Chapter [-] Out to Kyushu

Thinking of this, Wang Wei's hatred even more, he really hates me too much, this time he will never let the Wang family go back so easily. The ugliness is recorded outside so that they can see what the faces of the Wang family are, and let them completely lose face in the big family. Even if they don't lose face, what kind of humiliation their Wang family has suffered, he is a grandson. People will also stand by and watch too much.

"Senior brother, I understand what you said. The people of the Wang family are nothing to me at all, because they are not worthy of the way they treated me and treated my parents like that, which is enough to show that God will not let them off easily. Yes, it is also right to let their current Wang family decline a little bit, and to let them fight infighting, because of those properties, it is also right to be beaten to death. No matter how much wealth the Wang family has waiting for me, I will not put those I put things in my eyes. After all, it was bought with the life and death of my parents. Even if the word parent is a little strange to me, it is the root of my desire for family, but what can I do? I have been single for so many years. Yes, a person has become used to it after so many years, and doesn't care about their existence at all.

But as a son, I can't ignore their affairs. After all, they are there to protect me. Although I don't understand the various reasons, I have also heard from my master that my parents died in a car accident, and my missing mother died when she died. He still held me and held me tightly in his arms. With this kind of friendship alone, as a son, I will also avenge them. I will find out who killed my parents on purpose. They will pay their debts with blood. "

Looking at the murderous intent in the eyes of his junior brother, as a senior brother, he naturally knew that he would not be able to persuade the junior brother no matter what. His temper was very similar to his own, and the two of them were almost chatting. After two heads, the crossings at the foot of the mountain were separated.

On the second day, when Wang Wei reappeared at the railway station in city a, it was already very evening.

Looking at the lively train station in City A, I also felt a sense of separation from the world, and he finally returned to this place in Kyushu again.

Although it was both unfamiliar and familiar to him here, he knew how he left this place when he was 5 years old and how he met his master.

Maybe it was the revisiting of the old place, which made Wang Wei very familiar with this place. He was very unfamiliar at the exit of the train station. He didn't know where he should go. When he was a little confused, he stood at the exit. A group of men in black outside held a sign in their hands that said the young master of the Wang family.

Those bright big characters are very eye-catching, causing people passing by to look and point at them one after another, and they are all talking about what kind of person the young master of the Wang family is, and how big I am.

At the moment, Wang Wei is wearing a black suit, giving people a feeling of being isolated from the world and unapproachable by outsiders.

When Wang Wei saw the words "Master of the Wang Family", he didn't take the initiative to talk to those black people, but just stood there quietly, and your group looked at each other.

However, standing in the middle of the group of bodyguards in black, there was an old man with white hair. Judging from his body and appearance, this old man was already in his 60s, and her fat figure made her look like age There were no traces left on her face, and she looked extraordinarily young.

The old man was different from the bottle bodyguard. Those bodyguards looked like headless flies and kept moving back and forth in the exit. They wanted to find Wang Wei, but the old man walked slowly to Wang Wei. In front of Wei, he said in a very respectful tone: "Master, you have been out of the car for a long time. Everything in the car is ok, the journey is very tiring, we have arranged a car for you, we will go back to Wang's house now."

Hearing the old man say this, Wang Wei's eyes were stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the old man in front of him could recognize a hero with his eyes and see through himself at a glance. He knew that among so many people, she was actually Wang Wei. The young master of the Wang family.

"Old gentleman, I don't know who you are. How can you tell that I am the young master Wang you are looking for?"

Wang Wei has always been a straight-hearted person. Naturally, what he wants to know will not be handed over easily, so he bluntly asked the old man in front of him, how did he know his identity, and he didn't seem to do it. Any different actions, even those passengers he has are the same, there is no net pocket at all, and they are all looking here with a curious mind.

When the old man heard Wang Wei's words, a kind smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said randomly and slowly, "Hello young master, I am the housekeeper's dress of the Wang family. I have lived in the Wang family for more than 30 years. After leaving the Wang family, I still have some impressions. Even though you look different when you were a child, the aura on you is different from that of other passengers. Other passengers don't have the strength and suffocation of you.

When I came, I heard the master say that you have been practicing on the mountain, so the breath of your Shandong people is different from that of ordinary people, so I feel that you are our young master.

Hearing Mr. Fu say this, Wang Wei secretly gave a thumbs up in his heart. He really felt that although the old man in front of him was in his [-]s or [-]s, he looked older than his actual age, but he did He is a person who can really see the heart of a person. This is that he, a young man, can't compare to you, and he can be busy. He is definitely not a simple person in front of the housekeeper. It seems that his grandfather must be It is because he trusted the old man in front of him and made his debut. Of course, Kyushu cannot be a principal like that. He has to slowly dig out secrets from these people, avenge his parents, and find out the whereabouts of Afrikaans. It is also the ultimate purpose of his coming to Kyushu this time. He is not someone who wants to come here to be the eldest young master. Those exaggerated things are simply worthless to him!

After thinking silently in his heart, Wang Wei said slowly: "Hello Uncle Li, I'm Wang Wei, I hope to have your husband in the Wang family more in the future, although I am not an outsider, but I am also I am very unfamiliar with Wang Jia, and I hope you will always check on me at the Wang family in the future."

Chapter [-]: Invisible sarcasm

In fact, before Fu Bo came to the train station to pick up Wang Wei, he had already heard about Wang Wei's deeds from his grandfather. Although the little guy in front of him left the Wang family at the age of 5, they all knew that he was stubborn. Man, in the years he lived in the Wang family, although he has been trampled under his feet, he never admits defeat. It is very admirable for a 5-year-old child to have such perseverance.

Uncle Fu also heard from the master that the purpose of that young master Wang coming back to the Wang family was not just because he wanted to go back to the Wang family, miss his grandfather, miss the family, he came back for revenge, as for the specific revenge. Rich, but I didn't dare to ask. After all, his identity is only a steward of the Wang family. However, what the rich woman never imagined was that such a child with perseverance and determination has now become a big boy, and even said that his Calmness is something he doesn't see in everyone in the Wang family.

If he saw Wang Wei's first glance, he would know that this child would become a great asset in the future, so he valued Wang Wei in front of him very much, but she also saw Wang Wei's respect for her. After all, their master and servant two People have different identities. With Wang Wei's current status, he doesn't have to be so polite to rich women, and among the children of the Wang family, no one takes the Buddha seriously. They all think that I am just a dog in their family. , an old servant, nothing to be concerned about at all, they don't need to be so respectful to an old man who eats and drinks with their blessing.

This is also what Wang Wei brought to Fu Bo. It was the first time that he was respected. He was very grateful to Wang Wei for making a lot of good impressions on Wang Wei at once.

"Young master, you are an old slave, how can this old slave afford the word Fu Bo? Everyone in the Wang family calls me Lao Li, so you should call me along with everyone, if you really If you call me Uncle Fu..., if the eldest young lady and the young master hear me, they will talk about me for no reason, and it is not worth it for you to be implicated and ridiculed for no reason."

Originally, Wang Wei felt that the Li Bo in front of him was a very powerful character, because he could pick out that he was the young master of the Wang family at first glance from the vast crowd, and he was definitely not a simple character just by virtue of his eyesight. But what Wang Wei didn't expect was that such a powerful character would also be bullied like that in the Wang family. The people of the Wang family are simply demons. Step on their feet to death, only those who are stronger than them will they serve, and they will pay attention.

Then nodded slowly, Wang Wei handed over his handbag, and the watch bodyguard who brought her got into the two BMWs that picked her up.

Sitting in the car, Wang Wei looked at the buildings and backgrounds that fell behind the car. He didn't feel anything at all, because he felt that he was just coming to a city, a noun. What does it have to do with him? What does it matter to him?

However, Li Bo, who was sitting in the car, was indeed a little embarrassed. After all, they only said a few words at the train station, and they never said anything after that.

This is a very embarrassing thing for a servant, and such a cold breath like Wang Wei's body also makes Hoover feel embarrassed for a while sitting next to him, constantly thinking about what he should do in his heart and mind. What kind of words are used to raise a topic at least to make the atmosphere in the car less embarrassing and deserted.

Just when Li Bo wanted to raise a topic and talk to Wang Wei, Wang Wei said slowly: "Uncle Fu, what is the form of the Wang family now? Who is in power? Or how is my grandfather's body now? Like? Does she still hold the power of the Wang family? Are my uncles and aunts not fighting for it? Are their children still safe?"

Originally, I thought Wang Wei would ask him, how is his grandfather's body?How are his cousins, how are his uncles and aunts, but what he didn't expect is that Wang Wei suddenly put forward these things in a very businesslike manner, which made him, an outsider, feel a little surprised.

If she, the rich woman, told the secrets of the Wang family, then he would be an incompetent person, and his grandfather would never forgive him, and would even drive it out of the Wang family at this age and make a new one. housekeeper.

But if he didn't say the form of the Wang family, it would take Wang Wei's face again, which really made him a little bit in a dilemma.

Feeling the embarrassment of Uncle Fu, Wang Wei coughed lightly and relieved the embarrassment, and then said again: "If you can not answer my question, just pretend that I didn't say it."

Maybe he knew that the other party already felt that he couldn't answer this topic, but he couldn't help but say something, and said embarrassingly, "Grandpa is in good health, and the young masters and young ladies and young ladies and young masters are also very good. It's very united and everyone is very happy to have you back."

Hearing this sentence, Wang Wei really had to admire this rich woman in his heart. She actually completely misinterpreted the meaning of what she just asked him. He just wanted to know the form of the Wang family, but he said it from the other party's mouth. I just think about it as if I want to care about my grandfather and my cousins. The old man in front of me is definitely not a simple person. Wang Wei knows that the first thing she wants to do when she goes to the Wang family is to guard against the people in front of her. This service, if you don't guard against him, then you may fall into the hands of the other party one day, and you don't know how to die.

His thoughts drifted far away again, and the car fell into silence again. When the car spread on the road up the mountain, Wang Wei saw an ancient house built on a high mountain far away from the car window. The impression here has always been. It was deeply engraved in his heart. Even if he died, he knew what the outer structure of the Wang family was like. It was very grand and magnificent, not something ordinary people could compare to.

"Uncle Fu, it seems that the Wang family is becoming more and more powerful and rich. I remember that when I was young, the Wang family's buildings on the mountain were not like this, and it is true now. It's magnificent!

I think my grandfather must have worked hard for so many years to make the current Wang family what it is now. If the old man knew that his sons were so unsatisfactory, I really don't know what he was working so hard for back then. "

Chapter [-] Classical Beauty

The reason why Wang Wei said this was because he didn't take the Fu Bo who was sitting beside him as a thing at all, because he felt that the Wang family just had a false name.

After all, for these rich people, the previous generation was of course a very powerful man, but the next generation is really different. For example, for the sons, daughters and grandchildren of their royal family, one generation is not as good as the next generation. Wei didn't inquire about their Wang family's affairs one by one, but he also knew in his heart that since she was a child, she knew that the grandchildren of the Wang family, her so-called cousins, were just bullying him, seeing that he was a fatherless man. children.

It is definitely not accidental that such a family can educate such children, because they think they should be rich if they have money, so everyone does not take anyone in their eyes, and in the long run, they will not put all All the people in the family paid attention to it, which was the main reason why their Wang family always needed him and Wang Wei to go back.

Wang Wei knew that the reason why the master let him go back was not the master's wishful thinking. If it wasn't for Wang Jiayi's request, then the master would not agree. Although he let him go back to his roots, the master also hoped that he could take back his own. The current Wang Wei is no longer the 5-year-old boy who was bullied by others. He can now return to the Wang family that eats people and does not spit out bones. Wang Wei also knows that no one can hurt him, even if someone hurts him. If he got him, then he would be injured willingly, otherwise he would not put those people in his eyes at all.

Hearing Wang Wei's words, Fu Bo who was sitting in the car frowned. Although his face was not facing Wang Wei, his face was indeed very ugly, because he knew that Wang Wei sitting next to him was definitely not one. People who can be provoked, he also understands that Wang Wei is a ruthless character, and his return this time will definitely not be as simple as he imagined.

In order to ease the embarrassment in the car and not be disrespectful to himself, Uncle Fu smiled and said: "Don't you know that Wang Jia is also in Kyushu now, and among the four major families deeply rooted in Kyushu, the Wang family is more powerful.

It's not because of your grandfather's high skills, it's just that his status is there, so he can only make his appearance more glamorous than anyone else's, so that others won't dare to take the Wang family easily. , this is also a way of caring about others. You also know that Kyushu is not only the Wang family, but also the other three big families. If your grandfather does not deter the other three big families, then you will want to establish a foothold in Kyushu in the future. That's simply impossible. Don't look at the fact that Kyushu appears to be peaceful on the surface, but in reality it's already rotten. The other three families simply want to criticize them together and annex the Wang family, but none of them have the power of the Wang family. Dare, even if this is the case, your foreigners have been guarding those people, for fear that they will give birth to something different. "

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