reach a new height, and he also It is very likely that it will become something unnatural, and this unnatural thing may bring him a lot of benefits after going through all the movements of her body."

The guy from the outer universe stopped Xiaokui's urge to ask questions at this time, and said such a sentence indifferently. When Xiaokui heard this, she was also slightly stunned. Immediately, he said:

"You mean..."

"Hehe, yes, this kid's genes were originally from the dragon race, but at this time, because you were exchanging blood for him, you didn't know where to get some ancient beasts, or even the blood of primitive creatures, let this kid After a one-time shoe change, and the chip you added in his body has all burst at this time, the power of his blood is not something that a small chip of yours can withstand, even his All these things, as well as all bloodline genes, have completely reached this star field hundreds of billions of years ago, and the attitude of the creatures before they died."

"Ah, you mean..."

"Oh, yes, it depends on whether this kid can survive. If this kid can survive, then it is very likely that he is already the seed of the ruler above this world. If the seed of the ruler above this world is If planted in this kid's body, then this dumpling is very likely to truly create a session or even a universe in the future."

The guy from the outer universe laughed and said such a sentence at this time, and Xiaokui was silent after hearing his words, but at this time, Xiaokui looked carefully in front of him. Wang Wei, his heart was trembling at this time, he clenched his tender fist tightly:

"Wang Wei, you must hold on, you must hold on, if you really can't hold on, if you can't hold on, then you will fail."

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