Hearing the words together, Qianxun slowly raised his eyes, followed his eyes to stare at Li Qi's eyes, and said slowly, "Okay, as long as you say I can do it, then I will definitely do it, as long as you can save me and save my brother, then no matter how much money you want, I will give it to you and satisfy you, no matter what social status you want, I will also satisfy you."

The reason why Chihiro said to use money to seal Li Qi's mouth is because he thinks everyone is tacky and money can make ghosts run the mill. This truth is absolutely true, so no matter how much Li Qi is in front of him It's amazing, how hard to fathom, but when he comes into contact with money, the other party is tacky, so Chihiro used money to tempt Li Qi and let him not come up with those weird ideas, but some people don't agree with some things. It's not as simple as he thought, Li Qi is definitely an alternative.

Moreover, Li Qi had already seen the meaning of Qianxun's words, so Li Qi didn't take what Qianxun just said to heart at all, but started again and said slowly: "Money is nothing to me at all. There is no concept, and the young man is not short of money at all, so don't tempt me with those tacky things, the biggest temptation for me is only you, either you immediately agree to be my daughter-in-law, or Just let me kiss deeply for an hour. If you think that it is impossible to kiss for an hour, then we can kiss deeply for half an hour. I can accept this. If it is not possible for half an hour, then I The bottom line is that you can only promise to be my daughter-in-law. This is my last bottom line. If you promise, I will help you solve the troubles in front of you immediately. If you don't promise, then I'm sorry, I can only Seeing the death do not help, stand by and watch."

Originally, Qianxun thought that Li Qi, who was in front of him, would definitely not make excessive demands, and the daughter-in-law on his lips was just joking. In front of these people, Chihiro's face suddenly turned red, because he had never met such a shameless guy, even in the family, even in school No one dared to bully him like that.

Chapter [-] Shame on Xiaojiao

Xiaojiao, who had just taken a step, stopped embarrassedly. The incident happened suddenly. She didn't react for a while, and looked at Li Wei like a fool. The actions seemed awkward and redundant.

"Look, the goddess is here!"

At this moment, a voice broke the deadlock.

A smile just appeared on Xiaojiao's face, thinking that the goddess that the voice was talking about was her, she naturally put on a more arrogant look, dragged her like [-], and turned around to prepare to leave like this.

But out of the corner of her eyes, she caught a glimpse of a beautiful figure walking past.


At this time, another voice sounded not far from her.

"See, this is our goddess, she is not like some women, she can ignore others when she thinks she is beautiful, her eyes almost grow to the top of her head, she is very gentle to everyone, but she is always with everyone. With a certain distance, even the brother with the worst grades in our school can talk to her, and she will not look down on anyone."

"Listening to you, I also think Ruoya is much better than the other two school beauties."

When Ruoya walked to Huo Qiang and others not far away, she stopped and glanced curiously, then smiled at this side, and continued to walk towards the classroom.

All the boys are collectively obsessed, this smile is too lethal!

It was Huo Qiang who had a bad idea, no, not a bad idea, but a very good idea.

Because the system prompt sounded in Huo Qiang's mind just now: "Host, after the system automatically scans, it is found that the woman who just passed by is suitable for developing into a host's dog leg and meets the dog leg's mission requirements."

Of course, the system did not force Huo Qiang to accept this woman as a scumbag, and there was no penalty for failure, but sluts who met the mission requirements were very rare. After finally meeting one, how could Huo Qiang let it go?

It doesn't matter who it is, just fool the other party and talk about it!

"System, which woman are you talking about?" Huo Qiang remained calm, communicating between consciousness and the system.

"Luoya, the arrogant daughter of the sky, a strong woman in the business world, inherited the business talent of her father An Xu, and has achieved fruitful results at the age of seventeen, creating a wealth of more than 20 billion RMB for the Anshi Group..."

Before the introduction of the system was finished, Huo Qiang couldn't help taking a deep breath: "Hi..."

This ** is too scary! ?

However, he had never imagined that the person who the system said was suitable to develop into a dog's leg was actually Ruoya. He made the goddess of No. [-] Middle School as his own dog's leg. Even if Huo Qiang was brave enough and capable enough, he had never experienced such a situation. Thoughts, you must know that there are not many people around Ruoya who are eyeing them. Among them, there are many buddies with great backgrounds, and there are also basketball kings, football players, etc. in the middle school. If he dares to take Ruya as a dog's leg and wait for him, I am afraid it will be the anger of these countless people!

This is the rhythm of committing public anger and making enemies of the world!

"System, are you helping me or cheating on me!" Huo Qiang suddenly turned into a bitter face, not to mention how depressed he was.

It is a pity that the system has not responded at this time, and the Buddha has never appeared.

After thinking about it, Huo Qiang gritted his teeth: "Damn, die if you die, I finally met one, I can't just give up!"

"Brother Qiang, it's time to enter the classroom, time is running out." Li Wei looked at the expensive Rolex watch in his hand and said softly.

Huo Qiang shook his head. He didn't care about the eyes of the people around him. He was proud of himself: "Who said that you are going to the classroom? Go to the classroom yourself. This kind of knowledge heaven is a suitable place for you to stay." He didn't lie, with his current learning ability, the little things in the classroom could not satisfy him at all, and the entire library was enough for him to study for a month at most. After a month, I am afraid that the first middle school will no longer be able to find the book that he does not understand.

Hearing this, a group of people all around almost fell to the ground.

Ignoring the strange eyes of others, Huo Qiang turned around and walked towards the library.

Li Wei was stunned, but quickly nodded to himself: "It is said that all members of the hidden family are geniuses, and their learning ability is extremely terrifying. Maybe Huo Qiang's words are not a joke."

And Zhang Jian and Wei Ye have already admired Huo Qiang so much now that they believe what Huo Qiang says, regardless of whether it is true or false.

Maybe only the three of them in the entire No. [-] Middle School believed Huo Qiang's words.

"Okay, let's go into the classroom too." Li Wei said to Zhang Jian and Wei Ye, and then left in a hurry.

Zhang Jian and Wei Ye glanced to the side, nodded and left without saying a word.

Chapter [-] Doing the task for the first time

After Huo Qiang returned to his room with a heavy body and mind, he immediately leaned on the door of the room, closed his eyes slightly, and took a deep breath. That's it, he can have 2 minutes of contemplation. , when he opened his eyes again, there was no confusion in his eyes, instead, it was indeed those incomparably firm eyes,

Huo Qiang sorted out his emotions, turned on the computer in front of the computer, and waited..


10 minute later.

Just listen, Huo Qiang screamed "Damn"!Why don't you have a normal anchor, why are they all crooked melons and cracked dates?" This...that makes me do the task. "It hurts...Huo Qiang, I feel He was very sad. Originally, he was looking forward to finding an anchor who could help him complete the task on YY, but... what he didn't expect was that he had been wandering in the YY live broadcast room for 10 minutes, but he couldn't even There is not a normal anchor, all of them are crooked melons and jujubes, either singing and running away or Zhang Xiang patriotism, this... makes Huo Qiang feel a headache...

Just when he was depressed, a notification sound of YY anchor's live broadcast came, ·

Huo Qiang was speechless when he heard it.He now has no hope of completing the task assigned by the system.

Which bastard is live streaming again, really, if you say you're ugly, it's ugly, but it's not right if you come out to be scary," Huo Qiang lazily clicked on the button in the lower right corner of the computer while complaining. Live box.

....after 1 minute,

Huo Qiang shouted in excitement, "Wow, ** is really big!" It's just her!Hahaha my mission finally has hope~~~,

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