"Then how can we encounter such a galaxy in this place? And can we have such a planet?"

"Hehe, this planet is indeed very similar to the earth, but have you noticed that everything on this planet is static, and there is no breath of life on this planet at all?"

The guy in the outer universe asked Wang Wei's question again at this time, and when Wang Wei heard this question, he couldn't help frowning. He didn't expect that, There is actually such a place in this place, and in this outer universe, on this planet, there is really no sense of the existence of the power of life.

He didn't believe it, and once again used his divine sense to conduct some investigations in this place. Immediately, his divine sense returned a darkness and nothing, but his eyes were at this time. Obviously, all the new cities and all the galaxies in the stars in this place are exactly the same as those in the solar system.

"Hehe, your human eyes can deceive people. Often what you humans see is not necessarily the real thing. If you want to explore this real and illusory world, then you must understand. , what is the formation of this reality and illusion, of course, on your earth, there is a saying called the theory of relativity, all things are relative, what the human eye sees is not necessarily real, that is Out of phase, for anything, such as what you are seeing now, it is not real, and even what you are seeing now may not have happened, and in this star field, where you are A place is originally a projection of the solar system. What you see here is the same as the mirage you see on the earth. The reason why the mirage appears is that you can see all kinds of mirages. scene, but can you really reach the scene of the mirage? The possibility is not very big, of course, some people have reached the things in the mirage, and even the world middle school in the mirage is a mirage, that is the moon in the water Flowers in the mirror, you can't catch the moon in the water, you can't catch the flowers in the mirror, it's wonderful, but you can't get it out. This is the gap between this star field and the earth. It is also the difference between matrilineal and process.

If the solar system you are in is the maternal system, then the galaxy in the Andromeda constellation above your mind is a congratulations and congratulations. It is like a factory. If the fork is not nourished by the female shark, then the factory It will not be powered, and the error, if there is no response from the fork, but the female plug is powered, this is the explanation of the principle of all you see, of course there is a lot of knowledge, and a lot of The principle needs to be explored by yourself. The mad scientist system you have now is not a real scientist, then you must have the spirit of adventure and exploration. If you do not have the spirit of exploration and adventure, then you are not worthy. Called a real scientist, and the guy newly established by the prefecture-level civilization in your mind, although it is called the mad scientist system, but he is also created by your humans, if you want If you go beyond, then you have to keep researching, keep exploring, keep knowing a series of things, know the principles of many things, and then you can go beyond. If you can surpass the technology of their current era, maybe You can accomplish that guy's true mission"

The guy in the outer universe said such a thing at this time, and when Wang Wei heard this guy's words, he couldn't speak, and he didn't know what to do. That's good, now he is really helpless, and even has a big head, he doesn't know how to solve these things?What is Xiaokui's mission?He still doesn't understand.

But he knew a truth, that is, the reason why his mad scientist's system is called a mad scientist is because there is a madman who is constantly exploring, constantly searching for the truth, and after obtaining a series of truths, after repeated The scrutiny, after repeated verification, can be successful, perhaps the guy who developed Xiaokui will definitely not be a simple character, his spirit of exploration should be very strong, and even his exploration is close to this. The origin of the universe.

I don't know why, but at this moment such a scene appeared in Wang Wei's mind, but at this moment, he also didn't know what to do, even though he said he knew the madness The scientist's system and the spirit of the scientist's exploration, but he doesn't know how to implement it at this time. Even if he has that strong desire to explore, will it be able to play a role in this place?More questions appeared in Wang Wei's mind at this moment. He was now at a loss. The series of questions he got before, but now he has to face more new questions, and one. There was another problem that he needed to solve, and he needed to explore. He really felt that the task on his shoulders was heavier.

Chapter [-] Unexpected Scenarios

Just when Wang Wei was immersed in his own thoughts and couldn't extricate himself, a magical scene appeared in his mind. With this magical scene and power, he brought his whole person to real life. .

When Wang Wei opened his eyes again, his body had left the magical black hole. At this moment, he was standing in the most prosperous street in the city center.

Seeing such a scene, Wang Wei was simply stunned.

He didn't know what happened to him just now?He was brought to reality by a mysterious force.

Although Wang Wei was very curious at the moment, he was also happy that he had unknowingly come to reality.

After all, he no longer has to rack his brains to think about how to get out of that mysterious and powerful black hole.

Just when Wang Wei was immersed in his own thoughts and couldn't extricate himself, he only heard a harsh whistle "Di! Di!"

Immediately, a delicate female voice floated into Wang Wei's ears!

"Stinky boy, I think you don't want to live anymore. If you want to court death, hurry up and stay away from my car. I don't want to get your bad luck."

Hearing that ecstasy curse, Wang Wei floated back from his thoughts.

Although Wang Wei thought that he was a pity, but such unreasonable abuse made Wang Wei's brows wrinkle.

Just as Wang Wei turned his head to blame the arrogant girl, he saw a pair of snow-white jade feet already standing behind him.

Before Wang Wei could speak, he heard the woman in the car, and said again in a somewhat arrogant tone: "Hey, what about you, are you deaf? Why are you blocking my way?

If you want to commit suicide, you don’t have to walk in the middle of the road, making it difficult for everyone. You can find a place with no one, such as the riverside, or your own home, so that no one will disturb you. "

Hearing the girl's relentless words, Wang Wei's good temper disappeared instantly, but his inner anger slowly rushed to the top of his head.

"Hey! Miss, why are you talking so badly? How do you know that I am standing in the middle of the road to commit suicide? Besides, even if I commit suicide, can you control me? The road is not yours, am I? Can't you kill yourself here?"

A series of rebuttals left the young lady at a loss.

He never imagined that a seemingly ordinary boy would speak so sharply that she, the eldest lady with sharp teeth and sharp mouth, would not have any words to refute the other party.

Looking at Wang Wei, who was so choked up that he couldn't say a word, he couldn't help rolling his eyes in his heart. He didn't expect that a person like him would one day run down the road and meet a strange woman. Children quarrel.

What he never expected was that he actually choked the other party so much that he couldn't say a word.

Maybe Wang Wei is a shy person in his bones, so he doesn't want to quarrel with anyone at all. In order to alleviate the embarrassment at this moment, Wang Wei can't help scratching his head and then his tone became a little low: "This beautiful Madam, I didn't mean to argue with you, and I wouldn't have spoken to you in that tone if you hadn't just been aggressive, and I just apologized to you for what I said!

As for me obstructing your car, it's my fault. I'll leave now, and you can drive on the road normally. "

Originally, the young lady wanted to say something else, but when he heard Wang Wei's apologetic tone, his arrogance was instantly killed.

In fact, the road is very wide, other vehicles are driving slowly, and everyone is not like him, aggressive, running down and quarreling with people.

The lady was also a little embarrassed, scratched her head at random, and said to Wang Wei: "Since you admit your mistake, then this lady will accept your apology, but just now, what you said was very right, and Da Ma Lu was not. Our family, so I don't need to interfere with your behavior, I apologize to you for what I just said, I hope you don't mind."

Originally, Wang Wei thought that after the young lady heard her apology, I would say anything to myself and turn around and leave, but what he did not expect was the young lady, who was also very polite. apologized to him.

For a real otaku like Wang Wei, it was unexpected for him to chat with a strange lady for so long.

In order to avoid some other troubles, Wang Wei just nodded, and walked to the other side of the road at a random and slow pace.

Looking at Wang Wei, the young lady who was slowly disappearing behind her felt a little weird.

In that young lady's heart, her appearance is very worth showing off!No matter what kind of man sees her, he will reluctantly keep staring at him and want to talk to her more.

But the boy in front of her gave her the illusion that they didn't take her seriously at all.

Chapter 1040: As soon as it comes, it is safe

Thinking of someone ignoring his appearance, the young lady's anger suddenly rushed to the top of her head, and he would never have someone despise him like that.

Thinking of the lady here, I became anxious all of a sudden, raised my foot, and ran in the direction where Wang Wei left.

On the other hand, Wang Wei had no idea that he had offended a beautiful young lady unknowingly. His mind kept thinking, why did he appear here inexplicably?Where did the karst caves just now go? Will I go to reality by accident because of some mistakes in some places? If it reappears because of my body or because of something I did What should I do in that cave?

If he can't find a way to control the cave this time, then when he goes back, he really won't be able to escape.

Just when Wang Wei was concentrating on the matter, when he heard only himself, a beautiful female voice shouted: "Stinky boy, stop for me, do you offend me, and I just want to get out so easily, that's simply not worth it. Possibly, you don't want to inquire in our city a, if you offend me, Miss Wenli will never have his good fruit to eat!"

Originally, Wang Wei, who was engrossed in his own affairs, didn't have the time or time to pay attention to some unimportant things in the outside world, but because the voice behind him was too harsh, Wang Wei's thoughts were pulled back from a distance.

Wang Wei, who stopped, turned around and looked at the panting young lady who ran towards him.

When Wang Wei turned his head and saw the panting young lady, he really looked at the young lady's appearance.

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