When confronted with persuasion about his own affairs, Wang Wei is not unmoved. He is not the kind of person who can't get in, because he knows the value of life. If he really doesn't cherish himself and this life is gone, then how can he do it? Can he be worthy of his underground master?Is it possible to leave this world with peace of mind?

After much deliberation, Wang Wei decided to adopt the advice of his masters and senior brothers, and went to 9 Capital to meet his so-called undressed and masked grandfather who had been looking for him for a week.

The first thousand and fifty-seven chapters recognize the ancestors and return to the ancestry

He glanced at the sullen senior brother Wang Wei and knew that he left this time, and their senior brothers might never see each other again in this lifetime. Deep in his heart, he was reluctant to bear the senior brother in front of him, but what could he do if he couldn't bear it? In this way, he must respect the master's wishes, and he must go to his so-called grandfather, but he really doesn't know, is there any difference between his relatives with him and without him?

Do they really know they exist in this world?Even if he really knew his existence, why didn't they find him for so many years?He and his master and senior brother depended on each other on this mountain and had never gone down. In Wang Wei's heart, his so-called grandfather was not his relative at all, but his master was the closest person in the world.

Perhaps seeing Wang Wei's unwillingness, he slowly opened his mouth again: "Xiaowei, I know, you are a little unwilling, here is your grandfather's phone number and name, he has already Another identity has been arranged for you, that is, bodyguard. Your task is to protect his daughter, so you don't need to worry about your life being rewarded. It doesn't even matter if you want to tell her who you are here. If You don't want to and no one is forcing you."

Hearing what his senior brother said, Wang Wei was naturally reluctant. In his opinion, a proud person like him, if it wasn't for his reluctance, he wanted him to protect someone, unless that People are more powerful than him, otherwise he doesn't care about anyone at all.

"Brother, is this Wang Linsheng my grandfather?

Why should I have to protect his daughter?I don't want to be a bodyguard. Bodyguards are just too embarrassing for me. It's really unintentional to empty my clothes. I want to do bigger things. I hope my brother won't stop me this time. "

Looking at his junior brother, with those determined eyes, as a senior brother, he naturally did not want to stop him from doing things, but he had already agreed before his master died, and he must let Wang Wei recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestry and become a member of the Wang family. , Only in this way can his master die with peace of mind and walk with peace of mind.

Thinking of this, he slowly opened his mouth and said again: "Junior Brother, I haven't called you that for many years, you must know that I am a person who respects the teacher very much, and the order issued by the master is me. What I believe in all my life, so the teacher is most worried about you before he dies. You are not a bad person, but your temperament is difficult to comprehend.

Your temper is so impatient and your temper is so bad, if you really don't have a strong backer to join the WTO, it will be a test of life, so the master was very worried about you before leaving, so I must tell you Go to your grandfather, no matter what your grandfather will give you a place to live, even if it is their bodyguard, it does not matter, only then can their northern faction flourish, and the task of promoting the northern faction is also handed over to on you.

As for being a bodyguard or what it is, I think there is no difference between a bodyguard and a murder. It's just that your method is to want to kill in a different way, but now to protect your grandfather's daughter, that is, your eldest cousin, you need to In another way.

When you arrive at city a, which is the heart of the motherland, there will never be anything the same. Someone will arrange it for you, so you don't have to worry.

Right now, you just need to make the application right, and that's what you should do.Don't forget junior brother, what senior brother told you is the master's wishes. If you don't respect his old man's visit to the hospital, even if he dies, he will not rest his mind. You know the master's character, he is the best It's you who can't worry about it. If you really want him to die, then you can go to Nan Fei of the Southern faction to take revenge tonight, so that senior brother won't stop you. is you! "

Hearing the words of his senior brother, Wang Wei's heart was really like a knife. His master was still thinking about him when he was dying, even if he didn't have much orientation to the home in a city, but he In order to respect the idea of ​​his master, he would definitely go to city a to find his so-called bloody grandfather.

Since Wang Wei returned to the mountain, he has been busy with his master's funeral, and his so-called going back to see his grandfather. , On this day, he has basically taken care of his master's funeral. He has his own senior brother sitting in the pavilion and then chats about their future whereabouts.

"Senior brother, what are you going to do in the future? Do you really want to stay on the mountain with the master? In fact, even if the master doesn't tell me, I understand that he doesn't want the two of us to stay on the mountain. He wants us to go. I know a lot of people down the mountain, and then let us carry forward the martial arts of the Northern School. Only when our Northern School Kung Fu is carried forward will people remember us and we will not let the Northern School continue to decline. If you can't see a living person, how can the Jiangbei School's kung fu be carried forward?"

In fact, Wang Wei just wanted to dissuade him. The senior brother went with him to his grandfather's place. The first was because the two of them could take care of each other and have a company. People stay alone on the mountain, sad and lonely. If there is nothing to cherish in this place, he is really worried. He is here, how good he is outside, and the two can really take care of each other, so that he does not have to be distracted, One of the main reasons for staying on the mountain all the time is that Wang Wei knows his senior brother's character. Even if he says he won't let himself take revenge, his master's revenge must be deeply felt by him as a senior senior brother. Keep in mind, even the Afrikaans of the Southern School, is the object that the senior brother hates. If he is a little careless and let go of the senior senior brother, then it is possible that the senior senior brother will go to Nan Feiyu alone to take revenge.

Although Wang Wei entered the house very late and was the second direct disciple of the Northern School, his senior brother's martial arts skills were inferior to him, and his comprehension was not as high as his, so this was something Wang Wei was particularly afraid of. He had already lost it. Master, I don't want to lose him again, it's just my only senior brother.

But Wang Wei's mind, as a senior brother, he naturally understands, and he also understands the fear of junior and junior after losing his master.

Chapter [-] The estrangement in my heart

Wang Wei knew his own affairs and hoped that he could return to his grandfather's side. This was also his wish. After all, there were only two brothers and sisters in this world, and the prosperity of the northern faction also depended on the two of them. .

Even in Wang Wei's heart, there are 10 grandfathers who are unwilling to see the same blood flowing in their bodies, similar to relatives, but strangers than relatives, but for the sake of their masters and senior brothers. Not to let them down, he can only bite the bullet and act as a bodyguard for the family, perhaps only in this way can he find out the whereabouts of Afrikaans.

As for his senior brother, he naturally wanted to let him go to City A with him. Thinking of this, Wang Weicai slowly opened his mouth and said, "Brother, you should go to City A with me, although my grandfather, we I have never met, but he is my grandfather after all. I still want you to go with me. After all, life on the mountain is very hard, and you have never joined the WTO. You don’t understand the dangers below, so You better come with me, you are so simple, how complicated the current society is, I am really afraid of what will happen after you leave me.

If that's the case, in the end, I won't even have time to regret it, so I still hope you can leave here with me, brother. "

As a senior brother, he naturally hopes that his strength will be better than himself, but since he was a child, he has understood a truth, whether he is in terms of talent, brain or chest gold, he is not as good as the strength in front of him, so he has He will remember his strength from time to time, after all, he is a senior brother, why is everything inferior to others, so he really wants to get rid of Wang Wei in front of him, and does not want to live in his shadow, even if his master has left , he also wanted to go out and break into the world by himself, and he secretly wanted to compete with the forces in front of him.

He wanted to take a look and let the underground master take a look at what kind of person he is. In fact, he is also very powerful. Sometimes he even thinks that he should be many times stronger than his own strength. But he couldn't say such words, because his master was there, but now the master was gone, he couldn't go to his grandfather's house with Wang Wei at the end. When he went to his grandfather's house, he was relying on relatives. What about himself? , it's an oil bottle, he won't go, the senior brother who has made up his mind in his heart, the corner of his mouth rises slightly, showing a gratified smile and said: "Junior brother, you better go, your grandfather is naturally sincere. Accept you, and before you came or came back, I already wrote a letter to your grandfather in the tone of my master, I believe she will be treated well, and he has given you another identity, others will not know Your true identity, you are just a simple bodyguard, so I will not go back with you, brother, since you think the outside world is so good, that brother should go out and make a foray by himself.

Xiaowei, do you think this is good? Our brothers and sisters will make a 10-year agreement. After 10 years, we will meet at the master's grave to see if you are better or me better.

Senior brother doesn't want to compare with you, but in life, you need to compete for one's strengths and weaknesses, so you should treat senior brother as a secular person. "

Watching his senior brother say these words, Wang Wei didn't know what it was like in his heart. He knew too well that because of her master's doting on her for so many years, she was always higher than her senior brother. Then I will feel uncomfortable. Wang Wei sees all these things in his eyes, but he never said that his senior brother is a man with a deep sense of wealth, and he did not reveal these words at all, and his master Naturally, he understands them, so almost all the unique skills of the Northern School have been handed over to him, and his senior brother has only learned a few tricks from him. As a senior brother, he naturally cannot accept such bias. .

But even if I can't accept it, what can I do? My master is fighting for me, and I have said it many times, but the master always said, "Your senior brother is not with those of your senior brothers, his brain is not as smart as you, he does not have the wisdom root, he You are not the kind of wizard who practices martial arts, you have that kind of mind, he is only suitable for business, maybe one day I will not be in this world, your brother enters the room, maybe you can become a very smart businessman."

In the past, Wang Wei didn't understand the meaning of the words the master said, but now he understands. A ruthless person, if he learns those things that will never benefit others, so he will give these unique skills to himself, there is no rumor, maybe in the heart of the senior brother that his master is partial, but only Wang Wei knows that his master It's the same for them, even saying that the master's good intentions for his senior brother, and chasing after each other, is much more.

Thinking of this, Wang Wei slowly opened his mouth and explained two sentences for his master: "Senior brother, I think you have misunderstood the master. In fact, the master treats you and me the same, and the master is also very distressed. You, it's just that he thinks your character is a bit upright. If you really learned those things, or if you keep entering the market, it will definitely not do you any good, so the master is worried, so he has not taught you our northern school. But even if the master didn't give you all the emotions, but I told you without reservation, we are two brothers now and we all know the same things.

Brother, have you thought about this?The master is a person who has many dreams, eyesight, and heroes. How could she not know the every move of our brothers and sisters, so the master knows what I taught you, and he did not stop it. What does it mean?It shows that the master cares about you in his heart. He just wants to hone and hone you. I think you should not have too many misunderstandings about the master. Now the master has left us. There are only two of us in this world. Talent is the closest person, I don't believe the rest, senior brother, do you think what junior brother said makes sense? "

Now Wang Wei's senior brother can't understand what Wang Wei explained, but he wants to let Wang Wei go to his grandfather as soon as possible, so he can only slowly nod his head, hoping that he can stop worrying about his own affairs. , went to a city smoothly.

Chapter [-] The truth about the death of parents

Wang Wei originally thought that by persuading himself, he could go to City A with him and go to his grandfather's place, but what Wang Wei didn't expect was that his senior brother was still as stubborn as ever, and it was impossible for him to be the same as him. Go, since the twisted melon is not sweet, then why should he, as long as his senior brother can give him a message wherever he is.

Thinking of this, Wang Wei slowly opened his mouth and said: "Since the senior brother is going, the intention has been decided, as the junior brother, I will not force you, but before the senior brother leaves, I still want to tell your sister, although I am in When I was young, I came out from my grandfather, but I will not treat them like my relatives, they are my enemies, I want them to know what kind of person I will be when I return to the Wang family again?"

In fact, it is not unreasonable for Wang Wei to say this. She left the so-called grandfather's house when she was three years old. In the eyes of other people's children, the word "grandfather's house" or "grandfather" is the most in this world. Warm and warm words, Wang Wei has no parents since he was a child, so she can only go to her grandfather, but since Wang Wei entered the Wang family, from that moment, it was like entering hell, he didn't enjoy it at all After a day's warmth, what did a three-year-old child know at that time, but Wang Wei basically knew what it felt like to meet him. Was it the center of his illusions?One doesn't take him as a person at all, although his mother is Miss Li in the Wang family, but so what?His grandson is not a remarkable person at all.

Even in the Wang family, they have an unwritten rule that almost no one will admit that the water splashed by the married girl will bring back the child, not to mention that her mother and her father eloped, so it is said that like him His identity is not recognized by his grandfather and his love.

But even like this, Wang Wei was quite dependent on his grandfather at that time, because he thought that there was only one relative in this world, even if the grandfather did not give him a good face at all, but the three-year-old Child, he still respects him very much, as a grandfather, but it was because of a small misunderstanding between her and his cousin that made him back, and his grandfather beat him all over his body. At that moment, a shadow was left in his eyes and in his heart, because he was no longer. I believe that there is such a thing as family in the world. Even if everyone has the same blood flowing in their bodies, it is only a formal thing, and it means nothing to him.

He stayed in Wang's house until he was 5 years old. At that time, Wang Wei couldn't stand that kind of life, so he secretly saved the monthly fee. He secretly ran away from home at night when the dark wind was high. He didn't know where he was going. He didn't know what he was about to face. A 5-year-old child could only face being abducted and sold, or dying in a foreign country, but even then, Wang Wei chose to leave.

On the way, he met his master, and it was at that moment that he saw that there really is such a thing as warmth in the world. His master really took care of him a lot, and he was quite fond of him. He was there with the master, What he felt was completely different from that of his grandfather, so Wang Wei swore at that moment that he was the only person in the world he wanted to protect, the only person he could respect, and the Wang family was for him. It was like a mushroom, and he never wanted to go back for the rest of his life.

Hearing his junior brother say that, with the determination in his eyes, as a senior brother, he also understands that Wang Jia has hurt her too deeply, and the master said that if Wang Wei returns to the Wang family one day, then it will be another situation. If no one really restrains the demonic nature in his body, then the Wang family will suffer. This kind of thing is something that the master does not want to see, so before the master died, he handed the letter to Wang Wei, hoping that he would understand himself. After all, the fallen leaves need to return to their roots, so this is the last thing his master did for him!

As a senior brother, he naturally has to make plans for his junior brother, so thinking of this, his senior brother slowly opened his mouth again: "I hope you can understand the good intentions of the senior brothers and sisters, and you are more concerned about the good intentions of the master. I can understand how many things have happened in your Wang family. I also said it from the master's mouth. I know that the things your grandfather did in those days have deeply hurt you, but what can you do? After all, you are a member of the Wang family. Your mother is the eldest daughter of the Wang family, so you have a part of everything in the Wang family. If you don't go back, wouldn't it be a waste of money for those people? If you let your parents know about this kind of thing, they won't Happy, but not worth it.

Besides, the master told me one thing before he died. He said that your parents' death is not just a car accident, it may be man-made, so you should also check your parents' death when you go home this time. I wouldn't have spent so many years practicing outside. "

Originally, Wang Wei thought that his master had let him go back to the Wang family all the time, just to let him return to his roots, and he didn't want him to wander outside alone, but what he never imagined was that he was really afraid of what his senior brother would say. The death sentence of her parents was not an accidental car accident, which made Wang Wei a little surprised. Although the word "parent" was just a noun to him, after all, she didn't jump out of a crack in the stone. I want to avenge my parents.

Thinking of what the Wang family had done to him back then, he really didn't want to go back, but when he thought about the accidental death of his parents, such an accident would never be a coincidence, so Wang Wei also thought of what his parents really thought, like In such a large mansion of the Wang family, the family is intricate and complicated. There are hundreds of clansmen, and they are said to be immediate family members. The uncles of the immediate family members, and a few e are simply devils who eat people and don't spit out bones. , he has seen it when he was a child, so it is very simple and easy to say that the simplicity and kindness of parents can easily harm them.

In addition, the mother escaped from the Wang family with the father, so when they return to the Wang family, they will naturally not suffer the price of his so-called external skills, so it is easy for everyone to harm his parents, even if it is his. When Grandpa found out, he would keep one eye open and one eye closed, just wanting to understand the scourge of their family. Otherwise, if he had been away for so many years, why did Grandpa never send someone to inquire?

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