Xiaokui said this sentence over and over again at this time, and Wang Wei was completely numb and painful at this moment, so that he had completely lost his instincts, and at this moment he did not Know what to do?He couldn't bear the pain in his heart, and he couldn't bear the series of reactions brought about by the transformation at this moment. His body was constantly expanding at this time, constantly changing in this universe. It's even possible that he can't bear such a powerful change in him.

But at this time, Wang Wei's eyes revealed firmness, and he was admonishing himself:

"I must persevere, for myself and the human beings I protect, I must persevere"

He shouted this sentence to himself over and over again in his mind, and his soul was constantly being torn apart at this time, divided into countless pieces, and the soul of countless pieces, at this time again and again In his mind and the major blood vessels in his body began to merge, separate again, merge once again, and get close to his own body again, this is completely beyond the imagination of human beings, Wang Wei At this time, he carefully counted the number of meridians in his body. He used to have more than 3600 meridians. At this time, it has grown to more than 25000, and it is still developing madly. Those meridians, at this time, a small stream has developed into a vast ocean, and this vast ocean of blood is still surging at this time.

"Well, no, how can there be something of this guy in his body?"

Just when Wang Wei couldn't hold it anymore, the guy in the alien universe in his mind was surprised again at this moment, because he saw Wang Wei's body at this moment. The Tai Chi gossip picture and the black-and-white hole in Wang Wei's body, and the black-and-white hole is constantly starting to form new changes at this time, it seems to be an animal's stomach.

"what's wrong?"

"His body has the stomach of the swallowing beast and the thin stomach of a child. At this time, after passing through the blood gene fluid, he has begun to re-integrate with his entire human body. If he is allowed to If it completely integrates the stomach of this swallowing beast, then he will transform again. This transformation may even surpass the existence of shit, and may even directly reach the level of primitive creatures. the extent to which the law has reached”

The guy said such a sentence at this time, and Xiaokui was also slightly stunned at this time, and then he opened the mouth and said:

Chapter [-]: Swallowing Beast

"What's so strange about this, Wang Wei himself can possess the attributes of the black and white hole, and the real source of the black and white hole comes from the swallowing beast. He has the instinct of the heaven-penetrating beast in his body, which is also very important. normal"

"I'm not talking about this. What I'm talking about is that there is a primitive existence in his body. Primitive is an unknown mystery. Even if this thing is above all worlds, all scientists have studied it, and even various stars. The various fields of the domain are above the place where our saint walks all over the place, and there are not many people who can truly have such a physique, and you look at his body, I don’t know when a Tai Chi pattern has been formed, and that The growth of the Tai Chi pattern and the stomach of the swallowing beast in his body correspond to each other at this time. If the Taichi pattern is truly integrated into the unknown of the swallowing beast, then it will be possible for him to appear primitive. "

After hearing this guy's words at this time, Xiao Pei was also a little stunned. She didn't understand what happened to this Wang Wei, and he didn't know what this primitive was. Although he said it was a super technology group He has created a system that surpasses modernity, but he has no way to know in this area, the initial level of this star field, of course, this is the most important reason why many scientists are constantly exploring .

"The so-called primitive is a star, the initial form of a star field, and what the original form looks like, we can't know, after all, this star field now completely belongs to a dead star. , this is like a person who is tired of only the blood cells of the body. When all the cells of the human body stop running at this time, then the person is directly dead. After the death, the blood in his body All cells will no longer divide at this time, and the constantly dividing cells will die at this time, which will also cause the degree of human cell death that you have seen now, and what we have now The original is that all the cells, and the top of all the human body, including the soul, all return to the origin, and may even return to chaos. If there is chaos in his body, then It will be primitive and can be changed according to a series of circumstances. If he can really go that far, he will definitely be above this world and become the master of the world. If she wants, it is very likely that she will In being able to build such a universe, and as far as I know, the universe he is in now, and all the energy that the person who created you has, and the space he is in, is once a certain made by a gate"

The guy from the outer universe said something like this at this time. After hearing the guy's words, Xiaokui was silent again. He didn't know what to do, but since this The guy said such words at this time, then it is very likely that the star field where he is located, and his super system are all a joke.

At this time, Xiao Pei is also full of expectations for Wang Wei in front of him. He really hopes that he can see creatures he has never seen before. If Wang Wei really changes and becomes primitive, Then his ability will be more powerful.

Wang Wei is powerful. For Xiaokui, it is also a very good choice. After all, Wang Wei is his host, and he submits to Wang Wei, which is more things that Wang Wei can create. The source, if Wang Wei can be strong, then the knowledge, storage content, and some energy it possesses will also be continuously developed at this time, and he is looking forward to Wang Wei being able to use all his energy. All the energy of the man is developed and liberated, and then let himself be upgraded.

These two guys were constantly discussing Wang Wei's phone call at this time, but Wang Wei was miserable at this time. He really didn't know what to do, the changes in his body, and his The functions of the trajectories of the various items in the body have completely exceeded his expectations at this time, and have even reached a level that is beyond his reach, and even all the knowledge he knows cannot be explained. to the point of.

Wang Wei's transformation was still going on in one second of the night shift, and nearly an hour passed in a blink of an eye. Wang Wei finally underwent a complete transformation. When Wang Wei slowly opened his eyes When he opened his eyes, he was unnaturally shocked, because at this time, he saw that his body was meandering. In this alien domain, he did not know how many planets were wrapped. Even at this time, his whole person has become a kind of like a dragon and not a dragon, but the swallowing beast is not like a species like a swallowing beast.

Wang Wei's heart was a little bitter. At this time, he sank his spiritual consciousness into his dantian at a time. In his dantian, at this moment, those countless planets, many spaces that had originally evolved, At this time, everything has collapsed. In his dantian, it is also empty at this moment. There is only a general existence similar to his stomach. He wants to use his own consciousness to touch the existence of his stomach. , but at this time, he couldn't feel the special flavor of the newly developed flavor in his dantian.

"Congratulations on your successful transformation"

The guy from the outer universe said such words to Wang Wei at this time, and he was a little speechless at this time. He didn't expect that he had transformed into this. How could one person have two? What about the stomach?

"What's wrong? How did I become like this?"

At this time, Wang Wei kept asking himself, but at this time, the only people who answered her were two cold guys who were watching from the sidelines. These two guys, one was the guy from the outer universe, and the other was Xiaokui, The two guys were shocked, and looked at Wang Wei in front of them in disbelief:

"This is primitive. I didn't expect that I would be able to see primitive in this world. This is really exciting."

Chapter [-]: Primal Transformation

The guy from the outer universe looked at Wang Wei in front of him excitedly at this time, and said something like this, and Xiaokui, who was beside him, also looked at Wang Wei carefully at this time, and he also I don't understand why Wang Wei has become like this, but since Wang Wei can become like this, it means that the quantity contained in Wang Wei's heart and Wang Wei's genes is too complicated. He is very excited and wants to know what he will do. An evolution, or what can I become after an upgrade.

"Congratulations on being the original"

"What is the original?"

At this time, Wang Wei asked such a question in a confused manner, but at this time, Xiao Hei explained to Wang Wei the explanation that the guy had explained to him before, and Wang Wei was listening to this. When explaining, there was also a bit of bitterness in his heart. He didn't understand how he had transformed into this appearance, and he transformed into this appearance, but he was still the original of the Lao Shizi. He was also speechless in his heart, and he didn't know how to explain such a thing.

"Oh, why do I feel that I have become such a dress, a spiritual appearance, and there are indeed two people in my dantian?"

"Haha, it's normal for two reasons. If you can form two positions in your body, it means that you have successfully transformed at this time."

The guy from the outer universe said something like this at this time, and Wang Wei rolled his eyes directly at this time, he didn't know what to do, this guy said he It is normal to have two positions, and a normal person only has one position. His current expression really makes him a little ashamed.

"Hehe, how do you feel now?"

When Xiaokui looked at Wang Wei's expression, he was also slightly speechless, but he asked Wang Wei with a smile at this time, and Wang Wei felt it carefully at this time, that is, he felt that he was not only hungry. Ten thousand, there is no other feeling, the other one is his current body. At this moment, he can't help but stare at himself with wide eyes. It looks like a dragon, but it is not a dragon's body, and it is still transparent. At this time, Wang Wei didn't know how to explain his transformed body.

It is normal for these guys to say that they have two stomachs by themselves, but if this is the case, then this is too incredible. If a person really has two stomachs, and the volume of one stomach, according to His divine sense detection, then how can it reach the size of a planet? If this is the case, if it is known, he has not really been caught and studied like a guinea pig.

"Don't you think it's special for me to look like this now?"

"It's very special, it's very special. You now have the body of a dragon, um, the original bloodline, um, and the stomach of the swallowing beast. This is very special."

Xiaohui said this with a smile on his face at this time.

At this moment, Wang Wei's heart was also hesitant for a while, and he really didn't know what to do.

Once again, he used his spiritual sense to check his body. Apart from feeling very hungry, he felt that the unknown unknown he created was empty, and he had no other feelings. At this time, his whole body was completely empty. The space of the black and white hole has completely disappeared.

"How did my black hole disappear? If there is no black and white hole, how can I create more energy blocks? If I can't create energy blocks, I can't save the earth in one day, and if it is in danger, Then it is very likely that the entire earth will be destroyed.”

At this moment, Wang Wei is absolutely anxious, but his anxiety seems to be normal for the two non-human guys in front of him. The guy from the outer universe said with a smile at this time:

"Hehe, the crisis on the earth has almost been solved now, and now within three months, there will be no crisis on the earth, um, but, your current body has been changed. , I wonder if you can still make those energy blocks? If you can't make energy blocks, then in this universe, if those guys discover the problems in this area, It would still be dangerous.”

"Depend on"

After hearing this guy's words, Wang Wei rolled his eyes directly. He didn't expect this guy to be so unreliable. My heart is really unhappy at this time.

"Well, what made them leave?"

"They left because of your transformation. When you were transforming, you made them think that the entire universe was about to explode, so at this time, they quickly evacuated from this area, even those near you. Some star fields have also been completely withdrawn by these guys."

The guy from the outer universe said such words indifferently at this time. When Wang Wei heard such words, his heart was stabilized, and then he was again. At the beginning, the energy of his whole body was constantly running. At this moment, he suddenly felt that all his energy had disappeared. Wang Wei cursed at this time and smiled bitterly. Immediately he opened his mouth.


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