In fact, what my parents said is right, because among the four major private families in Kyushu, all people hope that they can become the largest family, the Wang family, the Li family, the Zhang family and the Huang family. The big family, but who doesn't want to compete? Everyone wants to be the first, but because of their own power, they are not as good as the Wang family, so the three of them now want to join forces to eat the Wang family, so that the three of them are balancing With the position of the boss, if the other three families join forces again, it is possible that there will be no four major families in Kyushu. Everyone hopes to have only one big family in Kyushu, but such a wish is impossible.

The people of the Wang family are definitely not someone who is at the mercy of others. Even if they are not as glorious as before, they have not fallen to what level.

Hearing Uncle Fu's words, Wang Wei's mouth showed a disdainful smile. He knew that Wang Jia was a very snobbish family, and there were hundreds of people at the center of the family, not even their relatives. There are a lot of people, but what's the use of bringing so many people, they can't help themselves at all, and even say they can't help at all, they are just moths in the Wang family, see good Everything was pulled into his pocket, and in the end he just let Wang Jia kick it out.

Just when Wang Wei remained silent and stopped talking to Fu Bo, the car had already spread to the mountain road and slowly came to the tall gate.

Looking at the courtyard in front of him, Wang Wei had to give a thumbs up secretly in his heart, because he knew that the Wang family's power was not only very powerful in Kyushu, but they were also quite rich. Just looking at the appearance, it gave people a kind of shocking force. Feel.

Just when Wang Wei was secretly admiring the power of the Wang family, a tall woman came out from the main entrance. This woman had hair covered with white skin, big eyes, and thin eyebrows. It gives a feeling of intimacy, as if the woman came out of the painting.

Although the woman in front of her felt like she came out of a painting, the murderous aura and coldness in his eyes could make Wang Wei feel it.

The car stopped, Fu Bo took the lead and got out of the car, and took the initiative to talk to the beautiful lady. Seeing this, Wang Wei also slowly walked out of the car, although he was at this moment. The expression on his face, but even so, the eyes of the other woman fell on Wang Wei's body, seeing that Wang Wei was really uncomfortable.

Although the woman in front of him is somewhat familiar, Wang Wei has been away for so many years and has never returned to the Wang family, so he really doesn't know who the woman in front of him is or even his cousin or his bit cousin.

Just as Wang Wei was standing there walking, neither moving nor not, the woman walked up to Wang Wei first, stretched out her hand and said with a friendly smile, "Xiaowei, I am your cousin. , is also the object you need to protect in the future. You will follow me in the future. I know that you left from home before, but you are back here again in the future. We all sincerely hope that you can come back, and for us As far as the Wang family is concerned, your coming back will also be of great help to our family. Now that the three major families want to annex our Wang family, our Wang family can also sit back and ignore it. Therefore, now our Wang family is in need of talents, and you happen to be that talent. That's why father asked you to come back, I think you know it better than anyone."

Chapter [-] Wang Family's Mind

Originally, Wang Wei, although he had never had any contact with any women when he entered the market, Lina was an accident. Although this accident made him feel faster, he still had contact with only Linana, an ordinary girl, Lina's She looks pretty, but compared to the cousin in front of her, it's like a metaphor of a frog and a swan.

But even so, Wang Wei still likes Lina's character, because he is an ordinary girl who is not impatient at all. Making friends with him and even talking together makes Wang Wei feel very relaxed. , but the so-called cousin in front of him, although he came out of the painting like a classical beauty, he can often see from his eyes that he is a woman who is used to staying in a big family, no matter what he says or does. All with scheming to give people a feeling of wanting to be on guard.

Especially when Wang Wei met him for the first time, he did not warmly welcome him, and he did not take the initiative to introduce who he was. Tell himself that he is the one who needs his own protection, and Wang Wei's scheming makes Wang Wei feel disgusted, but what if he is disgusted? First of all, he must start with the Wang family. He has to enter this intricate family. Only after entering this family can he know how his parents died. He can't live up to the expectations of his master and his brother.

Wang Wei, who saw through the other person's mind, knew that the woman in front of him was definitely not a kind person, but he couldn't be too alienated. Then Wang Wei showed a soft smile and said slowly, "Hello, cousin. , I've been away from the Wang family for so long, I don't even remember your name. As for protecting you, it's really a mistake, because I haven't reached that level yet, and I don't know if your Wang family has offended you. What kind of person, let someone like me protect you, if the other party is a ruthless character, then I think there is nothing I can do.

I think you should clarify this with your grandfather. "

Originally, the beautiful woman thought that Wang Wei would talk to him very diligently, but what he didn't expect was that the other party didn't take him seriously at all, and even said that he rejected the idea of ​​protecting her, if he refused to protect her Then, what is the purpose of Wang Wei's return?Did he want to find out the reason for his parents' death?Seeing these originally beautiful faces, the girl became a little gloomy, and she stopped talking all of a sudden, staring at Wang Wei with fixed eyes, motionless.

Maybe he was staring at the other party. After a long time, Wang Wei raised his hand and shook it lightly on the other party's face. Then he said, "Cousin, cousin, are you okay? What happened to make you so straight? Look at me goo, if there is anything you don't understand, you can tell me directly, there is no need to stare at me like this, because we are all adults, we can discuss anything, what do you think? ?"

Hearing the other party calling her, the woman slowly came back to her senses, and then she showed a warm smile, as if what happened just now didn't happen very often, and said: "Consumption, I am you. My cousin, Wang Lihua, why don't you remember? Do you remember when you were young, I always played with you? Those people bullied you, and I was the only one protecting you, don't you remember? I know maybe You will hate our Wang family as well. Why is your grandfather so cruel to let you leave alone? I think you should understand him. It is because of his decision back then that you are who you are today. How is your training? But I got a little bit from foreign countries, and I have received some news about you over the years. They all say that you are doing well, and even say that your master loves you very much. This is why grandpa let you The reason why he refused to come back on the mountain is because he thinks that the Wang family is a place where people can eat people without suffering. If you are here, you will only feel more dark in your heart. It is better to let you follow the old Taoist practice on the mountain. Isn't this killing two birds with one stone?

In fact, your grandfather has been thinking about you for so many years. Otherwise, how could he know your every move, how could she take the initiative to let you come back when your master passed away?I believe you, a sensible person like you will definitely understand Grandpa's thoughts. "

Hearing this sentence, Wang Wei scolded secretly in his heart: "If that old guy really loved me, he wouldn't let me run away from home when I was 5 years old, and he wouldn't keep looking for me. , want to get rid of me, and now see me reaching out and wanting me to come back to help the house, it is simply impossible, if it is not to find out the truth of my parents' death, I will never return to this dirty Dirty place because it makes me sick all day."

But Wang Wei thought so in his heart, but he still had a big smile on his mouth, and then he stretched out his hand and said to Wang Lihua: "Understood, no matter what happens to the Wang family, it's not my responsibility, since my The master said before his death that I would protect your personal safety, then I will naturally protect you, and I will never pay attention to the rest.

This is also a duty that I have been out for so many years, so I hope that when you meet your grandfather later, I will tell her in person that since I have not come back for so many years, it is natural to be a little unfamiliar to meet him. If any of my words make my grandfather unhappy, then I hope that my cousin will say a few more good words for me in front of my grandfather, so as not to make her old man angry. "

Originally, Wang Lihua thought that Wang Wei had come back to help the Wang family solve the immediate crisis, because all the three major families had great masters, and none of their masters could be dealt with by the Wang family. Now the Wang family can deal with the bad guys. , it is only Wang Wei this person.

Wang Wei's skill, the people of the Wang family have never seen it, but everyone knows that the master who practiced with him on the mountain is definitely a master of the world. Even many years ago, his father You know, so, after practicing with that old man for so many years, Wang Wei's skills will naturally not be any worse.

The first thousand and sixty-four chapters are pregnant with ghosts

Although Wang Lihua thought so in his heart, he really couldn't say anything, in order to avoid the embarrassment of standing at the door at this moment, Wang Lihua slowly opened his mouth and said: "Weibo, you go first, Xiaowei came to Wang's house, Now you will go down with those bodyguards. I am the only one who will take Xiaowei. I will go to the main hall to meet my grandfather, my grandfather, my father, and my eldest sister!

I think they must be in a hurry, because they can't wait to see Xiaowei, because now we all know that they haven't seen you for many years, so they all want to see what you are like for the first time look! "

When Wang Lihua took Wang Wei into the Wang family's old house, a sense of luxury suddenly appeared in Wang Wei's eyes, because all the buildings of Ibaraki appeared in his eyes!

Looking at such a building, Wang Wei was really dumbfounded, because he had already seen the bust of the Wang family when he was outside the door, but he didn't expect that the old Wang family house inside was even more eye-catching, which shows that the Wang family has been so many years The power of 's is increasing and unresolved.

When Wang Lihua brought Wang Wei to the main hall, he only saw a white-haired old man in his 70s sitting in the main hall. Although the old man had a smile on his face, it was very dazzling, but from his eyes, um, I also know, He is definitely not a kind person!Otherwise, how could the Wang family of Nuoda let her take care of it in an orderly manner.

On the left and right sides, there is a man and a woman who can be in their 50s. Although she is already in her 50s, the years seem to be unbearable to leave any traces on her face. In his early 40s, he instantly gave a very young feeling.

When Wang Wei was in normal state, the man kept a smile on his lips and stared at Wang Wei with sharp eyes, as if he was always vicious and his eyes were constantly trying to get something from Wang Wei.

The woman sitting on the other side was only in her 20s. His appearance was almost similar to Wang Lihua's. You didn't have to think about it to know that they must be sisters.

That man with your ruthless smile is naturally his uncle.

The oldest old man sitting in Shangtang was naturally his so-called grandfather.

Seeing Wang Wei's arrival, the old man slowly sat up from his seat, showing great excitement, walked to Wang Wei in three steps, grabbed his shoulders at once, and opened his mouth slowly. Said: "Xiaowei, is it really you? You are back, are you really back? You don't know how much your grandfather blamed yourself for leaving back then, how many times your grandfather wanted to go to the mountains to find you, but I All stopped, even if I can't bear it, I hope you can become an adult, don't grow up in a place where Wang Jiashu is short-sighted, only how much suffering you have suffered and how much you have been tempered in the outside world will make you successful. How much you have grown, and now you, returned to the Wang family safe and sound, even so strong, so strong to return to the Wang family, Grandpa feels really happy and happy, and is also happy and proud for your dead parents."

Originally, Wang Wei's heart melted because of the old man in front of him, but what he didn't expect was that the other party would play emotional cards with him when he opened his mouth. Since he mentioned his dead parents, and she was so cruel Abandoning his 5-year-old self, he was able to say so easily that he wanted to experience himself. Wang Wei laughed lightly at the other party in his heart. Such a snake-hearted, human-faced and beast-like heart, even at this age, he actually Not for his daughter-in-law, but still coaxing himself, did he really think he was the 5-year-old child back then?I don't know anything, I don't understand anything, am I at his mercy?Even if he returns to the Wang family again, he will get what he wants, and although the old man in front of him only bears the name of his grandfather and has the same blood as himself, what does he have as a stranger? different?

This was Wang Wei's deepest thought, so he had no intention of recognizing the grandfather in front of him at all.

He didn't intend to recognize this grandfather, and naturally he wouldn't tell the old man's true feelings. He took the words to heart and stared straight ahead, unmoved by this touching scene.

Seeing such a scene, the man in his 40s sitting beside him frowned, and the smile on his face narrowed. The wickedness and fireworks in his eyes suddenly showed, although Wang Wei didn't look at the other party. His eyes, but he always had desire, and he could also feel the hostility emanating from the man's body.

Even if the other party was already emitting a chill, Wang Wei's heart suddenly became a little cold and dark, because when he thought that his parents were framed and killed by these people, the cold air around him unconsciously radiated. The feeling of coming out made the 70-year-old man let go of Wang Wei's shoulders, and then he took two deep steps back.

Perhaps feeling his own embarrassment, the old man said slowly: "Xiaowei, you have left our Wang family since you were 5 years old, so you probably don't remember the current affairs and people of our Wang family. Sitting next to me is your uncle, Wang Yanyan! And sitting next to me is your eldest cousin, Wang Liwen.

Today, the three of us want to wash the dust for you personally. I have already prepared some beauties, we will have a good meal today, and I have asked the servants to take the bottles of good wine that I have treasured. Come here, as long as you don't dislike it, we will come here tonight if you don't get drunk or go home. Grandpa hasn't been drinking for many years, so let me, an old man, accompany you, a young man, and have a few drinks. "

The old Wang in front of him naturally wanted to deliberately curry favor with Wang Wei in front of him, because in his opinion, the other party must have resented being 5 years older and expelled him from the house. He was a 5-year-old child who could not bear the days of being bullied by thin people, so he left the Wang family under pressure, but even so, as the head of his family, his grandfather did not go to the child. , If you want to find a child with the power of the Wang family back then, it will be easy, and it will not be that he has been drifting outside for so many years, unable to return to his family, and unable to recognize his relatives. Such sadness makes Wang Wei His heart was small, and he was hit a lot, so in his eyes, the grandfather in front of him was just an outsider and had nothing to do with him.

The first thousand and sixty-five chapters fall into a cage again

Originally, Mr. Wang thought that he had resolved the embarrassment in front of him. The other party would give him face because of his age and would ignore him, but what Mr. Wang never expected was that Wang Wei was the first to enter the door. Lesson 1 didn't look at them from the beginning to the end, no one's eyes were fixed there, as if they were like air, unmoved at all.

Wang Lao naturally knows the changes in Wang Wei's heart. He has been struggling in the society for so many years. He can manage the Wang family in such an orderly manner and stand firm. He also has a certain mind. Even if Wang Wei is a No matter how inscrutable, he is only a young man in his early 20s, how could he possibly play the old Wang before him.

In order not to set up so many enemies in the Wang family, Wang Wei suddenly changed his mind, took out a letter from his pocket, and said to Wang Lao: "Wang Lao, this is what my senior brother gave you. A letter, this is also entrusted to him by my master before he died. I hope you can read and understand my master's intentions carefully. This is back to the purpose of the Wang family. I don't think you need to tell me, as for the relationship between us. I understand you and you, and even the entire Wang family understands the family affection, I just see through it but don’t tell it.”

The uncle Wang who was sitting next to him still thought that the stinky boy in front of him was just a 5-year-old cowardly runaway boy, but when he heard Wang Wei's words, he frowned deeply. When he got up, he really didn't expect that the kid in front of him had become an adult, a person who had become a difficult person to manipulate. Originally, this time he was on a business trip, so he didn't have time to pay attention to this kid, nor did he at all. The heart wants to wash the dust for the boy in front of him, but because of his love, he must come, because now their royal family is facing a big crisis, as the eldest son, he is not powerless to resolve it, so he obeyed his father's arrangement and committed himself to come. It's just to catch the wind for this Wang Wei in front of him.

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