Immediately, he discovered this black and white hole and followed the earth. The black and white hole he had experienced was completely two concepts, as if the black and white hole was female, but this black and white hole had a bump. The state, which makes him a little speechless at this time.

Wang Wei suddenly thought of something, and suddenly his thoughts were a little evil.

"Hey, you are still lucky, I didn't expect you to be able to see the public at this time, and the black-and-white hole of this public is completely different from the black-and-white hole you saw on the earth before. There are two different concepts. Your black and white hole is a black hole that is sucked into a white hole and spit out. This is a white hole. The black hole is inhaled and the black hole is prominent. It is like two sockets, male and female. Being able to get electricity is the same as the theory that some organisms have to reproduce."

The guy from the outer universe said such a thing at this time, and after hearing this guy's words, Wang Wei was a little speechless, and then he was a little shocked, facing the thought in his mind. The guy from the outer universe said:

"According to what you said, didn't this Andromeda meet the earth? But when this Andromeda galaxy meets the solar system, what will be the product between them?"

Wang Wei suddenly asked such a question, which made the guy in the outer universe speechless for a while. He didn't expect Wang Wei to ask such a sentence at this time. But at this time he also needs to answer:

"Hehe, I don't know about this, will they create a new galaxy after they combine? Or, once Andromeda and the solar system, after the two galaxies are combined, it will become a new object, maybe, just For example, if you use it to plug in the electricity, it should be a reason to plug in the electricity.”

After hearing the guy in the outer universe say such a sentence at this time, Wang Wei doesn't know what to say at this time?He looked at the concave black hole in front of him like an upside down bowl, and the black hole seen above the earth was obviously a certificated bowl. Is there really a difference between the two? What combination?He really can't say it for a while. If the two bowls are really buckled together, will a new galaxy be created? ?

Wang Wei thought so evilly at this time, but then he thought of a topic that once circulated on the earth, that is, this Andromeda encounters the earth, but after Andromeda really meets the earth, what is their product? What?Wang Wei couldn't figure it out at this time, but he was helpless at this time. For such a thing, he could only think about it in his mind, and then he carefully observed the shape of the black hole. , and the shape of this black hole, after a long time, he decided to go into this black hole to explore, but when he approached this black hole, he found that he could not enter you from anywhere at all. At this time, I was also a little confused.

Chapter [-]: Exploration of the Andromeda Galaxy

"You are really stupid, you can't enter this black hole, can't you just walk around each other for this black hole and a white hole? If the earth is positive, then this is negative, you Think about what you should do if you face the negative pole?"

The guy in the outer universe said such a sentence at this time, and after hearing this guy's words, Wang Wei frowned slightly, and then he quickly revolved around the black hole. One circle, and then once again reached the white hole at the other end. Since the black hole of the earth is the entrance and is discharged when it swings, then this place should be the entrance of the white hole and the protrusion of the black hole, so Wang Wei quickly Entered from the white cave.

Everything here is dark. Of course, in this dark world, Wang Wei is also a little nervous in this area. He really wants to know what is going on in this place, but when he enters When I entered this darkness, I felt as if I was being isolated, as if I was confined to a certain area, and I couldn't move much at all. You were like an animal in a circle. Wang Wei It was a little helpless at this time, but it was like this for the past few days. He still wanted to enter the first level. When he stepped into the white hole again, he did see it. Everything seemed to be static. , and the scene in front of him seems to be stagnant at this moment.

He wanted to go deeper, but no matter how he walked, everything around him seemed to be so conscientious. He just watched quietly. Wang Wei was a little speechless at this time. At this time, he really didn't know what to do. It was like this recently. He was still wandering in this white cave for a long time, and suddenly she had an idea.

"There are wormholes between the black and white holes on the earth. If there are wormholes between the black and white holes in this place, then..."

At this time, Wang Wei began to think about the wormhole she saw on the earth, and all that, suddenly she had a sense of consciousness, and quickly and completely immersed her consciousness into her own. In the outer space in the dantian, where the town gate of the teleportation array, the gate of the teleportation array in the outer space was still lying peacefully in his dantian at this time, as if there was nothing at all. At this time, Wang Wei used his spiritual sense to touch the teleportation array in the outer space, but in the outer space, the teleportation array did not move at this time.

Wang Wei was also a little speechless at this time. He didn't know what to do. After a long time, he suddenly thought of something. He took out the drink from his arms. When I took out the mobile phone I used before, I saw that all the numbers on the mobile phone were banned at this time, and he wanted to press the button on it at this moment, but he pressed it for a long time, and the screen was still the same.

"Could it be that time really stands still here?"

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, but no one answered her. Wang Wei's heart was a little helpless at this moment. He didn't understand what was going on?Immediately, he took a deep breath into the air, and when he took the breath out, it was discovered by several people in the world. Although he breathed out, his own gas was constantly floating at this time. In the air, this made Wang Wei a little overwhelmed at this time.

Wang Wei suddenly found that in this area, as long as he can move, and then he can see his actions and play immediately, this matter is directly prohibited, such a thing is for her, at this time. Heart is also a little speechless.

In his brain, he suddenly remembered the time immobilizer used by those guys in the humbleness of Dongzhou Kingdom. If the time immobilizer really exists, then is he really in a still space now? In the midst of still time?If you are in this still space and still time, can you rebuild something?Or……

Wang Wei was thinking fast at this time, but after his thoughts, he came back to his senses and saw that his brain was the same piece of information that was running just now, and it was still stuck in that place. He is even more incredible, what the hell is going on?Could it be that even his own thinking has been banned at this time?

Wang Wei was a little shocked at this moment. He really didn't know what was going on. He quickly recalled in his mind a series of things he had done when he entered this place, and how A series of actions made in this place, and then he turned around, and suddenly found that there are countless himself in this place, and the postures of these countless himself are exactly himself entering this black and white hole The poses that you put on are exactly the same. Every action you just took out of your phone, every step is like the kind of pinhole picture you see on the earth. Generally, you have even seen it on the earth. At this time, all the types of .

He suddenly thought of the same thing that the teacher said when he was in school, that is true, every animation is formed, there will be countless needles and countless needles, and every step at this time, there will be countless needles. a photo.

Wang Wei couldn't help being a little stunned, but what she couldn't understand was that in this place, since every step she moved would form a photo, and she might even be a photo, why could her thinking and herself be able to do it now? Action in this place?What the hell is going on with all this?

At this time, Wang Wei's heart is also a little strange. She is also very skeptical about the place in front of her. He doesn't know what the situation is in this area, and what he doesn't understand is that he can actually be here. You can move in a space, and each of your actions will form an image similar to a photo, but this impression seems to be static, and usually floats quietly in the air like that. I am a little sad in my heart.

"Hey, can you tell me what's going on here?"

Chapter [-]: Black and white holes are also divided into male and female?

Wang Wei wanted to ask the guy in the outer universe in his mind at this time, but the guy in the outer universe simply ignored him at this time. Such Wang Wei was also a little helpless at this time. He wanted to call Xiaokui, but found that there was no energy in his body to replenish Xiaokui. That is to say, the Xiaokui that he called now may be forbidden to lose money, but if Xiaokui had everything they had. If it is forbidden, then why can I move?Wang Wei thought about it for a long time, and finally blamed the problem on the black hole in his dantian. If this black hole is male, then the black hole in his body is very likely to be female. If you have completely sunk into this mother's black hole, can you get out of this place?

Wang Wei thought of such a possibility, that is, sinking his consciousness into the black hole in his dantian completely, he found that the black hole in his dantian was slowly returning to his home. The way is constantly running, and Wang Wei opened his mouth abruptly at this time, trying to swallow everything around him, but found that his mouth was open, but could not close, which made him in this I was really speechless.

"What the hell is going on here? Even if it is time, even if it is space, even if time is still, it can be said in the past in science, but my situation is above science, can it be said in the past?"

Wang Wei quickly searched the scientific records in his mind, and even a series of ideas such as the scientific research skills and techniques in his body, but he thought about it for a long time, but it was not completely complete. Want to understand, how did this happen?Wang Wei suddenly felt helpless.

"This is unscientific. If time is still, then I should be completely still now, but if time is not still, then why can I move, and every action I move will be in this area. Turn it into a photo?"

As for Wang Wei's repeated questions, no one really answered. Wang Wei, at this time, it was a bit of bitterness. He really didn't know what to do?

But the thing he has in his body now, can he use that thing in his body to control it?Or can you use the black and white hole in your body to control your movement speed?

Wang Wei was thinking like this, and then he quickly sank his consciousness into his dantian completely, and once again controlled the substance in his body, allowing himself to be in this place. It was time to see if he could move, and the black hole in his body did not disappoint him. He was able to move forward slowly at this time, but every step he moved, and even every action, at this time, he was able to move forward. He can completely create hundreds of photos. Wang Wei doesn't dare to stay in this place too much at this time. He doesn't understand the black and white holes. But after entering, the flow of time is too fast, and even I was originally above the earth. As a result, after I came out of the black and white hole, I came to another mind, but now I am in this star field. It is impossible to make a series of changes to the black and white holes in his mind, and every thought and every action of his will unnaturally turn into a photo at this moment. Are the black-and-white holes in the fairy's heart and the black-and-white holes you see on the earth two different concepts?In other words, the two black and white holes are not the same type at all. Could it be said that there is a difference between the male hole and the female hole? The public words of the black hole cannot be entered. The mother hole can indeed be entered, and it can be smoothly out?

At this time, Wang Wei has been puzzled for a long time, and he has no choice. Since he can't get an answer in this place, he should leave quickly, so he hastened his pace again, but No matter how much he accelerated his pace, the black and white hole in his body was still turning slowly, and every step Wang Wei took, he felt that his physical strength was constantly being consumed.

After a long time, Wang Wei was also a little unnatural at this time, but since that was the case, he didn't say much.

When Wang Wei came out of this black and white hole again, the guy from the alien universe in his mind asked:

"How about in this black hole and white hole, do you have any new questions?"

At this time, Wang Wei shook his head helplessly. He really didn't know what to do with this new black and white hole. Since he entered this black and white hole, he found a series of Weird, unusual things, not even everything in itself in this one can't be explained.

When seeing Wang Wei's expression, the guy in the outer universe smiled and said:

"Hehe, you are in this black and white hole. If you want to have any insight, then you should appreciate time. If you can't master the law of time, then you are still in the fifth. The reason why you can be in the This inner action is because there is a series of movements of the mother hole in your body, and this mother hole is a necessary condition for the construction of wormholes. In the east hole, there is no such legendary wormhole, and in this place In the male cave, it is very difficult for you to find the existence of the female cave from here, and the female cave will definitely not provide you with any help in the male cave.”

"Ah, you know wow, I thought you didn't know"

When Wang Wei heard the words of the guy in his mind at this time, he was also a little shocked, but then he was a little angry. This guy dared to know that to enter this black and white hole, he must be able to have the law of time. , and he does not have the law of time at all, this guy must have no good intentions for letting himself enter this black and white hole.

Chapter [-]: The stillness of time?

"Hehe, of course I know, not only do I know the time difference in this black and white hole, but I also know that in this black and white hole, it is completely different from the black and white hole you comprehend on the earth. , Above the earth, what you have realized is that you can definitely enter the black and white hole, and this black and white hole cannot be entered at all. The reason why you can enter from the white hole is because of the inside of your body. With the source of the mother cave, if you do not have the power of the source provided by dancing, then you will not be able to enter this public at all.”

"But..." Wang Wei was also very angry after hearing that guy's words. What did he want to ask at this time?But after saying these two words, I don't know how to say it.

"You want to get some answers from this, but I don't know the answer, you have to explore it yourself, it depends on your own ability, boy, to be able to enter the public and mother cave of this black and white hole, you Definitely the first person in this universe. Of course, there are male caves and mother caves and mother caves. It's like a mother will give birth to a lot of life in the movement of the mother, and even willing to be with many planets, and in the public. There is no life in the body.”

The guy from the outer universe said something like this at this time, and after hearing this guy's words, Wang Wei also frowned slightly, and then he said:

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