At this time, on the video in Huo Qiang's YY live broadcast room, I saw a little beauty with Zhang Xiangchun, but Guang Qingchun was not the reason why Huo Qiang was so excited. The reason was that Huo Qiang felt this A pure and innocent little beauty, she is simply a little cow.Not only can he sing well, but Zhang Xiang is also beautiful, which makes Huo Qiang extremely excited......

Huo Qiang, who had been expecting to complete the task sooner, saw the little anchor appear and saw him act immediately.

"System, hurry up, .. immediately help me buy 5000 million crooked coins" Huo Qiang said excitedly.

"Okay, it's being recharged, please wait a moment..."

In less than 10 seconds, the system was recharged, and the cold voice of the system also echoed in Huo Qiang's mind." "Host, the 5000 million crooked coins you requested have been recharged to your crooked account. Please accept the host. "

Hearing that the recharge was completed, Huo Qiang was very excited and started to give gifts to the little cow anchor.

He chose 10000 sets of 66 diamond rings and clicked to confirm.

Immediately afterwards, congratulations were displayed on the YY public screen, and the anchor "Meng'er| received 10000 sets of 66 diamond rings from Xiao Wu to you....

Chapter [-] Emgrand Trade Union

"Brother, you really gave me gifts."

The little cow who was interacting with the tourists felt warm when he saw Huo Qiang swiping gifts for him.

"Hey, that's it, Brother Xiao Wu, what you say is what you say"

Huo Qiang had a proud expression on his face.

"Brother, you are so kind to me, how should I thank you?"

The little cow said shyly.

"Haha, why don't you, come over and treat me to dinner tomorrow! How?"

Huo Qiang replied.

"Okay, okay, that's it!"

The little cow immediately agreed with a happy expression on her face.


And, at the same time.In the YY channel of the Emgrand Guild headquarters, four people were discussing something intensely at this time.

Seeing the online name Feitian, he said excitedly: "Damn, that little five is too arrogant, and he was brushing gifts in the live broadcast room, I think he didn't take our "Emperor" in his eyes at all. "

"That's not it, I see that, that little fifth brother is a nouveau riche, and he can't get on the stage at all."

A very charming female voice came out faintly.

"Little demon! Big one, don't talk about it both of you."

Another majestic voice commanded impatiently.

"Cut, ~!" "Hum~!"

Hearing that his boss was angry, the little demon and the big man muttered in a low voice at the same time and stopped talking.

"Xiaolong, Xiaowei." "The two of you will go to the live broadcast room of Xiaodai Niu to see what the situation of Xiao Wu is now. Then report to me."

"Overlord", the president of the Emgrand Guild, gave a serious order.

"Okay, boss!"

Xiaolong and Xiaowei, who had not spoken all the time, responded at the same time when they heard the words.Afterwards, they all left the Emgrand Guild's crooked channel even though they operated their own accounts.Apparently, the two were looking for Huo Qiang.

With the disappearance of Xiaolong and Xiaowei's crooked accounts, for a while, the Emgrand Guild became silent, and no one spoke.

3 minutes later....

The crooked accounts of Xiaolong and Xiaowei appeared in Xiaodai Niu's live broadcast room.For a time, the two of them were immediately stunned by the situation in front of them.

"This....what's the situation,"

The two who had just entered the Little Cow live broadcast room shouted in shock at the same time.

Xiaolong and Xiaowei saw the tourists in the live broadcast room cheering and worshiping like crazy, and all of them.It is aimed at the same person, that is "Little Fifth Brother.

See, Xiaowei sat in front of the computer screen and wrote to Xiaolong's message box dumbfounded.

"I...Fuck... this person is too prodigal. How could anyone spend so much money? Could it be that his head was T-tipped by a donkey?"

"I...I look like"

Xiaowei replied speechlessly.

"Hurry up and report to the boss, I see, this little five is in a hurry."

Xiaowei then wrote.

"Well, I'll go right now"

After Xiaolong replied to Xiaowei, he directly exited the live broadcast room of Little Dairy Cow. For a time, only Xiaowei, who was still shaking his head and smiling bitterly, was alone in the live broadcast room of Little Dairy Cow.

Xiaolong, who returned to the Emgrand Guild Channel, was impatient to find his boss and shouted loudly:

"Boss, that little fifth brother is too prodigal..."

Be quiet, I'm not deaf yet.

Before Xiaolong could finish speaking, the guild president Bawang reprimanded loudly in a bad tone.

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